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18 September 2012 4,586 views 3 Comments

Countdown to the Celebration Day…29 days to go…

To mark the impending momentous worldwide screening of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertegun 02 reunion concert on October 17th, we are counting down to the day with a daily Celebration Day Newsletter post. This will feature relevant news and updates plus the TBL Countdown Collection – a daily celebration of Zep moments, memories and artefacts.


Above is the advert for the 02 reunion concert multi formats due to be released on November 19th. As can be seen, we are looking at  CD/DVD/Blu-ray and download formats – and I would speculate that there could well be a deluxe box set package amongst all that.  Start saving now!

Celebration Day 02 Screenings: – TBL Meet


As mentioned yesterday, alongside the Bedford showing of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertugen 02 reunion show, I have singled out a further screening for a TBL meet. This will be at Westfield Centre White City  London’ on Sunday October 21st. This I a 2.30PM screening and we look forward to seeing all that can make it along. Ticket details are via this link


Here’s a clip from Sunday’s Sunflower jam at the Royal Albert Hall – Classical singer Alfie Boe strutting through an impressive version of Rock And Roll


I can remember exactly where I was when the news of Jimi Hendrix death came through 42 years ago today. I was listening to the Tommy Vance Friday What’s New programme as I did most Fridays back then eager to hear the latest single releases. Around 5pm the announcement was made on the BBC Radio One news and Tommy went on to provide a fitting tribute to the guitar legend noting the inconsistencies of his performances over the past year.

Across the water the next day Led Zeppelin were performing two shows at Madison Square Garden and Robert Plant paid his respects in the evening show.

”Before we go any further …yesterday a rather uncomfortable thing happened for everybody and a great loss for the music world…and we’d like to think that you as well as us are very sorry that Jimi Hendrix went. I spoke to a close friend of his about half an hour ago and he said probably he would have preferred everybody to get on and have a good time rather than talk about it. So we’d like to get on and try and make everybody happy”.

I’ve been listening to that extract of that speech on the bootleg of the evening show I have titled Shout That Loud. They go on to do an absolute steller version of That’s The Way with Plant’s vocals sounding absolutely incredible. ‘’I wonder how we’re gonna tell you’’ he sings slightly changing the lyrics. Behind him Jimmy strums away sweetly and JPJ adds mandolin totally complimenting the mood. That’s The Way performed by Led Zeppelin one day after the death of Jimi Hendrix is an awesome performance. They were on fire during that sixth US tour – you can read Mike Tremaglio’s tour log of that exciting summer of ‘70 period in TBL 28.

I also know exactly where I was on the sixth anniversary of Jimi Hendrix death in 1976. That was the day we were pitched up in Hyde Park ready to watch the free concert featuring Queen. One of the flags in the crowd that day proclaimed ‘’Jimi Hendrix lives.’’

His music certainly does. I had a real Hendrix fascination around 1972-3 and brought a fair few of his albums. I went to see the Joe Boyd documentary film in London and loved the soundtrack. One of my recent vinyl acquisitions was a copy of the  excellent Hendrix In The West live album which I’ll be playing today. Above is a clip of the beautiful Little Wing.

September seems to be something of a month for rock star deaths –Sunday yesterday was the 35th anniversary of the death of Marc Bolan. Another of my heroes and one of the naturally great looking rock stars.


Number 3 in the countdown to Celebration Day:

Today’s choice is BBC Broadcast by Led Zeppelin –this is the original bootleg on orange vinyl by the Trade Mark of Quality label. I brought this on mail order in 1973- and what a revelation it was/is. It was over  41 years on Sunday April 4th 1971  that that BBC In Concert Paris Theatre was first broadcast on Radio 1. I’d faithfully taped it on an old reel to reel tape player on that afternoon . It was great to have it on vinyl. I now have countless versions on CD but it’s this bootleg that is most treasured. Great back cover art work too by William Stout who did a fair few sleeves for the TMQ label. The music is of course prime 1971 Led Zep –opening up fresh horizons with every performance and this one still sounds utterly amazing.

Until tomorrow…keep on celebrating…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

September 18, 2012

Don’t forget you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783



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  • jon stratton said:

    Sorry cant believe it’s 5 years!!!!

  • jon stratton said:

    Got tickets for Bluewater down the road from me,very excited,can’t beleive it’s 4 years since that incredible night which I was so lucky to be at.

  • David Estrada said:

    This is a great countdown to the showing! I got my Oklahoma city tickets for the Bricktown showing today. Very strange only one showing though!

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