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18 December 2019 2,325 views 33 Comments


I have to say things have not been so good here recently.

On the night of Sunday December 8, unfortunately Janet had a fall which resulting in her breaking her leg – specifically the femur bone in her hip. Janet had an operation last Tuesday for it to be pinned and began the long road to recovery

Firstly I am very happy to say that Janet is now thankfully back home from hospital.

However, I have been feeling in an anxious and often depressed state recently and witnessing Janet’s accident right in front of me and seeing the lady you love so much and have done for the past 37 years in pain and discomfort was so distressing.

Subsequently my mental state deteriorated badly late last week and it became obvious I needed help – this led to a four day stay in a psychiatric hospital ward in Luton from which I returned yesterday.

Staying in the Luton psychiatric hospital was very tough but much needed. I had to dig very deep to find the mental resolve to cope with this stay – the staff were very good to me and though it was heartbreaking being away, I have greatly benefited from it. I do now feel 100% more positive and aim to be supporting Janet as I need to be. However I will be monitoring my mental health ahead and seeking help if and when required. This is certainly not going to be easy.

Thankfully we are back together now – Sam and Adam have been amazing and continue to be – as have many special friends during this very difficult period for us, it’s certainly been one of the hardest weeks of my life.

Janet is doing well though understandably in quite a lot of  pain and considerable discomfort with her pinned broken hip which has a padded bandage over the wound. She cannot put any weight on it for at least three months.

Getting our heads around the mobility issues here and domestic ones is very daunting and there are many challenges ahead for us here but I am now in a better frame of mind to address them. I also aim to have in place coping strategies ongoing to keep on top of it all. We have already had many offers of heartwarming support from friends to help us through this difficult situation.

I am so incredibly proud of Janet and how she is coping with all this. The only thing that matters to me now is to be right there for her every minute of every day.

We are now looking forward to Christmas next week and being together here with Sam and Adam.

Right now  Janet and I are both so relieved and feel blessed that we are back together again to face the many challenges ahead here.

Whilst I will try and post relevant TBL activity on Facebook and the TBL website when I can, all other TBL projects are on indefinite hold. I will have further updates on our situation here ongoing.

My absolute priority ahead is the care of Janet and her recovery.

Much love and thanks in advance for all your support from Dave and Janet xx

December 18,2019.


Details here of the John Bonham Celebration II Festival taking place next September…


Organised by the John Bonham Memorial Friends, in partnership with The Palace Drum Clinic and in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust, JBAC II marks the 40th anniversary of the passing of John Henry Bonham on 25th September 1980.

Boasting a stellar line-up of Rock/Blues artists and special guests, this music festival will be held over 2 days, from Friday 25th September to Saturday 26th September 2020, in John’s home town of Redditch, Worcs.

Artists will be announced over the coming weeks, most of which having a connection to the Bonham and Led Zeppelin family.

The 2020 JBAC event will host 2 evenings of incredible music and special guest speakers at The Palace Theatre, Redditch. Festival goers can purchase individual day tickets or weekend tickets covering both nights.

In keeping with the Bonham family’s wishes, this event will be inclusive of local musicians, so a free outdoor event will run during the day time on September 26th which will showcase the best in local artists and include a performance from the winner of the Young Drummer of the year 2019.

John Bonham a Celebration Festival will continue to support the Teenage Cancer Trust, having raised £23,000 in 2018, alongside the charities patron and friend of John Bonham, Roger Daltrey.

For more information, please visit

Early bird Weekend tickets are on sale now.


TBL Archive Special:

Golden Lion Reunion 38 years gone…

December 15 – that is a date that always revives memories of the first public reunion of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones which I was lucky enough to be in attendance.

Here’s the story:

Back in the early months of 1981, Lynn Sizemore who was PR to the Golden Lion Roadies Charity For Children Association, the charity formed from the Fulham pub often frequented by the Zep / Swan Song entourage, approached me to publicise in the next issue of TBL, a children’s charity raffle being held in December.

I was only too willing to help and we began planning how this would all work. The raffle was duly featured in TBL issue 6 which came out in the late summer of 1981. I had a few meetings with Lynn during this period including one memorable occasion at the Golden Lion pub in Fulham. Robert’s sound man Benjii Lefevre was in attendance and I was introduced to John Bindon the notorious London character who had been with the Zep entourage on the 1977 tour and involved in the infamous Oakland fracas. Robert and John Paul Jones had already promised to attend and give prizes out on the night set for December 15th, so it was always going to be a special evening.

Even more so after the call I made to Swan Song the week before the event. Sian at Swan Song informed me that Jimmy was also due to attend. It duly turned into something of a grand Swan Song reunion – in true Zep style.

