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14 August 2010 4,381 views 7 Comments

TBL is sad to report the  death of Little Feat drummer Richie Hayward (second from the right). He  had been suffering from liver cancer and died on Thursday at a hospital near Vancouver, Canada, after complications of pneumonia.

Richie was a member of Robert Plant’s touring band from their UK tour in 1983 through to 1985. He also played on the  Shaken’ N’ Stirred album.  He also worked with Bob Dylan, Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton and Barbra Streisand.

Pink And Black (1985)

Richie  was a founding member of Little Feat -the inluencial band led by the late  Lowell George who enjoyed a string of hit albums in the 1970s.  He rejoined the group when they reformed in 1987.

Over the past year, benefits had been staged on Hayward’s behalf as he had no health insurance. In a letter to fans last August, Hayward wrote about his predicament: “My intent is to come back to the band, as soon as I am physically able. Your love and support will mean a lot to me, more than I can say. I love and will miss you all, and I will see you again on the proud highway.” He played his final live performance on July 11th when he sat in with Little Feat at the Vancouver Island Music Festival.

Here they are in a classic piece of footage – a fitting tribute to Richie Hayward 1946 -2010.

Little Feat – Rock and Roll Doctor (1975)

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  • jim farmer said:

    That was a shame about Richie hayward.I first met richie when Robert toured australia in 1983.I had met robert and magnet ,his assistant.Then we met robbie blunt,paul martinez.We were talking to them when richie came up to us and spotted us as fans.We did not know who the drummer was.As this was not announced at the time.(remember this was pre internet) Richie said “hey i’m with the band too”.He was the friendliest out of all of them and was a great guy as we got to know him over the next couple of days.Cheers to you richie

  • David said:

    Also saw Richie with Plant a few times. I recall at the NEC in Birmingham his drumming was fantastic.
    Little Feat are my all time fav American band. In fact i was playing Hoy Hoy on Saturday night.
    After hearing this i will be “Joining The Band” and turning up Waiting For Columbus, quite possibly the finest live album known to man

  • Ian Price said:

    Another obituary in today’s Independent, with more about how he came to work with Mr Plant and a final quote from Robert himself.

  • John P said:

    Saw the Feat on Friday at the Cropredy Festival 24 hours after his passing.A storming set which they dedicated to him.
    RIP Ritchie

  • Gerd Zaunig said:

    Oh no, what a loss. Must listen to Shaken ‘n’ Stirred.

  • chris said:

    A great drummer, had the pleasure of seeing him with Robert on the POM Tour 83 in Bristol and 85 in Birmingham, then full cirlcle I happened to be in Seattle in 2001 when little Feat did a free 4th of July festival and was was great to see im again there.


  • Gerry M. said:

    Terrific drummer and a sad loss – great obit for him in the Guardian today.

    Crank some Feat up in his honour folks!

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