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23 September 2012 1,516 views 38 Comments


Countdown to the Celebration Day…24 days to go.

To mark the impending momentous worldwide screening of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertegun 02 reunion concert on October 17th, we are counting down to the day with a daily Celebration Day Newsletter post. This will feature relevant news and updates plus the TBL Countdown Collection – a daily celebration of Zep moments, memories and artefacts. Above photo by Dave Lewis for TBL.


A quick apology for the lack of posting yesterday. After all the mania of Friday and the lead up to it, plus the fact I’d been struggling with an infection (which I’m pleased to say I seem to be getting over), I felt somewhat emotionally and physically drained yesterday. I therefore needed to take stock a little and spend some time with the good lady Janet.  It was also inspiring  for us both to be in the company of good friends last night (not least for me because two of them (Tom L and Phil H) were at the Earls Court May 24 show with me and have shared so much of it all over many years.)

So with a deep breath…it’s back to the fray. Friday was of course an extraordinary day with the press screening and press conference , both of which I was lucky enough to attend. Many thanks for all the feedback comments surrounding this that have come in on the TBL site and Facebook.

I did put up a mini review of the film on the Tight But Loose Facebook. A full review follows here. Written from the heart – which is the only way I know..….



This is possibly one of the hardest tasks I’ve had in conveying thought to paper. The effect of witnessing the press showing of the Celebration Day has been pretty shattering.

So first things first.

What I am about to relay is not seen through rose tinted glasses. I know what I saw and I know what I felt seeing it.

Yes I m a massive fan –fundamentally above everything else a massive fan – there’s a writer, author and publisher in there for sure because that is the job I do, but you can’t take the fan out of the man….

Like many reading this, I’ve been a fan for many years and in doing so, I have been affected, inspired and influenced by the music and world of Led Zeppelin since I was in my teens.

And yes I was lucky enough to be there on that night of nights at the 02 arena on December 10th 2007…

Let me state now that one of the great things about this long awaited film, is that there is no exclusivity to it. It’s something millions can and will share over the coming months, in cinema theatres across the world and subsequently at home on a variety of formats.

Another thing to get out of the way – what this film offers – beyond a mere concert (and albeit probably the most famous one act concert of all time) is a touching humility and sharing of emotions between four personalities as they create this very special performance.

The most affecting music has always been about emotions and the ability of the listener to connect with the artists on that level.

Led Zeppelin’s music has always done that for me – and of course I know countless like minded souls feel the same.

Thank You, That’s The Way, Down By The Seaside, Ten Years Gone, All My Love etc etc – this music has resonated throughout my life, often intuitively providing a soundtrack as it was being played out –  from love affairs, through marriage, births, deaths, highs and lows. It continues to act as an inspration and template for my every mood.

Anyone who knows me well, will know I tend to live my life very heart on the sleeve and I am not one to hold off emotion and declare how I feel, be that a good thing or bad. That’s my way. I was therefore not at all embarrassed when I had tears streaming down my face watching them perform Stairway To Heaven back at the 02 on the night. That was the effect it had and I wasn’t the only one.

So yes this film is about humility and emotion.

I was still slightly surprised, in a sort of pleasant way (though the boy Adam here might say to me ‘’Man up Dad!’’) the amount of times I found myself welling up continually throughout the film as the action unfolded. These were shows of emotion that contained a mix of elation, pride, sadness and joy (that word –we will come back to that again).

I feel something of a sense of relief that these emotions were exposed. I would probably have been well surprised if they hadn’t.

This film is also about redemption and rejuvenation.

You can see it continually between the interplay of the four – so brilliantly captured by Dick Carruthers direction. The knowing grins, the winks, the laughs, the sheer joy (that word again) to be had in re- creating the legacy of Led Zeppelin…they knew it was happening (and as Jimmy replied to my question at the press conference – from the very first number) and the sense of redemption they were experiencing is palpable. Make that undeniable.

