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20 September 2012 5,652 views 7 Comments


Countdown to the Celebration Day…27 days to go.

To mark the impending momentous worldwide screening of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertegun 02 reunion concert on October 17th, we are counting down to the day with a daily Celebration Day Newsletter post. This will feature relevant news and updates plus the TBL Countdown Collection – a daily celebration of Zep moments, memories and artefacts.


It’s been great hearing the various reports of fans purchasing tickets for the October 17th Celebration Days screenings in all corners of the globe. It really is shaping up to be a worldwide communal event. Here in Bedford this will be the second occasion Led Zep have come to Bedford on the silver screen.

35 years ago in January 1977, The Song Remains The Same pitched up for a week stint at the long pulled down Granada cinema in the town centre. Naturally I attended each night’s showing (twice on Friday)  – It had to be done!

Last weekend with me struggling with this infection, the good lady Janet went to the local Cineworld down the road to book our tickets for the October 17th screening. There will be over ten of the local TBL crew attending that night and the prospect is an awesome one. Mind you some things don’t change – as the ticket man Cliff will know, there is many a concert ticket where Zep’s name is spelt incorrectly – the Celebration Day Bedford Cineworld ticket can now line up in that company. Hey this could be a future rarity!

As mentioned previously alongside the Bedford showing of the Led Zeppelin Ahmet Ertugen 02 reunion show, the TBL crew is gathering for a further screening for a TBL meet. This will be at Westfield Centre White City  London’ on Sunday October 21st. This is a 2.30PM screening and we look forward to seeing all that can make it along. Ticket details are via this link


Black Country Communion have cancelled their previously announced Wolverhamton show due to unforeseen circumstances – see link for full details:


As noted on Jimmy’s site today, on this day in 1983 Jimmy performed at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the ARMS charity show.

This was his first major post Zep appearance. What we see in this clip is the guitarist  laid absolutely bare, performing his most famous composition alone in the spotlight but with the sprit of Led Zeppelin burning deep inside –with his audience of which the good lady Janet and I were privileged to be a part of, willing him on.

Rarely has a musician showed such stark honestly and emotion. 29 years on this performance still moves me to tears…



Number 5 in the countdown to Celebration Day:

Today’s choice is Presence by Led Zeppelin…because sometimes only Presence will do. When I really need a lift, such as this week being somewhat under par, well this is the go to album.

The copy shown here (one of a fair few I have in my collection) has an inscription by Aubrey Powell the co-designer of the sleeve –this says ‘’What’s that obilisk exactly?’’ –a reference to the mysterious sleeve. This was signed for me when he came here to film some of my memorabilia for a Robert Plant video in 2005.

As for the album – no boogies with Stu, no hat’s off to Harper’s. No funk or reggae parodies –no mellotrons or synths. Just full on full power Led Zep. The basic bass/drums/guitar/vocal approach gives the record a very live feel – leading to my conclusion that Presence is the nearest they got to capturing over a complete studio album, the unpredictable edge and power of their on-stage performances. It’s also stock full of Jimmy Page’s genius guitar rages. Achilles Last Stand, For Your Life and Nobody’s Fault But Mine are all as good as anything he has ever applied himself to. In my view, Presence portrays the real heart and soul of Led Zeppelin more vividly than anything else they released. And sometimes, like today, only Presence will do….


 Until tomorrow…keep on celebrating…

Dave Lewis/Gary Foy

September 20th, 2012

Don’t forget you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL

and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at!/profile.php?id=1611296783

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  • Hunt Sidway said:

    In reply to Jeff’s comments on Jimmy’s ARMS performances from ’83: I found his performance spellbinding. Couldn’t take my eyes off him. The highlight for me was neither Stairway, nor Layla (highly overrated, IMO), but Tulsa Time. What a sight, with Page, Beck and Clapton swapping leads, Eric nodding to one, then the other, before taking a turn himself. Seemed to me that Clapton and Beck were having fun with it, but playing it safe and restrained, whereas Jimmy was playing with an unbridled ferocity, staggering in a wide loop around his half of the stage. He stole the show with those wild leads. Just amazing.

    Get well soon Dave! Exciting Celebrations ahead!

  • RichardG said:

    Agree about Presence – it’s my number one in the catalogue…

    Info about Celebration Day formats now available here:

    And available to pre-order at Amazon – I’ve gone for the Deluxe BluRay, the Vinyl (yay!!!) and the BluRay Audio only…can’t wait…

    Hope you’re feeling better Dave, you’ve got a busy afternoon 😉 and next few weeks!

    Best to all,


  • Bill Cromwell said:

    Dave, you and I are so much on the same –ahem — page regarding Presence. This is the studio For Badgeholders Only. So underrated. The desert island disc question is always brutal, but if I had only one Zeppelin album to take with me, it might very well be Presence. Thumping, grooving, and I love Jimmy’s heavy, full sounding production. For me, Presence is the fully realized, mature band, doing their thing their way. This was the final great Zeppelin album, fitting that it drips with Jimmy’s vision. His band all the way. By the way…..hope you’re feeling better!

  • Glen said:

    Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Annual Flu jab coming up to fend off any of the worst effects of future viruses. Welcome to the type 2 community… Take heart – you are not alone.

    Great times are with us now with the Celebration Day Cinema and DVD etc releases, can’t wait. Hoping a screening will be in my home town of Bradford (mooted but not confirmed yet); may have to book the local Leeds showing if I’m not too late. Gagging for the DVD/CD on release. Loving your blogs, and the feedback comments.

  • Kam said:

    In response to Gerd’s comment, I always thought it was a guy, not a girl holding the scarf at Earls Court! Or am I wrong?

  • Jeff Strawman said:

    That ARMS clip gets me choked up for 2 reasons — yeah, it’s very stripped down and you hear the emotion in the notes that Jimmy is playing, and with other nights in which Clapton and Beck “chipped in” and vocalized the various guitar parts, it’s beautiful. The other reason is that at that point Jimmy was still headfirst in dealing w/ his demons & not doing a very good job at hiding it. Watching him stumbling around the stage as certain moments of the ARMS concerts was very, very sad.

  • Gerd Zaunig said:

    Your tickets read ‘Led Zepplin’ same like the scarf a girl upheld in Earls Court video.

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