Review by Suzanne Mcelyea –photo by Wyatt Brake
Robert Plant Presents Sensational Space Shifters
July 12: Chicago, IL – Taste of Chicago
There is nothing like the excitement in the minutes before the Golden God takes the stage. People start to watch all movements very carefully. They get on their feet. The band comes out, then starts to play. A little Spanish guitar and still no sign of Robert. Great rhythms. No Robert. Then the first recognizable notes of Babe, I’m Going to Leave You and Robert takes the mic. They stand, sway and sing for two hours. Robert looks thinner than he did at the beginning of the tour, and thinner than he has in a while. The temperature outside is perfect and he makes a note of this as he starts the night.
The crowd was very mixed in age from teens to middle age. Race was mixed as well and again the girls were there dressed to see a master. A few of the younger ones did light up some joints, and the city handled it by asking them to put them out. Nothing more. Lots of security but no police. This is a $175 fine in Chicago but nothing was enforced here.
Unlike other singers, Robert does not have to ask us to sing along, we do. He does not have to gesture and act like a cheerleader. He allows the songs and his singing to propel the crowd. He moves into I’m In the Mood. Changing decades he takes us with him. Then to Tin Pan Alley, as if to respond to the LZ cries. Before moving into Spoonful he told the crowd how much Chicago had meant to him, and the blues, and you knew he meant it. He wasn’t pandering. Time for “soft rock” as he put it as he moved into Black Dog. A new sound for this classic, but just as contagious as the original. He really did go back to his roots on the next one with fairly close Going to California. In this he said ‘’My Girl, She Sure Can Sing’’….I think we all can agree. Gorgeous. A man in the crowd proposed in the middle and Robert saw this from the stage and told the crowd. Later he dedicated What Is to the couple. He did an updated but then rocking version of Whole Lotta Love – he said Granddaddy Needs It! Love how humble he still is. He ended the night with Satan and Rock and Roll. The crowd never sat down and wanted more. But Robert can control his audience. He said goodnight and we knew he meant it.
His voice is still incredible. Over halfway thru the tour, he sounded amazing. And when he asked if we could feel it? Yes Robert, we can still feel it.
Suzanne Mcelyea
Robert Plant You Tube clips
Babe I’m Gonna Leave You
Whole Lotta Love
Until next time…Keep listening, keep reading…
Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – July 16th , 2013.
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