Essential Led Zep reading for your iPad, tablet and phone – TBL 41 now available to download via the Magzter newsstand…
I am pleased to announce that the recent TBL issue 41 is now available as a digital download for iPad and Android formats via the Magzter Digital Newsstand .
The Magzter Digital Newsstand is one of the leading multi platform digital newsstand, with 6,000 magazines from 2,500 publishers globally available for sale.
The Tight But Loose magazine has long been established as the key regular Zep written source. The launch of the magazine in digital format via the Magzster Newsstand, therefore represents a major step forward in reaching out to enthusiasts of the band throughout the globe. Online readers will now have access to this essential Zep read at the mere touch of a screen. Each issue adds a fresh perspective to their appreciation of all things Led Zeppelin.
TBL 41 content is as follows…
TBL World Exclusive -new interview with John Paul Jones – JPJ talks opera, Led Zep reissues, 60s sessions, plans ahead and more in this exclusive new interview with Dave Lewis/ John Paul Jones at 70: An Appreciation by Richard Grubb Part 2 & 70 at 70 – the JPJ TBL Playlist/Jimmy Page – She Just Satisfies on 45 – Record Store Day Delight/Robert Plant: Celtic Connections & Blues, Roots & Hollers latest news & views/BP Fallon: The TBL Interview with the legendary former Led Zeppelin publicist/TBL Collector Focus: The vinyl, the albums, the singles, the memorabilia – the stuff we love/ Nick Anderson Collectors Column presents Presence at 40 – The Rare Pressings – a vinyl visual feast/Led Zeppelin: The Tarantura Bootleg CD Label – Part 1 by Paul Sheppard/ One Fan’s Coda: Larry Bergmann Jr compiles the best of the material from Led Zep reissue Companion Discs and more/ From the Underground: Scott Heck focuses on the previously uncirculated Fort Worth March 3 1975 soundboard release/ Please Read The Letter That I Wrote – TBL Feedback by letter, Email, Facebook and blogs.
This is a companion digital offer designed to run in conjunction with the physical product. The printed version of the TBL magazine remains at the core of the TBL offer – a 32 page full colour printed edition, individually signed and numbered with a free additional 10 x 8 art print.
The three issue physical subscription will continue to run on-going – TBL 41 is the first issue of the current physical subscription – with TBL 42 and 43 to follow.
To make it clear – there are no plans to cease the TBL printed mag -this will continue to be published in all its 32 page glory!
However, the digital version brings additional accessibility to the content. I am sure current subscribers will continue to desire the collectability of the physical product and add the digital version as a convenient method of reading the magazine. In effect you need both!
In linking up with the Magzter Newsstand, I am also hoping it will drive new readers to the magazine and in general, spread the TBL world to a far reaching audience. Indeed if you know of fans who favour online reading be sure to spread this message to them.
If you are reading this and have never indulged in the TBL magazine – the digital version now makes it very easy to do so at the click of the link below.
Here are some initial thoughts on the TBL digital version from long time TBL subscriber Michael Rae in Australia:
• Print AND digital: the perfect pair for the TBL reader.
As a longtime subscriber to the print edition of TBL, I was delighted when Dave Lewis announced that TBL was adding a digital version. The digital TBL obviously offers the convenience of access on your device of choice. It also allows the reader to enlarge the great pictures and other graphics. TBL41’s feature articles on the rare Presence pressings and Cliff Hilliard’s collection of handbills and tickets are superb in the digital edition.
TBL in print offers the delights of the printed page and permanence, while the digital version of TBL enhances the reading experience. Together, the two versions provide the perfect pairing for any Led Zeppelin fan!
James Cook at LedZepNews:
Tight But Loose magazine has always been the definitive magazine for Led Zeppelin fans, and this digital release is going to make it even more essential. Dave and his network of contributors share so much information and expertise, and I’m often bombarded with requests on how to buy the magazine. This new digital release is going to make the magazine and the Led Zeppelin message available to even more fans.
