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31 May 2017 2,972 views 8 Comments

Remembering John Bonham – on the occasion of his birthday…

Today Wednesday May 31 marks the 69th birthday of John Bonham.

Over the past  couple of year the Led Zeppelin Reissue programme has only gone to heighten John’s s percussive contribution and lasting legacy – as Jimmy remarked ”Listening to John Bonham, well that always makes me simile…”

Looking ahead, there will be the permanent marking of his legacy when the John Bonham Memorial Fund led statue project comes to fruition – this will see a statue of John Bonham erected in his home town of Redditch – as Deborah Bonham informed me in a recent interview I conducted with her:

”Well it’s all happening – and in true Zeppelin style it’s got that mystique around it, so I cannot tell you too much as yet. I can tell you its going to look phenomenal and I’m incredibly proud. It’s taken a lot of work getting it right and getting the right sculpture because this is John – it has to be the best. We are looking at some time next year  and like I said, we will keep it all within the Zep mystique.

That is an exciting prospect that will provide a focal point for fans to celebrate his legacy.

Meanwhile, the listing below are prime selections from throughout the Zep catalogue that unanimously reflect the remarkable standards he set. I’m sure I won’t be the only ones searching out these performances to play this weekend in celebration of the greatest drummer of all time.

For John Bonham at 69, these are some of his Greatest Beats…remember him (always) this way…


(Live LA Forum ’77 Listen to This Eddie version)

*From the ten second torrent of speed at the opening to the breathless finish – this is an absolute Bonham live on stage tour de force.


*The dexterity remains the same…


*A New Orleans shuffle par excellence.


*To quote from my review of Sugar Mama in 2015 – ”Then there’s drummer John Bonham – long time friend of the aforementioned Plant and drafted into this new line up at the recommendation of the singer who had performed in the Band Of Joy with him. John had more recently forged a reputation touring with Tim Rose – Jimmy Page duly checked him out at a Tim Rose gig in Hampstead the previous July and saw the immense percussive potential. That potential is all over this track, most notably from 1 minute 23 to I minute28 -in that space of time, Bonzo as he will become known, delivers one of those seemingly impossible bass drum shuffles that will became a unique part of the Led Zep sound.”


*The bass and drum syncopation between JPJ and Bonzo is just outstanding as he puts to good use his best New Orleans shuffle ala Poor Tom.


*Before the gargantuan delivery that would end up on Zep IV, this early run through had a groove all of it’s own -Bonzo’s drumming is funky as hell with a distinctive snare sound…


*Still the most infectious drum pattern ever committed to tape…and boy does it keep getting committed…


* The most intense of percussive performances – and fittingly Jason also did it justice at the 02.


*How he pulled off those apocalyptic drum fills only his fellow musicians and the four walls of Musicland studios would know …


*Doing things with a bass pedal that it took two of James Brown’s drummers to try and emulate…and they knew a bit about rhythm…


*The pride of Zep and Bonzo too…

bonzo may 31


*Listen at how cleverly he drives against the riff dropping and stitching amongst the beat at will.

ACHILLES LAST STAND (Knebworth ’79 DVD version):

*One of Bonzo’s finest gigs…he knew they had a reputation to restore and he wasn’t going to let anyone down.


*Once an underrated percussive swing fest from John Henry. Not anymore.

MOBY DICK (Royal Albert Hall ’70 DVD version):

*Drumming skills faster than the speed of light on another famous night.


*What air drumming is all about. Thanks John (again).


*A riotous percussive extension of the man’s own exuberance

KASHMIR (Knebworth ’79 DVD version):

*The esteem of his performance at this gig amongst fans is more than evident. Here’s another one he led by example.


*The disregard of time keeping as his son once observed.

SICK AGAIN (Knebworth ‘79 DVD version):

*And yet more from out on the field…marvel at how he pummelled his fellow band mates into an inspiring romp through the backwaters of side 4 of the Graffiti


*The spirit of Gene Krupa lives on…


*That expansive Ludwig sound drove this one from beginning to end

THE OCEAN (Madison Square Garden 1973 DVD version):


*Could anyone do The Crunge?

