Robert Plant – guest appearance with Nigel Kennedy Gala Celebration concert at the Royal Albert Hall:
Review by Dave Lewis.
I’ve always had a strong liking for the violin being used in a rock setting.
Daryl Way in Curved Air, Rick Gretch in Family and Blind Faith (check out Blind Faith’s Sea Of Joy) David LaFlamme in Its A Beautiful Day, Flock’s Jerry Goodman and Jim Lea in Slade (check out Coz I Love You) are all musicians who all bought something special by adding a violin arrangement within a rock framework. The violin bow has also loomed large in the Led Zeppelin sphere via Jimmy’s use of the accessory – notably the guitar played with bow showcase on the likes of Dazed And Confused.
Nigel Kennedy took it all a step further – extending his undoubted virtuoso violin classical genius into the field of jazz, world music and rock. I’ve long admired the quirky Kennedy – back in my retail record shop era we clocked up big sales of his Vivaldi Four Seasons album.
Then there is his association with Robert Plant. Forged by a love of football -Nigel is an Aston villa man while Robert as we know, is a long time Wolves supporter, it extended to Nigel helping out on Robert’s Fate Of Nations album recorded at Rak Studios in 1992. Nigel brings an appropriately dynamic close with a meandering violin solo to the album’s opening track Calling To You – one of the best moments of the entire Robert Plant solo output I’d say.
I was lucky enough to be in attendance when Nigel joined Robert on stage to perform Calling To You at a couple of warm up gigs at the Kings Arms pub in Fulham back in May 1993.
Fast forward to 2017 and when Robert was announced as a special guest at Nigel Kennedy’s Gala celebration concert, I had a strong feeling this would be a collaboration well worth checking out again.
Coupled with the fact I haven’t seen Robert perform live since 2014, it was high time I put that matter right. My very good friend Krys Jantzen got in quick with ordering tickets and we were all set to go.
In the midst of an unsettled few days here, it was a huge tonic to be in the vicinity of dear old Albert’s place on a Tuesdays night. It was also great to see TBL web creator Dave Linwood and his wife Linda and Melvyn Bellingham long time TBL supporter who drove up from Bath.
So into the Royal Albert Hall – my favourite London venue, not least for it’s amazing heritage – we had very good seats to the left of the stage side on. As as we waited for proceedings to start, Krys and I could not help wondering how it exiting it must have been to be sitting in these seats when Led Zeppelin took to the stage here in 1969 and 1970.
Given Nigel Kennedy’s classical grounding, the audience were of a mature standing – very much not your average rock audience – there were a few youngsters amongst them -perhaps budding classical musicians themselves.
Nigel took to the stage in familiar offbeat attire – his matey mannerisms somewhat at odds with the more formal surroundings. Not that it mattered. From the moment he struck up a cavalcade of string virtuosity on a series of Bach pieces , the attended were more than won over. There was a lot of love in the room tonight for the man with the Aston Villa shirt.
That love was duly extended to a series of guests – notably the jazz violinist Jean -Luc Ponty. I am aware of Jean Luc’s work with Chick Corea and notably Frank Zappa. He plays on the track It Must Be A Camel on Frank’s seminal Hot Rats album which I first bought in 1972.
Nigel and Jean -Luc applied their considerable talent to a descending melancholy piece that reminded me of the aforementioned David LaFlamme on the It’s a Beautiful Day classic White Bird. The percussionist behind them also added a neat touch by playing the snare drum with his bare hands – ala John Bonham on Moby Dick.
The first part closed with a rousing version of Nessun Dorma.
A full drum kit had been set up in the interval and it was evident we were in for a more vibrant part two. Jean- Luc Ponty was back for this and whilst the jazz rock arrangements the pair jammed on were indeed vibrant they were also somewhat over indulgent.
This was all turning into a long night – the scheduled time to end was listed as 11.15 pm. By 11 pm, it was time for a second break with no sign as yet of one Robert Anthony Plant.
