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7 June 2013 5,720 views 13 Comments

TBL 35 promo pic

I counted them all in and I counted them all back out…TBL 35 is on the streets and aside from editing it and writing a fair bit of it, I stuck every stamp and label on, signed and numbered every copy and stuffed them in envelopes and took them to be posted over several trips…and all that effort is absolutely worth it for initial reaction such as this…

Recently subscribed and received mine today. Probably one of the best investments I’ll make this year – Many thanks. Stephen Webb

I’m loving issue 35.1973 is my favourite tour. Thanks so much. Geoff Adamson

Hi just got home to find the TBL on the stairs…many thanks for the print..much appreciated.I will continue to support in any way I can a man with such a passion I will save till Friday so I can sit and drink it all in….John Wheatcroft

 Mine arrived about 30 minutes ago Dave : loving it. Many thanks for all your hard work mate. Really is appreciated. Ty Williamson

 I got mine yesterday. It was a pleasant surprise to find TBL 35 in my mailbox after coming home from work. Can’t wait to delve into my favorite Zep fix & get a frame for that awesome photo! Kim Rasin

 Looks like a cracking issue…arrived safely yesterday. Time to dig out those ’73 recordings, methinks…Thanks Dave. Jonathan Taylor

….and as can be seen below, TBL subscriber Alan Hopwood wasted no time in putting the exclusive subscribes bonus 10x 8 Kezar photo insert print to good use -framing it next to his impressive array of framed Rory Gallagher memorabilia…

insert framed

Below: The Last Post…at least until the next orders come in. The TBL editor at a place he knows well – Queens Drive Post Office Bedford.

DL post office

From writing the first text in mid February, to posting the last subscribers and pre orders yesterday, it’s been a full on four months –in between various other projects and trials. Over 500 magazines have left here these last few days to spread the TBL word to over 30 countries.

As ever, the publication of a new TBL magazine is always a good time for reflection So here’s some DL thoughts: Stick with it – there’s some important points here I’d like to share.

Firstly here’s some sales statistics.  The TBL subscription base hovers around the 550 mark with around 100 or so further single sales. That is a mere tiny ripple in the giant ocean of Zep fans throughout the world and may surprise many reading this. It’s a frustration that in the scheme of things, so few fans get to read it but I have to be realistic. These are tough economic times and a magazine is a luxury item. Not everyone wants to read about Led Zeppelin and many of those who do, would not consider paying to do so…including many of you reading this -and of course that is their prerogative.

It’s a fact of this internet age that there is a glutton of free Zep info on countless sites…however I’d like to think that those that do invest into the physical TBL product, are getting unique content that I work relentlessly hard to nurture as something special. There’s that old fashioned thrill of actually waiting for something…and knowing when that package lands on your doorstep – the waiting will be worthwhile.

Attempting to getting the magazine seen and overall distribution is also a big issue –was the day when TBL could be seen in Virgin, Tower, Borders and the like –retail outlets now long gone. To get a current foothold into WH Smiths is a costly business that just does not stack up for me. As some of you know, I have looked at, and continue to look at some digital options for the mag but again cost is an issue.  This is a cottage industry here and any notions that sales of TBL might provide me with a double neck guitar shaped swimming pool in my garden are clearly misguided…on current form we might run to a bath tub the shape of a guitar pick!

That said, I am incredibly grateful and humbled by the on-going support of so many long term fans and suporters of the TBL magazine -many of whom have been on the TBL case from the very first issue 35 years ago. There is a massive goodwill out there for what TBL represents and that continues to be a major source of inspiration.

Along with the TBL book projects and bits of freelance writing, this is how I try to make a living and yes it’s a great job that I feel very privileged to be able to do –however being self employed does comes with it’s own set of pressures and very different ones to what I experienced when I was working full on in the retail music sector up until four years ago. Obviously there is the worry of   attaining the revenue to make it all viable and pay the bills. The other main concern is that although I have some essential contributors and key players offering their services and support , day to day it’s basically down to just me to project manage every aspect of the various TBL initiatives and drive them through –from the actual writing through to the packing and distribution. Being a virtual one man operator, It all takes time and I have to focus from project to project as the deadlines demand and that is not easy.

It would obviously be a sad day if the TBL subscription base eroded to worrying levels that would affect the overall TBL proposition – of which this web site is one. There is always natural drop out of subscribers and that needs to be balanced with finding new ones. Sales are holding steady and God willing I intend to keep writing them, if people buy them in a sufficient quantity for it to be worthwhile.

