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Robert Plant Backs Campaign For PDT Cancer Treatment

15 October 2009 3,924 views 2 Comments


Robert Plant is supporting a campaign to help fund a cancer treatment known as Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). The treatment uses a light sensitive drug that when activated by light with pin point accuracy, knocks out the oxygen supply to the tumour just long enough to kill it. The campaign is being backed by amongst others, Roger Daltrey, Chris Tarrant, Harvey Goldsmith, Bill Curbishley, Sir David Frost and Alex Ferguson.

In a statement issued on the charity campaign’s web site, Robert offers this personal message:

“It’s hard not to have a view about cancer when one of your best friends has died with it. You feel pretty helpless, yet still ask everyone you can to see if there is something new – something different – that might work.

About a year ago I came across a cancer therapy that really amazed me. It was something I had never heard of before, and yet it was being used and saving lives. It was so quick and simple. No surgery and none of the terrible effects of Chemotherapy and radiotherapy. All of us are looking for a cure for cancer. It’s an impossible dream for many if the cancer is caught late. I’ve seen what months of chemo or radiotherapy can do for someone.

What is this treatment I’m now telling you about? It’s called Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and can kill some cancers now with a single treatment. Some early lung cancers. Mouth cancer. Cancer in the oesophagus and now, experimentally, it’s being used on patients with prostate, bile duct and pancreatic cancer. But the list could be much longer.

That’s why I’m backing this campaign with mates like Roger Daltrey, Chris Tarrant and Harvey Goldsmith. There are football people, including Alan Curbishley, Walter Smith, Sam Allardyce and Sir Alex Ferguson. We’ve met people who’ve been cured with PDT. It involves a light-sensitive drug, injected and absorbed by the tumour that, when activated by light with pin-point accuracy, knocks out the oxygen supply to the tumour, killing the cancer. If one million men and women all donated £10, that’s £10 million in the bank for medics in London and around the UK to fund trials that might get new PDT treatments approved and in use in NHS hospitals for two or three of the most deadly cancers of all. Their top targets are pancreatic cancer, throat cancer, brain tumours, lung cancer and child / teenage facial cancers and growths. They also have plans to develop PDT for breast cancer, cervical and vulval cancers, and even penile and anal. Add to that PDT for arterial disease and to treat MRSA.

To donate, just click on the Killing Cancer website, and follow the links. Or post your cheque today to Killing Cancer, Rectory Cottage, High Street, Hemingford Abbots, Huntingdon, PE28 9AH

We can make the difference. We can create one of the most successful, winning bands dedicated to defeating cancer. I’ve made my donation. Can you help too? Please don’t forget about it.” Robert Plant

For further messages and details of how to donate money to this very worthy cause visit

For more info see link at–offered-it.html

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  • Kev said:

    I lost my Dad to bowel cancer – an insidious disease that has taken held before you are aware of it. My tenner is on its way today …….

  • Deepinder Cheema said:

    Some deep and moving thoughts by Robert. He is in a unique position. He can make a decision that will generate considerably more than 1,000,000 Tenners for a mere 10 Million. If ever there is a cause to grant Jimmy Page his ultimate wish then Bob should seize this opportunity, and not worry about whether it’s the right artistic decision. If he does this I will give him my old Vincent motorbike – including the original Log Book (what am I doing….)

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