It was of course all heading into an exciting climax. I had bumped into Justin Adams and John Baggott during the interval and was therefore not surprised to see them setting up on stage as we took our seats for the last part of proceedings.
So what was in store? Dave Linwood did have a copy of the set list bizarrely via the RAH website. I decided to not share in that information – I wanted this to be a complete surprise…and a very pleasant surprise it certainly was. To put it midlly.
Before we got what we really came for, Nigel performed an achingly beautiful version of Jimi Hendrix’ Little Wing – one of my all time fave Hendrix numbers right from when I first heard it on the superb Hendrix live album Hendrix In The West back in 1972.
By this time, a number of the audience had left – with tubes and trains to catch etc. This made it easy for Krys and I to move down a few rows to a very good vantage point at the side of the stage.
With a suitably grand entrance speech via Nigel, on strode the singer – greying hair tied in a fashionable bun and beardless for the first time in over a decade. Dark attire all looking good… and as for the singing…
First up Hey Joe – the Bonnie Dobson song popularized by Hendrix, was performed in the Strange Sensation Dreamland album arrangement with Justin Adams on Gimbri and John Baggott adding keyboard . Nigel added to the mayhem with some manic violin playing. Robert displayed some masterful vocal control and the moment it all lifted into the refrain was one of high musical drama. At one point Robert threw in the ‘’Oh Rosie/Steal Away’’ lines ala How Many More Times on Zep 1.
As they are prone to comment on the X Factor – he totally owned that song.
As he did the next one…
Before the next song, Robert paid homage to Nigel’s work on the Fate Of Nations album ”I called our friend from Aston Villa – within an hour he had done all the whole lot, the harmonies, the tracking and this guy saved our life … I don’t know weather this is payback or what!”
My element of surprise at what might be next was pleasingly surpressed when Krys quickly showed me a pic he had taken of the female violinsts music stand. For there opened up upon it was the sheet music for track three, side two of the album with the title Physical Graffiti..
Excuse my language but…for fuck sake he is only going to sing Kashmir!
Oh yes the holy grail that is Kashmir…
On this occasion, Kashmir was performed in the Unledded MTV arrangement favoured by Page and Plant during their 1995/6 tour.
This was Robert’s first live performance of Kashmir since the 02 reunion nearly ten years ago. It was also the first complete live performance of the song by Robert without Jimmy Page.
It began with Robert delivery the opening lines in a plaintive manner before it all kicked in. Throughout the song. the singer was totally immersed in it all leading the band though the tempo changes -he even put that ‘Woman talkin to ya” adlib in. The finale took on the ‘’Oh baby pretty baby’’ Black Dog segment prompting Robert to add an air of spontaneity that challenged all on stage to keep up – resulting in much smiling and banter. As noted by Dave Linwood below, there were some wavering moments that only added to the fun.
Nigel and the band kept that final groove going as Robert left the stage – he was welcomed back on for a final cheer – Robert acknowledged Doug Boyle and made reference to 29 Palms ,the single Doug had co-wrote and played on from the 1993 Fate Of Nations album…
A final wave and he was gone.
I watched it all in close proximity near the side of the stage in total awe – in fact I could not take my eyes away from the singer for one second.
Because I knew I was watching history.
By now, it was nigh on midnight and Nigel was leading the band in a Stefan Grappelli piece (featuring Doug Boyle -how great to was to see him on stage).
Trains beckoned and we rushed out of the venue – quietly stunned by the surreal events we had just witnessed.
The rush for a decent train home was in vain however and an hours train delay saw me finally on the way back to Bedford at 1.30 am in a slow train that seemed to stop everywhere – Cricklewood, Mill Hill and Hendon included.
There was a bit of final drama here as when I eventually reached our door, it was firmly bolted – Adam having come in and thought I was already in. This duly led to me to shouting up to the good lady Janet to let me in. As it was now nigh on 3 am this did not go down too well!
A little over three hours later, I was waking up to the social media frenzy that follows any key Zep related event.
