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16 October 2012 3,026 views 3 Comments

To mark the impending momentous worldwide screening of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertegun 02 reunion concert on October 17th, we are counting down to the day with a daily Celebration Day Newsletter post. This will feature relevant news and updates and archive features.

Countdown to the Celebration Day…1 days to go.

One day to go…

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Holland, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Monte Negro, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, UAE, United Kingdom and the United States of America… 43 countries will be screening the film Celebration Day  over October 17th and 18th – effectively forming a global Led Zeppelin juke box uniting fans all over the world.

This really will be a momentous day and the waiting is nearly over…

Suffice to say we welcome all your feedback, comments etc – be sure to capture the moment as you line up at the cinema in your vicinity and describe the atmosphere and post your personal Celebration Day film experiences via the usual email or via the Tight But Loose Facebook page.

This is history in the making and as somebody once said…this is much more than a band..this is a way of life. 

Tomorrow that statement will ring true across the entire globe…


Here’s a review from The Boston Globe

Here’s a You Tube clip via Front Row Dave live from the Distillers pre Premiere screening meet –  the TBL editor getting very passionate about the usual subject and counting down his Zep live shows attended at the request of Front Row Dave


Today’s choice is the Remasters double album and box set.

It’s amazing to think that there was a time back in the day that the only way of hearing Led Zeppelin’s music was via the ten original albums – ie the eight original studio albums, The Song Remains the Same soundtrack and the posthumous collection Coda.

There were no greatest hits albums, no BBC sessions, no 1972 live albums and certainly no i-tunes.

The albums had been released on CD – alebit not from the original masters and transferred via analogue tapes. The results were mixed. I did a feature in Record Collector in early 1990 reviewing the original CD’s (I’ll need to dig that one out) ,blisterfully unaware that Jimmy was about to overhaul the entire catalogue for CD. Thus the arrival in the Autumn of 1990 of the five LP CD box set and double Remasters compilations was a very big deal indeed.

I have fantastic retail memories of selling and marketing these releases back in October 1990 at the Our Price record shop I managed. We sold a truck load of these via a big pre- release campaign and window display etc. Word of this sales success travelled up to the Warner/Atlantic Record label head guys and the following year I was awarded a triple gold disc in recognition and appreciation of my contribution to UK sales in excess of 250,00. A wonderful gesture that still holds pride of place behind me in the TBL work station.

Our Price Record shop, Bedford October 1990.

Back then, I wasn’t the only one I am sure who had not paid much attention to the studio albums in recent years. My Zep listening time was taken up analysing the many Zep shows that were appearing on CD sets and the fresh outtakes that had surfaced.   The arrival of the Remasters sets changed all that. Suddenly we all realised just exactly what it was that had made this band so special. Lapsed fans got back on the wagon –a whole new generation of younger enthusiast’s also jumped aboard. Overnight Led Zep’s stock shot up…and it’s kept on increasing ever since.

That fact will be clearly in evidence tomorrow….


‘’That is what was so thrilling really — to come together after all this time and find that there was so much chemistry and so much electricity involved in these four characters. We’d all agreed to take it very, very seriously and have a really good time at the same time. We worked out the songs we were going to play, and it was exhilarating, it was fantastic. Every week was a week to look forward to. I can assure you the amount of work that we put into the O2 (concert), for ourselves rehearsing and the staging of it, was probably what you put into a world tour. We wanted people who might not have even been alive when we finished in 1980 to understand what we were. So we did the show…and it was great’’ – Jimmy Page 2008.

 Until tomorrow…keep reading – keep listening…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

October 16th, 2012

Don’t forget that you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783



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  • André Cruz said:

    Unfortunately the film will not be screened in Brazil tomorrow or october 18th. The first date available overhere is october 30th – and it will be the same in some south-america countries. Plant himself will be seen here before Celebration Day. Anyway I will check all the news and weblinks tomorrow…

  • shelfsidemark said:

    Ah….the Distillers video clip.My left arm is going
    to be seen by countless people around the world….YES !!!

  • Michael in Mumbai said:

    Hi Dave and Gary,

    It’s also being screened in Australia but regrettably it’s season will have come and gone by the time I get home to Melbourne from India on Friday. Aaarrrrggghhh!

    Thanks heavens TBL is giving me some vicarious excitement! I look forward to reading the many reviews likely to be posted in the coming 48 hours by the global TBL crew.

    Many thanks to you all for your efforts.



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