On the night itself, Peter Grant arrived with Jimmy around 8.30. A combat attired Robert and smartly dressed JPJ were already in tow. Various roadies, Swan Song employees and guests (including Cozy Powell) were there as was John Bindon again. Tom Locke and I spent a memorable night in the pub as Jimmy, Robert and JPJ mingled by the bar and duly got up on stage to present the prizes of Jimmy’s Yamaha acoustic guitar (wonder where that is now?) and a set of personally signed albums. The main winner was an American guy ( pic above) while runner up was, Steve Simmons, a TBL subscriber from Bristol. Here’s a pic below of Steve on stage receiving his prize.

golden lion 1

Jimmy looked in slightly better shape than he had in Europe the previous year and told me he was working on the Death Wish 2 soundtrack. As a Christmas present I gave Robert a copy of a large format History Of The Blues book (wonder if still adorns his book shelf?) to which he acknowledged with the classic “Eye Thank yew” catchphrase so prevalent on the Over Europe tour. I took the opportunity to tell Peter and Atlantic’s Phil Carson of my plans to write a major reference work on the band’s music though it would be another eight years on in the Marquee (at a Jason Bonham gig) when I was able to tell the pair of them that the book (Led Zeppelin A Celebration) was soon to be a reality.

It may have been a strictly non playing role, but this unexpected Led Zeppelin reunion was full of warmth and good cheer. Underlying all that though was the definite feeling that they now all had separate plans – Jimmy with the soundtrack, Robert with the in progress recording of his debut album and Jonesy who wryly informed someone at the bar that he was now on permanent school run duty for his daughter’s back in Devon. It would be another eleven years before all three appeared in public together in the UK again to attend the 1992 Q Awards to collect the outstanding achievement award, and another 26 years before they played together on that night of nights in December 2007.

Fast forward to August 29th, 2013 and the Colston Hall Bristol.

golden lion 2

As we were making our way into the arena for Robert’s Sensational Space Shifters show amazingly enough I bumped into Steve Simmons for the first time since that night at the Golden Lion back in 1981. Steve was carrying a photo book of the pics he took back then – we had a good old chinwag about how he had been the runner up in the competition and the signed albums he was presented with on that night all of 37 years ago. The first, but not the last grand reunion…

DL – December 18, 2019


Led Zeppelin News Update:

In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.

Upcoming events:

December 19 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Powys, Wales.
December 20 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Stourbridge, UK.
December 22 – Robert Plant will perform with Saving Grace in Birmingham, UK.
February-March 2020 – Jimmy Page’s new book, “Jimmy Page: The Anthology,” will be released.
February 28, 2020 – Robert Plant’s vinyl singles box set “Digging Deep” will be released.
March 26-29, 2020 – John Paul Jones will perform as Sons Of Chipotle at the Big Ears music festival in Knoxville, Tennessee.
September 25-26, 2020 – The next John Bonham celebration event will be held in Redditch, UK.

Many thanks to James Cook.

The complete Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:

Led Zeppelin News Website: Check out the Led Zeppelin news website at


Dave Lewis – December 18 ,2018

Until next time, have a great weekend

Website updates written and compiled by Dave Lewis

with thanks to Gary Foy, Mike Tremaglio and James Cook

Follow TBL/DL on Facebook:

The TBL/DL Facebook page has regular updates and photos – be sure to check it out

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  • IAN SMITH said:

    Hello Dave
    This is the first time I’ve been in contact though I’ve been a subscriber to TBL for years. I justed wanted to join with everyone here to wish you and Janet a speedy recovery, that you and the family have best xmas you can and have a happy, peaceful 2020.
    All the best

  • Matt Walsh said:

    Hello Dave and Janet,

    Merry Christmas and glad you are both feeling a little better!
    I will be praying for a speedy recovery.
    Thanks for all you do for us in the Zep world!

    Matt W
    Midland, Tx

  • IAN said:

    Hello Dave
    This is the first time I’ve been in contact though Ive been a regular subscriber to TBL for years now. I just wanted to join with everybody else here in wishing you and Janet a speedy recovery,that your whole family have the best xmas you can and have a happy and peaceful 2020.
    All the best

  • Aris Roskam said:

    Hello Dave, I’m sorry to read the bad news about The Good Lady Janet and yourself. I hope you’re all recovering well! With the help of Sam and Dave and all the family and friends the burden will be much lighter to bear.
    All the best wishes for the holidays and the year to come! And – despite the worries – a merry Christmas!

  • Ian in NZ said:

    Sending best wishes from down under. Have a restful holiday. Fingers crossed for a great 2020 for you and Janet.

  • Keith said:

    Sad to hear about the recent events, but very pleased you both seem to be over the worst.
    It’s onwards and upwards from here, Dave and Janet!
    Thinking of you both and your family.
    All the best,

  • Andy J said:

    So sorry to hear of our difficulties Dave. All the best to everyone for a speedy recovery.

