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Robert Plant at Madison Square Garden

4 February 2008 2,408 views No Comment

Robert Plant made a guest appearance at New Yorks Madison Square Garden last week, but not as a performer. Robert attended the Knicks/Sixers basket ball game on January 25th.

As the energetic cheerleaders danced to Led Zeppelin’s “Rock And Roll” which played over the Garden speakers, Robert Plant sat courtside, receiving as rousing an ovation when introduced at halftime, for a televised interview. 

It was a short interview with a female sportscaster from the MSG TV Network and she asked a few questions while players warmed up in the background: 

Q: Do you think you’ll be back here (MSG) with your bandmates?

Plant: Oh, I don’t know. I’m getting ready for a tour with Alison Krauss and that’s what I’m focusing on.

Q: Do you have plans beyond that?

Plant: Not really. It was just great to play with those guys again.

Q: If you had to pick one song to perform right now, to knock this crowd off its’ feet, what would it be?

Plant: A song called Kashmir from the Physical Graffiti album. I’m most proud of that one.

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