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21 September 2012 5,149 views 17 Comments

Countdown to the Celebration Day -26 days to go…

Just back from London after attending the Celebration Day press screening and press conference. Voice box infection or not, I roused myself to get off early this morning for the day’s proceedings ….Where to start…

Some first impressions:

The Celebration Day film, –what can I tell you –it is just astonishing. Brilliantly directed by Dick Curruthers -the multi camera editing creates the feeling of  beng right on stage with them… totally staggering –I welled up several times in unashamed emotional awe watching it and you will too.

The closeness of the four is superbly captured. The humorous glances between them light up the screen continually. As for individual  song performances …again where to start – Ramble On is just incredible as is For Your Life, No Quarter –tremendous close ups on John’s playing. Stairway…there will not be a dry eye in the house when Robert utters those words ‘’Ahmet we did it.’’….Kashmir – just colossal.

This film is beyond life affirming – it’s life itself –  living breathing joyous Led Zeppelin life all up on the big screen in superb sound quality. Totally, totally astonishing.

This is the sheer joy of Zeppelin for everyone to share. I have to say it again …totally, totally astonishing….

Those are some initial thoughts – a full review will follow.

The Press Conference was staged in Northumberland Avenue – the plush conference room was elaborately decked out in Celebration Day style complete with spotlights. Jimmy, Robert and John looked relaxed and on great form. The angered a variety of questions (including one from your TBL editor), with plenty of good humour and there was a lot of compliments for Jason. At one point Jimmy asked if we had enjoyed the film to mass applause.

All in all a simply sensational day. More on all this to follow tomorrow

As you can probably tell I am completely over whelmed with what I witnessed today…for once mere words are not enough –but when you see this film you will know what I mean…

Dave Lewis (tired and emotional)

Here’s a link to the Press Conference via Absolute Radio – my question is around 17 mins in.

All photos – Dave Lewis for TBL


Here’s a news clip via Artist News Service regarding the Celebration Day film with a Jason Bonham interview clip:


Number 6 in the countdown to Celebration Day:

Today’s choice is Grand Levitation by Led Zeppelin. This is the triple vinyl limited edition bootleg of the 02 reunion concert drawn from an audience tape. A superb collector’s item. Good to hear that there will be an official vinyl pressing!

Until tomorrow…keep on celebrating…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

September 21st 2012

Don’t forget you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783




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  • Mark Donahue said:

    I loved it when you stood up and everyone lit up, Dave. What a great day!

    I’m pre-ordering my deluxe edition today, and I cant wait to see the show on the big screen next month.

    Thanks for the write up, Dave.

  • simon pitcher said:

    Dave , just seen you on youtube with the ‘boys’ very good , thought they handled themselves well , can’t wait for the film. The week could finish on a high note with three points tomorrow against the hoops.

  • paulo alm said:

    True. The press remains the same…

  • Mark Bowman said:

    WOW, Dave…..

    What a day, what an account of your experiences!!

    We sure emjoyed seeing you up there asking a question with Robert’s enthusiastic response to seeing you and you bringing back the details…


  • Andrew R said:

    Nice to see Dave being recognised.For me he is the sixth member of Zeppelin.He kept the flame lit when they were possibly the untrendiest band on the planet.The questions from the press were execrable.Did nobody think to ask what they(Zeppelin) thought of the film.Why they decided to play For your lifefor the first time and how magnificent it was!Difficult to understand what the point of it was really.Ithought they looked bored and disappointed,Jimmy seemed particularly irritated/agitated with the lines of questioning.

  • paulo alm said:

    Unbelievable stuff, Dave. Thanks a lot for sharing the astonishment of it all with us mere mortals!

  • Tim C said:

    Dave, thank you for what you do. Can’t wait to see the film. They are, and will always be, the best.

  • Mat Martin said:

    Hi Dave,
    Really pleased that you got to see the press screening and can’t wait for your in-depth review!
    I just watched the press conference and absolutely loved it!! More-so for the great humour that they have with each other, there were a few moments where I was crying with laughter. It’s actually nice to see Robert embracing his legacy for a change, rather than most of the interviews I’ve seen where he seems a bit dismissive and trying to bring focus to his new project. I, like you, spent most of the O2 gig with moist eyes, and I’m sure it’ll be the same when I see the film. Im still so happy that I can say that I’ve seen Led Zeppelin, and now I will have a memento!

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Sorry I missed you Jacqui was amazing as you know!

    Michaela – some day indeed!

  • Michaela said:

    Dave A huge thank you for sharing this. What a wonderful occasion. I have to
    echo Dawns sentiments ( hi Dawn by the way!) at the press conference being so relaxed and honest and funny! And Roberts acknowledgement of you must have made you feel on top of the world. How very cool and such a genuinely friendly gesture.
    I just can’t wait for the film … Seriously can’t wait and have had to watch the bootleg DVD I have.
    On the night my favourites were Kashmir and Ramble On, a vivid memory was the huge bright lights of the bands name projected from the stage…. Its the image we keep seeing and I cant wait to see again set against the roar of the crowd It feels just as exciting as the build up to being there that night.
    And this time I will be sharing with my two boys.
    See you in Bedford first , then in London. Celebration Day indeed !

  • Jacqui B said:

    Hi Dave!

    I was there too today but didnt get a chance to say hello. The film was absolutely brilliant both musically and visually. It was so intimate that you felt like you were in the front row of the concert! It was great to see them all at the press conference afterwards but I felt it was a shame that some of those press guys hadn’t done their research and consequently asked some pretty dumb questions – not yours of course! This film will not disappoint any Zep fans and it will show all fans of music just what brilliant musicians they were and still are.

  • RichardG said:

    Every day brings new surprises doesn’t it? Dave, your enthusiasm is just heightening the anticipation…it’s all getting very real isn’t it?!

    Loved the press conference – funny at times, poignant and touching at others, I think we can all relate to that sense of relief that the legacy is not just intact, but enhanced by what we’ll get to see on 17th Oct…

    They don’t do things by halves do they? 🙂

    Best to all,


  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Great comments folks as ever
    Geoff they remain in every way just astonishing…that word again!

  • geoff adamson said:

    I thought the press conference was great god knows what the dvd is going to be like.

    How great is it to see them together again. Am I too sentimental?

  • Dawn Atherton said:

    Dave – what an absolutely joyous occasion – so glad you got to be there, and Robert’s reaction when you announced yourself was priceless! My overwhelming impression of the press conference was just how happy and relaxed all three of the guys look. They are clearly proud of a job well done. I can’t wait to see the film. The greatest band ever continue to weave their magic – I never cease to be amazed by their sheer genius. Looking forward to the next few weeks, it is truly a great time to be a Led Zeppelin fan.

  • Nech said:


    Great way to sum it all up. I cannot wait to be astonished again.

    Kudos to you for making it. Take care of your voice now!

  • Chris Wright said:

    Dave, so pleased that you got to be there today. Very emotional in parts wasn’t it and very funny at other times.

    The cheer Robert gave you was well deserved. In a way you represent all of us. Those other press guys were primarily there because it’s their job. You were there out of sheer love for this monumental band that has shaped our lives so profoundly.

    Thank You.

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