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28 February 2010 7,017 views 3 Comments

Three videos of Robert Plant’s appearance at the Sound And Vision charity show in Abbey Road Studios in aid of Cancer Research on Thursday have turned up on You Tube this weekend. They feature the haunting Scott Walker cover Farmer In The City, the inspiring I Bid You Goodnight and the George Harrison tribute  My Sweet Lord. For details of donating to the charity go to Cancer Research UK.

 Farmer In The City

I Bid You Goodnight

My Sweet Lord

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  • Fritzo said:

    He was ticked because the band “accidentally” started to play Stairway to Heaven in the middle of the show (this is true). Also, there were a lot of sound problems with the show.

  • Daniel said:

    Is it my imagination or did Robert Plant seem to be getting a little bit steamed with the way that things were going by the time that they were into “My Sweet Lord”? It was no fault of Robert’s but that song did not sound like they even rehearsed it, looks to me like Robert saved the night for this very worthy charity.

  • Helen Monte said:

    I swear, than man could sing my monthly bills and they would sound sweet! (the choir was a bit too loud & distracting at parts, though, in my opinion.)

    Thank you for sharing these!

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