New Jimmy Page signature guitar released
A new Jimmy Page signature guitar is to be made available from February 15th. Hot on the heals of the Les Paul and the twin necked SG signature guitars comes the infamous “Black Beauty”. The three-pickup 1960 Les Paul Custom “Black Beauty” with a Bigsby tailpiece was the guitar stolen in 1970 at an airport and never recovered. Page has always felt that that particular guitar was “the one that got away.” Gibson returns Page’s cherished lost guitar in the form of this new Gibson Custom Shop Jimmy Page Les Paul Custom—a painstaking recreation of that iconic instrument, with the addition of some of the most innovative electronics to ever grace a Les Paul. The result is this stunning “Black Beauty” with a slim-profile neck, Page BurstBucker pickups, gold Bigsby vibrato and an innovative six-position toggle that lets you isolate the neck and bridge pickups, or add the middle in any combination. Jimmy Page actually used one at the resent O2 show for the Presence classic, “For Your Life”
Limited to a worldwide edition of just 500 guitars, the Gibson Custom Shop Jimmy Page Les Paul Custom will be available at Guitar Center from February 15th.
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