But who needs sleep when there is the not insignificant news of Robert Plant performing Kashmir live at the Royal Albert Hall on a Tuesday night to share?
It was a glorious gala celebration of the work of Nigel Kennedy and a night when the dust that floats high in June, was once again moving through Kashmir….and subsequently the Royal Albert Hall…
DL March 15, 2017.
All photos by Krys Jantzen for TBL
Here’s the view of TBL web creator Dave Linwood – always a voice of reason…
This was a Nigel Kennedy gig. I booked the tickets and was then delighted to see Plant on the bill.
Kennedy’s personality grates with some but there is no doubt that his playing is outstanding. Mrs Linwood and I agreed the first third of the show contained some of the most exhilarating classical playing we had ever seen. Really special.
Mr P arrived (a lot) later in the third section for two songs which was pre-announced in the programme.
Hey Joe was the Strange Sensation arrangement. Plant was joined by Justin Adams, frantic plucker and Minister of over-zealous silly dancing.
Unfortunately, Kennedy’s playing was somewhat drowned in the mix which as regular concert goers to the Albert Hall will testify, is notoriously prone to a swirling booming echo, especially the higher up in the hall you go, as the music becomes louder (There is some irony in that this building was designed to be a concert hall, yet has such shocking acoustics).
Kashmir began with a Plant Whispered first verse although he changed the “all will be revealed line”, possibly forgetting where he was. This was Plant/Page 95 arrangement (with the slight Egyptian twist), however having not sung it for a while, Plant’s interpretation was different which was nice to hear. The middle section contained a classical exploration with Kennedy at the fore.
Then it got interesting….
Obviously the (rehearsed) ensemble knew where they were heading. Plant didn’t…
So we got “Pilot of the storm” three times as Plant attempted to latch to the songs progress. There was a few great moments as Plant’s gazed around the group trying to find the way, but to be honest he did a pretty good ad-lib job. The hilarity continued with Plant yelping “Help Me! Help Me! Help Me!” clearly lost and with no idea where the song was going or how it would end!
A plethora of “Hey Baby’s” followed (which Plant remarked on at the end)….. And then suddenly it came to an end. Rather chaotic but fun all the same. More Kashmire than Kashmir.
Finally a word about the stage management.
The show was scheduled to start at 7.30 with an ambitious programme of work slated to finish at 11:15. Thanks to some sloppy work backstage, the show started late and breaks over-ran their allotted time. Despite culling some numbers from the show, Kashmir was finally completed at 11.40 to a third-full auditorium! Some of this was inevitably due to programme selection, with classical fans opting to leave before the Hendrix/Plant section, but on the train home I spoke to a number of people whose friends had left to catch last trains from various parts of London. That’s really Poor in my book.
Dave Linwood
You can hear audio of Hey Joe and Kashmir from the Nigel Kennedy Gala concert on the excellent Led Zeppelin News website — at this link:
YouTube clip: Watch the stunning clip of Kashmir below – many thanks Peter C.
LZ News:
Led Zeppelin News Update:
In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.
Yesterday we launched, a brand new website dedicated to reporting on Led Zeppelin. This is something we’ve wanted to do since launching the LedZepNews Twitter account back in 2012, but it has taken time to get it right. We’ll be breaking news about the band and its members, as well as publishing informative, exhaustive coverage that you won’t find elsewhere.
Led Zeppelin
Part of the Japanese poster advertising the new Led Zeppelin bootleg “Deus Ex Machina.” (Twitter/yuminori0616)
- A Japanese record store has produced a poster to advertise the upcoming release of “Deus Ex Machina,” the soundboard bootleg of Led Zeppelin’s Seattle March 21, 1975 show. The last rumoured release date we heard was some time in May. Empress Valley has released a promotional sampler, “Viva La Revolution,” which includes one track (“Heartbreaker”) from the upcoming bootleg.
Jimmy Page
- A rumour surfaced on Friday afternoon that Jimmy Page is in “active discussions” to perform at the Desert Trip festival in 2018. At this stage it’s just a rumour, so don’t get too excited.