Celebration Day will make you smile and cry in equal measures. I am not being mawkish here either – it’s the intense reality of watching Led Zeppelin  re-claim their crown with such swagger and verve.

So where does all this fit in the scheme of their achievements? Again from witnessing the film, I’d say it’s right at the top of the tree.

Nothing of course can take away the heritage of the LA Forum, Madison Square Garden, Royal Albert Hall, Earls Court, Knebworth etc. Amazing peaks in their career, – which over the years we have enjoyed and revelled in.

What this 02 performance and film tells us though, is that many years hence from these undoubted achievements, Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jason Bonham came together on that cold December Monday night to reclaim the legacy – and not just reclaim it but to extend it beyond reappraisal.

Watching this film spells out clearly one fundamental fact: It could never get any better than this…because this is the best it ever gets. Like the concert itself, it exceeds all expectations.

They were just astonishing…

And so is this film.

Right, I’d better get down to explaining why…

Friday September 21st 2012. Odeon West End Cinema. 11.15am

I arrived pretty early having fended off this voice box infection. Once in Leicester Square I passed by the exact spot I’d queued outside the Warner West End cinema on the night of Friday October 8th  1976 to get tickets for the premiere of  The Song Remains The Same.

How could I have ever imagined back than, that 37 years later I’d be returning to this location still on the quest…

Once inside the very plush Odeon the press gathered – a mixture of overseas press from the US plus France, Belguim, Holland, Italy alongside the UK contingent.

Dick Carruthers came out to offer an introductory speech. He talked eloquently of how the project evolved – it was never intended on the night that it would emerge as a film ( ‘’Harvey told me it was to be recorded so I added a few cameras’’’).  Dick also revealed they had got the idea for a big screen from seeing Elton John’s Big Red Piano show at the 02. ”They made such a great statement and with so much conviction” he added. ”It’s shot very tight and intimate and I hope it shows the humour and fun they experienced on stage that night.”

Lights down…action…

This is the complete concert film from the TV newsreel intro to them finally walking off stage after the Rock And Roll finale.

There are no cutaway interviews or interruptions of any sort. There are a few edits of in between chat (notably Robert’s Kashmir intro) but overall this is the complete film of the 02 gig.

Even though I was among the press pack, there was much enthusiasm for the individual performances and clapping between numbers. In the cinema screenings to come I am sure this will be a fervent factor – you are not going to see a film – this is a gig by any other name…it will be hard not to treat it as such, so warn the popcorn sellers accordingly.

Back to the Odeon:

So a deep breath and shivers down the spine as the newsreel film kicks n.

The intro credits: Subtle with each of their names appearing (ala Song Remains) which will surely get the expected applause in cinemas across the globe.

Darkness….the silhouetted 02 arena then four solitary hi hat strikes and…


I am watching Led Zeppelin perform Good Times Bad Times and for the next 124 minutes, well life is very good indeed.

The filming technique: Brilliantly done – hats off to Dick C – as he demonstrated  with the Albert Hall/Earls Court/Knebworth 2003 DVD footage, he has a real empathy for how Led Zeppelin should be best filmed and presented.

Multi cameras capture the action in close proximity –both front of stage and behind and the swirling cutaways employed provide a real sense of being right there on stage with them which is utterly compelling. Dick employs the tried and trusted super 8 feel bootleg feel deployed on the Earls Court and Knebworth footage. This was done as he explained beforehand, by placing a super eight camera operator in the crowd and there are a fair few scenes where he juxtaposes the super 8 clips momentarily within the main footage.

As mentioned, the use of multi cameras allows for some simply incredible close ups on stage where the sheer joy (that word again) of these four musicians performing together is framed beautifully. He also makes very subtle and effective use of crowd shots and noise. Several esteemed ladies will find themselves captured on screen in the crowd shots.

The individual songs – I don’t want to give too much away because you need to experience this for yourselves but here are some initial impressions.

