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New TV ad featuring Zeppelin

24 January 2008 1,946 views No Comment

A new TV ad promoting the tie-in between Led Zeppelin and Verizon phone downloads features a clever use of the track Kashmir and many Zeppelin references. Only shown in the US on TV and in cinemas, the ad features the central character walking down a street with Kashmir on his iPod and on his way he walks past a tattoo shop with the classic four Led Zeppelin symbols on display in the window, then past a girl with the symbols tattooed on her back, past a guitar shop with a twin neck in the window, past a Led Zeppelin poster on a contractor’s building board and past a character with a bundle of sticks on his back — as featured on the front of the album cover for “Led Zeppelin IV.” At the end of the commercial the main character walks into the building featured on the cover of “Physical Graffiti.” Follow this link for the Led Zeppelin Verizon Ad and see if you can spot anymore

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