Here’s some feedback comments from satisfied readers of the new TBL 41 issue:
Why is it when a new TBL magazine arrives do I always feel like I just got a new Zeppelin album? Ken Winovitch
The as ever wonderful 41st issue of the Led Zeppelin magazine Tight But Loose, complete with exclusive John Paul Jones interview and numbered print, edited by the tireless and ever Zep inspired Dave Lewis. Kevin Hewick
41’s another cracking issue. More like this. Even in trying times, no one tops The Blimp’s #1 Bard. Chris Serratella
Just a quick note to say read most of the new TBL in one sitting. Particularly enjoyed the article on the Tarantura Bootlegs. Mark Halliwell
Brilliant edition Dave. Phil Richardson
Almost finished reading TBL41 and whether you’re a newcomer to Zeppelin or a seasoned Zepphead, the magazine continues to discover and feature previously unexplored areas of the Zeppelin world. The articles on BP Fallon, Tarantura, and the collecting scene are superb examples and first class reading. Greg Purling
Cracking piece from Larry Bergmann in the latest TBL. Worth the piece of admission on its own. Peter
Thanks so much for that copy of TBL. You have such an infectious enthusiasm for your subject and such an obviously diligent approach .
Loved the JPJ interview ( those are such a rarity ) and also all your record collecting background. All a joy to read, and of course within minutes my headphones were on too. Keep sharing the love ! It’s so infectious and quite unique. Amanda Bruckshaw
Issue 41 of Tight But Loose is out, and for anyone who does not have a subscription then it can be ordered on the TBL website. A review of this issue is just up on Underground Uprising, with details of how to order it. Highly recommended, as always this magazine and everything Dave does for all us fans gets a massive thumbs up from me. Julian Walker
Congratulations on issue TBL 41 and it’s a fantastic achievement.The magazine is a absolute joy to read every time. I’d also like to also congratulate Paul Sheppard on his wonderful articles on his top 40 zep bootleg packages and also part one of Tarantura CD’s.(can’t wait for part 2). Also it’s well done to others that help putting mag together. Andrew Pepworth
Received TBL41 I loved this edition – a brilliant interview with Jonesy pus a fabulous set of collector features which is right up my street as you know. Congrats again on another super edition. TBL …no Zep fan should leave home without it! Graeme Hutchinson
The ordering link is below.
Previous issues tbl 39 and 40 are also available to download. Further back issues will follow.
The TBL world of Led Zeppelin has just got a whole more accessible…get on board for the essential download Zep/TBL written experience…
TBL Retro Archive: Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1980: it was 36 years ago…
Concluding the TBL retro archive feature on the final Led Zeppelin tour as chronicled in the Feather In The Wind book
This is my overview of the gigs that I caught – this extract picks up the on stage action in Munich for what would be their penultimate show with John Bonham…
When the house lights dim some 15 minutes later, I get the most incredible buzz from hearing the Wembley-like roar that echoes around the Olympic Hall. And there they are, walking the 30 yard stretch from the dressing room area up on to the stairs that lead to the stage. Ushered by torchlight and led as ever by manager Peter Grant. Bonzo is flanked by the ever present Rex. He’s shaved his beard (“I always do for the summer” he tells me later) and looks very much like he does in the concert part of the movie. He also looks nervous, and at this moment I can’t blame him.
Jimmy is stumbling his way through, once again wearing that baggy suit I first saw in Cologne. Robert strides forward head aloft, a bottle of orange juice in his hand, smiling. John Paul Jones does an Ali-like shuffle up to the stairs.
Seconds later Munich sees Led Zeppelin and the roar is frightening.
So too is the awesome power of the opening numbers Train Kept A Rollin’ (“And it kept on rollin’ ”) and Nobody’s Fault But Mine. It’s when they crunch down on numbers like these that you get into perspective the power that they can create.