At no point does the film lose focus or sag –you will not want to exit to the bathroom for sure!

The set list as we know was superbly balanced –now I’ve watched enough of the bootleg DVD’s over the past few years to know this set inside out, but aside from the expected highlights I know so well, what is really encouraging is the way performances such as No Quarter, Since I’ve Been Loving You and Misty Mountian Hop shine through. I can also add that this film speeds along at a fast pace –no sooner had it got going than they were into Kashmir –you just get so lost in it all – so my advice is, if you’ve booked once, book to see it again fast…there’s so much to soak up.

Here’s some comments from my notes as the action unfolded:

Good Times Bad Times: Lots of immediate close ups.…Jason on backing vocals…

Ramble On: Brilliant close of up of JPJ on the bass lines and Robert as he sings the first verse.  The first ’well up’ moment – as they come out of the chorus and go back to the verse and Jimmy and Robert glance at each other –just  awesome…

Black Dog: Jonesy smiling continually…..Jimmy grinning…great crowd shots…

In My Time Of Dying: Lots of close ups of the ES 350 guitar and Jimmy’s slide picking. Robert with two tambourines…incredible intensity

For Your Life: Fantastic behind drum riser shot of Jimmy strapping on the Black Beauty and flexing his hands….Jason right on it -amazing drumming…the gold glittering on Jimmy’s Black Beauty – laughter between them near the close  – this is absolutely phenomenal!

Trampled Underfoot: JPJ simply on it –great close up of his boot hitting the pedals…Jimmy’s solo a crescendo of wah wah – that swing of the mic by Robert as they go into the solo is captured right behind the drum riser…

Nobody’s Fault But Mine: Close up of JPJ’s Manson bass –you see his symbol on the fret….excellent crowd shots…so much power in this performance…

No Quarter: An absolute revelation again JPJ magnificent close ups as he plays the riff…Jason on the kettle drums…amazing shot of Jimmy scrubbing the Gibson strings…

Since I’ve Been Loving You: Another revelation –brilliant interplay – Jimmy and Robert laughing at the end…

Dazed And Confused: Dynamic and compact….bass drum pedal close up on Jason….great shot of Jimmy sliding down the fret ala Superhsow…lasers and violin bow – classic Zep…

Stairway To Heaven: Moving crowd shots as they perform the intro….captures all the sensitivity of the night…superb shot of a lady in the crowd singing the final line in tears …’’Ahmet we did it’’ – another unavoidable ‘well up’ moment…and I also at this point felt a real tinge of sadness knowing dear Howard is not around to witness all this…

The Song Remains The Same: Tremendous screen shots with Jimmy’s double neck –at the close Jason taking the accolades and shows his Bonham symbol tattoo. Very moving…

Misty Mountain Hop: Lovely story from Robert about Pat and John singing Hendrix songs…Jason on backing vocals…effective psychedelic screen.

Kashmir: Colossal!….simply stunning the way the visuals enter…marching oberlisks engulfing the screen…absolutely astonishing! Emotional scenes as they leave the stage (another ‘well up’ warning required here!)

Whole Lotta Love:  Robert’s comment ”What do you think Dave ?’ aknowledging the presence of his lifelong friend Dave who attended the show despite being ill with cancer and who sadly died a few days later……Great laser effects here and theremin battle then back to the crunching riff…

Rock And Roll: Jimmy’s lovely speech…the vintage film behind them….yet more emotion at the end…the four walking off stage …Jason elongating the moment…Donato Farace’s Canadian flag is caught on the big screen for a few seconds and then the massive Led Zeppelin logo lights up…stunning…

Fade to black…credits role…

Studio version of No Quarter plays

That is Celebration Day….


More thoughts: It’s fantastic they have made this a film because the big screen is where it needs to be seen – the sound in the Odeon was excellent loud and clear. Here’s hoping the provincial cinemas will replicate that.

