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14 October 2012 8,508 views 7 Comments

To mark the impending momentous worldwide screening of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertegun 02 reunion concert on October 17th, we are counting down to the day with a daily Celebration Day Newsletter post. This will feature relevant news and updates and archive features.

Countdown to the Celebration Day…3 days to go.


Here’s Gary Foy’s review of the London Premiere screening: 


Perched upon the canopy of the Hammersmith Apollo, the famous Zeppelin Blimp shone in the night sky heralding the UK Premier of Celebration Day. The movie we had waited for, the movie we had dreamt about, the movie that would finally ensure Led Zeppelin’s place in history as the greatest rock band ever.

It may have taken a mere five years (five minutes in Zeppelin years) for the movie of Led Zeppelin London O2 Arena show to finely get a screening but every moment was  worth waiting for. And they certainly unveiled the concert film in high profile fashion. The once unfashionable remaining members of Led Zeppelin were, tonight, full of the old swagger, walking the Led Zeppelin emblazoned red carpet with the worlds media baying at there every word, flash lights lit up the night sky and the waiting fans called their names.

Led Zeppelin were back in London for one night only.

A truly memorable night, with so many highs, it will remain in my eyes as one of the greatest.

Meeting up with Dave and fellow TBL’er Tom we had our customary pre meet drink at The Star pub in Hammersmith before nervously walking down to the Apollo (it’ll will always be the Odeon in my eyes) not really knowing what to expect. The sight of the aforementioned blimp along with red carpet and the already milling crowd warmed my soul, yes tonight was indeed going to be special.

We took our customary photos before heading down to the Distillers’ pub to meet with any other TBL’ers and the atmosphere was fantastic. So many old faces from the past and some new as well, it was a genuine joy to be amongst like minded fans and so good to catch up with everyone. The warmth shown by all is truly humbling and I always feel so proud to be part of this extended family. Hi to Richard Grubb, Phil Tattershall, Julian Walker,   Billy and Alison Fletcher, Dawn Atherton, Paul Harper, Anne Marsden, Geoff Adamson ,Warren Grant, Michaela and Dan, Mark Harrison, Peter Chow, Dave Linwood, Phil Harris, Steve Way, Graeme Hutchinson , Pam Matthews , Christophe Le Pabic, Rob Davies, Andreas Stocker, Dave Marsh, Nick Anderson, John Lodge and Alice and so many more I’ve managed to miss out. Beers were drunk and stories were told, some new, mostly old and our eyes never far from the time.

We had an important date, and one that couldn’t wait.

Back up to the Apollo where my good lady was waiting, the crowd now had swelled and an air of anticipation was in the air, the boys were due. I head behind the forty or so photographers lined up to get an overview.

Jimmy is the first to arrive, with his customary sunglasses, black velvet jacket and grey trousers, working his way along the reporters doing interviews and waving to the by now highly excited crowd. John was next, complete with family dressed again in black shirt and trousers. Joining Jimmy for a photo shoot against the Celebration Day back drop, both were then joined by Robert, with family in tow, dressed in red jeans and leather jacket, hair tied back. More interviews and polite waves to the fans, autographs politely declined then into the foyer.

We join the throng of people queuing to get in and to get to our seats. Once inside seated we are greeted with Zeppelin on the playback and the Celebration Day artwork projected onto a huge screen before Harvey Goldsmith ambles onto the stage, like he did at the O2 five years ago for a bit of preamble before introducing Dick Carruthers whose quote of “making no apologizes for it being loud” is meet with a roar of approval.

Harvey takes the mic again and without further to-do introduces to the stage Robert Plant, John Paul Jones and Jimmy Page. I preempt the announcement by shouting ”Led Zeppelin!” and they there are on the stage. Jimmy and Robert give short speeches but despite John having a mic fails to speak. Then  we are plunged into darkness and the credits beginning to roll and we are transported back to the O2 2007 via Tampa Bay 1973.

Welcome to Live In London – Celebration Days indeed

’If you were at Tampa Stadium tonight or anywhere nearby, that’s the sort of thing you saw and heard’’

Good Times Bad Times: As I remembered it, full on…they rock as one….loads of close up work and lots guitar work…and Plant swinging the mic to the beat is captured brilliantly…

Ramble On: Never been so good…interplay with Plant, Page and Jones is awesome and again close up on Jimmy guitar work…

Black Dog: Christ this is heavy…the first “oh wow” moment…Jason at the end is stunning and the knowing looks between Page and Plant says it all….

In My Time Of Dying: Intense and loud…Plant outstanding…Jones on fretless bass…

For Your Life: What can I say…phenomenal…the money shot….there having fun on this one…Jimmy’s striking the tremolo arm bending the notes…flicking his head to the side to the beat….

Trampled Underfoot: Constant fave of mine….John is rolling and Jimmy’s sonic solo is the best….

Nobody’s Fault But Mine: All four are flying by the edge f…the confusion before Robert’s harmonica solo is captured but well covered up…..the ending shakes the fountains…..

No Quarter: Well paced version….Jason doing his  Dad proud…Jimmy shot from behind amongst the dry ice…Robert ad-libbing his way through to the end….awesome…

Since I’ve Been Loving You: Always a favourite…again the inter-play between all four captured well….

Dazed And Confused: The one that had to be there…..compact version….lasers spinning out of time,,,the look between Jimmy and Robert before the bow/call and response parts …coming out of the solo is again on the edge..never fully tipping over but close…is it edited…nah…just well covered…..

