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John Paul Jones performs with Sonic Youth at Merce Cunningham Event

12 April 2009 2,670 views No Comment


John Paul Jones and alternative rock legends Sonic Youth have collaborated on an original musical piece for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, and will perform together in Brooklyn, New York. “Nearly Ninety,” a new full length work composed by Sonic Youth, Jones and mixed-media sound composer Takehisa Kosugi, will debut at the Brooklyn Academy of Music on April 16, Merce Cunningham’s 90th birthday. The piece and its debut performances are part of “Merce Cunningham at 90,” a four day festival celebrating the choreographer’s work and influence. After its world premiere at BAM, “Nearly Ninety” will travel to Madrid, Champaign-Urbana, Paris, Berkeley, and London. For further info visit,

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