  • WOOLS said:

    I am so sorry to hear about the challenges that have visited you and your wife Janet. I know what I want for Christmas now is a speedy recovery for you and Janet! May the joy of the holidays assist you both in finding peace, warmth and healing.
    Your friend,

    Las Vegas, Nevada

  • gerald clothier said:

    hi dave and janet, you have each other and you have a family which will keep both of you strong,keep talking to each other and try to enjoy Christmas as best you can,

  • John McBride said:

    Oh Dave – so sorry to hear about Janet’s accident and your challenges. You are an amazing and strong family – and will pull through all of this together. Take care and all the very best as things get better in 2020.

  • Matt B said:

    Hi Dave,
    God bless you both.

    Glad both of you are feeling better.

    You are a game changer.

    Matt B.

    New Jersey

  • Richard Grubb said:

    We’re all here for you, Dave. Whatever you need.

    Remember LZIII – side one, track two!

    You and Janet are both back home and looking after each other, which is the most important thing. Take one thing at a time and concentrate on yourselves.

    Your bravery through all this has been awe inspiring, you’ve got this.

    Much love mate – here’s to a better 2020!


  • Graham Rodger said:

    Hi Dave – you did something really incredible by seeking help for yourself, many people wouldn’t have been able to do what you did, either because they are scared of the stigma of mental health issues or whatever, but you had the guts and the foresight to get help, well done. Now you can start to make things right for Janet and your family. I’m sure I speak for everyone in wishing you all the best for the road ahead. You’ve already taken the hardest step. Best wishes xx

  • James Farmer said:

    Sorry to hear about all these issues, hope you both recover quickly. When crap happens it sometimes seems to happen all at once, stay strong.

  • Steve Hall said:

    This almost mirrors my experience last year, Dave. My wife fell and broke her hip in October (2018), so I was left in charge of running the house, which resulted in me ending up in hospital due to food poisoning!!!!! Luckily, some good friends looked after my wife for the 6 days I was in hospital, and things soon got back to ‘normal’ in the lead up to Christmas.
    Bottom line, it all works out in the end, mate, so keep your chin up and have a great Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

  • Raj said:

    Wishing you guys all the best for a speedy recovery.

  • Eddie Allen said:

    Wishing you both a speedy and complete recovery.

    Here’s to loadsa future Zeppology from your good self!

  • Henry Fortino said:

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Janet.

  • Alessandro Borri said:

    Best wishes to you and Janet for a safe recover ! Thanks to keep us all Led Zeppelin fan updated in a so difficutl situation for you and your family too ! I’ll hope you will have nice Christmas holidays…at least at home! Good luck Dave and Janet ! My Best wishes again ! Thanks again for all ! All The Best,Alessandro

  • Ian Avey said:

    So sorry to hear the News Dave. Good news that Janet is home and Adam and Sam are with you for Christmas. Hope you are also feeling better, and sending you both love and positive vibes.

  • David Marsh said:

    Take all the time you need Dave. The recovery of both of you is the most important thing. Wishing you all the best.

  • dominique VERGEOT said:

    bonjour Dave,

    Bon courage à votre femme Janet ainsi que vous Dave. Je lui souhaite de se rétablir le plus vite possible et de passer quand même de bonnes fêtes avec vos enfants.

  • Graham said:

    Hi Dave

    Appalling news for you both. Glad you’re both back at home and with your family.

    Sending much love to you both and wishing full recoveries for you both.

    I hope you all have a Happy Christmas together and that 2020 is a healthy one!


  • Norbert said:

    I wish you both the best – a soon recovery!

    Best wishes from Berlin


  • Friso Halbertsma said:

    Wishing the best recovery to you both. You have given so much – be sure to focus on yourselves.

  • Bill M said:

    Wishing you both speedy recoveries and a happy new year.

  • gaetan from lille france said:

    Hello Dave.
    je vous souhaite à tous les 2 un bon rétablissement et de joyeuses fêtes de fin d’ année

  • Nige said:

    You guys just concentrate on getting each other better. We’ll all fan the Zep flames til you get back.

  • michael brett said:

    So sorry to hear that news. My very best wishes to you both and the Lewis family for Christmas and 2020.
    Michael Brett
    in Glasgow

  • Colin hunter said:

    Wishing you all the best Dave. Very brave of you to share your challenges. Never forget what a difference you make for us all in the Zeppelin world . Hope you and Janet have the best Christmas that you can. Colin

  • Nigel said:

    Here’s wishing you and Janet all the very best as does, I strongly suspect, the whole Zep family.

  • Edward said:

    I wish you both a speedy recovery. All the best

  • Bill said:

    Dave and Janet! So sorry to hear about your recent challenges. Things can only get better, one day at a time. Best of luck in the coming weeks and months. Looking forward to some positive and encouraging reports on the website. Take care.

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