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6 May 2016 5,598 views 3 Comments



Here’s the line up for the forthcoming issue of the Tight But Loose magazine – issue 41…

TBL World Exclusive – new interview with John Paul Jones:

JPJ  talks opera, Led Zep reissues, 60s sessions, plans ahead and more in this exclusive new interview with Dave Lewis

A TBL catch up with Mr John Paul Jones has been long overdue so it was delight to hear his dulcet tones down the phone line on a recent spring Thursday morning. This interview can only be found in TBL 41..

Plus John Paul Jones at  70: An Appreciation by Richard Grubb Part 2 & 70 at 70 – the JPJ TBL Playlist:

Jimmy Page –  She Just Satisfies on 45 – Record Store Day Delight:

With originals regularly commanding prices in excess of £500, the 1965 Jimmy Page single reissue was a much welcomed Record Store Day release – Dave Lewis doucuments the history of the track.

Robert Plant: Celtic Connections & Blues… Roots & Hollers:

Stephen Humphries rounds up the latest Robert Plant and SSS activity and speculates on recording options ahead – plus Suzanne McElyea reviews the Shreveport gig.

BP Fallon: The TBL Interview:

The legendary former Led Zeppelin publicist reflects on his time with the band and his remarkable career in the music business.

TBL Collector Focus: The vinyl, the albums, the singles, the memorabilia – the stuff we love…

A new column that focuses on the vinyl, the albums, the singles, the posters, the memorabilia, the collectors, the personalities the stories.

The overall objective of this TBL Collector Focus, is to share our passion for the Led Zep related artefacts we collect, cherish, love and admire.

This issue includes:

Stuart Whitehead on purchasing a rare copy of the Robert Plant solo single Our Song – and entering into correspondence with the singer..

Cliff (the ticket man) Hilliard on his diverse collection.

Collecting Now & Then 1: Dave Lewis The 1996 Collector Feature in Record Collector: Ten Years Gone.

Collecting Now & Then 2: The 1991 Top 100 Led Zeppelin Rarities Record Collector Listing: Dave Lewis and Nick Anderson discuss the merits of the list 25 years on..…

Presence at 40 – The Rare Pressings:

To mark the 40th anniversary of the release of Presence, Nick Anderson presents a variety of highly desirable Presence related promos and collectable items -it’s a vinyl visual feast….


Nick Anderson Collectors Column:

TBL’s resident collector expert rounds up the top ten recently sold Led Zep related items on eBay.

Led Zeppelin: The Tarantura Bootleg CD Label – Part 1: Early Flourish By Paul Sheppard:

Following on from his excellent and thought provoking 40 great Live Led Zeppelin Bootlegs Sets in TBL 40, Paul has turned his attention to the legendary Tarantura bootleg CD label. This two part overview of the label’s discography is an illumining look at some of the most prized Zep bootleg releases.

One Fan’s Coda:

Larry Bergmann Jr compiles the best of the material from Led Zep reissue Companion Discs to draw up five CD’s worth of rare material – this is one fan’s Coda..

From the Underground:

Scott Heck focuses on the previously uncirculated Fort Worth March 3 1975 soundboard release and Dave Lewis admires the new Eat A Peach label’s release of the Performed Live In Seattle bootleg album.

Please Read The Letter That I Wrote – TBL Feedback:

By letter, via E-mail, Facebook and blogs -TBL readers have their say…


So, as you can see from the above preview, this is another packed edition of the long running Led Zep magazine.

This is where you come in:


I am now working on the final content with a view to get it to the printers later this month – distribution will then follow in early June.


Firstly if you have been a previous TBL Subscriber – all subscriptions ended with issue 40.

If you have not already done so NOW IS THE TIME TO RE-SUSBCRIBE!

May I offer many thanks for all who re- subscribed in the past few weeks.

The 2015/16 subscription list ended on a very healthy figure at nigh on 800  – so far only half that figure have signed up for the 2016/17 issues so there are many regular subscribers who have yet to come back on board. Don’t miss out!