- Online rumours suggest that an official release of Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes performing at Jones Beach on July 10, 2000 will be released on vinyl for Record Store Day on April 22. The Vinyl Factory reports that one of the rumoured releases for Record Store Day 2017 is a 10″ release of the 2000 performance. The site reports that a Reddit user claimed the performance will be released on 150 gram marbled black and white vinyl and will be limited to 3,000 copies worldwide.Megan Page, a representative for Record Store Day UK did not deny that the leaked listing was accurate, instead reportedly telling The Vinyl Factory that “this is definitely not a definitive list of UK releases.” The Jones Beach show was professionally filmed and has been available as a bootleg for years, but was never officially released. This wouldn’t be the first time that Page and The Black Crowes have teamed up for a Record Store Day release. In 2014 they released a version of “Live At The Greek” on red, clear, and blue vinyl that was limited to 2,000 copies worldwide.
Robert Plant
Robert Plant performing “Rainbow” in Los Angeles on October 8 for the Festival of Disruption (YouTube/Mark Zep)
- It seems that Robert Plant’s cameo was cut from “Song To Song,” the new movie from director Terrence Malick. Plant definitely shot footage for the film, but his name does not appear in the film’s credits. Perhaps the final piece of information we’ll get about Plant’s involvement with the film comes from a new article published by Texas Monthly. “You want to talk wild,” Malick reportedly said, “then you should have seen Robert Plant when he was out here yesterday.”
- Violinist Nigel Kennedy has hinted that he is working with Robert Plant. He reportedly said on stage last night that he has been working with “a Wolves fan, a yam-yam,” an obvious reference to Robert Plant, before performing a cover of “Kashmir.” Plant is scheduled to perform two songs with Kennedy at the Royal Albert Hall in London on Tuesday night. So what could the pair be working on? Well, we already know that Plant invited singer and musician Seth Lakeman to play the viola on his new album. Maybe Kennedy was offered a similar opportunity. It wouldn’t come as a surprise — Kennedy previously appeared on Plant’s 1993 album “Fate Of Nations.”
- Robert Plant makes an appearance on the new Fairport Convention album “50:50@50,” which was released on Friday. Plant sings on the track “Jesus On The Mainline,” which is a live recording from 2014.
- A video of Plant performing “Rainbow” from the Festival of Disruption on October 8 has been released online. The clip comes from the pro-shot footage of the show which premiered on AXS TV last Sunday.
- Austin City Limits has released a video of Robert Plant performing “Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down” that was not shown in the final broadcast version of the show. Watch the video here.
John Paul Jones
- Yesterday we published a definitive guide on everything we know about John Paul Jones’ “Ghost Sonata” opera. He’s been working on this project since at least 2010, and claimed last year that “a big star” is involved. We also did some digging and discovered a video of Jones discussing what seems to be an abandoned alternative story for the opera.
Upcoming events:
March 14 – Robert Plant will perform with violinist Nigel Kennedy at the Royal Albert Hall in London.
April 5 – John Paul Jones’ band Tres Coyotes will have their debut performance in Helsinki, Finland.
April 16 – John Paul Jones will perform at the PRÉSENCES électronique music festival in Paris as one half of the band Minibus Pimps.
April 22 – Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes Live at Jones Beach may be released on vinyl for Record Store Day.
May – The March 21,1975 Seattle soundboard bootleg “Deus Ex Machina” is rumoured to be released this month.
May 27 – Unrestored footage of Led Zeppelin performing at the Royal Albert Hall in 1970 will be screened there as part of an event about the director Peter Whitehead.
June 23 – John Paul Jones will perform at the Sun Station Vadsø festival in Norway.
June 24 – John Paul Jones will perform at the Sun Station Vadsø festival in Norway.
Many thanks to James Cook.
