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14 August 2010 7,691 views 7 Comments

Picture by James Brosher

STOP PRESS: Robert Plant has now added a Belfast date and a rescheduled Paris date to the European tour.

Robert Plant and The Band Of Joy will play a rare live show at the Waterfront Hall, Belfast on Tuesday 2 November.

Tickets for the Waterfront Hall, Belfast go on sale Friday 13 August at 9.00am priced from: £38

Waterfront Hall Box-Office: 028 90 334455

From 100 Ticketmaster Outlets Nationwide By telephone: Northern Ireland – 0844 277 44 55

Book On-Line:

 The Palais De Sports, Paris gig has now been moved to October 24th from its original 21st date. No news on the Germany, Denmark or Belgium dates which were also planned for mid October.

 Robert Plant and The Band Of Joy have announced three extra dates to its UK Tour. The extra dates are: Edinburgh Oct. 18th, Gateshead, Oct. 20 and Liverpool, Oct. 21.

Tickets go on sale this Friday, August 6th.

18th Oct.: Edinburgh, Usher Hall
Tickets £40 & £35
Box Office: 0131 228 1155

20th Oct: Gateshead: The Sage
Tickets: £35
0191 443 4661

21st Oct: Liverpool, The Olympia:
Tickets : £35
– 0151 263 6633 24hr CC Hotline 0844 811 005

The European tour now reads:

2nd  September,  HMV Forum, London
14th October, Annext, Stockholm, Sweden
16th October, Sentrum Scene, Oslo, Norway
18th October, Edinburgh, Usher Hall
20th October,  Gateshead: The Sage
21st October, Liverpool, The Olympia
24th October, Palais De Sports, Paris, France

26th October, St David’s Hall, Cardiff
27th October, Symphony Hall, Birmingham
31st October 2010, Palace Theatre, Manchester
1st November, Olympia, Dublin, Ireland

2nd November, Waterfront Hall, Belfast

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  • jamie said:

    Only just found out about Berlin, really sad. Already booked flights and hotel. Have not heard a thing from ticket agency in Germany, can anyone help

  • Gerd Zaunig said:

    Cancellation also for Brussels. A friend of mine have concert tickets and flight tickes and lose some money. Until now we haven’t got information about rescheduled dates for Germany. I hope Mr. Plant or his management won’t forget us.

  • Jim Sloane said:

    Excellent – will be at the Liverpool Olympia gig – tried to get tickets for Manchester – but sold out !

  • Nils Westerholt (Denmark) said:

    Seems like Berlin and Copenhagen were cancelled due to further British tour plans… Had tickets for Copenhagen and plans for Berlin too (but luckily enough no flight tickets – thoughts go to our German friends in Munich). Danish press states that at least the Copenhagen concert is expected to be rescheduled next year. Hope so – and to those who will be able to attend the British concerts – Enjoy!

  • Frank Nöthen said:

    ….well Gerd, so i do, but not only tickets for the concert, we also bought flight tickets from Munich to Berlin, which we can`t cancell. So, Mr. Plant, I`m dazed and confused….and and I realize, that there is something what should never be…you shook me…so many more times…that`s the way…thank you…communication breakdown!

  • paul aspey said:

    well Dave how long did i stay undecided bought tickets for the liverpool show

  • Gerd Zaunig said:

    New UK/European dates were added but the one and only show in Berlin/Germany (19th October) of which we all here in Germany have already bought tickets was cancelled 🙁

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