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22 September 2010 5,533 views No Comment


This  Saturday September 25  we are holding an informal pub meet to celebrate the legacy of John Bonham and Led Zeppelin on the 30th anniversary of his passing.

The venue is the Marlborough Head pub at 24 North Audley Street London W1K 6WD. It’s situated just off the Marble Arch end off Oxford Street (Nearest tube stations are Bond Street and Marble Arch)

The pub serves food throughout the day – more details on this link

The TBL crew will be congregating in the basement of the pub from 2pm. If you have any trouble finding it or want to contact me – my mobile number is 0794 126 0997

This is  an opportunity on a poignant day to, celebrate the life of John Bonham and the  band’s lasting legacy, reminisce on Zep related stories past and present and generally have a good old chew of the Zep fat with like minded fans. I’ll be bringing along some photos and memorabilia and feel free to do the same. We look forward to hooking up with all that can make it. To give me an idea of  numbers, if you are intending on making it along drop me an email .


Bobby Rondinelli Clinic and John Bonham Tribute in Germany

Paiste and Ludwig Artist Bobby Rondinelli, well known for his work with Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, the Scorpions and many more will be in Germany for a one day Clinic on September 23rd and a “ Tribute for John Henry Bonham”- Concert, on September 25th, 2010. Bobby will perform parts of this gig on a drum kit originally played by Mich Mitchell, Keith Moon and  John Bonham. Bobby plays with the German Tribute Band “ Fett Zeppelin”on both events.  Here are the details:

Bobby Rondinelli Drum Clinic

Thursday, September 23rd 2010

Kultur im Konzertsaal, Musikschule Staudenmaier

Gartenstrasse 22, 71723 Grossbottwar

Phone:0049 (0) 7148- 160336


A Tribute to John Henry Bonham Concert

Saturday, September 25th 2010

Kelter Freiberg

Further details at

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