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TBL 23 Update

26 April 2009 3,161 views 2 Comments

For those who have already ordered a copy of TBL 23, you’re in for a real treat when this magazine lands on your doormat!

For those that have not yet placed an order, you really are missing out on an essential read, with more content than you realise.

With 20,000 words covering 32 pages and packed with archive visuals, this magazine is the ultimate companion for every Zep reader both young and old.

TBL 23 is currently at the printers and we will be posting it out this week.  This magazine is another gem in the TBL crown and sets-up a year of celebration with the start of our ‘40 Years On … Still The Only Way To Fly’ article – check out our celebration T-Shirts also available.

Elsewhere in the magazine there is a fantastic interview with John Paul Jones where he speaks in-depth about his work with Sara Watkins on her debut solo album.  There is an excellent article by Ian Avey where he unearths some sublime sounds hidden deep in the mix of the Zep catalogue (this has to be read to be believed!).  There’s part two of our focus on collector Cliff Hilliard and the TBL scrapbook turns to the solo years of 1982 – 1985.

Plus there is also a round-up of all the news including Robert’s remarkable Grammy success and the last word (hopefully) in the ‘will they / won’t they’ saga.

So don’t delay, place your order today and travel back to 1969.
40 Years On… Still The Only Way To Fly!

For more information on TBL 23, subscription or ordering details email
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  • alan said:

    tbl 23 arrived, put on texas pop festival of 1969
    and read the whole magazine, does it get any better
    i think not

  • Steve P said:

    What a great day today was/is!! The TBL 23 arrived I spent the morning reading it . Fantastic as ever. Then like Mr Lewis, I have not worked for quite some time and things are tough, but I managed to secure a large contract and a not so large contract today, so things can get back to normal. All started with TBL23 this morning. Lets hope things get going for Dave as well. Great day ,great mag.

    The O2 on sat. Dylan, not a patch on that night in Dec.

    Now to put on Landover ’77 to round things off.

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