Could anyone replicate John Bonham’s percussive perfection?

It’s a no to both of course – his influence and legacy remains undimmed…

Dave Lewis – May 31, 2017.

Check out my Top Ten John Bonham listing on the Classic Rock website here:


Icons of The Hall Event – Led Zeppelin Royal Albert Hall footage screened – Led Zeppelin at Bath 1970 film discussed…

On Saturday, along with Gary Foy Krys Jantzen and the good lady Janet, I attended the Icons of the Hall event at the Royal Albert Hall – a special event showcasing the work of filmmaker Peter Whitehead as part of the venue’s Summer of Love: Revisited series. It was presented in the Elgar Room – a side theatre within the main venue.

This included the screening of a 40 minute cut of the famous Led Zeppelin appearance at the Royal Albert Hall on January 9 1970.

The event was superbly staged by Dr.Alissa Clarke and professor Steve Chibnall from the De Montfort University plus the Hall’s Richard Dacre contributing to the panel.

Alissa and Steve really set the scene for the showing of the Led Zeppelin film asking the audience to imagine themselves as two young London students male and female about to attend that famous night in January 1970. They went through a number of nostalgic scenarios that really captured the times and the impact this group were having on their audiences back then – and no more so than this night of nights at the Royal Albert Hall that really did elevate the still evolving Led Zeppelin to new heights.

The film presented was a 40 minute edit sourced from the official DVD. It featured We’re Gonna Groove, I Can’t Quite You Baby, Dazed And Confused, White Summer, Whole Lotta Love and Communication Breakdown.

It was fantastic to watch this footage on the big screen and within the vicinity that this historic concert had actually taken place. I had not seen the film for sometime and it’s impact was quite startling. For here we are watching a band gaining in confidence with every performance. Robert Plant was coming of age with every moment of the film developing an upfront swagger that would soon dominate the word’s stages – and John Paul Jones class and dexterity on bass was well to the fore.  The close up film techniques of Peter Whitehead makes for some illuminating moments – no more so than Jimmy’s virtuoso performance of White Summer – here you can see Jimmy momentarily wiping his sweat stained hands on his jeans in a lightening movement and behind him ,the ever incredible John Bonham fervently striking the conga drums with drum sticks.

There were so many incredible moments to soak up on a Led Zeppelin performance that just get’s better with every viewing. Coincidentally, it’s 14 years ago to the week that this Royal Albert Hall film first emerged officially via the release of the five hour double disc DVD in may 2003.

The sound in the hall was really excellent and the audience lapped it up. Amongst those in attendance it was great to see LZ news editor James Cook, Amanda Bruckhsaw who worked on the BBC’s coverage of the Led Zep reissues and veteran DJ /promoter Jeff Dexter. Another member of the audience told me she had been at the June 1969 Zep appearance at this venue when she was 16 year sold.

Footage from The Rolling Stones 1966 Albert Hall show also shown plus a screening of a rare Julie Felix film from 1966 and Julie was on hand to take part in a special forum. The Julie Felix film was a Peter Whitehead shot black and white film of her 1966 concert at the Royal Albert Hall. The intro, with Julie backstage and then emerging out from the dark up onto the stage would be a technique Peter would use four years later in filming Led Zeppelin.  

Before proceedings had got under way I studied the contents of a special display case that had various memorabilia on show – part of that was a vintage film label marked Led Zeppelin at Bath. I have previously been aware that Peter Whitehead had shot film of the band at the Bath Festival in 1970 but here was tangible evidence.

This was backed up by Professor Steve Chibnall during the forum when I asked a question about the Bath film. Steve revealed he had viewed the 20 to 30 minute silent colour footage (the label says B and W but Steve says it is colour ) and though it was rather dark in places it was usable and he hoped one day it could be restored and see the light of day.

