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20 August 2012 4,076 views 10 Comments

Photo by Simon Partington for TBL

Robert Plant is 64 today.
In the past 12 months, he has continued his quench for music thirst, regrouping with Justin Adams, Juldeh Camara with Patty Griffin and the nucleus of Strange Sensation to present the Sensational Space Shifters.

As I noted at the Gloucester debut gig , his passion to hop and skip effortlessly between varying musical styles is more than evident, as is the way he deploys his voice as a total instrument. You get the feeling he can move and shake within any band of musicians as he so feels fit – as his manager Bill Curbishley remarked to me ‘’He can do whatever he wants’’.

And in doing whatever he wants, Robert Plant continues to inspire and enthral.

With more Sensational Space Shifter gigs ahead ( they have just announced a five date South American tour for November – see

and a new album in some form due next year, the future looks bright ahead.

To paraphrase that famous Beatles lament, ‘’Yes we still need him , yes we still feed off him now he’s 64’’

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – Monday August 20th, 2012

Below is a round up of you tube clips from all stages of his career to illustrate the above comments…….

..and here’s a link to listen to his harmony vocal contribution to the track It’s Gonna Rain from the new Amy Cook album.

Happy Birthday Robert from us to you…

Trampled Under Foot

Led Zeppelin – Going To California

Robert Plant – Calling To You

Robert Plant – I Believe

Jimmy Page & Robert Plant – Kashmir

The Rain Song – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant

When The World Was Young – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant

Robert Plant & Band of Joy – Twelve Gates To The City / I Bid You Goodnight

Robert Plant – ‘Spoonful’

Led Zeppelin – I’m Gonna Crawl


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  • Steve said:

    Continued best wishes to a man who despite playing the part of the archetypal golden rock God to the full, always did so with his tongue firmly in his cheek. Robert Plant we salute you 🙂

  • Vic Morgan said:

    Late birthday greetings Robert Plant, the singer and the band that has inspired me for forty odd years. Thank You as the song says

  • Jeff said:

    Happy Birfday Robert…long may you spin the music fantastic…you’ve done a pretty good job so far

  • Chris Wright said:

    Expecting Robert to revert to Led Zeppelin mode is akin to asking Constable, were he still with us, to constantly repaint The Haywain. Instead, Robert has taken the view that a musical career is a journey, where he might stop off occasionally to visit old friends, but always has his eye firmly set on the horizon of new possibilities and collaborations.

    The joy of having followed his career is that one never knows what to expect next. Long may it continue.

    Many happy returns indeed.

  • André Cruz said:

    Happy Birthday Mr. Plant !
    Simply the best singer of our times.
    Brazilians fans hope to see you downhere in October.
    Congratulations for such a fantastic career !
    64 and counting many more, for sure.

  • Ingy said:

    Happy Birthday Planty

    The video clips above remind us how much he has moved and shaked over the years. The latest version of Spoonful is as dynamic as anything that will be performed this year. Robert really makes fansites like this forward looking rather than merely nostalgic.

  • Kevharris said:

    Happy birthday to the great Robert Plant.

  • Mark Harrison said:

    A unique musician. Robert has no equals as a vocalist.

  • Jonathan Taylor said:

    Proof, if any were needed, that age brings maturity, wisdom, and life experience…of which Mr. Plant has bucketloads!
    Happy Birthday Robert, may you long continue to be sensational and space shifting….

  • ann said:

    Happy Birthday dear Robert! I wish you long life , strong health and everlasting inspiration at musical field !!!

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