The TBL magazine remains at the core of the TBL offer – however to make it work I need regular subscription support from readers of the magazine – the TBL subscription revenue drives printing and design coasts as well as funding for the TBL website to function – in effect it’s a crucial revenue to ensure the TBL brand continues to enhance your appreciation of the world of Led Zeppelin and all that entails.

The TBL weekly website updates are offered freely – however I do need massive support when it comes to the TBL magazines, books and merchandise

The new TBL 2016/17 Subscription covers three issues -issue 41, 42, and 43

By subscribing you will never miss and issue – all issues will be sent out as published.

As a bonus, every subscriber will receive an exclusive 10 x 8 limited edition print – a John Paul Jones on stage shot from the US tour in 1975 taken by Larry Ratner – perfect for framing and yet another reason to subscribe to the TBL 2016/17 magazines…

The subscription order link for the 2016/2017  TBL magazines is below :

TBL issue 41 single orders:

TBL issue 41 is also available as a single issue purchase on the link below:

There will also be a digital version of TBL 41 to follow via newsstand.


With thanks:

As with any TBL issue,it would not have been possible without the input of the following:

Mick Lowe for bringing it all alive at StudioMix Bedford, Mike Tremaglio for proof reading and much input and inspiration, Gary Foy for TBL admin,to Nick Anderson, Larry Bergmann Jr, BP Fallon, Richard Grubb, Scott Heck, Cliff Hilliard, Stephen Humphries, Suzanne McElyea, Paul Sheppard and Stuart Whitehead for their contributions. Markus Thorsen for the cover photo.


preview tbl 41

As you can see, I have been a somewhat busy man in recent weeks collating this new issue. Here’s some background on how it all came together:

A TBL catch up with Mr John Paul Jones has been long overdue so it was a delight to hear his dulcet tones down the phone line on a spring Thursday morning. ‘’Hi John great to catch up – since we last spoke many things have happened ‘’.

‘’Yes they have’’ replied the former bassist and keyboard player in Led Zeppelin. For the next hour in that pleasingly affable manner of his, we talked opera, Led Zep reissues, 60’s sessions, his latest plans and more. Rather than a formal interview, this catch up developed into an easy flowing conversation. As always, when talking to John, there were quite a few laughs to be had – coupled with a quiet authority in talking about his affinity for his music. You can read the full interview only in the new TBL issue.

There’s also part two of Richard Grubb’s John Paul Jones at 70 Appreciation and Richard and myself have compiled a 70 at 70 JPJ playlist that will have you wading through the back catalogue of the ever captivating  work of a master musician

Suzanne McElyea has filed an exclusive report of Robert’s Shreveport gig – and US journalist Stephen Humphries one again brings an authority and order to the latest moves of Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters – It’s always a pleasure to have Stephen on board. Likewise Larry Bergmann jr – Larry has compiled an extensive imaginary 5 CD set inspired by hearing the material on the Led Zep reissue companion Discs. Another feature that will take you back to the reissues with renewed perspective.

I’ve been looking to secure an interview with the legendary Zep PR vibemaster BP Fallon for some time. His first hand accounts of life with or without Led Zep makes for a compelling read.

In his Collectors Column, Nick Anderson reveals that the Presence LP was widely released, being issued in 30 different countries. He goes on to showcase many of the rarest pressings in a three page visual spread. Paul Sheppard has done another great job in bringing clarity to the maze of Zep bootleg releases – this time profiling the legendary Japanese Tarantura bootleg label.

The TBL Collector Focus has a variety of fascinating collector angles. Stuart Whitehead’s story of how he received a reply from Robert Plant himself regarding a purchase of the Our Song single is one example. Nick Anderson’s views on the Top 100 rarities list I compiled for Record Collector in 1991 make for more interesting collecting observations.

That is what is on offer in another packed TBL edition.

If you are reading this you must love Led Zeppelin – and you will love this magazine…

Remember – websites are for browsing – the TBL magazine is for reading time and time again…

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Dave Lewis


Robert Plant joins Deborah Bonham Band on stage in Hereford: 

here 5

On Saturday night Robert Plant joined The Deborah Bonham Band at the gig at the Left Bank in Hereford. During the evening Deborah also sang a duet with  Deborah Rose.

