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John Paul Jones At Austin City Limits With The Vultures And Sara Watkins

8 October 2009 2,856 views No Comment


John Paul Jones was busy last weekend at the Austin City Limits Festival. On Thursday Them Crooked Vultures performed a warm-up at Austin “Stubbs” club before moving onto the festival itself, held in Austin’s Zilker Park on Friday. In the afternoon JPJ complete with mandolin, joined Sara Watkins onstage for the ballad All This Time, a bluegrass hoedown of Hold What Ya Got, and Long Hot Summer Days.

In the evening The Vultures performed to the largest festival audience over the weekend. The performance was filmed and is due to screen in the near future. The band are currently on tour in the US. See link below for a review of their October 5 Nashville War Memorial Auditorium gig:

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