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12 September 2012 4,866 views 12 Comments

The excitement continues to mount as the countdown to the announcement of the long awaited release of the Led Zeppelin 02 Reunion concert rolls into the final day.

On Tuesday the official Led Zeppelin .com Facebook page added the II countdown in the Led Zep II album cover script.

They also released another you tube clip- this contained an 18 second audio clip of Good Times Bad Times – here’s the clip:

This afternoon ( Wednesday)  the official Led Facebook page counted down to One…

It would all seem that the countdown announcement is due for lift off tomorrow – and going by previous posts it will be unveiled around 4pm. I would presume this will include full formats and track listings plus details of worldwide cinema screenings – news of  US, Australia,Europe and UK screenings are set to be announced.

Gary and I will be in London tomorrow afternoon for the Barney Hoskyns Led Zeppelin book launch which will make it tricky for us to post on TBL until early Friday. However alongside all the DVD release info (if revealed of course!), there will be other exciting 02 Reunion TBL related news to relay.

The Tight But Loose Facebook page will have relevant info as it’s announced so keep an eye on that – and of course all eyes will be on the official Led Facebook site tomorrow.

Whenever or however it reaches us – this monumental news is going to herald an incredibly exciting few weeks of anticipation and due celebration.

Tight But Loose in all it’s mediums, be it this web site, Facebook,Twitter and the printed magazine word, will be aiming to fully enhance your appreciation of the 02 Reunion release, with a constant countdown to it’s arrival, ongoing informed comment and the usual sharing of information.

These are indeed great days to be a Led Zeppelin fan…but then again what day isn’t.

They simply are, were and always will be the best….and the arrival of the long awaited Ahmet Ertegun 02 reunion concert will be the absolute proof.     

Dave Lewis

Rather excited of Bedford –September 12th, 2012.   

Stop Press: Here’s some other news -another accolade is due:




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  • Karlos's said:

    Ok UK Cineworld tickets on sale now. Just bagged a pair for local viewing. Bring it on home

  • Graeme Tomlinson said:

    Hello Dave, could i be first to ask if i could accompany your party to the London Premier please lol, i would gladly travel down to London from Cumbria as excited as i was for the O2 concert back in ’07.

  • Michael in Melbourne said:

    Here’s the trailer:

    Bring it on home! 😉

  • gary wade said:

    Cine world in the UK showing October 17th release for Celebration Day – i’m going to a gig that night aahhgg! Hope its not a one night stand

  • Kristine said:

    So very happy..

  • RichardG said:

    US cinema release on 17th October…entitled “Celebration Day”…

    Can’t find anything for the UK (yet)…

    GET IN!!!!

  • Michael in Melbourne said:

    Further news of unknown accuracy…

    Ah the joys of anticipation. It’s like sweating on the arrival of Physical Grafitti at my local record store in Sydney in 1975…

  • Bob said:

    An Evening Waiting For Led Zeppelin

  • Kathy Urich said:

    I’m so excited about this news thanks to Jimmy, JPJ and Robert for making this happen; a good day indeed.

  • Mark Harrison said:

    Just when you thought you were safe……… then WHAM!!!! Jimmy Page will ALWAYS excite and confound you……. WHAT a man!!!!!!
    I just love it all….

  • fiamma said:

    I’m so happy cause I was there, thanks to a dear friend from florence who won the ballot, and it was a night of emotion and art.
    Seeing it again 5 years later will be great , I’m quite sure I’ll have shivers on my spine, !
    Their music was perfect that night, and the best to me was listening to KASHMIR which is my favourite ever.
    it’s also pretty … mysterious their choice for dates ,I likethis side of the guys too :)I dont want to think it’s a simple marketing game !! fiamma

  • andrew said:

    this news has got me sooooo amped :-] If they dont show it in theatres in New Zealand i may have to start swimming to Oz now

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