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20 February 2015 3,327 views 8 Comments


Physical Graffiti Olympic Studies Playback Event – February 19 2015:

Where to start on another incredible playback?

We settled into our seats as the screen was playing back the Earls Court segment of the DVD – watching that was very exciting in itself and so began a night when I really did feel like the 18 year old I was in the second row of Earls Court 40 years ago. I had a quick chat with Mojo Editor In Chief  Phil Alexander who showed me the cover mount CD Mojo have lined up next issue which has a variety of bands covering songs from the Physical Graffiti album. I also caught up with John Davis who did a fantastic job with the sound on the night – as he has on working with Jimmy on the whole reissue series

The Yahoo guys set the scene and Phil Alexander introduced Jimmy Page to the stage…

Jimmy gave a short introduction and then the seven tracks from the Companion Disc were played non stop – cut to the stunning visuals created by Warner Music’s Jason Morais.

The sound was just overwhelming…highlights – the double track vocals on Trampled echoing out of the speakers… the cut and thrust of Jimmy and Bonzo on Sick Again…In My Time of Dying – monumental no other word for it…Houses Of The Holy such a light and airy  buzz and cowbell (!) Everybody Makes It Through – Robert’s vocals just sensational… everything about Everybody Makes it Though is amazing..Boogie Wit Stu – does anybody remember laughter?…Kashmir – it just doesn’t get any better…

Over the top rose tinted glassless DL reaction? – you betcha…!

Seriously…this music is just outstanding…as you will all hear in the next few days

Jimmy was back on stage for the Q and A superbly co ordinated by Phil Alexander – Phil asked some intelligently thought questions and then there were questions from the audience. One in particular from Mark Harrison.


I was so pleased to see Mark Harrison in attendance…

Some context: Mark has been an inspirational Led Zep fan over many years. In the early 1980s he had close proximity with Jimmy -attending many shows –  in particular on the Outrider tour. Mark has been a great TBL supporter – and we’ve had great time over the years at various Led Zep conventions/record fairs/tribute band gigs.

Ten years ago in February 2005  I’d met Mark In Milton Keynes for a catch up. A week later I heard the devastating news Mark had suffered a stroke. I went to visit Mark when he was in Harrow hospital. Mark was desperate to hear some Led Zeppelin in particular Physical Graffiti – I duly took in a copy on CD and in the weeks ahead, Mark told me many times how he had been moved to tears by the track In The Light – it became something of a standard bearer in his recovery. Mark has done incredibly well over the years coping with his disability – if there was ever a case for the power of music, then Mark’s belief and determination to get better aided by the music of Led Zeppelin is certainly it…

So to hear Mark explaining to Jimmy last night during his question, how inspirational In The Light has been to him…well there was a lump on my throat and I was certainly not the only one…

It elevated what was already an incredible night to a whole new emotional level…

Summary – All in all this was another memorable evening – the visuals stunning – the audience animated (particularly one or two in the front row!) – the playback awesome and Jimmy…totally compelling….as for the questions – as mentioned Mark’s was incredibly moving…I’m 60 years old next year but last night I felt like the 18 year old I was at Earls Court 40 years ago….

Led Zeppelin …their music keeps us eternally forever young…what a night…what a band…what a guitarist….

Physical Playback four

The photo here …I look overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed…I’m still overwhelmed…not just a band…more a way of life…

The good lady Janet says I don’t look at her like that!! I do of course!

This morning I feel very proud and privileged to be a Led Zeppelin fan …yet again…and I also feel so proud of the band’s countless fan’s and one in particular …and I bet Jimmy Page feels exactly the same way…

Dave Lewis – February 20th, 2015

View the Yahoo Live Stream here!



Jimmy Page NME award:

This via

nme jimmy

Jimmy Page has been awarded the Rock’N’Roll Soul Award at the NME Awards 2015 with Austin, Texas.

The Led Zeppelin guitarist was given the special award at London’s O2 Academy Brixton by Royal Blood who won Best New Band supported by Replay earlier in the evening and also performed. The duo said they were “honoured” to be handing out the prize.

Read the legendary guitar player’s acceptance speech below. “Well, well, well… Thank you to Royal Blood. They said it’s an honour to be giving this award but it’s an honour for me. I trust so much in Royal Blood. Thanks so much for this award, NME. It’s a real honour to get it, [but] as far as whatever I’ve managed to do in music, I’ve learned from records and my heroes. I’m only just passing on the baton. I got the music and passed it on. There it is, for everyone.”

See more at:

and YouTube clip below..



Jimmy Page BBC Interview clip:

Filmed on Tuesday – Jimmy Page talks to Gavin Esler about the 40th anniversary reissue of Physical Graffiti







Background Details: Bob Harris presented two exclusive previews from the Physical Graffiti album. Houses Of The Holy and Trampled Underfoot cut to abstract films.

The Trampled Under Foot clip was  compiled by Philip Jenkinson of Filmfinders depolyed old black and white footage of 1920’s dancers and would be an often repeated item on the programme.

