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Robert Plant At Scott Matthews Gig

30 May 2009 4,471 views 2 Comments


Robert Plant was spotted at a resent Scott Matthews gig at the Birmingham Glee Club gig on May 19, Robert didn’t join the Scott on stage but did record a track for his latest album “Elsewhere”. The track, 12 Harps, is one of the highlights of the Wolvehampton born singer/songwriters second album. Scott spoke recently to Dave Freak, from the Birmingham Post about the working with one of his idols. “We sent Robert the track as he was rehearsing in Texas. He got back and said he was really up for it, and two months later we got him into the studio. It really worked, singing together in the same room. We sat in the studio, jamming, and that made me more relaxed, it was like karaoke,” Matthews continues, “We got the song together in two hours. We kept one of the early takes, to get that spontaneous thing. I think it’ll be a track that’ll appeal to a lot of people. It’s very much in the Led Zep mould. I still shake my head when I hear it. How did I pull that off?”

“One thing that struck me about Robert’s voice is how natural it is. He doesn’t explore the high register anymore; I was interested in the baritone of it, that Johnny Cash resonance. I worked with that softer element of my voice too, and the two tones work together, that’s why the song is so good,” And Scott says of the support slot that he did for the Plant/ Krauss European tour; “I started shaking when he asked me, personally,” Matthews recalls of an impromptu phone call. “Me? Supporting my idol?

“He’s such a down to earth guy, which speaks volumes about him personally. He makes you feel welcome. And he’s one of the best singers around – no-one is better than him. When you hear Led Zep I, II and III, the raw energy in his voice is frightening.”

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  • Sarah said:

    I saw Scott Matthews live for the first time when he supported Robert Plant & Alison Krauss in Amsterdam and was pleased with myself for hearing him which is why I shall make my way to The Green Man Festival in August to see him again I thought he was a treat.

  • Richard said:

    Amazing song…well worth a download

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