Well…where to start again…
The Celebration Day was exactly that – here’s just a sample of the many feedback reports –there are more on the TBL Facebook page
Waking up and reading all the many feedback reports from the Celebration Day screenings has been awe-inspiring –and once again the reaction has brought tears to my eyes…you just feel so proud of it all . How can one group of musicians create such worldwide joy – they are just phenomenal and so are their fans…..
Nina McLean: Just got home from a Melbourne, Australia screening. Sound was initally crap (I’m thinking the fault of the cinema, it sounded like they discovered surround sound after the third song). ‘For Your Life’ and ‘Nobody’s Fault But Mine’ were really punchy, ‘Kashmir’ and ‘Stairway’ brilliant and ‘Dazed and Confused’ a little bit toned down from what I’m used to but this served to emphasize a lot. So pleased to see that the four really looked like they were having a good time, and also great to see that they obviously took it seriously and were trying hard to make it great. I’m never going to be able to sleep now.
Mick Judd: Saw Celebration Day at Carousel Cinemas in Perth last night with my wife Susan and another couple. Wow, oh wow, oh wow. Absolutely &&^^%$ amazing, and to think you were actually there on the night. People were applauding not just at the end of the numbers, but during them, which I had not ever experienced before. Our friends, who weren’t Zeppelin fans and basically came along for the ride because I bought extra tickets, were just stunned by the experience. Whilst the sound system struggled to handle the sonic onslaught, it still had a bit of punch behind it so we got a feel for how it must have been on the evening.
I thought Jason really stood out, as they all did. I thought Robert’s vocals were even better than say Knebworth 79 as the passing of years had matured him so that he knew even more the importance of phrasing and not ‘over vocalising’ if you know what I mean. He knew when to hit the straps and when to refrain.I am stoked. I can not wait for the official DVD release mate
Paul Aspey: Just got back from watching again this time at Bolton 200 in attendence guy next to us in full view at the end of Nobody’s fault..
He finally made it on the silver screen, To use one of Dave’s quotes “this really is a way of life”. Feels like I just jumped the train that never stops –
Geoff Bridges: Milton Keynes was 2/3 full. Sound was fine. Made sure we were seated right in the middle. Film was absolutely brilliant with the guys on top form. It was a lot better than I expected reducing me to tears of joy at times. Great music has that affect on me.
Michaela Firth: Agree Dave I saw and heard bits I’d not heard before … Best bits was hearing my son Charlie singing along to the songs! Priceless! X
Di Wardman: I watched it in Glasgow, Cineworld, and it was full, and a great atmosphere, folk clapping and cheering and whooping after every track and a few head banging to the heavier tracks…stand outs for me were Kashmir, Dazed and Confused, Trampled Underfoot, Since I’ve Been Loving You, Whole Lotta Love…..oh, all of it tbh…..Zep has it all…: )
Tim Summners: Loud and clear in Leeds – blew my head off (in a good way). Took my Gaga-lovng teenage daughter – just heard her singing ‘Misty Mountain Hop’ ewilst brushing her teeth (no mean feat!).
Matt Beidger: Just got back from Swindon showing. Fantastic Concert!! However we missed Nobody’s Fault But Mine as the whole of West Swindon had a power outage!! We all reeled back into the Cinema in time for No Quarter. Cinema fairly empty & many tut tuts to the weed smoker who stank the whole place out with his stash of Skunk! Then again it was Led Zeppelin! 😉
As we left I bumped into the Singer & Bass player of Whole Lotta Led who amazingly recognized me after 10 years or so!
Ian Nicholson: : Matt, like you I was in the Swindon, Cineworld when it was suddenly “Darkness, Darkness”. What a downer, been waiting 5 years to finally see the show, only to miss Nobody’s Fault but mine, but I’m sure we also missed Trampled Underfoot too. On the positive side, what a great film of a great concert. Many “goosebumps” moments, and so nearly a touch of weepy eye during “Stairway”.
Tony Butler: Just back …wow ” Celebration Day” was certainly worth the wait for those that were unlucky enough not to see the “live” show! I went with my 19 year old son, the screening @ 6 was 90% full with all ages attending but predominantly “maturer” fans, bang straight into good times bad times… You couldn’t draw breath into the next then the next , Christ those guys have got stamina for their age,all looking fit and well!! Jason Bonham what a powerhouse !!he certainly did his dad & the band proud. I was unsure of how Percy’s voice would be but no need to panic he found it and singing like a canary….! Stand out songs for me were” in my time of dying” “for your life” “nobody’s fault” “Kashmir” I don’t care how long it’s taken to get the concert out it has been worth it… Ironically I ordered and recieved through the post today the bootleg of the very last concert “the last stand” I think it’s fitting that this is the last time we will see them perform together as Led Zeppelin ….ever! and for those who think that they may reform permanently …wake up…anyway roll on November for the release.
