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Robert Plant On Barry Island

7 January 2009 7,483 views No Comment

Robert recently made a surprise appearance on BBC Radio Wales from a cold Barry Island. Robert appeared on the show hosted by Ruth Jones who plays Nessa in the BBC hit TV show, Gavin and Stacey. Robert agreed to do the live interview because he is such a huge fan of the show. He delighted the crowd by praising Ruth Jones for her Nessa character; say “I’d just like to say thanks for giving me so many laughs over the last couple of years.”

Of course the Zeppelin question was asked which Robert answered, he had moved on to other things and was getting too old for two-hour rock shows in giant arenas across the world. Robert joked he had only just managed to climb onto the stage. “Do you know how long it took me to climb up onto the stage here – and it’s only four steps,” he said.

But he said he was regularly in touch with guitarist Jimmy Page and they were still great friends. He said: “I’m doing very well with Alison and I’m enjoying that.

“I still see Jimmy quite a lot and he’s very complimentary and supportive of what I’m doing.”But we are in different places now and you have to go on to do different things.”

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