Here’s the full transcript of the question I asked via the LZ News site:

Tight But Loose editor Dave Lewis: Hi there, my name’s Dave Lewis, I’m from the Led Zeppelin magazine, so all this has been fascinating. I’m very intrigued to hear you tell me that the Bath Festival was filmed and so you’re saying that the Led Zeppelin show was filmed?
SC: Indeed, yes.
DL: Can you tell me how much of that was filmed and still remains?
Steve Chibnall: There’s 20 to 30 minutes and a lot of it is backstage. I’ve only seen the footage, I haven’t seen it with sound. The problem, according to Peter Whitehead, was that A. He was stuck in traffic and had trouble getting to Bath so he arrived late. He was supposed to film the band arriving by helicopter and he missed that.
And then when Led Zeppelin played, they played in the dark and there was insufficient stage lighting for his cameras. So he reckoned that the footage, the live footage, was not usable. It is usable because, I mean, it can be, it can be restored now. So you can raise those lighting levels, you can see more digitally.
It looks beautiful to me and I think it was recorded, the band probably have a recording of it, I would think. So there is a possibility. He was supposed to do interviews with the band members as well, which I don’t think that ever happened. But certainly there is 20 or 30 minutes of footage from Bath. And if you look in the display case there you can see what was once a label attached to a can of film which says precisely that.
DL: That immediately made me think ‘wow.’ So, is it colour film?
SC: Yes.
DL: And who actually owns it?
SC: Peter Whitehead owns the film but Led Zeppelin, no doubt, will own the music.
DL: So could you see that coming out at some point?
SC: I’d love to see it come out, I think it would be a really good project for 2020, don’t you? The fiftieth anniversary of the Bath Festival.
DL: 2018?
SC: No, it was 1970.
DL: Oh, sorry, it would be, yeah. It would probably take that long to work it out.
SC: It would, but it would be lovely to have that, wouldn’t it?
DL: Superb, thank you very much.

Like I said, I had previously been aware that Peter Whitehead had shot the Bath Festival in 1970 but this was real tangible evidence it exists and it was great to chat to Steve afterwards and hear first hand from someone who has actually viewed it. Quite weather it will ever see the light of day officially only time will tell. It was incredibly exciting to be right there as this revelation news was unfolding -James Cook admirably reporting it all on the LZ news site within a couple of hours.

It was also fantastic to see and hear the veteran folk singer Julie Felix. I haven’t seen Julie since she performed a memorable set with John Paul jones in the then Borders bookshop in Oxford Street in 1999. For a lady nearing 80 years young, she looked and acted very sprightly. In the Forum Julie mentioned that Jimmy Page had performed on her BBC 2 TV show in 1970 – most of which were wiped to reuse the video tape. As we know, Jimmy’s amazing performance does exist albeit with slight interference.

Julie performed a short live set – this included a compelling rendering of Bob Dylan’s Masters Of War  – Julie in her familiar spiritual way spoke movingly of how sad it is that many years on from when she first performed this song – the same themes remain prevalent – particularly in the light of the horrific Manchester terrorist attack.

Julie also performed Dylan’s Mr Tambourine Man – her delivery really bought the flowing lyrics of this song to the fore – Julie sang the sweet refrain of  ”In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come following you” with a poignant longing. The verse that goes  ”Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky, with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,with all memory of fate, driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today until tomorrow” tumbled out with startling intensity.

I have to say I had a huge lump in my throat throughout – it was one of the most emotional performances of a song I’ve witnessed in an age. In a similar way that Deborah Bonham’s performance back at the UK Convention ( as discussed last week ) captured the moment – so to this performance of Mr Tambourine Man by Julie Felix, within the confines of the Royal Albert Hall. I will not forget it.

Afterwards, I spoke to Julie briefly and we laughed at the pic I took along from the Borders gig/signing session back in 1999. The lady remains a quintessential singer of folk songs and more. It was an absolute delight to be in her company again.

All in all, a very enlightening afternoon.

DL – May 30 2017.

Read the excellent LZ news summary of all this including footage of the Forum at…/led-zeppelin-bath-festival-peter-w…/



Led Zeppelin News Update:
In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.

Led Zeppelin

A film label for Peter Whitehead’s footage of Led Zeppelin performing at Bath Festival (LedZepNews)

Jimmy Page

  • Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McReady’s photo book, which features a photograph of Jimmy Page, has had its release date pushed back. “Of Potato Heads and Polaroids: My Life Inside and Out of Pearl Jam” will be released on May 30.