Something like Nobody’s Fault with all its stop-gap acappella and soloing, has to be punctuated by the rhythm section at just the right moments. If Bonzo or Jonesy drop one or stitch one it would totally throw out the up-front euphoria of Jimmy and Robert… but they get it right every time and it makes me gasp in amazement. That power, which so easily could weigh them down, is manipulated with effortless ease, and it sounds so right. “No-no-no-no-no-no-no-no body’s fault.” Crunch! Jimmy winds it up, but then Jimmy winds it up every night.
Of course, one of their great assets is the ability to balance that power and shift into passionate, emotion-filled diversity. After Black Dog and In the Evening, they display this perfectly when performing Rain Song with all its shimmering double neck virtuoso playing from Jimmy, and on All My Love too, probably the best received song throughout the tour. You can actually hear the audience singing along on the chorus tonight. Of course, they’ve all got the album, and the dream of it being performed live is turning to reality with every movement of Robert’s outstretched arms, Jonesy’s string symphony, Jimmy’s emotive solo and Bonzo’s anchor man drumming.
“Eye thank yew” says Robert, taking this particular crowd through an unfamiliar sketch. Hot Dog has the boy doing his barn dance speciality and John Paul Jones adds some accurate piano work. During Trampled Underfoot Jimmy really lets loose. Pulling the most incredible notes from the Gibson, steely solos, juicy wah wah effects, you know, the whole works, and Robert loves it. Dancing his two-step across the stage, grinning and looning. “Push” indeed. Since I’ve Been Loving You is another Jimmy showpiece and it’s apparent how well this song has matured over the years, having been written something like a decade ago.
“James Patrick Page guitar! This is the first tour we’ve done in three years and it’s been quite an interesting sketch actually.” (Roars from the audience) “One more night then… who knows; maybe we’ll do this again very quickly; maybe not.”
Achilles Last Stand follows that speech. I close my eyes and it’s like being in a 1976 time warp. It’s got that sort of atmosphere having been recorded here in forced circumstances, and it still retains a sense of melodrama (right down to the point Robert echoes the “Atlas” line and leaves Jimmy to stalk the stage in time with the revolving, closing chord passage, flanked by a blue spotlight). After Jimmy’s White Summer/Black Mountain Side interlude, Kashmir explodes forth and Robert unleashes every ounce of drama from within the lyrics. Other highlights include that marvellous “Woman talkin’ to ya” ad lib; the combination of the two front men’s visual tactics; and finally Bonzo’s drumming – “Moby Dick, Dick, Dick, Dick” Robert teases.
Unannounced as usual, Jimmy plays two chords and as those two chords echo around the Olympic complex they’re soaked up by the Munich people and thrown back with a most volcanic-like roar that signals the anthem. “Does anybody remember laughter?” asks Robert on cue and, judging by the reaction, I think they do. Soon after, he’s thrown the tambourine and stands there arm outstretched in classic pose. Behind him Jimmy rips out that solo. By the end of Stairway to Heaven, Zeppelin receive an ovation that sounded like they’d scooped gold, silver and bronze in every event going.
“München… Goodnight!”
The band leave the stage, and Phil from Bad Co. and Mick Hinton proceed to set up Simon’s drum kit to the side of the stage near John Paul Jones’ keyboards. The audience look puzzled. Back come the group for the obligatory encore of Rock And Roll which crushes the hall.
After this, Robert announces to the crowd: “Please welcome an old friend of ours from Bad Company, Simon Kirke!” Simon walks on, takes to the kit, does a few snare beats and before we know it the five man Led Zep are into Whole Lotta Love. This, I haven’t seen before. Incredibly though, it works! Even though this jam had been totally unrehearsed, Simon gets all the breaks right, with eyes fixed on Bonzo, and the sound is sizzling hot. Jimmy joins in on the vocals for the chorus, and then proceeds to fiddle about on theremin, battling with Robert’s vocal interplay. The famous five grind on into the Let That Boy Boogie segment and then it’s on to the home straight, Simon filling in, complimenting Bonzo’s hammerings.
At the close they all take a bow – “Thank you… oh, and welcome back on stage Simon!” Finally they leave the stage, grinning, sweating and satisfied. While the Munich mania continues, the band are already speeding towards the Hilton hotel.