There are a fair few lapsed subscribers out there currently and it’s worth re iterating, if you had issue 34, your subscription ended with that issue…and now is the time to re-subscribe. The Collectors Limited alternate cover Edition is already selling well and hurry on that one, because when it’s its gone.

So in a difficult market sector there is a lot to be positive about. TBL 35 is out there and it feels good to have fresh product out kick starting another era of the magazine- and the reaction so far does make it all incredibly fulfilling. The on going challenge is to maintain and grow the sales.

As I’ve noted before,  the new TBL initiatives, such as the exclusive 10 x 8 print on offer to all subscribers and the numbering and signing of every issue (boy did that task take awhile!), are clear statements of intent on my part to produce a physical Led Zeppelin collectable that offers unique led Zeppelin reading to be stored and read time and time again.

Thanks again for all your support, spread the TBL word where you can – tell any interested friends of what it’s about – link the ordering info to any blogs/sites  you might be on –any help in this way is greatly appreciated. I would also welcome any feedback you have -good or bad about the TBL magazine and ideas or assistance in building on the TBL readership base. Use the comments section below or email me at the usual email

I’ll post a follow up round up of TBL feedback in due course -many thanks in advance.

Finally….If you have yet to come on board why not give it a shot… for those that have already …..enjoy a  hopefully sun filled weekend of TBL reading.

DL – June 7th 2013.


Robert Plant Interview for LA Weekly:


Photo Olii Powell

Here’s an excellent new interview with Robert with Jason Roche for the LA Weekly – some very astute observations including a lovely acknowledgment in the direction of John Paul Jones… 

 After exploring Americana music the last few years, what drew you back to classic blues and world music?

I have had an amazing education the last few years. The time I spent around all of those men and women was an eye-opening experience. The thing about working with musicians in Nashville is that they generally are always moving on to the next thing. [Plant’s partner and singer-songwriter] Patty [Griffin] went to work on her solo record and [guitarist] Buddy [Miller] went to produce the Carolina Chocolate Drops.

I decided that I wanted to get back to something resembling a “British condition.” I looked back at the Strange Sensation lineup I had worked with before Band of Joy. I called up [bassist] Justin Adams, who had just gotten done touring with JuJu. We decided to get together to try something out. It just had such a strange and unusual way about it. We brought in a musician from West Africa [Juldeh Camara], who had already been playing in the U.K…but then we stick in my voice and bring in [keyboardist] John [Baggott] from Massive Attack with his insanely powerful drum loops and crashing, crunched up sounds.

We’ve got a new drummer [Dave Smith], a real good young kid who is big on the jazz scene here [in the U.K.]. It’s proven to be a great passport for fun and power. I’m able to get the “R.P.” voice back out there again. I don’t have to be so concerned about making sure I am in harmony with anyone else since I’m mostly singing alone this time. I won’t have to worry about Patty glaring at me when I fuck up this time!

Can you tell us more what you mean by “the British condition”?

There’s a historical point of reference with the people I’ve worked with since I began my adventures with Alison Krauss. The reference points in that world in the United States are very deep and loaded with history. Whether it’s the music of the Mississippi…whether it’s the music that found its way into Nashville in the ’40s and ’50s…whether it’s from The Carter Family or Roscoe Holcomb or Leadbelly.

The guys I work with in the U.K. have more of an urban British thing going on. If you compare Led Zeppelin to the U.S. bands of the time like The Electric Flag, we were like a train wreck. We masticated American music, grabbed it, and swung it around wildly, as kids do.

The British thing is to get to a different place. Artists like Tricky, Portishead, and Massive Attack all came from Bristol. Three or four of the guys I’m playing with now come from that town. There’s something about it that inspires a more techno way…techno elements, samples, big “fuck off” drum loops that fry you sometimes. It’s a complete dynamic juxtaposition to what I was doing, but they are both equally rewarding as musical adventures.

What are your memories of the first time you came to Los Angeles with Led Zeppelin?

I got off the plane with John Bonham. We had never been to America before. We had never seen anything like it. The control tower at LAX looked like something from I Married A Monster From Outer Space. The city of Los Angeles was stunningly beautiful compared to everything we had seen growing up in Britain. For someone like me that was 20 years old at the time, the musical community couldn’t have been better. It was well-intended, beautiful and overwhelming. It was loaded with amazing musicians. To be able to go to The Whisky, and in a week see Howlin Wolf, The Doors, Steve Miller, and then play there with Led Zeppelin, it was just sensational.