Robert Plant

Former AC/DC singer Brian Johnson and Robert Plant photographed during filming for Johnson’s Sky Arts show (Sky Arts)

  • A photograph of Robert Plant with former AC/DC singer Brian Johnson has been released. The photo was released ahead of the June 2 air date of the final episode of Johnson’s Sky Arts show which will feature Plant. Find out more about Johnson’s show here.

Upcoming events:

May 30 – Pearl Jam guitarist Mike McReady’s book “Of Potato Heads and Polaroids: My Life Inside and Out of Pearl Jam,” which features a photograph of Jimmy Page, will be released.
June 2 – Robert Plant will be interviewed on “Brian Johnson’s Life On The Road” on Sky Arts.
Mid-June – The March 21, 1975 Seattle soundboard bootleg “Deus Ex Machina” is rumoured to be released around this time.
June 23 – John Paul Jones will perform at the Sun Station Vadsø festival in Norway.
June 24 – John Paul Jones will perform at the Sun Station Vadsø festival in Norway.
Mid-September – The new Black Country Communion album, which will feature Jason Bonham, is due to be released.

Many thanks to James Cook.

The complete Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:

Led Zeppelin News Website: Check out the Led Zeppelin news website at


Gregg Allman 1947 – 2017:

It was very sad to hear the passing of the great Gregg Allman aged 69. I have a number of Allman Brothers albums that he lit up so effectively – Gregg was an integral part of a great American band – RIP.





TBL Celebrates Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band  t 50:

I’ve been aware of The Beatles album Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band for 50 years. Back in early June 1967 I was at a friends house playing Subutteo table football one of my big passions of the time. His older brother was holding an LP record as we called them back then. I had a quick look at it – I realized it was The Beatles – it’s colourful cover was certainly eye catching and the reverse had all the words to the songs printed on it.

After a flirtation with pop music when I was 7 and 8 I had moved on to football and my other passions included , Thunderbirds ,The Man From Uncle and James Bond.  did not hear the album then – but I was aware that it was something important.

A couple of years later in early 1969, music was back on my agenda big time led by The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and many of the top 40 artists of the day -and later that year Led Zeppelin entered my radar. I first heard Sgt Pepper on a huge radiogram at a friends house in our street.

It sounded incredible.

Of course it also looked amazing with the elaborate front cover, the inner cut outs – the Sgt Pepper vinyl also looked very different  -it was one of the first records I noticed that had no banding of tracks -it all merged into one.

I was hooked.

When I started work in June 1972, Sgt Pepper was one of the first albums I bought. In 1978 I bought the limited edition picture disc version that was issued. In the 1980s I bought various Sgt Pepper bootlegs -as I wanted to hear as much as of The Beatles as I could from that period.

In August 1983, the good lady Janet and I attended The Beatles at Abbey Road show staged inside Abbey Road. This unique presentation featured various then unreleased Beatles outtakes including A Day In The Life -it was incredible exciting to be in the actual location where the actual album had taken shape.

On June 1, 1987 I purchased the CD version that was issued to mark the 20th anniversary – and in the Our Price  shop I managed in Bedford we really went to town with in store displays etc. It’s worth mentioning I had no CD player at the time but was planning on getting one which I finally did that Christmas.

The arrival of The Beatles catalogue on CD and particularly Sgt Pepper was a turning point in the mass acceptance of the CD as a serious and lasting music carrying format

In 1988 I was lucky enough to be in Abbey Road Studio number 2 again for the launch of Mark Lewishon’s groundbreaking Beatles Recording Sessions book. This was a log of every Beatles recording session which Mark compiled after having the luxury of hearing all the session tapes. Amongst many revelations it chronicled that the George Harrison track Only A Northern Song was recorded during the Sgt Pepper sessions and was once considered for the final track listing. It would eventually emerge on the Yellow Submarine film soundtrack.

I was back in Abbey Road in late 1993 for another book launch event -Mark Lewishon’s Complete Beatles Chronicle. Bizarrely, on the same day Jimmy Page and David Coverdale were in Studio 3 mixing the Coverdale -Page album.  I bumped into to David and chatted for a bit – Jimmy was busy in the studio – I told David I was here for a Beatles book launch. Years later when I spoke to Mark about this he informed me he had a request to show the book to Jimmy and David – a direct result of me informing the Coverdale man about it!