A couple of hours later, the Hilton’s plush bar is doing hectic business in trying to satisfy the thirst of the Zeppelin entourage. Everyone’s here tonight. Bonzo, Robert and Jonesy are already propping up the bar, and not long after, Jimmy completes the line up. “Where’s Robert?” exclaims James, ambling down the stairs anxious to find his buddy.
Robert is holding court. His energy is phenomenal. Even after tonight’s exhausting show he’s still full of life. He holds up his hand to me forming a circle with his thumb and finger, signifying that the evening had been spot on. “Great tonight wasn’t it?… and Simon, well it was such a driving rock ‘n’ roll, I couldn’t believe it. Two drummers, I mean really!”
John Bonham is also well pleased. “Overall, everyone has been dead chuffed with the way the tour’s gone. There were so many things that could have gone wrong. It was a bit of a gamble this one, but it’s worked really well.” I enquire what the next move will be. “A holiday!” replies the beardless Bonzo. “We wanna keep working. There’s lots of possibilities and of course we want to do England. It’s down to a management decision really and we will have to talk about that when we get back.”
As the night progresses, the booze continues to flow, and everything gets a little hazy. Before I crawl back to my room, I can dimly recall Robert singing along to the chorus of Walking On The Moon, cries of “Eye Thank Yew” at regular intervals, and rapping with him about time, the wheel that rolls on… long into the night.
Sunday: the tour is winding to a close. Just one more gig in Berlin tomorrow and then it’ll be back down to the Golden Lion and a bit of English sanity. For me, today is a leaving day. The Spirit of Albion is calling once again. Down in the lobby just as I’m checking out, I literally bump into Jimmy Page as he’s trying to open a loo door! Last words, then James: “Yeah last night was the nearest feeling to that of the big American shows. Just so much energy there – How long did we play for? I tell him 2 ½ hours. “That’s about right isn’t it? We had to get rid of some of the effects really, I mean, it was difficult trying to get a leak in during Dazed And Confused!. I thought it was really exciting last night, really exciting.”
So that’s it. Fond farewells have been exchanged, luggage packed and the taxi ordered. Just as I’m about to leave I notice Fritz Rau again. He’s greeting the Santana crew who are booking in for their gig. For Fritz it’s just another rock ‘n’ roll band from where-ever… I’ll tell you one thing though; I bet he never thought Led Zeppelin were just another rock ‘n’ roll band, during their tour. Led Zeppelin are never just… anything. That’s why they’re special. That’s why they’re here still.
But earlier in the year, even I was beginning to wonder if they were ever going to get back on the road after the silence that followed Knebworth. This tour though, has taken them into the 1980s. Things may change for Zeppelin, but it’s their ability to retain the essence of their existence (ie. their roots), that helps keep it fresh.
Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1980 has been a return to the people. It’s a period of intense activity they all desperately needed. It’s been a rejuvenation, and above all it’s been fun.
It leaves Led Zeppelin in a very healthy position. They’ve still got it and they still care.
Boys… ”Eye Thank Yew… ”
Dave Lewis, July, 1980.
Extract from the book Feather In the Wind- Led Zeppelin Over Europe 1880.
The book is readily available at a bargain price – yet more Led Zep summer 2016 reading.
LZ News:
Led Zeppelin News Update:
In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.
Led Zeppelin:
•Led Zeppelin’s publisher Warner/Chappell has asked for up to $800,000 in fees and costs from the plaintiff in the “Stairway To Heaven” trial.
Jimmy Page:
•Jimmy Page was also spotted watching The Stone Roses perform in Dublin, Ireland last week.
Robert Plant:
•Robert Plant performed in France on July 4, Portugal on July 7, and Spain on July 9. Check the setlists below, and click through to see videos of the performances.