Watching all this on the night at the 02 was an incredible experience. I don’t quite know how to explain this properly but in its own unique way this film offers an equally fulfilling experience and in a way is perhaps an even more memorable one, because watching Celebration Day will be a communal Led Zeppelin experience to be enjoyed in all corners of the world. More so than any other single Led Zeppelin event.

As you can probably tell I am still completely over whelmed with what I witnessed on Friday and it has been difficult to relay the experience and for once mere words are maybe not enough –but when you see it you will know what I mean.

With the release of Celebration Day – the concert record of their reunion at the O2 arena to honour Ahmert Ertegun, Led Zeppelin will bring joy to the world.

…and you will know exactly how that feels when you witness this simply astonishing film.

Dave Lewis

September 23rd 2012


Until tomorrow…keep on celebrating…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

September 23 2012

Don’t forget you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

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  • Preston Kuhn said:

    Thanks Dave – grear review. I was lucky enough to be there too. Wish there were more crowd shots!! I was about 7 deep off center on the floor.

    The film made me realize the performance was better than I remembered. Also, I was a bit bummed they cut out the Kashmir intro and, I thought one of the most memorable moments – when Jason bowed to the three afterwards only to have it returned. So cool, what a way to end it. JPJ hasn’t lost a thing and Jason was UNREAL. Jimmy was great too although it’s well known he isn’t what he use to be (not as clean or fast – just watch TSRTS) but managed to rock it hard. I thought Nobodys Fault and For Your Life were the best. Jason was unreal on Song Remains. I loved the interplay and some of the close ups were just awesome. I feel so fortunate to have been there and even more that I can relive it again. What a band!

  • Gary said:

    I saw the film last night and Dave’s remarkable review captured in words all the emotions that I felt on the night and since. Like him I’ve been a fan virtually all my life (forty odd years) so I went to see the film with the excitement of a fan but with a hint of trepidation – would they pull it off, did the bootlegs poor sound quality mask a poor performance, were the reviewers watching with rose tinted specs? Right from the start my fears were cast aside, this was a truly remarkable performance by a group of musicians at the very top or their game. The most amazing thing for me was that they still took chances, they could have taken the easy route and played each song note for note, but this wasn’t a ‘tribute’ performance like the stones or Pink Floyd or any of the ‘get back for the money’ bands, this was a full on Led Zeppelin concert warts and all, with the trademark re interpretation of songs. Can you imagine any other band doing that for a one off show? Truly remarkable. And so I exited the theatre last night not only with a fans exitement but with immense pride and also a hint of sadness, that this probably does end the final chapter in the story of Led Zeppelin. The greatest band the world has ever seen.

  • Andy Banks said:


    Wow…talk about moving….filled up reading your review and feeding off your own emotion.

    I’m working in China…so hope I can get the set here in this crazy place, like a previous commenter said – music can be a relief from the stress of everyday life…and this sounds pure escapism!!

    Gutted they cut the intro to Kashmir…classic Planty!!

    All the best


  • Led Zeppelin reunion concert on the big screen | 100.3 The Q! The Island's Rock said:

    […] Dave Lewis has been watching, listening and writing about Led Zeppelin for years. He had a chance to see Celebration Day at a press screening. Here’s his review. […]

  • Jo in New England said:

    Hello Dave,

    I’m a recent TBL subscriber and look forward to the next issue. Echoing what others have said about your review, well done.

    Since the release announcements, I have stopped viewing fan videos and recordings that are floating around of the 02 show. I look forward to seeing the show on the big screen, which is the next best thing for those of us who could not be there in person in 2007.



    Great stuff Dave.

    Thanks for pointing out Plant’s reference at the end of the show (“Whaddya think of that Dave ?”) was in relation to Planty’s friend.Many had thought it was actually a bit of a side-swipe at/to Dave Grohl who as you probably know was present at the O2 that night.

    But why did Robert toss the mic to the ground – not normal ‘end of show’ Robert behaviour that ? Any ideas ?