The 1995 release of  The Beatles Anthology  volume 2 offered a host of alternate mixes from the Sgt Pepper period. When I tell you I am the sort of guy that get’s rather excited when I hear John Lennon mumbling ”sugar plum fairy,sugar, plum fairy” as a count in to the Anthology 2 version of A Day In The Life you will realise I am relishing the prospect of dissecting the new Giles Martin produced remix along with the previously unheard work in progress versions of many of the tracks.

I recently acquired a bootleg CD that presents the actual broadcast of the BBC’s Light programme preview of Sgt Pepper broadcast on Saturday May 21. I was otherwise engaged on that day as a ten year old watching Spurs beat Chelsea 2-1 in the FA Cup Final.

Had I tuned in back then on that Saturday afternoon I would have heard the legendary DJ Kenny Everett interviewing Ringo, Paul and John about their new LP. Listening to it 50 years on the air of optimism and sheer wonderment of these new Beatles recordings is more than evident. It’s an amazing timepiece that captures the impact this album was having on DJ’s and fans alike.

For this album really was a game changer in so many respects. It was the first real complete album presentation with every song making it’s presence felt in sequence – and yes a concept album of sorts as The Beatles took on the persona of Sgt Pepper and his band.

There had of course been many an important album before it – not least The Beatles own catalogue and the likes of The Rolling Stones Aftermath, The Beach Boys Pet Sounds and Dylan’s Blonde On Blonde. All major musical statements but Sgt Pepper was something else.

Over the years , Sgt Pepper as had its critics. I vividly recall the noted journalist (and one of my journalist heroes) Charles Shaar Murray denouncing it in a retrospective review in the NME under the title ”Silly Charlie and the not so red hot Pepper’.

Some say Revolver has better songs, the sprawling White Album more scope and Abbey Road as being more polished. I myself have sited the White Album as their best album and my favourite – this new round of Pepper pandemonium might just challenge that.

Put simply, Sgt Pepper is The Beatles finest creation as a group. There’s a wealth of unified creativity running throughout the album that they never quite attained again.

I duly purchased the new remained in Fopp on Saturday -the double vinyl set which has a second disc of outtakes.  This presents alternate version of the Sgt Pepper album in the same sequence as the original album – a Companion Disc if you please – and right in line with Jimmy Page’s concept with the Led Zeppelin reissues – Mr McCarney must have been eyeing those!

I have yet to have a really detailed listen but on initial plays the new remix sounds sound’s really sprightly with an improved instrument separation. There’s so much to admire on Sgt Pepper – the harmonies for instance, marvel at the vocal interplay on With A Little Help From My Friends and It’s Getting Better.

Along  the way there are so many things going on – from riding in newspaper taxis to undertaking ten somersaults on solid ground. Oh and there’s a certain poignancy that I am closer to 64 and ‘doing the garden digging the weeds’ than I was when I last listened to that sweet McCartney paean to old age.

It’s going to be an absolute delight to re-discover these sounds of the summer of 1967 that still resonate so effectively.

They’d love to turn you on –  and 50 years on, Sgt Peppers one and only Lonely Hearts Club Band show no signs of stopping – and a splendid time is always guaranteed.

Dave Lewis – May 29, 2017.

TBL Celebrates Sgt Pepper at 50: Look out next week for a detailed overview of the Sgt Pepper remixed releases by long time TBL contributor and Beatles expert Paul Humbley.


DL Diary Blog Update:

Friday treats at the Vinyl Barn: At a very sunny and warm and packed with goodies Vinyl Barn last Friday  – some lovely acquisitions including the Randy Newman album Sail Away on US Reprise, Jazz Club Vol 2 LP, some very cool Blue Note label jazz CD compilations, a brilliant 2 CD compilation of legendary US band Love 1966 – 1972 and as it’s a bit of a Beatles weekend, I could not leave an original Parlophone pressing of Can’t Buy Me Love in the racks now could I ?! The Bank Holiday weekend playlist was sorted – Thanks Darren!