Aris Roskam: Just got back from Amsterdam: great, great, great film. Best part? the joy and smiling faces by all four… runner up: Kashmir! Other great moments: Jonesy in TUF, TSRTS, D&C and No Quarter. Some negative remarks also: Pathé Cinemas in Holland did a bad job: No film-posters, no tickets (only the .pdf e-ticket) and I think my surround-set at home produces a better sound so I’m waiting for november 16th…
Mark Winslade: No posters in Croydon….and it wasn’t loud enough….and there was very nearly a fight behind us due to someone talking….but on the plus side, there was a bit of clapping and ‘whooping’ and we even had up to three ladies ‘dancing’ at the front during Kashmir,WLL and R n R.And the pre and post beers were good….(Thornbridge ‘Jaipur’ and Oakham ‘Citra’).Overall though….soooo glad I went to ‘The Odeon’ !
John Barnet Dennison: Not loud enough in Glasgow, Mr Lewis!
Very polite crowd, only one guy clapping and cheering, NO POSTERS ANYWHERE! Therefore, no pictures of me.
Apart from the poor sound, it was still thrilling to see it all on the big screen, In My Time Of Dying was spot on – very tight, For Your Life – amazing, Dazed & Confused was the highlight for me – de-tuned and even darker & moodier as a result. Brilliant.
Andrew Ricci Cardiff: Entered the local showcase cinema,first smile of the evening on the programme board Led Zeppelin performance 7.00pm.Next, looking around the usherette says” you going to Led Zeppelin”,answer in the affirmative- “the queue is over there” just like a real gig ha! In the auditorium the next 2 hrs pass like lightning.Some thoughts
Has jimmys guitar tone /effects ever been this good lately, he still seemed to be experimenting with the sonics.
Did you noticethe orange amps customised to OR GE!
Robert sang his heart out.
JPJ is the consumate musiciam and modest player,explains why Pge and Plant never quite got” There”
Jason really got it, twin bass pedal or not.
Stand outs for me Black dog (as it should be played) Dazed and confused (including the muddle at the end)
Kashmir which was just Mighty!
The atmosphere amongst the watchers was electric you could here a pin drop,people were really transported!
Lastly who ever decided to show it everywhere on the same night deserves a round of applause,I dont know if it made a profit but it really made it special!
Ps DAVE must thank you again for all your tireless work these last weeks and for the new mag which is a wonderful companion to the film, and you give so much back to the Zeppelin community. Well done mate!
Mark Halliwell:Just left the cinema in Edinburgh and i am dazed and confused. Simply stunning. Still the greatest rock n roll band in the world.
Alessandro Borri Italy: Yesterday me and my wife Francesca were among the over thousand rock fan that see the movie Celebration Day in Bologna alone (well 4 different cinemas shows the movie and each cinema with 2 screenings during afternoon and evening too – with around 150 person for each show so over 1000 people in all in Bologna alone)
We attend the screening at Bologna – The Space (start of the movie at 21.45) Many people purchase the movie poster (2 Euro each) as a souvenir !
The hall was full and we were lucky to be with The Tangerines crew (Led Zeppelin Italian Tribute band based in Bologna) with their friends and girlfriends too among others ! Tangerines has the chance to give to almost everybody in the hall the flyer for the next gig here in Bologna in November !
Well about the movie it’s an incredible emotion to see on stage all them for 2 hours after so many many years ! Musically I find them brilliant and sparkly many times but I didn’t find in all the performance of Jimmy and Robert outstanding ! In my opinion Jason and John Paul Jones were simply monumental !!!
Pete Gozzard: Just back. A brilliant film. Yes it is full of JOY. I had a great night & so did Neil. The downside? Well Star City Birmingham had less than a hundred people in there & it was not LOUD. If they used the cinema surround then someone turned off the sub woofer! As Jason crashed down I was expecting the place to boom! It was a gentle thud.The Bond trailer was louder. Between songs you could almost hear a pin drop & a small amount of chat.
The surround sound system in my house will be really cranked up around the. Neighbour get your ear plugs ready! It did not ruin the night. No way but it deserves better. I spoke to one guy after & he said another cinema was sold out. I know Bedford would be noisy even if it is only you & the TBL crew. I hope you had a great night. I did. Led Zeppelin have created their legacy.
Colin Sheil in Dublin: So proud of them all, they were sensational – Dick Carruthers take a bow too ! What a job , what a band – Jason- you were magnificent. Jimmy was so well rehearsed and on fire, aggressive,passionate, innovative – JPJ finally got the mix to show how important his contribution was /is – his playing was unbelievable at times – this movie is MONUMENTAL !!
Amy Maloney: Hello from DC! I’m astonished. And as in love with the band as I was, when it began for me, in 1975. Very happy at opening 3-4 numbers, but by Trampled, NQ, NFBM, and SIBLY, I had swallowed my gum, broke my bracelet clapping, and shed many tears of joy.
