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Out now… John Paul Jones Produced Sara Watkins solo album.

12 April 2009 4,711 views One Comment


The debut solo album from Nickel Creek singer songwriter Sara Watkins produced by John Paul Jones is out now via Nonesuch Records. In an interview for TBL John Paul Jones told Dave Lewis “The really great thing about the whole process of making the album is that we achieved exactly what we set out to do. As for myself as producer, the entire vision I had for this record came to fruition. I’m really pleased with it. I wanted her voice to be really to the fore with a sparse accompaniment. It was a real throwback to the old days of recording.’’

The full interview will appear in the new issue of Tight But Loose (TBL23).

John is due to perform with Sara on the Late Night With Jimmy Fallon TV show on April 13 in New York.

For more information visit the Sara Watkins website or alternatively her MySpace Site.

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One Comment »

  • Shayne said:

    It’s great to see JPJ continuing musically. I will be staying up late to see him perform on the late night tv show. Never seen him live OR on tv except for the 1994 MTV awards with Lenny Kravitz.

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