  • Marcel Vallen said:

    Hi Dave,

    What a wonderful and heartfelt review! I can almost feel your emotions! It brought a tear to my eye and I can tell you that I know how you feel. Not being able to be there on the actual night at the O2 after having paid 700 euro for a ticket (the ticket tout couldn’t get hold of the required wristband, so I got a full refund in the end) was a major let down for me. But all that seems to have been made good now with this long anticipated release. I’ve already booked two tickets to see the movie on the 17th of October at the Pathé Cinema in Eindhoven with my partner Theo. Can’t wait..!


    Marcel Vallen.

  • Pete Leigh said:

    Jobs are stressful, this site brings me back from that

  • Graeme said:

    Fantastic review Dave…it all helps to build the hype and excitement towards the actual viewing on the 17th….just like the anticipation of a real gig! So looking forward to seeing this for all the obvious reasons.

    Brilliant stuff on the TBL website with the build up to Celebration Day as well….please keep it going. Hope you are feeling better soon mate. Best, G

  • Denzepp58 said:

    WOW !!!! Great review !! Can not wait…probably not going to see it in the theater like I want to (Not playing anywhere Houston,TX,USA) as far as I know, but when I get my deluxe DVD you can bet it will be cranked. I am sure the tears will be flowing as well for me too, I have been anxiously awaiting this DVD…so great the Hammer of the Gods is still swinging after all these years. Long Live Led Zeppelin and TBL !!!!

  • Paul Gross said:

    Dave, Excellent review of the show, got goosebumps reading it, so thanks. Luckily, i’ve watched my bootleg dvd only once hoping that this day would arrive. Also, as luck would have it, i’ll be on vacation in San Francisco and the first night is, you guessed it, the show! I’m so excited I can barely stand it!
    I’m also looking very forward to the journal that you are doing for the show. What a fantastic companion piece for the cd/dvds. Thanks again.

  • Billy McCue said:

    Well done, DL. Have my tix for theater viewing in NYC on October 17. Looking forward to it. No substitute for being there on the night, but second best for sure. Adam is cheeky. Gets it from his mum, I’m sure. All the best,

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Thanks for the many comments here -your apprecation means a lot to me and is an inspiration…

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Dave thank-you for expressing, what has always been for me, your very heartfelt admiration for this very legendary band. I got goosebumps reading your review and by far hold your writing in the highest of esteem, as your are documenting epic events that will be read and re-experienced for decades to come. I know it will be a an emotion filled experience when I get the opportunity to watch the concert/film. In my neck of the woods, no sign that it will be coming to a theater near me; so I anxiously await the video and the CD’s. Thanks again from the bottom of my Zeppelin loving heart.

  • ed a said:

    Thanks for the fine review!!!… But I am kinda surprised that you didnt notice if they fixed Dazed or not. I was at the show too, and it really was unfortunate that coming out of a brilliant Jimmy solo the whole thing fell to pieces… a very anticlimatic moment. Sh*t happens, its just too bad that it happened at the one and only show… Many of us are assuming that they would steal audio from the rehearsal and do some creative video editing and fix it… Im really wondering myself, guess I will find out soon enough!

  • Jez said:

    Adroit as ever Dave, even welled up just reading your review! Have my tickets, can’t wait.

  • Mikael Olsson said:

    Great review Dave. So many highlights, so many emotions running through my head when i reed this. Watched bootlegs of this show many times but soon will have the real thing. Thanks

  • gary wade said:

    Once again you find the words, can see why your daughter is a journalist! One of the beauties of Zep was that it was so hard to hunt down info, you had to be a real fan – hence Howard Myletts book was so briliannt for lots of us under 50’s. But the lack of footage means todays music fans have only a 3rd hand idea of how they were – until now. I took my son to the o2, a father and son ‘rites of passage’ thing but we knew how good this gig was, now everyone else will see too. Going as a family to the showing and it’ll be fabulous.
    ps why wasn’t Jason at the press conference?