The very title indicated something mysterious and special when I first saw it announced in the NME in late ’74. Then there was the waiting. Ah yes the waiting. Initially it was set for November 29th 1974. That date passed and nothing. Then it was going to be January 10th 1975 -that date passed and nothing.

Finally came the news that the Whistle Test  would be airing teo previews form the album on the evening of Friday February 21st. On that particular evening I  was out at the Rainbow Theatre  attending the Black Oak Arkansas gig with support form Sassafras. I arranged for the Whistle Test to be taped on my trusty Sanyo unit (with microphone up against the TV speaker. The next morning fighting off an expected hangover I was able to marvel at the commercial groove of Houses Of The Holy and the funk rock of Trampled. Bob harris ahd also announced Alan Freeman would be airng five more tracks from the album on his Saturday afternoon show on Radio One.

On that Saturday Alan aired Custard Pie, Night Flight, The Wanton Song, Down By The Seaside and Sick Again in that sequence with no break. As Robert uttered the opening line ‘’I received a message from my brother across the water he sat laughin’ as he wrote the ends in sight’’ I remember exclaiming ‘’Oh that voice!’’ in excited wonderment.

There was one more preview ahead – John Peel aired Kashmir on his early afternoon show – he co hosted a documentary  type show I think called Rockweek.

To say I was overawed by all this would be a complete understatement. All that remained was for the physical product of Physical Graffiti to be in my hand. Surely that would be soon…

Dave Lewis February 2015

To be continued….


TBL Physical Graffiti Reissue Feedback during Physical Graffiti Week on TBL Website and Facebook: Your views and pics wanted!

Orders for the Physical Graffiti reissue will start to filter out over the weekend with Europe on release date tomorrow and the UK and US next week..

Rae 10

As usual I welcome all your feedback comments on the Physical Graffiti reissue release. I’ll be opening up the TBL channels of communication here on the TBL website and TBL Facebook to feature your comments and pics – let me know where you purchased it – what you think of it and post any pics of your own grand unboxing  – in effect it will be Physical Graffiti Week here on TBL web and Facebook  and I look forward to sharing your experiences in what is sure to be a very special week for Led Zep fans the world over…

TBL contributor Michael Rae has been an early purchaser of the new Physical Graffiti via his excellent local record shop Basement Discs in Melbourne.

Here’s Michael’s initial thoughts:

I’ve now had the chance to listen to the new offering a couple of times. In brief, it’s glorious. The instrumentation and vocals are crystal clear. The layered guitars and keyboards in dense tracks, such as Kashmir and In The Light, leap out of the speakers. The sound is far better than any of the previous iterations. I base that opinion on the fact I’ve been keen (mad?) enough to buy them all. As with the previous issues in this series, the acoustic guitars are sublime in their clarity. Bron-Yr-Aur is a revelation, right through to the last ringing chord. The vocals deserve mention because they have been brought out of the murk that served to bury them in previous editions. I’ll leave it to others to dissect the companion disc material. For me, the main game was how Physical Graffiti scrubbed up. I’m delighted to report that its deserved reputation as the greatest hard rock album ever made has been substantially enhanced.
Thanks Michael!


YouTube Clip:

Trampled Under Foot Pathfinders film for The Old Grey Whistle Test:

Jimmy Page accepts NME Award:

Until next time…have a great weekend.

Keep listening, keep reading…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy –  February 20th, 2015 

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The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.

To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

Also follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL


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  • Wools said:

    Your photo tells it all! I feel like a young man again as I head off to my record shop for my copy of Graffiti today. I have enjoyed many, many bands over the years but, the “Mighty Led Zep” still always stops me in my tracks! Thanks mate for the shared enthusiasm!

    Las Vegas

  • Mark Harrison said:

    I found the Physical Graffiti listening event an enthralling,inspirational and emotionally draining evening
    Since then I have been overwhelmed by the goodwill and kind words that have rained down upon me. This incredible group of musicians has played a huge part in my recuperation and the kindness sent to me from all corners of the World have deeply touched me.
    to coin a phrase EYE THANK YEW ALL
    Mark Harrison

  • Graham Rodger said:

    Fascinating to hear the Sonic Textures previews on Jimmy’s site – especially Sonic Textures No.4 (Water) which pre-dates Steve Vai’s almost identical Alien Water Kiss by about 16 years.

  • roger berlin said:

    Thank you so much, Dave, for this.
    Roger Berlin

  • Michael in Melbourne said:

    If you live in Melbourne, or anywhere else in Australia, where better to buy Physical Graffiti, than Basement Discs!? Nowhere! Bought mine there yesterday. Undoubtedly the best hard rock album ever! The mastering is sensational. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • andrew r said:

    On a more serious note.This is the first time in this re release schedule
    that i have had that tingle down the spine that every Zep fan knows! The
    “somethings happening here” moment that only comes along with Zepmusic.
    We are all indeed priviliged. Cheers Dave

  • andrew r said:

    Very nice to see a certain well preserved near 60 yr old
    giving it some serious welly in the front row!

  • del said:


    Watching the live feed from the event yesterday noticed a fair few shots of you mate grinning and rocking!! Came across as a really good event and a great hour or so for the people in attendance. The music sounded stuunning looking forward to getting mine on Monday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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