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13 February 2012 4,142 views 4 Comments

John Paul Jones joined the Floating Palace last night in the company of Robyn Hitchock, KT Tunstall,Eliza Carthy, Krystle Warren and more – Gary Foy files this exclusive on the spot report for TBL:

Warwick Arts Centre is shrouded in show and a cold biting air this evening but inside the futuristic University campus that  in previous years I have visited to be entertained by the likes of Robert Plant (twice), Twinarian and Justin Adams, a warm glow radiates from within the Butterworth Hall thanks to Robyn Hitchcock and his Floating Palace.

The Floating Palace is Robyn’s idea of bringing together musicians who admire and respect each other and to play.  Robyn Hitchcock is joined on stage by Scottish songstress KT Tunstall, folk legend Eliza Carthy, Krystle Warren and alternative country experimentalist Howe Gelb and for tonight only, standing in for Martin Carthy who was absent due to another engagement, Mr John Paul Jones.

As the musicians amble on stage, the modernist venue is transformed into a folk cellar (a more ideal setting) and we are treated to an eclectic mix of folk and jazz and a bit of both for the next ninety minutes.

The set started with all six musicians on stage performing Hitchcock’s Ole! Tarantula, Tunstall’s White Bird, Eliza Carthy’s Revolution before the muscians paired off one highligh being Krystle and Geld version of the Nick Drake classic Way To Blue (top track says DL). Other highlights included Krystle Warren’s previously unreleased track ‘Emily’, Tunstall’s Scarlet Tulip’, Tunstall’s ‘Shanty of the Whale’ combined with vocals from Hitchcock and Carthy and Hitchcock’s ‘Uncorrected Personality Traits’ which all the vocalists joined in on. Tunstall’s rendition of Michael Jackson’s ‘I Want you Back’ was also excellent.

Amongst all this was John, swapping between his mandolin and his signature five string bass guitar, weaving in and out at will and completely at home as always. Here stood a man completly at ease with himself and doing what all ex-members of Led Zeppelin should be doing…..enjoying themselves.

Alongside JPJ, for me it was KT Tunstall and  Krystle Warren that really stood out tonight, vocally these girls were brilliant and I am keen to discover more.

Gary Foy – February 13th 2012.

All photos by Gary Foy for TBL

John Paul Jones will be linking up with renowned Norwegian electronic improvisation outfit Supersilent at the Sonar 19th Barcelona’s International Festival of Advanced Music and New Media Art which is staged on June 14th 15 and 16th.

For further details visit:




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  • Graeme said:

    Nice report Gaz. Am also impressed with what I’ve heard of KT Tunstall. She’s a real talent. Hope you are well? Best, G

  • Jeff Strawman said:

    Being that JPJ was a substitute, KT Tunstall said that she had taught JPJ a song 5 minutes ago, to which Robyn Hitchcock replied, “(JPJ) has played songs in G before, so don’t be too impressed.”


  • Hiroshi said:

    Would have loved to be there. I’m a big fan of KT Tunstall. When she toured Japan in 2008 and 2011, I caught her in Osaka and Nagoya, both times, and enjoyed the shows immensely. A very talented woman without doubt.
    After the Osaka show at the Club Quattro (where John Paul Jones played on his Zooma tour in 1999) last year, she came out and mixed with fans, having a chat, taking snaps with them for quite a long time. So friendly she was!

  • MIchael Brazee said:

    Cool, plus you also got to see Howe Gelb. Would love to see him, but it is easier to see him in Europe than it is in the States.

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