I was well  pleased to find another Beatles relayed  album in the Oxfam shop this morning – The Beatles Concerto – a classical approach to songs such as Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds, The Fool On The Hill, Here Comes The Sun etc with sleeve notes by George Martin – 1979 release on Parlophone and sounds rather lovely.

I am (as one knows!) a massive vinyl collector and LP records are my fave format by far -but I still do like collecting the CD format especially anything well packaged or a box set issue and I am always on the lookout for something interesting – I was therefore well pleased to pick up this Japanese SHMCD version of the Jimmy Page and Robert Plant No Quarter album recently – great package with miniature album inserts – one of a fair few excellent CD ‘s I’ve purchased via Darren Harte ‘s excellent Vinyl Barn recently along with the usual vinyl investments…

I enjoyed the BBC 4 Sharon Osbourne Present Rock’Roll’s Dodgiest Deals documentary. The piece on Led Zeppelin was accompanied by  some rarely seen footage of Peter Grant from 1971. Peter was seen being interviewed for the BBC2’s 24 Hours programme discussing the threat of bootlegs

It was good to see my feature on the Goats Head Soup album which I wrote in 2013 included in the new Record Collector Rolling Stones special magazine .

We had a splendid day out in London last Saturday which as mentioned above, included  the excellent Icons of The Hall event at the Royal Albert Hall  Here’s a pic with Krys Jantzen, Gary Foy, the good lady Janet, plus LZ News editor James Cook. It was great to hook up with James who filed a superb overview of the afternoon on LZ News site .

June is upon us and as usual there’s a lot to do – the Evenings With Led Zeppelin book project now roles into 1972 and the Australian tour dates all brilliantly researched by co author Mike Tremaglio. He has unearthed yet more rare visuals from that tour and the US summer tour that followed.


On Sunday June 4, our Samantha is 27

Sam is currently working for the Mail Online in Sydney Australia and on Sunday, we will be wishing her Happy birthday vai WhatsApp.

As is customary at this time, the tale of how Sam arrived in the world is always worth telling:

Thus, it was 27 years ago when I saw Robert Plant upstaged for the only time – the evening gig at Hammersmith Odeon I attended was very good – but it was not in the same league as the afternoon events with the birth of my daughter Sam at 2.30 pm.

I should never have really been at the gig but somehow I managed to fit it all in. I’ve told the tale many a time and forgive me for relying it all again but it was a mad day for sure!

These are the circumstances Samantha Elizabeth Lewis entered the world 25 years ago in 1990.

25 years ago on Monday June 4th 1990 I awoke with the prospect of a couple of Robert Plant gigs ahead over the next two nights. These were the London dates Robert was playing in support of the Manic Nirvana album. Tickets were sorted, arrangements made – I was planning to hook up with the TBL crew in Hammersmith.

It’s actually worth mentioning at the time I was ensconced in writing the A Celebration book as well as managing the local Our Price record shop. It was really as full on then.

The good lady Janet was pregnant and our first born was due in July. Well it didn’t quite work out like that. On that morning of June 4th twenty seven years ago, Janet informed there were stirrings… and sure enough there were. So off we went to Bedford North Wing hospital where we were informed that our forthcoming bundle of joy was ready to enter the world. With all notions of the gig ahead banished (honest!) I steeled myself for a lengthy labour (well not me as it were!)

sam pic 2

Things moved quickly and at 2.30 pm with impeccable timing, our daughter Samantha Elizabeth was born.

A lot of you out there know the rest… Sam is tiny and beautiful….mother and baby are doing well…anxious new father will only be in the way and heads on the train for …yes you guessed it Hammersmith Odeon – arriving to the shock of the TBL crew…just in time for the gig.

As I mentioned this was the only time I’ve ever seen R. Plant upstaged – as good as he was he didn’t match the afternoon proceedings!

Pushing it a bit more – I was back the next night for gig number two celebrating Sam’s birth with a large intake of Directors ale. Later in the month I was at Knebworth with Mr Foy for the Robert & Jimmy’s reunion. What with the World Cup Italia 90, World in Motion at number one (Cue the John Barnes rap : ‘’You’ve got to hold and give – but do it at the right time – You can be slow or fast but you must get to the line’’) – that June of 27 years ago was some month….

