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Robert Receives CBE from Prince Charles

11 July 2009 4,491 views 5 Comments

PD*30010250Robert received his CBE from Prince Charles on July 10th in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace.

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  • Deepinder Cheema said:

    This must have been a great honour for Prince Charles. Absolutely “Beezer” he could have said.

  • C.Harvey said:

    Congradulations!! Good for Robert!!

  • Wilson said:

    Well done Rp Come on yo wolves stay in the premiership.From quite an old Zeppophile c/w new copy of Japanese T shirt with rays shining through. keep well Dave staying TBL Jeffrey Wilson aka Zephead on MYS

  • Henry Nicholls said:

    Shaken, but obviously not stirred!

  • Jim Sloane said:

    Well deserved – and keep on rockin !!


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