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Robert Plant and The Band Of Joy – Robinson Centre Music Hall, Little Rock, AR

15 July 2010 5,286 views 6 Comments

Robert’s second show with The Band Of Joy in Little Rock was another triumph. The big set list suprise was the performance of  Over The Hills And Far Away, played prior to Gallows Pole making it a four song Zeppelin run in with Thank You and Rock & Roll following as encores to close the set. Buddy Miller also performed Trouble with Robert on harmonica. Full set list below may need comfirmation -if you were there- let us know.

Set List:

Down To The Sea, Angel Dance, Please Read The Letter, House Of Cards, Misty Mountain Hop, Monkey, Oh What A Beautiful City/Wader In The Water/In My Time OF Dying Medley, Rich Woman. Gone Gone Gone, Trouble, Nobodys Fault But Mine, Satan Your Kingdom Must Go, Central Two O Nine, Houses Of The Holy, Tall Cool One, Harms Swift Way, Over The Hills And Far Away, Gallows Pole.

Encores: Thank You, Rock And Roll,  We Bid you Goodnight.

Thanks as ever to Steve Sauer at  for his help for his feedback via Facebook

Hereis  the first review for the gig from The Arkansas Times:

Robert Plant’s still got it

Photo By Brian Chilson

Review by Lindsey Miller from


Robert Plant is 61. He’s been singing and touring around internationally—and, presumably, enjoying the life style that comes with that—for more than 40 years. But, unlike any of his contemporaries I can think of, his voice sounds doesn’t sound depleted in the least. He can still bust out the caterwauls, and he did several times tonight. But more than shrieking, his voice is just so startlingly bright and strong live that you start to think that the idea of a rock god doesn’t sound so hyperbolic.

I’m sure, of course, that he has lost a step, vocally. How could he not? But he’s smart enough to surround himself with an adept group of vocalists. Three part harmonies were the norm tonight and four weren’t rare. If Plant ever needed to hold back, Patty Griffin, Darrell Scott and Buddy Miller separately and collectively ensured that none of the momentum faded.

I’ll write more tomorrow, but some of the highlights included a haunting version of “Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down” (with the stage bathed in red light and Plant prancing like he’d had practice), a slightly dissonant version of the Plant/Krauss barnburner “Please Read the Letter” and on a more abstract level, all the Zeppelin songs, like “Houses of the Holy” and “Rock ‘n’ Roll,” where Scott’s pedal steel stood in for Jimmy Page’s monster riffs.

That’s a really awesome way to tweak your legacy if you’re Plant.

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  • ledhed58 said:

    Kathy hits the nail right on the Head…I am seeing Robert this Saturday and I am stoked but I do think it is kind of a slap in the face to Jimmy and Jonesy that while Robert is doing Zepp tunes on his own he apparently has a problem with doing those same Zepp tunes with the remaining memmbers of Zeppelin…Plus I would love to hear “Big Log” “In the Mood”, “Slow Dancer” and some tunes off of “Mighty Rearranger” as well… Peace ….

  • Dgold said:

    Setlist additions:
    Central Two-Oh Nine (with Robert Plant on washboard)
    Trouble (Robert Plant on harmonica)

    Thank You
    Rock And Roll
    And We Bid You Goodnight

    this is the tour to see, tour of the year, get excited for the album in September

  • Dgold said:

    Hey now, Zep Fans!

    Download an mp3 of my radio program “Robert Plant Band Of Joy tour preview” podcast from Honest Tunes, here:

    Also find more of my videos from the Little Rock show on that link.

    The first of the videos I recorded at Robert Plant Band Of Joy concert in Little Rock is featured, above, on your site! Cool! It is an honor that you embedded my video on Tight But Loose, giving the readers over 10 minutes of the show’s near-beginning with Angel Band (Los Lobos cover) and Please Read The Letter (Plant/Page song). I filmed several more songs at the show with the same microphone quality. “Misty Mountain Hop” is on my YouTube channel now. More songs to be uploaded as I have time to cull the best clips to share.

    The show was phenomenal. Robert Plant is an ambassador of world culture. To have this famous British rocker, hand-pick a band of Americana musicians to back him up, and to cross the South of the United States for their inaugural tour, launching in Memphis and Little Rock, was a statement about the influence of American blues music, bluegrass, country, old-time and folk, on the music of Led Zeppelin. It was a brilliant tapestry of music.

    Thanks for collecting related links, vids, pix, setlists and reviews on the TBL blog. Excellent work here. I will be following the progress of the rest of the tour on here, since LR was the one show I was lucky enough to attend in person.

    Dgold from Honest Tunes Radio Show,
    Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Sometimes I think I’m blinded by devotion to Robert, Jimmy & John Paul Jones. After reviewing the set list of this show, I think Mark Williams (comments 13 of July) is right, and I agree with LedHed58 as well; I love Pictures at Eleven. It seems Robert has no problem singing Led Zeppelin songs I count seven this show (Misty Mountain Hop, In My Time of Dying, Nobodys’ Fault But Mine, Houses of the Holy, Over The Hills & Far Away, Thank-you and Rock n’ Roll). Robert doesn’t want to do Led Zeppelin…or is it he doesn’t want to do it with Jimmy and J.P.J. While the four of them created the magic of Zeppelin, it was Jimmy’s vision. Robert as the voice of Led Zeppelin can continue to get his rock n’ roll soul fueled; and continue to sing the songs we love; and apparently he loves as well. While Jimmy & J.P.J. are at a bit of a disadvantage without Roberts voice. I would love to hear some music from Jimmy. I often find myself creating my dream band around Jimmy on guitar, Jack White on vocals and drums and John Paul Jones on bass.

  • Gerry M. said:

    counting the days down and loving that shirt!

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