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John Paul Jones indicates plans for Led Zeppelin to tour with new singer

28 October 2008 2,450 views No Comment


John Paul Jones gave firm indication that together with Jimmy Page and Jason Bonham, he is ready to partake in a Led Zeppelin tour without Robert Plant.

JPJ appeared at the Manson Guitar Weekend in Exeter and as well as performing took part in a question and answer session.

Talking about the possibility of a tour he said:

“As you probably know, Jimmy, Jason and I are actually rehearsing and we’ve had the odd singer come in and have a bash. As soon as we know — which we don’t — we will let you know. But we really hope that something is going to happen soon because we really want to do it and we’re having a lot of fun, actually, just rehearsing. Jason is actually tremendous… And what we’ve done so far sounds absolutely fantastic. When it does come, it will come, and you’ll know about it.”

He then added, “We really want do something and Robert doesn’t want to do this, at least for the moment. I don’t really know what his plans are. He really doesn’t want to make loud music anymore. We do. I mean, I love acoustic music, but it doesn’t stop me from turning something up.” Jones also indicated during the interview that there could well be a DVD of the O2 show released.

The Manson Guitar Show showcased some of the latest technology in the music world, and guests included Jim Marshall, who founded the amplifier company, Justin Hawkins former lead singer of The Darkness with his new band Hot Leg, JJ Burnell from The Stranglers, Jas Morris a former Guitarist of the Year winner, Jethro Tull’s Martin Barre, and Aziz Ibrahim of the Stone Roses.

In an interview with BBC radio Devon he added

“We are trying out a couple of singers. 

“We want to do it. It’s sounding great and we want to get on and get out there.” 

He said that he and guitarist Jimmy Page along with drummer Jason Bonham did not want a replica of Plant. 

He said: “It’s got to be right. There’s no point in just finding another Robert. 

“You could get that out of a tribute band, but we don’t want to be our own tribute band. 

“There would be a record and a tour, but everyone has to be on board.” 

In a separate story Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler has been reported as taking part in recent rehearsals with Page, Jones and Jason. 






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