What are your reflections on Led Zeppelin being honored at last year’s Kennedy Center Honors?

I knew we did a lot of damage to people’s brains and ear drums, and I knew we wrote some great songs, but it was a very humbling experience. When I saw Heart perform “Stairway To Heaven,” I just couldn’t believe that song had anything to do with this 64-year old man that was sitting next to John Paul Jones. I thought to myself, “This is me…how did this happen?”

The charm of the people involved in the project, from the president and across the board…it was mind-altering. I’ve been thrust in front of royalty all over the world, kings and queens and princes…but these guys were actually having a good time! The three of us were amazed that that sort of thing happened. That wouldn’t happen with Prince Charles!

What still motivates you to keep pursuing musical endeavours in 2013?

The sound of a new project. The sound of music developing. For the last year or so I’ve been writing quite a lot, and I like the way my voice sounds now. It’s not the same as it was years ago. I’m not a castrato anymore but I’ve learned to get down into that pocket and have it sound good. So here I go again…over the years, I’ve seen all of these artists that I respect that are able to create all of these amalgamations with other artists. I’ve watched the way John Paul Jones has worked throughout his life as a musician. I have great respect for him. He’s right in the middle of writing an opera right now and people are taking him seriously as a writer in the classical mode. But he can also play in Them Crooked Vultures and play mandolin with Seasick Steve. I’ve learned that it’s good to keep moving and keep smiling!

See link at:


and speaking of  John Paul Jones….

John gave a brief interview to Red Carpet TV after attending the London launch of the Phillip Glass opera  The Perfect American. Explaining about his current project  an opera of his own, based on August Strindberg’s The Ghost Sonata, John  commented  “I’m halfway through the first act,”  adding that the biggest challenge is “the sheer scale of it, I think. I don’t know. I’m probably about to find out what the challenges are.” As  for his plans for 2014 John wryly observed  “2014 is full of opera for me, at the moment.” Here’s the interview clip:

Bonzo’s Birthday Bash

chad smith

The above photo by Michelle Jesipaz captures Chad Smith performing at the recent Bonzo’s Birthday bash in NYC. Rich Livsey of Mentalswag has been in touch to let us know there’s more pics and coverage of the event at this at this link:


Led Zeppelin plaque to mark first ever gig 45th anniversary:

Photographer Jorgen Angel is planning to mark the 45th anniversary of the first ever appearance together of Jimmy Page , Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and John Bonham – here’s the info:

Almost 45 years ago, September 7 1968, the world’s greatest rock band played their very first concert. This took place at Gladsaxe Teen Club in the outskirts of Copenhagen, Denmark.

My name is Jorgen Angel. I was the photographer who took the pictures of this very first performance by Led Zeppelin as well as many more shots of the band in the following years. For a long time I have had the idea that this historic event deserves a commemorative plaque on the wall of the school in Gladsaxe where the concert took place. An evening also the members of the band remember. Below is the front page of Jimmy Page’s web site on September 7 2012. A committee was formed to make this happen. The unveiling of the plaque is of course planned to take place on September 7 this year – 45 years after the debut. Help commemorating the debut of Led Zeppelin

We need your help funding this project. We could seek sponsorship from some big companies, but we feel that this commemorative plaque should have two “owners”: The people of Gladsaxe and you, the Led Zeppelin fans around the world. When we have reached the target the Donate buttons will be made inactive. We don’t want to collect more money than needed.In return for your donation we can offer you:

Your name and country on the DONATORS page, T-shirts and photographs.

Is your donation lost if we don’t reach the target? No. If needed the members of the committee will pay the rest out of their own pockets. But we feel confident that Zep fans will support this project. Please prove us right. On behalf of the committee I thank you – Jorgen Angel

See link at


 Lez Zeppelin in the UK:

All girl tribute band Lez Zeppelin are over in the UK next week for dates at the Isle of Wight Festival June 13), London Garage (June 14) and  The Picturedrome Holmfirth (June 15) – see link at


DL Diary Update:

As mention above it’s been a full on week of TBL 35 distribution here – there was respite last Saturday with the reunion of our football team Wallbangers FC. This proved to be quite life affirming as it was great to be back in the company of former players who I enjoyed many laughs with back in the day. Even after all these years ,the chemistry amongst us was pretty instant. The singer got it spot on when he sang about ‘Friends’ all those years back…