The complete Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:
Led Zeppelin News Website:
Congratulations to James Cook on the launch of the new Led Zeppelin News website – it looks fantastic. Be sure to check it out at the link below:
Jason Peterson RIP:
It was very sad to hear the passing of Jason Peterson aged 43.
Jason created and administered the pioneering Royal Orleans Led Zeppelin fan forum and message board – thoughts are with his family and friends at this very sad time…
Here are some words of tribute by Mike Tremaglio:
The Led Zeppelin community suffered a great loss this week with the passing of Jason Peterson, the founder and administrator of “Royal Orleans,” the popular Led Zeppelin website. Peterson, 43, was one of the pioneers of Zeppelin on the web, and for the past 16 years his site provided a meeting place for fans across the world to communicate with each other and share their love of the band. “Pres,” as he was widely known, ran a tight ship at the good old hotel, and his sardonic wit was matched by his generosity in everything he shared on the site. He battled lymphoma with the grace and dignity of a true champion, and in true fashion, left on HIS terms.
The overwhelming support for Jason in his final days was both heartwarming and inspiring. In one of their very finest moments, the Led Zeppelin community from every corner of the globe showed support for one of their own, flooding the GoFundMe page set up by his sister, Sarah, with donations. The page was set up to support Jason’s medical expenses, his wife Allison, and their five children. It can be reached at https:
Mike Tremaglio
Billy Kulke Autobiography:
The popular lead singer of the long running tribute band Letz Zep has just published an entertaining memoir – here is the info:
Author Billy Kulke (lead singer with Letz Zep), from Liverpool, is best known as the charismatic lead singer of the official number one Tribute to Led Zeppelin. But what isn’t so well known is that through his shrewd management and guidance through the pitfalls of the notoriously cut-throat world of the music industry, Billy has guided the band from humble beginnings playing small pub gigs, to performing on the biggest stages in the world, working with some of the biggest names in music.
Including shows at Viva Latino in Mexico with Jane’s Addiction, Wacken Open Air in Germany, and two sell-out nights at the prestigious Paris Olympia Theatre. A venue Led Zeppelin themselves performed.
The obstacles encountered and how he dealt with them. Facing a knife-wielding maniac in Morocco, shotguns aimed at the band in Brazil, being asked to perform at gun-point in Venezuela.
Simply the most famous and successful tribute to Led Zeppelin on the planet! Even meeting Led Zeppelin themselves, and performing at their prestigious launch parties, legendary Zep vocalist Robert Plant saying it was like watching himself on-stage ‘I walked in, I saw me’ was his comment.
So how did he do it? What is the secret of his success? What is it that makes Letz Zep such an international touring force? Selling out venues all over the world, playing to packed houses and rave reviews.
In the pages of this book, his debut as a writer, entitled ‘Letz Zep backstage, What goes on tour don’t stay on tour’, the author describes what it is like being part of a hard working touring band, the rigours of life on the road.
Billy has always been a professional musician with considerable success in the 1980’s with his own band, touring with Ozzy Osbourne, Roger Daltrey, Uriah Heep and more. Rubbing shoulders with Lemmy, Guns ‘n’ Roses, at London’s notorious St Moritz Club.
Filled with hilarious stories from backstage of a hard working international touring band, this highly amusing insight into the world of the touring musician is an interesting and essential read.
Ordering details below:
Record Store Day April 22 2017:
Below is a rumoured listing of planned Record Store Day releases
Looking over the list – if these prove to be the real deals, I’ll be in the queue for the following on April 22…!