  • Andrew R said:

    Dave wonderfull review ! Never stop writing from the heart it’s what makes you unique. Thanks.

  • Angelo said:

    Hello from the great white north in Toronto Canada:

    I am a regular to Tight but Loose but this is the first time I am leaving a comment.

    I would like to say thanks for all your hard work in keeping us Zep heads up to date in the Zep world.

    I have been reading your stuff for years now, and purchased a few Tight but Loose magazines from your site, and I also have some stuff from the 80’s (Led Zeppelin: The Final Acclaim , and LED ZEPPELIN OVER EUROPE 1980 it’s my older brothers LOL)

    I guess all us Zep heads think or wish to be the seventh member of the band (behind, Jonesy,Page,Percy,Bonzo, P. Grant, and I guess after the O2 Jason,) but in my books you are the true seventh member.

    I was wondering if you were going to be at the press conference and sure enough there you were (very jealous LOL).

    Viewing the trailer of Celebration Day I couldn’t wait for the release but now after reading your review on the O2 movie I am even more excited to watch it.

    I have tickets for the October 19th & 25th showing (it’s my way of pretending that I am going to the Earls Court shows LOL).

    I missed out on watching the 2003 DVD at the theatre, that was not going to happen this time.

    I never had a chance to see the mighty Zeppelin live (in my opinion greatest live act) I guess being born in 77 did not help LOL, but I did see the boys every time they made a stop in Toronto.

    I did apply for tickets for the O2 but like millions of us to no prevail. I guess the big screen will be the closes experience to witnessing the Hammer of the Gods.

    Thanks for all your hard work, Ramble On

  • GreatZepps said:

    David, it’s great review, perhaps one of the greates I’ve ever seen… You wrote it with such a big emotions that I alomst cried in some moments… Thank you very much, I can’t wait to see the film in cinema even more after reading this!

  • Chris Wright said:

    Hi Dave, I “topped and tailed” the reading of your review, as I want all the surprises, in terms of detail, when I get to see the movie for myself. Nonetheless, your superb intro and conclusion leads me to believe that this is going to be an experience that parallels my first viewing of TSRTS. Truly, Led Zeppelin has given me more from music than I have any right to expect and, yet, here we are in 2012 and it is absolutely the gift that keeps on giving.

    There is inevitable talk of a reunion and I have to say that the 02 surely cannot be topped. It brings everything full circle doesn’t it.

    For this band of bands, it could be said that less really is more.

    Thanks for all you do.

  • Sharon Knapik said:

    Thanks for a lovely review, Dave. Like you, I’m thrilled Celebration Day is being shown in the theater. While I was lucky enough to attend, millions couldn’t, so this will be a lovely opportunity for all to immerse themselves in the feel of the gig, than can be found from a tv screen.


  • Wyatt said:

    Excellent write-up, Dave. You should never apologize to anyone for admitting that this music affects you emotionally; I fully expect to be welling up when I see the film and re-live the incredible experience of being there that evening. Thanks for representing the passion of Zeppelin fans across the globe!

  • Anthony Grsolia said:

    Great review Dave. Still no theater showings here in Pennsylvania USA so I am hoping a theater will show it!!!

  • Greg Purling said:

    I hope they didn’t edit too much out of the pre Kashmir spiel from Robert, as I have fond memories of these words from the night itself. No mention of a London premiere yet – is this not happening Dave ?

    Two screenings on in Norwich, have booked in for both, but surprised at the slow take up of seats so far. Thanks for raising the excitement levels with the review Dave, the anticipation is tangible !

  • James from New Zealand said:

    Thanks a million for the review Dave. Got my ticket for Hamilton New Zealand yesterday and can’t wait. Currently in Yorkshire and off to Rushock tommorrow. A day early I know but just the way it worked out. Have scored 3 more Zeppelin books here in the UK inc. FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM. That’s about 65 now! Am I crazy? I read your site avidly. Get well soon and keep up the stellar work you do for the entire planet.