Unfortunately Janet’s mum Betty is still in hospital with her jaundice condition which is still at a level that needs monitoring. We are hoping it improves soon and once again the good lady  Janet is being a saint with all this going on…we did have a very nice time celebrating Sam’s 23rd birthday on Tuesday…Sam is now having a few days holiday in Barcelona…meanwhile  the boy Adam has been revising for his two final exams (good luck today Ad!)…,we’ve been avidly watching The Apprentice on TV here –Sam has a vested interest in this as one of the contestants (Luisa)lives in St Alban’s and Sam has been covering her involvement for the newspaper she works on

On the playlist, music to pack magazines to has included Bob Dylan Nashville Sessions, Dave Mason Headkeeper, Steve Miller Band Children Of The Future, The Rolling Stones Goats Head Soup , Stephen Stills Carry On box set and Led Zeppelin Seattle ‘73. This weekend I aim to try and catch up with reading a backlog of magazines I have to read including Mojo with the Rolling Stones on the cover and on Sunday the good lady Janet and I may pop along to the local Castle Quarter street festival event nearby….then my attention will be returning to the Knebworth book project….in between writing all this pleasingly a few more orders have logged so it’s back to packing TBL 35 which is where we came in…keep those orders coming…(DL)

Until next time…

Keep listening, keep reading…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

June 7th , 2013.

if you are reading this and have yet to link with the Tight But Loose Facebook page be sure to request/add us. The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.

To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

Also follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL


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  • Mateusz P. said:

    Hi Dave,
    I recieved my TBL #35 and the TBL with alternate cover yesterday. It’s absolutely great !!
    Thank you so much for the job you do !!
    Thank you for the prints !
    Keep on !
    Greetings from France.


  • Michael In Melbourne said:

    As others closer to Bedford have already said,TBL 35, in both covers, is simply fantastic.

    The “Jimmy” and “Robert” editions were delivered to my door by the postman today, together with the great 10×8 Kezar colour print. All arrived in perfect condition – your packaging skills are first rate.

    Every article is a gem and the illustrations and photos are superb. All except, that is, for the picture of the scurvy cove clutching TBL 34 by the Gateway to India.

    No other publication, hard copy or online, provides such a variety and quantity of always high quality journalism dedicated to the analysis of the music of Led Zeppelin. TBL is a rare thing: great quality at a very fair price.

  • Aris Roskam said:

    Hi Dave, today I received my two copies of no. 35. Much interesting new stuff to read… And nice photographs. Very nice to see you numbered both copies (and the photo) equally no. 45 Thanks. Wonderful job done! BTW. is there any chance of reprinting older issues?

  • Toni Delgado said:

    Your kid was in Barcelona? That’s awesome! It’s my city and it’s wonderful this time of year.

    If you ever visit Barcelona, make sure I buy you a few pints over a nice Zep chat 🙂

    Cheers from Spain

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Thanks folks for very nice comments
    Andrew 02 book for next years projects!


    Well let’s just hope this ‘ British Condition’ translates into a few shows on U.K soil this year…..British Condition seems to apply to ‘anywhere but U.K’ so far this year !

  • Andrew Tipple said:

    Dear Dave,

    Have just received my latest issue, first impressions are its the usual work of excellence!!!

    Many thanks and put me down for the revised Knebworth tome!!


    PS When does the 02 book fit in your schedule at the mo?

  • Gaetan said:

    Hi, thank you very much for the GREAT TBL work. It is always a thrill to know that a new TBL/Dave Lewis product will be in my hands shortly.

    On the subject of a digital TBL, as long as there is a physical TBL too I’m happy.

    Thanks again Mr.Dave Lewis


  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    I’m hearing you and will be looking into this -thanks for your input!

  • Jeff said:

    Hi Dave,

    Time for me to pull out the soapbox on the subject of a digital TBL. May I suggest you put up a poll on your site to get an idea on the numbers…be sure to consider offering archived editions. You might be surprised…finding yourself with enough money to buy Headley Grange and open up a permanent Led Zeppelin Museum…LOL!

    Cheers mate,

  • chris swinson said:

    Dave , just received TBL 35 (both copies). Brilliant as usual !!!!!. Keep up the good work. EVER ONWARD. Swin.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    thank you Steve!

  • Steve said:

    Hi Dave
    Recieved my copy/subs and once again a job well done ,loving the print ,just got to convince the wife ,that “yes i do need another framed zep print on the wall”.
    Keep up the good work.
    If you print it ,they will buy it.
    Steve harrison.

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