July 4: Le festival des Nuits d’Istres, France (We’re not clear on the order of the songs here)
Little Maggie
Black Dog
Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
The Rain Song
Dancing In Heaven
Poor Howard
Fixin’ To Die
Whole Lotta Love
Rock And Roll
July 7: NOS Alive, Portugal
The Lemon Song
Black Dog
Turn It Up
Poor Howard
Dazed and Confused
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Little Maggie
Fixin’ to Die
Whole Lotta Love
Rock And Roll
July 9: Cruïlla Barcelona, Spain (Again, we’re not sure on the running order here)
The Lemon Song
Black Dog
Poor Howard
Babe, I’m Gonna Leave You
Whole Lotta Love
Upcoming events:
July 14 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at Festival Noches del Botánico in Spain.
July 20 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Street Music Art Festival in Italy.
July 22 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Italy.
July 24 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Italy.
July 27 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in the Czech Republic.
July 28 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Austria.
July 30 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Croatia.
August 2 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform in Germany.
August 4/5/6/7 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Wilderness Festival in the UK.
October 8/9 – Robert Plant and The Sensational Space Shifters will perform at the Festival of Disruption in Los Angeles.
The Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here: https://t.co/yp9fGJMSGH
Classic Rock website – The Top Ten Best Robert Plant Solo Songs:
The Top Ten Robert Plant songs compiled by yours truly for the Classic Rock website – again impossible to narrow it to ten – I had some sleepless nights working on this but I did my best – agree to disagree and enjoy!
Outside of his Led Zep legacy, Robert Plant has enjoyed a highly successful solo career – encompassing synth pop, blues, folk and African influences along the way. All performed with a vocal conviction that ranges from delicate fragility to full on rock power. Here are ten of his best solo moments…
View the list at:
Happy Birthday Jason Bonham!
Wishing Jason a very happy 50th birthday for Friday July 15…have a great one mate!
I’ve kicked this one off on the DL/TBL Facebook page…
With my 60th birthday in sight, the countdown commences. Every day up to September 5 I’ll be posting (in no particular order) a countdown of my favourite 60 singles , favourite 60 albums and gigs …the 60 at 60 DL faves…
Here’s a summary of the past week’s entries:
The Gigs at number 60 …
The first concert I ever attended – aged 7. This was a typical 1960s package bill at the local cinema that also included The Hollies and The Kinks. I was drums mad and loved the DC 5 – still do…this night left a very big impression…
Things were never the same around these parts after that night…a life affirming gig for this mesmerised 15 year old..…the effect would be a lasting one..
The Gigs countdown – at 58
Ally Pally – another amazing gig – being amongst the great coats, dope and the Jesus freaks was another enlightening experience for this particular 16 year old. As for Zep – hearing live previews of The Song Remains The Same/The Rain Song and Dancing Days a full three months before they were released on the Houses Of The Holy album, well that made me feel like I was part of a very special elite club…nearly 44 years on it’s a club I’m very much still a part of …
The Gigs: At 57
The novelty of this one was that it was a 3pm afternoon show -such was demand for this tour they added in this extra performance. It remains the only indoor afternoon gig I’ve attended – afternoon or not – it was truly amazing – Mick Taylor was outstanding and the new songs from Goats Head Soup –Dancing With Mr D, Angie etc worked so well. Billy Preston was also great. I got this bootleg LP not long after.
The Gigs: At 56
First time I saw The Who – sensational show with new material from the just released Who By Numbers such as Dreaming From the Waist and However Much I Booze so impressive. As were the big hitters I Can’t Explain, Substitute, Won’t Get Fooled Again etc
The Gigs: At 55
The second occasion I was lucky enough to see the Stones. A real event gig –the ticket demand was massive. This was the last night of their 6 night Earls Court run. The Black and Blue album was just out Fool To cry and Hand of Fate sounded great live…still love that album too…
The Gigs: at 54…
37 years ago tonight I witnessed one of the best shows I ever saw outside of Zep. It took place four weeks before the first Knebworth show
This was a benefit gig for Rock Against Racism held at the Rainbow Theatre in North London..Pete Townshend making a rare solo appearance, topped a bill that included The Ruts and reggae group Misty In Roots.
Tom, Dec and our good friend the late Karl Bergin were right down the front for this one.