  • Michaela said:

    OMG. That’s it. Can’t add anything. What a wonderful read. I can see and hear them when I read your words. I’m so excited about seeing the film. Got the same level of excitement as waiting to see them on THAT night. Thanks Dave. You have ‘brought it all home’ to all of us. In the words of Zep themselves …Thank You x

  • Walter Cooney said:

    Thanks Dave for the review,I can’t wait to see the concert hit the big screen,it brings back memories of 1976 and the arrival of TSRTS concert/home movie.

  • paulo alm said:

    How great, Dave! Thanks for sharing this beautiful moment with us.

  • MIchael Brazee said:

    Your review is pure eloquence. From the heart is the only way to write regarding that which moves the soul to the extent the Led Zeppelin (in all their incarnations) has moved so many of us. So many of my family, friends, acquaintances never quite ‘got it’. I never had a choice in the matter. Led Zeppelin has subsumed me from the first moment I heard them. It has never waned, though I go through periods where they don’t get much play. Then I listen to other stuff, either going back to my youth, playing stuff I never really did from back then, or discovering other artists. But it always goes back to Jimmy, Robert, Jonesy, and Bonzo.
    When I see the showing in Niagara Falls, Ont., I will proudly be wearing my TBL T-Shirt. For that and all that you do for the Zeppelin community – Eye thank yew!


  • Tomjon said:

    We can’t wait, Mrs. Tomjon and me. I’ve watched the Presser and thought the three of them looked relaxed and comfortable together. Robert dealt very humorously with a couple of awkward questions about Stairway and overdubs and Jimmy fielded the inevitable ‘When are you going to tour’ poser with aplomb by turning the question back on the audience. I thought the press pack looked young but enthusiastic, would you agree Dave? Another example, as if we needed it, of how Zeppelin span the generations. As Jonesy put it, time is meaningless in Zeppelin world. Any reason Jason couldn’t attend the launch?

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    There are some edits of in between chat Kashmir is one
    Dazed sounded pretty seamless

    many thanks my friend

  • Mark Bowman said:

    Quadruple WOW, Dave!

    That review is absolutely fantastic!! You have a real talent in expressing yourself and this review sends our anticipation of seeing this movie on October 17th into the stratosphere…

    Brilliant work, my friend and thanks so much for sharing your experience with us!


  • Michael Q Reswati said:

    Great to read a review of the movie before actually experiencing it, lol.
    Two questions popped up in my mind though:
    What happened with the pre-Kashmir speech, did they edit out the Jim M. inspired monologue?
    Did they or did they not fix the glitch in Dazed And Confused?

    Thanks in advance, regards from another O2 attendee,

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    It was a bit difficult totell re one viewing
    Thanks for very nice comments as ever

    The ‘Man Up”
    calls was my son having his litle joke!

  • Michael in Melbourne said:

    A brilliant review, Dave, simply billiant.

    Many thanks indeed for further whetting our appetites right across the globe. This will indeed be a joyous communal event for us all.

    As for the fears of derisive calls to “man up”, don’t pay any heed to them, mate.

    My birthday is on Tuesday, the very inauspicious September 25th … At least this year my ever present birthday low point, recalling Bonzo’s death, will be brightened by the anticipation of what’s to arrive in a few weeks.

    Great to hear that you are feeling better. More power to you!

    Cheers, Michael

  • Gary Davies said:

    Thanks for seeing this for all of us Dave and for relaying your experiences. I know I will feel exactly the same as you once my turn comes. Damn, I sooooo want to see this film soon.

    If you can remember, does the soundtrack run without the feedback which we heard form the PA system on the night? Also, did Dick edit/patch Dazed and Confused at the point where Jimmy and Jason got a little tangled?

    You’ve earned a bit of rest now Dave. Look after yourself…WE NEED YOU!


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