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Robert Plant Wins Outstanding Contribution Q Award

29 October 2009 3,447 views 2 Comments


Robert Plant attended the annual Q Awards on Monday and collected the prestigious “Outstanding Contribution to Music’’ award. His comments after receiving the award, also inadvertently sparked a round of familiar ‘’Zeppelin to reform’’ rumours. The award was presented by Ibrahim from Tinariwen and Bob Harris, and included a video message from Alison Krauss. Bob Harris paid tribute to his friend of forty years. He described him as “a wonderfully exciting person to be around, an artist who has never lost his wanderlust”. Robert’s acceptance speech was heartfelt and he thanked a long list of people from throughout his career and across different musical genres, whom he said he shared the award with, including the members of Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, Stourbridge Town Hall, John Peel, Julian Cope, Damon Albarn, Tinariwen, Alison Krauss and legendary record executive and Atlantic Records’ co-founder Ahmet Ertegun. His speech was slightly disrupted by Amy Whitehouse, who, according to press reports, was slightly worse for wear and began to heckle Robert, she started chanting “Billy Bragg, Billy Bragg” to everyone’s total bemusement. Robert halted his speech as he gazed confused into the audience, before continuing. He also joked that the award was his ‘’long service medal’’.

After the award ceremony, Robert spoke to the assembled media. Robert Plant told the BBC he is considering playing next year’s Glastonbury Festival, which will be celebrating its 40th anniversary. I’ve just been talking to Michael (Eavis). There’s a place for me there, but I have no idea who with.” He continued “There is a chance yeah, but I don’t know with whom.” When it was then suggested that he could performed solo, Robert laughed and replied “Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m good at card tricks.”

The unintended ambiguity of the comments have been wildly interpreted on countless news sites as ‘’Zep To Reform for Glastonbury’’ rumours.

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  • kyle thorburn said:

    Chris has a point, but if you read mick walls book, which includes
    a review of o2, and digest many comments made by robert on daves web,
    the buzz he felt after o2 indicated he may well not rule out performing with jones/page again. I think the problem is jimmy wishing
    to pursue zeppelin, whereas plant might be happy on the occasional one off.
    Incidentally i live near boleskin house, and have met jimmy there at the local pub, “the dores inn”, where he was an absolute gentleman,
    signing my boys t-shirt


  • Chris Wright said:

    Robert is always seen as the reluctant force in any Zep reunion equation, but the recent flood of rumours following his comment about Glastonbury was pure hype and wishful thinking by too many speculators. In any case, I can’t imagine a less appropriate major event for a Zeppelin reunion – it’s already sold out and would exclude even more people than 02, which many desperate fans were locked out of, while every fourth division celebrity of every denomination seemed to have been lucky in the ballot… This latest incident has reminded me of the reptutational dangers the band might face if ever a world tour were attempted. In the same way that Pink Floyd bowed out in some style at Live 8, maybe 02 should be seen as a magnificent one-off closure to Zeppelin’s live history and can we have the DVD now please Jimmy! Congratulations to Robert on his well deserved award.

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