Jimmy Page & The Black Crowes – Live At Jones Beach [10”] (150 Gram Marbled Black & White Vinyl, limited to 3000, indie-retail exclusive) 10″
Beverley Martyn – Picking Up The Sunshine [7”] (Feat. Jimmy Page & John Paul Jones, limited, indie-retail exclusive) 7″
Pink Floyd – Interstellar Overdrive [12”] (180 Gram, previously unheard / unreleased recording from 1966, poster, postcard, limited to 4000, indie-retail exclusive) 12″
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band – Hammersmith Odeon London ’75 [4LP] (150 Gram, first time on vinyl, numbered/limited to 3000, indie-retail exclusive) LP
David Crosby/The Lighthouse Band – The David Crosby & The Lighthouse Band [10”] (limited to 2500, indie-retail exclusive) 10″
Dennis Wilson – Bambu (The Caribou Sessions) [2LP] (150 Gram Translucent Green with Black Smoke Effect Vinyl, gatefold, limited to 3000, indie-retail exclusive) LP
Hawkwind – Best Of The United Artists Years: 1971-1974 [LP] (Colored Vinyl, limited to 2500, indie-retail exclusive) LP
Pretty Things, The – The French EP’s 1964-69 [5×7”] (limited to 200, indie-retail exclusive) 7″
See full listing at…/record-store-day-2017-exclusi…/
…and here is news of two confirmed very desirable David Bowie Record Store day releases:
“Crack baby crack, show me you’re real…”
To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Record Store Day on April 22nd, Parlophone will be releasing two limited edition David Bowie albums, CRACKED ACTOR (Live In Los Angeles 1974) and a facsimile of the ultra-rare Hunky Dory era promo album BOWPROMO.
The former is the first official release of this Philly Dogs Tour show from September 1974, some of which was featured in Alan Yentob’s BBC documentary, Cracked Actor. The full concert is documented on this triple vinyl five-sided album. The sixth side features an etching of the Diamond Dogs era Bowie logo.
All of the multi-track tapes were finally reunited in one place in November of last year and mixed officially for the first time by long time Bowie collaborator Tony Visconti. The packaging features newly commissioned artwork with rare and unseen photographs from the 1974 Universal Amphitheatre show by Terry O’Neill and Jamie Andrews in a gatefold sleeve.
The album differs greatly from Bowie’s David Live album (also from 1974), as it features a new band line up including soul legend Luther Vandross on vocals. It also has a different set list including two tracks that had just been recorded for the album The Gouster, which was finally released for the first time last year as part of the critically acclaimed ‘Who Can I Be Now?’ box set.
Side 1:
Rebel Rebel
Moonage Daydream
Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing
Side 2:
Suffragette City
Aladdin Sane
All The Young Dudes
Cracked Actor
Side 3:
Rock ‘n’ Roll With Me
Knock On Wood
It’s Gonna Be Me
Space Oddity
Side 4:
Diamond Dogs
Big Brother
Side 5:
The Jean Genie
Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide
John, I’m Only Dancing (Again)
Side 6:
David Bowie logo etching
Recorded live at Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles on 5th September 1974. Produced by David Bowie. Mixed by Tony Visconti at Human Studios, NYC in October/November 2016.
David Bowie – vocals, guitar, harmonica
Earl Slick – guitar
Carlos Alomar – guitar
Mike Garson – piano, Mellotron
David Sanborn – alto sax, flute
Pablo Rosario – conga
Doug Raunch – bass
Greg Errico – drums
Backing vocals – Warren Peace, Anthony Hinton, Luther Vandross, Ava Cherry, Diane Sumler and Robin Clark.
BOWPROMO was originally pressed in very small quantities in 1971 and it features alternate mixes of some of the songs that would eventually be released on the Hunky Dory album.
The A-side contained seven Bowie tracks, relatively new material at the time, five of which would appear on Bowie’s next album, Hunky Dory. On the B-side were five tracks recorded by another artist on the GEM roster, Dana Gillespie.
This RSD, one-sided release faithfully replicates the original promo featuring Bowie’s seven tracks plus five exclusive Bowie prints and new sleeve notes regarding the original promo, all housed in a special presentation box.
1. Oh! You Pretty Things (3.18)
2. Eight Line Poem (2.59)
3. Kooks (3.01)
4. It Ain’t Easy (3.04)
5. Queen Bitch (3.21)
6. Quicksand (5.09)
7. Bombers / Andy Warhol Intro (3.39)
Produced by Ken Scott (assisted by The Actor), mixed by Ken Scott at Trident Studios, London.
