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Robert Plant and The Band Of Joy Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion, Houston, TX

24 July 2010 4,659 views 8 Comments

Photo by Daniel Work


Down To The Sea, Angel Dance, House of Cards, Please Read the Letter, Misty Mountain Hop, Somewhere, Trouble Don’t Go, Rich Woman, Twelve Gates To The City/Wade In The Water, Tangerine, Satisfied Mind, Move On Up In Glory, Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down, Central Two O’ Nine, Monkey, In The Mood, Houses Of The Holy, Over The Hills And Far Away, Tall Cool One, Gallows Pole
Encore: Harm’s Swift Way, Thank You, Rock and Roll, We Bid You Goodnight.

The Band Of Joy’s show in Houston Texas was another night of firsts, with the appearance of Tangerine and In The Mood into the set list. Also the first show to have video screens either side of the stage. Again a relaxed show with both new numbers benefitting from the new BOJ arrangements.

Check out In The Mood.

This review from LedHead58

Commenting on Plant’s show in Houston on the 24th…AWESOME!! Did “In the Mood” and “Tangerine” and dropped NFBM and ATKH from the set list.. “Thank you” and Misty Mountain hop and Houses of the Holy were superb and they did a killer version of Rock and Roll. Loved his new music, his band is very tight and Plant himself has lost NOTHING..his voice was superb and he still has that stage presence I remember from the seventies.. Great way to spend my %@nd birthday 8 rows back from the stage and see the Hammer of the Gods still Swinging..Cmon Pagey!! IT is your turn !!!

Thanks to Albert Storo further info

And here is Tangerine in its 2010 format.

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  • russell ritchin said:

    am not alone in wishing i had the money to get on the next plane out
    & follow robert & the band on tour,certainlly looks like a varied set
    i know from comments that we would ALL LOVE to see jpj,jason,jp & robert out on the road but problem is as i think robert commented on
    many times is only way they cold do that is a full scale tour around
    the world and that is not what HE wants even if the other guys & of
    course zep followers from japan,usa,uk,australia et etc would love it lets all keep wishing you never know.


  • Steve Jennings said:

    Tangerine is stunning. Going to see Robert and T-BoJ play in Stockholm on 14 October 🙂

  • Andreas Stocker said:

    So can’t wait to see the Golden God in action in London (on my birthday as well). The new material sounds very interesting and the variety of Zep material on offer is just fantastic. Would love to hear Thank You in London, hope he doesn’t drop it till then.

    The only questions really is as LedHed58 pointed out…he loves doing the old stuff why not with JP, JPJ and JB? Yes there would always be more expectation from a Zep gig than a BOJ one, but surely after doing this for 40-odd years he should be used to handling expectation and as the clips from the recent gigs show there is no need to worry anyway. And even if he doesn’t want to rock out full blast at his tender age, i am sure noone from the others would be against a toned down, nearly accoustic version of zep. JPJ loves the mellow stuff, robert clearly as well and jimmy….oh well.

  • Kathy Urich said:

    One of two Zeppelin songs, the other is “Thats The Way”, that bring a tear to my eye, his voice, and the guitar work (of course I prefer Jimmy), touches the soul. Thanks to all of you posting these pieces of “joy” for all of us to experience.

  • LedHed58 said:

    It was a great show, as my wife and I were walking towards the pavillion we heard them doing the sound check for
    Tangerine”…III has always been my favorite Zepp album and “Tangerine” has one of Page’s tastiest solo’s along with the solo’s on “Ramble on” My question is this..Plant obviously enjoys doing Zepp tunes in his shows, why will he not do them with Page, Jones, and Jason?? The crowd went wild when he did the Zepp stuff and were just as stoked for his new music.. the only way the show could have been better is at least if Pagey was there playing HIS riffs, although Roberts BAND was superb…Peace…

  • Gary Foy said:

    Hi Kurt, my mistake, thanks for pointing it out.

  • Kurt Finchum said:

    This was not the first night to have video screens–Tucson had them, too.

  • Marcel said:

    I just love “Tangerine”, a beautiful song, beautiful in every arrangement possible, see/ hear above….

    Led Zeppelin III by the way, for me, is just one of my all time favourite albums made by Zep!! All that bull**** of being acoustic and soft….there is nothing soft about this album, it is even harder than most hardrock albums made nowadays….if you can prick up your ears……

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