The Rainbow stage was built in a way that allowed you to be in touching distance of the act. It was a sweltering hot July Friday night, and it was just sensational. Townshend with a band that included Peter Hope Evans from Medicine Head on jews harp and Kenney Jones on drums, romped through a slew of Who classics including Bargain, Drowned, The Real Me, Lets See Action, Won’t Get Fooled Again ,My Generation and the newly written Cat’s In The Cupboard (later to appear on his solo album Empty Glass).
I was drenched in sweat when I came out, and to cool off promptly jumped into the rather splendid fountain in the Rainbow Theatre foyer. Exhilarating at the time, this did prove to be not such a good idea when we missed the last train home. I remember wrapping myself in a cardboard box on St Pancras Station to keep warm on the platform waiting. We eventually got in at 5pm and I was at work at 8.30. Don’t ask me how.
Everything was right about this gig – not least the venue. I loved The Rainbow. The sloping floor, the intimacy of a theatre. I saw some great shows there including Black Oak Arkansas, The Small Faces (reformed with Steve Marriott) and The Jam. Once known as the Finsbury Park Astoria, The Rainbow was a wonderful North London landmark, stuck out on an island site at the junction of Seven Sisters Road and Isledon Road. Last I knew it was the home of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.
In hindsight, I wish somewhere along the way, Zeppelin could have booked a week of gigs at The Rainbow in 1979. They would have gone down a storm –just like Townshend did. It would have been the perfect opportunity to regain contact with their following, in much the way the smaller dates in Europe did the next summer. Of course a few months on, they did grace the esteemed North London theatre to rehearse for the Over Europe tour- they also rehearsed there before the 1972/3 UK tour.
Looking back on all this, it can be viewed that The Who camp were a little more in tune with the musical climate of the day, and not afraid to mix with the new wave. The Ruts supporting Pete on that night did not seem odd at all. Their Wembley Stadium bill in August with The Stranglers etc, was also a lot more interesting than the mediocre Knebworth line up. The Who were also not afraid of the smaller stage – indeed they had played a gig at the Rainbow in early May at short notice.
As fantastic as Knebworth was (and I’ve spent enough hours chronicling that fact), getting back to a smaller stage in the UK would have been a revelation and Led Zeppelin at the Rainbow would have been a dream team. Maybe if that planned spring tour of ‘81 had occurred, that’s where it all might have headed. Knebworth would then have been viewed not as a glorious end, but a glorious rebirth.
And I’d have been the one wading in the Rainbow fountain after the show…
One of the first LPs I ever purchased. Free, Jethro,Fairport etc- that was very hip stuff for this then 13 year old….
The Albums Countdown: At 59… OOH LA LA – THE FACES
From out and out rockers to reflective ballads – a wonderful set of songs. Ronnie Lane much to the fore – a real group album and Rod’s pretty good too…
The Albums Countdown – at 58
One of the first albums I brought when I started work at British Home Stores in June 1972 – £2 pounds and 15 new pence out of the £11.50 starting wage I earned – all worth it of course – a dynamite Hendrix live set stock full of matchless virtuosity.
The Albums Countdown: At 57..
Pure class all the way from the wonderful Joni. In France They Kiss On Main Street is sublimely brilliant – had this LP in the late 70s –it’s never too far from the player…
The Albums Countdown: At 56..
So much variety here – Superstition, Blame it on the Sun, You and I, Tuesday Heartbreak, Looking For Another Pure Love (‘’do it Jeff’’) Big Brother – brought this in 1974…bet he went down a storm yesterday at Hyde park…
The Albums Countdown: At 55…
I splashed out £5.50 ( a fortune back then!) on this triple album the day it came out in early January 1972. I’d been saving up my paper round money for weeks. I’d read all the concert reviews from this all star charity gig staged on August 1 1971, and was so excited at the prospect of hearing it all – it did not disappoint. George is just superb on the likes of Wah Wah, Awaiting On You All Beware of Darkness – as are the contributions from Ringo, Eric Clapton, Billy Preston, Leon Russell. Not to mention a whole side of Bob Dylan. A musical education for this 15 year old and boy did I lap it up. 46 years on it still all sounds great.