First hand view by Helena Williams:  

Hardly anybody bothered Robert. He was standing behind the mixer for the whole of Deborah’s set apart from when he went up to the bar. It was a very small venue – only about 120 people there. Deborah Bonham invited Deborah Rose up to the stage to sing a duet -. It was lovely. Then she introduced Robert and she left the stage while he sang “When the Levee Breaks.” She came back when he started singing “Shakin’ All Over” It was very relaxed with lots of banter. There was obvious affection between Robert and Deb.

Can I just say that Deborah Bonham played a brilliant set and spoke very movingly about her brother John and her family and how she knew she would see them again – but she didn’t want that to be too soon because she was enjoying life! She is obviously very fond of Robert and he called himself her ‘uncle’ It had been a very pleasant surprise to look over to my left and catch sight of Robert standing behind the mixer and it was quite funny to watch excitement spread around the room. I am so glad we happened to be there that evening because it was such an intimate show. A band called Troy Redfern followed after Deborah . They watched Deb and Robert and made this comment on their Facebook page.

Well that was a surreal night! There’s nothing like a bit of pressure, like having Robert Plant do a storming version of When the Levee Breaks just before you’re about to go on stage! In a situation like this you either shrink or rise up and play the best set of your life. Luckily the gods of rock were smiling down on us… Alex Bridge and Stjohn Milinczuk smashed it! Deb Bonham and her band were superb, they played an absolutely storming set.

Photos by Helena Williams with many thanks.


Here one

View From the YouTube clips by Dave Lewis:
 Watching the YouTube clips of this performance I was moved by the absolute joyousness of the occasion. A very relaxed Robert was at his spieling best with warm affection for Deb and the band – of course Bonzo.

When The Levee Breaks  was performed in an authentic ZepIV arrangement with Pete Bullick’s soaring slide work. Robert commenced the song with a tongue in cheek cry of ”Let’s go to court!”. There was a great acapella sequence as Robert repeated the ”Crying won’t help you, preying wont do you no good” line. After a quick change of mics, it was on into the harmonica solo and then a cry of ”Let’s go” as Robert took the song home with all the conviction of a Madison Square Garden performance.

There’s a bit of Led Zep history with the next number as it was performed on the legendary rehearsal tape from 1973. It was also performed by Robert with Bonzo as he explained…

Shakin’ All Over was introduced by Robert as ”A song me and John used to play together – he used to play it in waltz time if he was bored You would  wander into the solo and every time it got serious, Bonzo would play in waltz time and Deborah would be going ‘what the fuck’s going on with these people”!” Robert also told a humorous story of how he had supported Johnny Kidd at Stourbridge Town Hall and had found him in an Ironmongers store  ”Buying a section of hose pipe which he was putting down his leather trousers to impress!

Shakin’ All Over was an absolute kickin’ performance. Robert adopted that familiar strut (not one he uses much these days) and was totally immersed in the song – then Deb came on to push the energy level up even further – her vocal ad-libs were totally in harmony with Robert- there’s a great part where they sing ”Oh babe, Oh babe” repeatedly – what a duo they make – and for good measure, Pete Bullick had the stinging guitar parts that made this record such a revelation back in 1960, right off pat.

”Ladies and gentleman Deborah Bonham and the Halle Orchestra!” – that was Robert’s final tongue in cheek parting words.

In short, this was a night of a band of brothers and a beautiful sister and you could feel the Bonham glow reverberating around the stage. Those that were lucky enough to be there witnessed something very special. Via the wonder of YouTube, Robert Plant with the Deborah Bonham Band is one of the most riveting performances I’ve seen in an age – and it can rightly take its place as one of the all time great Robert Plant cameos. Just utterly joyous.

John, Mick, Jack and Joan would have been looking down with pride…

DL – May 4, 2016      


Stairway Court Case Delayed:

Latest on the Stairway/Spirit court case

This via mynews – report by Hilary Jackson:

A Los Angeles federal judge has delayed trial of a copyright-infringement lawsuit involving Led Zeppelin’s iconic rock anthem “Stairway to Heaven” until next month.