It wasn’t too long before Sam realised this Led Zep caper was a little bit important to her Dad! Here we are together in 1991 on the publication of the A Celebration book –which was being written as she entered the world…

Happy birthday Sam for June 4!

Dave Lewis – May 31 , 2017.

Until next time –  have a great  weekend…

TBL Website updates compiled by Dave Lewis

with thanks to Gary Foy and James Cook

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YouTube clips:

John Bonham – on the occasion of his birthday  – remember him this way..

Jimmy Page performing White Summer on the Julie Felix show aired on BBC 2 April 26, 1970:



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  • Dave M said:

    I’ve been drumming since 1980 – and play hopefully at a decent level!

    With the benefit of hindsight, it’s clear to see John Bonham was years ahead of his time.

    The fact he invented his style and approach in the late 60s-early 70s before anyone else was simply genius.

    I read the drums mags and websites, and all today’s big-name drummers – no matter what music they play – revere Bonzo.

    But one track that often gets overlooked when looking at his ‘greatest hits’ is Stairway, yet it contains many of the elements that made him such a great player.

    The laid-back, slightly jazzy intro section. The monumental, ground-breaking fills in the middle and at the end of the guitar solo. And the funky, syncopated groove during the vocal outro. All classic Bonham.

    What a drummer…

  • Larry said:

    Indeed, RIP Gregg Allman, a true giant in music and leader of one of the all-time great bands. We can rest easy knowing he’s with Duane once again.

    The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East is one of the most essential rock albums ever released. Sheer magic.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    I did not get the opportunity to go into too much detail as it was a busy afternoon for Steve

  • Zoso said:

    So Dave,

    In your talks with Steve, who has viewed the Bath festival, after the Q&A, you must have asked what songs were on the footage?
    Can you let us in on what’s on there?
    I know most of the footage is backstage, but is the on-stage portion a whole song, or snippets of various songs they did?
    I had to ask!



  • gordon said:

    hi i was lucky enough to see led zeppelin at the bath festival 1969 and shepton mallet 1970 it would be great to see filming of any of these concerts .they were a band on fire back then if you think earls court and knebworth were great be prepaired to be amazed if any thing surfaces from those 2 shows. .

  • Ed-Washington DC said:

    Very sad news indeed on the passing of the great Gregg Allman, who for my money ranks alongside Paul Rodgers and Robert Plant as one of THE finest white blues singers of the era. Perhaps of all eras. One of the very few who could effortlessly and authentically pull off Ray Charles (see “Brightest Smile in Town” on Playing Up a Storm 1975).

    A turbulent life and career for Mr. Allman, soldiering on as he did after the devastating loss of his brother. Alcohol, all manner of intoxicants, federal drug busts, Hollywood marriages, internal band strive, loss, tragedy and personnel changes, Gregg Allman survived it all. And lived to sing about it.

    For those interested in this man’s extraordinary catalogue, his last release “Back to Macon Live 2015” is a pure delight. Coming as it did on the heels of “Low Country Blues” with T-Bone Burnette, who brought spooky roots atmosphere to that record just as he did with Robert Plant and Allison Krauss.

    There was only one Gregg Allman, and he was very much the real thing. Rock and Roll is a less dangerous place without him, and I will miss him very much.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Many thanks and glad you like the Earls Court book!

  • Hiroshi said:

    Bath 1970 is the group’s best concert in their homeland, both musically and visually, IMHO — more so than the Earls Court, let alone the then-underrated-turned-now-overrated Knebworth. Any news of its recorded material in some form or other unearthed is welcome with open arms. I hope it will be released to the general public someday soon.

    Speaking of Earls Court, I ordered Five Glorious Nights on the strength of the limited period discount offer. My copy turned out to be No. 0770 — I like it. A heavyweight (literally) of a photo book and a truly epic work, this is one of the best books ever published on Led Zeppelin without doubt, one of the best books materialized by Dave Lewis. Now that’s what you call a bargain…

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