The Albums : At 54…
Great album from one of rock’s best years 1975 – this is their best for me – aside from the rock element they had such a groove – tracks like Wild Fire Woman – they also knew how to handle the mellow stuff so well – Weep No More and Shooting Star are further highlights. The second best band on Swan Song Records for sure… oh and last years reissue is also fab – I was lucky enough to attend the playback with Mick Ralphs – he told many a cool tale how this all came together.
The Singles Countdown : At number 60
I bought this the week I started work on the record department of WH Smith in October 1974..top track indeed..
The Singles Countdown: At 59…
I’ve loved this gorgeously melodic Byrds gem since it first came out in 1971..superb…
The Singles Countdown: At 58…
For all their hard rock blues playing Free were capable of great subtlety. This has been a fave of mine since it’s release in 1971. Kossoff’s sweeping guitar lines during the song’s last moments are just awesome.
The Singles Countdown: At 57…
Marc Bolan – Forever a true star – and very much part of my growing up in the early 70’s…
The Singles Countdown: At 56…
Loved this the day from the day it came out in 1978 – great song- great sentiment
The Singles Countdown: At 55…
A gorgeous Jimmy Webb composition – simply one of the greatest songs ever written aside from Glen’s superb vocal, the string arrangement is just so good. I have a fair few Glen albums wonderful signer.
The Singles Countdown: At 54…
Brilliant Infectious soul groove from the Scottish funksters – this was a UK hit in March 1975 – it was all over the radio at that time and vividly reminds me of the pre – Zep at Earls Court period – what a groove indeed –still sounds amazing.
To be continued…
DL Diary Blog Update:
There was no Vinyl Barn last Friday as Darren was on hol – however a suitable vinyl fix was attained the next day when the good lady and I visited the fair city of St. Albans. I duly nipped over to the always excellent Empire Records. I was very pleased to pick up the first Blodwyn Pig album Ahead Rings Out – a US pressing on A and M. Collecting original US pressings is high on my collecting agenda – I love the strong cardboard sleeves, often alternate art work and labels and the Blodywn Pig is a rare beauty.
I also picked up their second album Ahead Rings Out on UK Chrysalis. My singles acquisitions included Jethro Tull’s Living In the past on the original Island and Jimi Hendrix Hey Joe on UK Polydor.
I am currently reading a great book by music author Jon Savage. 1966 The Year The Decade Exploded is a comprehensive month by month overview of the musical climate of that ground breaking year -it also looks at the cultural events of the year – one of which was the staging of the World Cup -which was all happening 50 years ago this very week.
I vividly remember the World Cup unfolding and watching the games on TV all the way to England’s eventual triumph. Talking of sporting achevements, it was fantastic to watch the brilliant Andy Murray win his second Wimbledon last Sunday.
Back to 1966…
The book has led me to re-investigate my favourite albums of that year and to that end my current playlist for the next few weeks will be dominated by albums from that year – here’s the first round up of albums issued in 1966 that will be on the player here in the coming weeks -I’ll be adding more ongoing…
1966 and all that – The DL Playlist:
Revolver – The Beatles
Blonde On Blonde – Bob Dylan
Aftermath – The Rolling Stones
Pet Sounds – The Beach Boys
A Quick One – The Who
Roger the Engineer – The Yardbirds
Fifth Dimension – The Byrds
Though I have them on CD I am on the look out for original mono UK pressings of Aftermath and Pet Sounds and one or two others from that era – it’s always the thrill of the vinyl chase!
Very busy here on a variety of projects – one of which has been preparing the digital download version of the latest TBL issue 41 and it’s great to see it up on the Magzter Newsstand.
On the playlist these past few days – it’s been a Robert Plant zone as I compiled the top ten for the Classic Rock website. Like I said, it was an impossible task narrowing it to just ten songs – it’s quite amazing the breadth of styles he has covered since 1981.