The lawsuit alleges that the guitar arpeggio opening of “Stairway,” released 45 years ago, was lifted from the 1968 instrumental “Taurus” by the long-defunct Los Angeles band Spirit.

The case was scheduled to go to trial May 10, but U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner has delayed the start date until June 14, according to a ruling obtained Tuesday.

More at:


Led Zeppelin News Update:

In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.


Robert Plant

Robert Plant performing on April 30 (Facebook/Helena Williams)

  • Robert Plant made a surprise appearance with Deborah Bonham’s band on April 30. He joined them on stage to perform “When The Levee Breaks” and “Shakin’ All Over.”

Upcoming events:

May 6 – Bidding ends for a statue of a saint painted by John Paul Jones.
May 10 – The “Stairway To Heaven” copyright case will go to trial in Los Angeles.
June 19 – Robert Plant will perform at the Royal Festival Hall in London with Guy Garvey, Nick Mulvey, Nadine Shah and Josephine Oniyama.
July 1 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Rock Werchter music festival in Belgium.
July 2 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Beauregard Music Festival in France.
July 4 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at Le festival des Nuits d’Istres in France.
July 7 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the NOS Alive Music Festival in Portugal.
July 14 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at Festival Noches del Botánico in Spain.
July 20 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Street Music Art Festival in Italy.
July 22 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Italy.
July 24 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Italy.
July 27 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in the Czech Republic.
July 28 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Austria.
July 30 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Croatia.
August 2 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Germany.
August 4/5/6/7 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Wilderness Festival in the UK.

The Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:


David Gilmour Review:

Michael Hurn filed this review of the David Gilmour show

David Gilmour – Royal Albert Hall, 24th April 2016 (Teenage Cancer Trust gig)

My dear wife, Sarah bought me a surprise pair of tickets to see DG for my birthday which isn’t until October, so a bit early but what a great gift!

The gig was the last night of the series of this year’s Teenage Cancer Trust Gigs, which are a great cause, so before the sold out gig started, Tim Lovejoy (from Sunday Brunch) introduced a very moving video on the work of the Trust and brought some of the kids being helped by the Trust on stage. Obviously they received a thundering a round of applause which was heightened by the house lights being dimmed and the audience turning on the lights on the mobile phones. A very emotional moment.

And then to the big man himself. At 70, David is still a legend and the sound from his guitar can make grown men cry. He began with the first three tracks from his latest album, Rattle That Lock, including the opener 5am which is classic atmospheric Gilmour. As always Gilmour has a brilliant band including -, Guy Pratt on bass and Phil Manzanera (yes, him from Roxy Music) on guitar.

So the set was a mix of the new album and some obvious and not so obvious Floyd classics. The new album is very, very good and comes across even better in a live context. Indeed, one new song, A Boat Lies Waiting, bought the Hall to a stunned silence as David seemed to visibly wipe a tear from his face at the absence of Rick Wright on the keyboards. It must feel strange for David to be touring without his best friend by his side – ‘What I lost was an ocean, now I’m drifting through without you…’

We were treated to great songs including a stunning Wish You Were Here, Money and Us and Them complete with the original backdrop videos from the 70s which sent a tingle down the spine. All the time David wrenches those slow long notes from the old black strat and sends them soaring into the sky.

After the interval the band kicked into Astronomy Domine which although great to hear seemed a bit out of place with the rest of the set in terms of feel and pace but it’s always good to hear this old school classic. David and the band drove through an abridged version of Shine On, a fantastic Fat Old Sun which was great to hear and after some new songs finished the main set with Sorrow and a laser light crazy version of Run Like Hell.

David didn’t say much during the set, but thanked everyone for supporting the Trust and introduced the band before launching into the encores of Time and of course Comfortably Numb. Being a guitar player myself, you can’t get better than these songs and as I waited for the second climatic solo in Comfortably Numb, David and the band cleverly diverted into an amazing version of Purple Rain, with David’s guitar soaring across the crowd. The stage turned purple and the crowd sang along to the wailing guitar. Epic stuff and then David and the band smoothly switched back into the second classic solo of Numb without a glitch. Check it out on YouTube.