Stairway To Heaven: ’’Ahmet we did it’’…indeed…no makeover…camera sweeps across the crowd.. split screen for the solo…superb shot of a lady in the crowd singing the final line in tears …yeah they did it…..

The Song Remains The Same: Tremendous version…reminds me of P&P at Meadowlands back in ’95 but heavier and the band are again flying high….you just don’t want it to end….

Misty Mountain Hop: Great shot of Robert drawing on an imaginary spiff…..Jones checking on his cues from Jimmy…..not since Knebworth has this sounded so good…..

Kashmir: Huge…just huge…it builds and builds…the screen well captures as the stone monoliths as they are revealed…did anyone see the bowler hat…?

Whole Lotta Love: Heavy riff from Jimmy as the boys are on the homeward stretch….lasers and the Theremin battle…cameras miss the moment Page waves his hand to summon the Theremin to him…but brilliant captures Plants “woman” interplay with the audience….

Rock And Roll: Full of smiles as the band know it’s been a job done..…the moment the massive Led Zeppelin logo lights up, so well captured

And that’s it, it’s over….tonight Hammersmith witnessed a formidable showing of formidable film.

This wasn’t just a film, it was like a concert, the audience treating it as one, cheering clapping, and standing…at points you were lost in the moment and it was like witnessing a live show……emotions were high all-night….as the film unfolded in front of you….you never want it to end….but it does…the lights come up and we are surrounded by people who have just shared that same emotion….smiles and hugs are abound….this thing called Led Zeppelin has again touched us all….

The air is chilled outside and the media lights our still bright….like back in 2007 we decide to leave the media, the family of friends and the pub…we head home into the darkness…wrapped up in our own thoughts….our own memories…..

‘’It is a great life, this life of music’’….lets live it…….

Gary Foy –  October 13th, 2012

Tom Locke , Gary Foy and DL -Hammersmith early evening October 12,2012.


Good on the spot interviews via Fox News:

USA Today coverage coverage

Here’s a You tube clip of the red carpet interview with Jimmy captured by Absolute Radio: 

Here’s a You tube clip of the on stage opening speeches prior to the Hammersmith Apollo screening 

Finally -DL Diary Sunday morning reflections:

After all the excitement of the London premiere on Friday, yesterday my brain was completely frazzled.  However there was work to be done in relaying the events via Facebook and of course the TBL site. Many thanks for all the great feedback comments – it really was something special. Today  I need to catch up with emails and post.. ..then it all starts again next week –with the Berlin screening tomorrow and Japan on Tuesday  – and the Celebration Day itself with the world wide screenings on Wednesday (including here in Bedford ) and then the Westfield London screening next Sunday…phew … here we go again…

In amongst all this has been the significant distribution arrival of TBL issue 33 which  is all geared to aid your enjoyment of this unique Celebration Day period. If you have received your copy and liked what you’ve read (and I sincerely hope you have!) be sure to spread the word – there may be a fellow Zep fan you know who has yet to indulge in the TBL mag – is so give them a prompt. I think overseas copies should be arriving in the next few days (hopefully before Wednesday’s screenings) …again when you receive it spread the word…and let me know what you think. DL 09.50 Sunday October 14th, 2012

Until tomorrow…keep reading – keep listening…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

October 14th , 2012

Don’t forget that you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783


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  • Why should i o it said:

    Thanks for the great article..

  • Graeme said:

    Excellent review Gary…summed it all up brilliantly.

    Dave… as you said on some you tube clip I watched earlier…”it’s not a rock band…it’s a way of life” and it certainly is and you add a lot of value to my Led Zeppelin life.

    More power to your elbow mate.

  • Steve said:

    You beat me to it Simon, Pages “might do it one day ” quote sounds very interesting indeed 🙂

  • Simon Cadman said:

    Page’s comment right at the end of the red carpet ‘interviews’ was most interesting….

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    The best movie ever made for sure !

  • RichardG said:

    It was the night of all nights for sure! I don’t think I was fully prepared for just how HEAVY it is..! The much publicised downtuning of some of the songs has just emphasised that solid bottom end that underpins everything. Some people have criticised the sound in the theatre but from my seat (front row 🙂 ) it was just immense, like being hit in the face with a Led Zeppelin – the only way to fly.

    To my mind, it’s definitely the best concert movie ever made, and while I’m still buzzing from Friday, I think it’s possibly the best MOVIE ever made. Period.

    Of course this might all be helped by the fact the Distillers pub had local Cardiff brew Brains SA as their guest beer beforehand. Anyone familiar with it will know it’s affectionately known as Skull Attack for the after effects it produces, as I reminded myself on Saturday morning! Ouch, but a price worth paying…

    So hello to TBL friends old and new – the sense of occasion, the anticipation, the vindication…it truly was the night of our lives.

    Roll on Wednesday and again next Sunday…!

    Led Zeppelin – (Still) the only way to fly… 🙂

  • Tomjon said:

    Goodness, Paul Stanley and Stevie Nicks look scarey don’t they? Plastic surgery not always the best option, chaps and chapesses.

    Our lads, by contrast, look their age (apart from Jonesy who obviously has some deal involving pictures in the attic a la Dorian Gray) but in a nice way.

    Jimmy is looking very well I must say.

    Was it cold in the Hammy Appollo for those there? Big coats all round it looked like.

    Well done again Dave. Times like these must vindicate your life long dedication to the cause.

    Can’t wait for Wednesday.

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