I hadn’t played some of those albums for a good while – Fate Of Nations , Dreamland and his last album lullaby and the Ceaseless Roar, still sound so fresh and vibrant. Those lucky enough to be catching up with him and SSS in Europe in the next couple of weeks are in for a real treat. As a singer of the songs…he remains The Man…
Dave Lewis July 13, 2016
YouTube Clips:
Robert Plant – Embrace Another Fall:
Robert Plant: Come Into My Life
Robert Plant – Ship of Fools:
Until next time…
Have a great weekend,
Dave Lewis/Gary Foy – July 13, 2016.
If you are reading this and have yet to link with the Tight But Loose Facebook page be sure to request/add us. The TBL Facebook is another key part of the TBL set up with updated stories/additional pics etc to keep you on top of the world of TBL.
To view additional photos and TBL info be sure to hook up with the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at
I thought you were a big fan of P A 11 Dave.Why only one song from that record?No Like I’ve Never Been Gone and what about something from his second best The Mighty Rearranger?Good to see Blodwyn Pig getting a mention though.By the way do you know what Zep meant when they called Tull Jethro Dull?Was it their music or was it something to do with Ian Anderson’s reluctance to party that gave rise to this name?
Hi Dave,
I am enjoying the various ’60’ countdowns.
Dave M, Jimmy did say in August last year that as he had finished all the re issue promotional work that it was going to be ‘guitar guitar guitar’ – but I agree, over 1/2 way through this year and no news of whether he has even made it into the studio. I know Jimmy says he likes surprises – but we are not in the 1970’s anymore and people have a hungry appetite for what musicians are doing – so keeping everyone guessing isn’t always a good thing.
His website is now 5 years old and on its launch didn’t promise to release new music via the site? Yes we have had the re issues & Lucifer, but am I the only one who had hoped that by now some ‘all new’ music could have been released?
Dave L, as you have your finger on the Zep related pulse do you know anything?
Liked most of your choices Dave, but always felt slow dancer and calling to you were a bit derivative of Kashmir and that whole eastern meets western rock that zep did so well. So hard to narrow down to just ten. I always find his debut, pictures at eleven, the album I will go back to the most. He’s still young and the new wave jangly guitar sound makes it still sound fresh. Two great ballads on that album as well – mis and lunbg.
Enjoying the 60 countdown, Dave. Witchita Lineman, among the others you mention, absolute classic.
A bit off-topic, but just listening to my newly purchased latest Jeff Beck album – and very good it is too. Meanwhile, Eric Clapton released another new album back in May.
The point being – we’re over halfway through 2016. Wondering where the new Jimmy Page music is? He’s been talking about it for the last 7-8 years – at least.
Your Robert Plant Top 10 inspires plenty of thought, even though it’s an impossible task! I would also have to include – Another Tribe, Down to the Sea, Pocketful of Golden, Dancing in Heaven, Heaven Knows, Little by Little and Somebody Knocking. Ten isn’t enough!
Have to commend you on that Top 10 choice, though if it were a top 15 say, I’d add in ; Like I’ve never been gone, Darkness Darkness ( (though not written by Robert but a superb rendition), Little by Little, ,Wreckless love, and The Greatest Gift. Robert has such a superb solo catalogue, I just wish we’d hear more of it at the SSS shows. Nevertheless, Robert is God !
Lovely extract from feather Dave,i always wonder if that gig was evidence of
a corner being turned and Zep reinventing and reigniting for the 80’s
Obviously we will never know but it is a real sadness that this band has been gone nearly 36 years and the Stones still roll. Ref RP solo why does Life begin again with the Afro Celts
never figure anywhere or ever get played? For me one of the few occasions Robert gets the
mix of electronica and world music right.An albums worth with that band would be fascinating.
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Tight But Loose Website edited by Dave Lewis and Gary Foy.
Tight But Loose Magazine created by Dave Lewis 1978. TBL/Web launched by Dave Linwood 1995. TBL logo by Mike Warry.
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