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11 September 2012 6,589 views 10 Comments

A story in The Sun today, reports that the Led Zeppelin 02 Reunion concert will be released on CD/DVD and Blu -ray worldwide on November 22nd.

The official Led Zeppelin Facebook site now has the countdown at III in the Led Zeppelin III script – full details look set to be released later this week.

Here is the link to The Sun news story:

More news on this monumental release to follow as they unfold….


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  • Vic Morgan said:

    Thats my birthday in early December sorted then….roll on THAT day, arguably the greatest gig ever. Just because it was EVERYTHING you wanted it to be

  • Ian said:

    That’s my birthday!
    Now wonder what I fancy for my present from the better half??!

  • Mikael Olsson said:

    Wait until christmas…no i dont think so =) I think i’ll do the same as you. Exiting days ahead cant wait.

  • Aris Roskam said:

    Finally, after all those bootlegs I already have, the DVD-diamond of all time…

  • Denzepp58 said:

    Thank you, Jimmy….You made my day….

  • Denzepp58 said:

    Thank you, Jimmy….

  • Richard said:

    That is the Grosvenor Cinema in Glasgow on the 17th Oct 9pm……I’ve booked my tickets!!

  • RichardG said:

    Please, please, PLEASE let there be a BluRay!!!

    (but I’ll take what I can get! 🙂 )

    ps – Mikael, you’re not seriously going to wait until Christmas are you?!?! I’ll be queuing outside HMV for about 3 days before…

    Fingers x’d for a limited cinema release maybe?

  • Richard said:

    I have just bought tickets to see ‘Led Zeppelin : Live in London’ at a cinema in Glasgow in October…….there is no other info, but i suspect is a cinema preview of dvd….is this happening all round the country???….can’t wait!

  • Mikael Olsson said:

    Exiting news indeed!! It’s gonna be a good christmas.

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