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Knebworth 30th Anniversary Celebration Day

30 July 2009 5,679 views One Comment

knebworth-2008Knebworth 30th Anniversary Then As It Was Celebration Day Latest: Tickets still available, Itinerary Announced

There’s still time to order tickets for the Knebworth 30th Anniversary Celebration Day being staged On Saturday August 8th 2009 at The Lytton Arms Park Lane, Old Knebworth SG3 6QB (

Admission by advance ticket only price – £10 (includes buffet meal) – order now!

To reserve your ticket please send £10 cheque (payable to D.Lewis) to 14 Totnes Close, Bedford MK40 3AX

Please include your e-mail address – confirmation of your reservation will be acknowledged via e-mail/ e-ticket

This is the planned timetable of events for the day:

12noon – 3.30pm

*Congregate at Lytton Arms pub – this is also an opportunity to visit the Knebworth House and park, the historic venue for

Led Zeppelin’s final UK gigs thirty years ago


*Introduction – line up of events

4pm – 5pm

· Special live acoustic performance by renowned tribute band Boot Led Zeppelin

5pm – 6pm

*Then As It Was signing session – your opportunity to buy the new book ‘’Then As It Was – Led Zeppelin At Knebworth 30 Years Gone’’ personally signed by the author

*Plus Q and A session with Dave Lewis and other guests recalling the memorable events of August 4th and 11th 1979

6pm – 7.30pm

*Buffet dinner served plus screening of vintage Zep Knebworth DVD footage

*7.30 pm-8pm

Charity auction and raffle draw in aid of the Action for Brazil’s Children’s Trust charity conducted by Graeme Hutchinson, trustee of the ABC Trust

8pm -9pm

*The Knebworth Quiz – Led Zep prizes to be won!

*Plus Knebworth fan forum – open Q and A session discussing Knebworth and other Zep topics – have your say!

9pm – 11pm

*Knebworth chill out – reflect on the day and the events of 30 years ago with more Knebworth DVD footage

Please note Agenda subject to change

Throughout the day there will be Zep/ Knebworth memorabilia on display and for sale

Join us to mark the momentous 30th anniversary of the last UK Led Zeppelin gigs in the very area the historic events unfolded on August 4th and 11th 1979

For ticket info e.mail

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One Comment »

  • Sarah Rapley said:

    Sounds like a great day out, shamefully my friend is a Status Quo fan so we now have tickets to see them at Glastonbury Abbey on the same day.

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