So DG still amazes after all these years. He’s playing the RAH again in September but all the dates are sold out. If you have a ticket you’re a lucky person!

Michael Hurn – London 2016


Lottery winners’ money well used!


This one via the Cambridge News  – I’ll be making a visit to this location for sure!

Millionaire lottery winner Adrian Bayford has opened a record shop in Cambridge with his winnings.

Dealing in second hand records and a wide range of music and film memorabilia, Black Barn Records opened for business over the weekend and is Bayford’s second venture into music retail. He was running Suffolk Music Centre in Haverhill when he and his then-wife Gillian bagged the £148million Euromillions jackpot in 2012.

“Unlike a lot of the national chains who sell you what they want to sell we cater to what people actually want,” Bayford told Cambridge News. This includes a £10,000 stash of Lady Gaga mementos purchased earlier this year and a rare photo of The Beatles signed by John Lennon two weeks before his death.

But that’s not all. Bayford has his sights set on building a mini music empire, with plans to open a “couple more” shops and a vinyl pressing plant in the UK. Good stuff, Adrian.

Using the jackpot to indulge and share his passion for music, Bayford said: “It’s something I enjoy, it is something I enjoy being involved with, people like music and they like getting their hands on it.

“Not everyone wants to buy online, we offer a unique experience in the shop, catering from eight-year-olds to 80-year-olds


DL Diary Blog Update:
Friday treats at the Vinyl Barn Friday treats at the Vinyl Barn Bedford:
At a rather windy Vinyl Barn last Friday morning there were some seven inch single beauties to be had – including a Neil Young white label demo copy of Old Man from 1972 and a rather splendid Ember label original pressing from 1963 of the James Bond 007 From Russia With Love theme by the John Barry Seven in a pic sleeve – shaken not stirred! Thanks Darren…
victoria fair april 30
Last Saturday I attended the Victoria Record Fair with Gary, Krys Janzen and Phil Harris. At the fair it was  great to see Zep author Luis Rey and TBL contributor and long time supporter Paul Sheppard –  Paul’s feature on the Led Zep Tarantura bootleg releases is one of the highlights of the forthcoming TBL 41..oh and as can be seen in the pic, I had just purchased the rather splendid Dave Edmunds US radio Swan Song promo album – result!

There were one or two other purchases made (to put it mildly!), though for once there was no hiding of bags from the good lady Janet as I was meeting up with her and Sam in the evening!

Our train home only took us as far as Flitwick some 20 miles outside Bedford due to work on the St Pancras to Bedford line. We therefore would have had to get a bus but  at the station a kindly couple in a car asked if we were going to Bedford as they were going that way did we want a lift. .So we hoped in. We got chatting with the couple and I told of my  Zep connection – the husband said he had read about my Zep books in the local paper – and turned out he also saw Zep at Bath Fest 70…there’s no getting away from it!

After the Victoria Fair on Saturday, Gary, Krys, Phil and I mulled over the subject of David Hepworth’s excellent book 1971 – Never A Dull Moment – Krys had attended the launch of the book a couple of weeks back. The case for it being rock’s pivotal year is pretty strong.

In fact the more I think about it, the more I agree with Mr Hepworth. For me as a 14 year old going on 15 ,it was an incredibly impressionable time. Reading the NME/Melody Maker/Disc/Sounds etc every week was such an inspiration that drew me to so much great music. It was an age of discovery on many levels – and it was also of course the year I first saw Led Zeppelin perform live at the memorable Electric Magic show of November 21.

I had a look up in the loft at some of the many music papers I have from that year -and it got me thinking of the multitude of amazing 1971 album releases -and not just the obvious ones.

A wade through my collection for some less obvious 1971 vinyl treats  proved very fruitful – therefore I’ll be adding these 1971 selections to the DL spring /summer playlist:

Kate Taylor – Sister Kate

Miles Davis – Jack Johnson Sessions

Elton John – Friends Soundtrack

Humble Pie – Rock On

Leon Russell – & The Shelter People

Allman Brothers – At Fillmore East

Jack Bruce – Harmony Row

Atomic Rooster – In Hearing Of

More of my 1971 faves will be added in the coming weeks.