David Bowie – vocals, guitar, piano, phased piano
Mick Ronson – guitar, vocal
Trevor Bolder – bass
Woody Woodmansey – drums
Rick Wakeman – piano on Kooks and Quicksand
It was 30 years Ago: U2 that was then…
It was 30 years ago today : Here’s a very enthusiastic review of the U2 album The Joshua Tree (which was released on March 9 1987) from when I was writing a weekly music column for the local paper The Bedfordshire Times.
I was also managing the Our Price record shop in Bedford back then and the U2 album was the fasting selling album for some years – it was a real event and they were on a career high for sure – and as I noted in my revi…ew, had attained the position as the greatest band in the world at that time. I saw their shows at Wembley Arena and Wembley Stadium later in the year – very good they were too.
I lost my way with them after the Achtung Baby album and they are not a band high on my playlist now. I did search out The Joshua Tree album today and it still sounds very powerful . Their 30th anniversary Joshua Tree is sure to do good business and they are undoubtedly still a great live band…
DL Diary Blog Update:
Friday treats at the Vinyl Barn : At the Vinyl Barn last Friday some truly great stuff . I came away with the Bobby Womack Communication album on US United Artists, an obscure Steve Winwood and Friends compilation on US Springboard compilation, Carole King’s 1970 album Writer on UK A & M and Aretha Franklin I Say A Little Prayer album on UK Atlantic orange and plum label with great sleeve notes by Beatles/Zep PR man Bill Harry – that was the weekend playlist sorted – thanks Darren!
There was also a rather splendid charity shop find earlier this week – the Jennifer Warnes album Famous Blue Raincoat –The Songs of Leonard Cohen, including the excellent First We Take Manhattan. It even had the WH Smith sticker on –original 1987 price £6.49…today a mere £1 –I’ll take it!
Early on Tuesday morning I went off in search of David Bowie stamps – and they were duly purchased -in some bulk! These gems will be considerably brightening up the next TBL magazine mail out…
It’s been a bit of unsettling few days here with some highs and lows. The highs included Tuesday night’s remarkable events and the news of the Chris Farlowe and the Thunderbirds archive release due via Jimmy Page’s website.
Last week I was feeling the strains of Led Zeppelin’s touring period of 1969 as we waded through more design on the Evenings With LZ book project. Despite me looking a bit weary in this pic, designer Mick and I got through the August 1969 US tour with the usual guiding light guidance of my co- author Mike Tremaglio. October to December now beckons.
On the player, after being in the company of one R. Plant, it’s been a return to the Now And Zen, Fate Of Nations and Dreamland albums – all of them sounding wonderfully sprightly. I also pulled out Frank Zappa’s Hot Rats album which has Jean Luc Ponty playing on the track It Must Be A Camel.
Which of course brings us back to the events of Tuesday – I’ll be buzzing off that night for the next few days for sure. Here’s a pic of a much more upbeat DL outside Albert’s place…scene of a very special gala evening…
Dave Lewis – March 15 , 2017
Until next time – have a great weekend…
TBL Website updates compiled by Dave Lewis
with thanks to Gary Foy and James Cook
Follow TBL/DL on Facebook:
The TBL/DL Facebook page has regular updates and photos – be sure to check it out.
And follow TBL/DL on Twitter.
And finally – YouTube Clips:
Nigel Kennedy and guests – a short overview:
This is a truly stunning clip – many thanks Peter C…just awesome!
Dave I have heard the terrible news in London. I hope all is well with you and your family. London Strong!
Las Vegas USA
Not heard that yet buy looking forward to it!
Hi Dave,
Have you had chance to listed to the track posted on the net, from the forthcoming Empress Valley soundboard “DEUS EX MACHINA”. The full 8 mins 40 seconds of Heartbreaker in glorious soundboard from the second Seattle show. I personally have been looking forward to a soundboard from this show for a while now,I have listened to this clip a few times now and to me the recording doesn’t seem as well balanced as some of the other 75 soundboards empress Valley have put out. Roberts vocals are to the fore in the mix with Jones’s Bass the next, Jimmy only seems to come to the fore in the solo passages. Saying all that it sounds like another amazing release from Empress Valley, and after all this is Led Zeppelin in all their Full blown majesty and a must for all fans. So I personally can’t wait to get my hands on a copy.
Thanks for keeping the flame alight.
P.S. TBL 42 another superb read always.
Great comments there as ever and thanks!
Is there any account of such a night worth reading more than from our intrepid reporter Mr. Lewis? Well written, right on through the late night/early AM trainspotting.
On the topic of violins, in a rock or jazz setting, Jean Luc Ponty was one of those early names that surfaced in the fusion movement. I recall his mid-seventies appearance with Frank Zappa on Saturday Night Live, performing “Peaches in Regalia” on a see-thru electric violin.
Honorable mentions on the violin as rock instrument: Toni Marcus on Van Morrison’s 1979 release Into the Music. Took “The Healing has Begun” to new heights, although from what I’ve read, the bandmates found her somewhat “screechy”.
For my money, violin really makes the Chieftains what they were. Admittedly not in a rock setting, but Irish fiddle is always a welcome sound to these ears.
Many thanks for those very kind comments!
Awesome review of the RAH show. Had me grinning from ear to ear!
Your writing is exceptional, and such a pleasure to read!
Looking forward to the new book and TBL #43!
Take care….”Sir”….you really should be knighted!
The you tube clip is sensational. Nigel Kennedy is brilliant and brings so much to the song. Violin with the wah-wah pedal…what’s not to love?!
I have to say I haven’t enjoyed a solo Plant moment that much in a long time, kudos to the kind soul who shot the wonderful video posted to you tube. Robert is into it and engaged, there’s clearly a lot of improvisation going on…or perhaps it could be said it wasn’t “over-rehearsed”…it was loose but fun. Loosely fun.
Cool moments for me were Kennedy’s improvisations, the blonde violinist rocking out in her seat as the music picks up near the end, and Robert imploring the band to “help me, help me” as he wants the song to blast off near the end. Well done, a really terrific appearance by the old lion.
I think Robert really is a traveler of both time and space… nice clip, thank you!
Incredible time to be alive with the energy. The whole thing might be a bustle in your hedgerow, but whilst we are here let’s sing, and Robert is a singer of distinctive humanity
Thankyou DAve as ever for your update. Personally I like to see people taking risks with new (ish) arrangements and also people doing silly over enthusiastic dancing. Life’s too short not to lose yourself in the music from time to time.
Hi Dave,
Great bit of writing as ever.
I have just clicked on the link – rumour Jimmy Page in discussions to perform at the desert trip 2018 – and some of the comments at the bottom of that page make for very obvious reading given Jimmy’s promises over the last decade to be out there playing and releasing all new music. (And sadly, I can’t say I blame them for posting those comments.)
Who would have thought that this December it will be 10 years since the O2, and, as yet, Jimmy has not played another full length concert.
I just hope that if he does ever decide to do something new, then after such a long passage of time that he isn’t past his best as that would be worse than not doing anything at all.
Indeed, many would concur with Dave Linwoods observation of ‘minister of over enthusiastic silly dancing’ – second only in silliness to Happy Monday’s Bez. Planty’s take on Kashmir worked well,more emphasis on world music rhythms,less on guitar.
Noted Andrew – Dave Linwood ever the voice of reason!
Dave love you to bits your enthusiasm always shines through.
but it takes Mr Linwood to apply an arched eyebrow to the affair
“minister of over enthusiastic silly dancing” priceless and one of the
principle reasons i cannot take the shit shapers seriously! God bless you sir!
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Tight But Loose Website edited by Dave Lewis and Gary Foy.
Tight But Loose Magazine created by Dave Lewis 1978. TBL/Web launched by Dave Linwood 1995. TBL logo by Mike Warry.
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