And on the player this week : Graham Nash -new album This Path Tonight, and Songs For Beginners (another 1971 winner!), The Hollies Rarities (includes some great Graham Nash contributions) The Best of Johnny Kidd & The Pirates (inspired by the great Robert/Deb live duet) and purchases from the Victoria Fair including:

Maggie Bell Queen of The Night (US Atlantic copy)

Taste – Live Taste (UK  Polydor)

Terry Reid – Bang Bang You’re Terry Reid (US Epic)

Sly & the Family Stone – Dance To the Music (US Epic)

Issac Hayes – Hot Buttered Soul (UK Stax)

Football….with Adam back until Tuesday, we ventured to the Fox to see the crucial Chelsea v Spurs match on Monday night – alas after a two- nil lead it all went horribly wrong…  Deeply disappointed as a Spurs fan but total hats off to Leicester City – their utterly sensational Premier League win has made the beautiful game even more beautiful…

It was a big Happy Birthday to my very good friend Tom who caught me up at 59 years old yesterday – although I’ll be in the lead again in 122 days time..
May is here and it’s going to be well full on with TBL 41 to wrap and distribute. It’s always an edgy time when the re subscriptions are due in – there’s been many hours of work  to bring this one to fruition and the objective as ever is to get it seen by as wider audience as possible. If you are reading this – the simple fact is that – you will find much to enjoy in this latest TBL outpouring.
Once again many thanks in advance for all your support.
Dave Lewis – May 6,2016.


YouTube Clips:

Robert Plant with The Deborah Bonham Band -When The Levee Breaks: Clip 1:


Robert Plant with The Deborah Bonham Band -When The Levee Breaks: Clip 2:

Robert Plant with The Deborah Bonham Band -Shakin’ All Over Clip 1:

Robert Plant with The Deborah Bonham Band -Shakin’ All Over Clip 2:

Until next time…

Have a great weekend,

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – May 6, 2016.

If you are reading this and have yet to link with the Tight But Loose Facebook page be sure to request/add us. The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.

To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783





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  • VHP said:

    if we are keeping with football analogies then Planty wins hands down due to the number of concerts & new material he has released since 2000 compared to Jimmy.
    I fully agree with you regarding Robert getting up and playing at small venues, be it at his beloved Wolves football ground, or in Cumbria with Francis Dunnery. Dave (Lewis) – didn’t Robert turn up at a small music festival last year (Worcestershire or Herefordshire area?) Plus he did a small gig in Gloucester I think.(I am sure D.L. will know the when & where for the above.)

    I also know Robert has attended the Moseley Folk Festival in Birmingham in either 2014 or 2015. Someone who I work with goes each year and over the weekend does a large paintings. He was painting away when he heard “Nice picture mate”, turned around to say “thanks” and it was Robert.

  • Stephen said:

    Brilliant clips of Plant there. Thanks for directing us to them, Dave.
    I love that Robert seems to be getting as much joy out of that performance as playing big venues in America (A few pints of scrumpy may have helped! hee hee).
    I wish Jimmy had the same blithe attitude to getting on stage and jamming a few numbers here and there. It would keep him match fit and if he was ready to mount a full comeback, he would have a few friendlies under his belt. Sorry for all the football analogies, but Pagey did say he was warming up on the touchline in a 1970s Adidas tracksuit. Well, it’s time he came off the subs bench and banged a few in before Planty wins the league!

  • Mark Williams said:

    Thanks a lot for the great updates Dave – always done with such insight and knowledge that you just don’t get anywhere else on the Internet.

    Isn’t it just great to see Robert jump up in such small,intimate settings such as last weekend in Hereford ? You can tell he’s in his element in small venues yet maintains all that charisma we all know & love.

    I’m looking forward to seeing Roy Harper at the Festival Hall in September – would be great to see a certain JP join Roy there again.

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