Chris Wright –Utah:
It seems strangely fitting that the release of Celebration Day should roughly coincide with Felix Baumgartner’s space jump.
Both endeavours may be poles apart, but they have the common ground of demonstrating the successful deployment of a risk and reward strategy.
Let’s be clear here. Led Zeppelin put everything on the line on that night in late 2007. The result is a movie that changes one’s perception of what is possible from music.
It’s pointless singling out any particular moment, because there are no low points, only the scaling of new heights in the making of what is, without question, the finest music film ever made and one of the all time greats in cinema history. Hyperbole? Well if you’re thinking that, you clearly haven’t seen it yet.
The genius of Celebration Day is that it keeps everything very, very simple. Dick Carruthers went for very tight close up shots and this pays off in spades, as one is transported to the 02 stage itself. The end result is the overwhelming feeling that you’re playing every note with the four maestros.
And maestros they most certainly are.
Robert tackles much of the material with very different vocal treatments than any previous Zep outings. Partly it’s the passage of time, but mainly it’s the Plant DNA of not wishing to make too faithful a visit to old stomping ground.
JPJ reconfirms his status as a multi-instrumentalist of dazzling proportions. That driving bass that is such a characteristic of Zeppelin music is in abundance, underpinning the whole sound with what sounds to me like unprecedented gravitas. The keyboard playing is just sublime.
Jimmy has never sounded better and more consistently brilliant. The anti-climaxes of post-75 Page give way to the reinstatement of his position as the ultimate sonic architect and the true genius of the band. Some of the tonal aspects of his guitar playing are almost beyond belief. There’s a crispness to his playing that may, just may, indicates that this is the best he has ever been!
And so to Jason.
How on earth can you fill your Dad’s shoes, when he was not only the best drummer of all time, but arguably the most gifted single musician that rock has ever produced! Jason clearly has Dad’s genes alive and well in him, as he deploys the time-honoured Bonham tactic of avoiding anything that’s predictable.
With John, it was all about tiny accents and subtle, yet incredibly powerful, drumming that filled the soundstage in a manner even Phil Spector, in his pomp, could have dreamed of.
Jason adopts a simpler playing philosophy, yet it still turns out to be equally as devastating as Dad was. No-one else could have played like that.
In the end, you just want to stay in the theater for the next performance. But that is the wrong approach here. Led Zeppelin clearly treated o2 as
the completion of the circle. It seems only appropriate, therefore, to go home and take stock of what has been, without question or doubt, the best evening in nearly 40 years of gig going.
As Dave said, this is a gig. Surely there can be no finer tribute to the masterpiece that is Celebration Day.
We truly are not worthy.
And this was how it was for me and the TBL crew in Bedford…
Great night at Bedford Cineworld. 15 of us in our gang – the cinema was fairly full considering it was a very wet night and it had not had much local publicity. The sound was a bit quiet for the first three numbers but then it improved and was ok. It was really good to seeing a relaxed setting after the excitement of London and there were little things that I had not noticed before. Tonight Trampled Underfoot, No Quarter, Stairway To Heaven and Misty Mountain Hop and of course Kashmir stood out. It was also a joy to share this experience with so many good friends alongside me – most of all the two Lewis ladies Sam and Janet -they’ve always known it’s something special but tonight they saw it unfold magnificently…what a night…again. DL October 18th 2012.
With the Lewis ladies Sam and Janet
With Tom and Cliff the ticket man
The TBL Bedford Celebration Day line up…
With the good lady Janet after the screening
‘’When I went back it was all gone!’’ DL in Bedford Cineworld Safe Deposit box theft sensation – Led Zeppelin robbed of the evenings taking of £36!!!
There were quite a few complaints about the cinema sound and poor old Swindon in the UK had a brief power cut. Overall though the film has touched fans across the world and created a totally unique global Led Zeppelin juke box.. .. and will continue to do so as there are more showings tonight.
Many thanks for all your feedback and Keep the feedback and comments coming in…more on all this tomorrow.
And Finally
Here’s the latest You Tube teaser clip – complete with fan input including the legendary Front Row Dave from the US…
Until tomorrow…keep reading – keep listening…
Dave Lewis/Gary Foy
October 18th, 2012
Don’t forget that you can follow Dave Lewis/TBL on Twitter – LedzeppelinTBL
and view additional photos etc at the Tight But Loose Facebook page (add us as a friend) at
Where do I find out the next planned showings of Celebration Day in England and why are there so few?
As Robert Plant has noted, in a word… SPECTACULAR! And then some!
Way way better than I expected, this was an occasion that you simply could not afford to miss. I would have kicked myself if I hadn’t made the decision to see it on the big screen (Rialto cinema – Auckland, New Zealand). Some events are severely diminished by the small screen – and this is one that won’t have the same grandeur as its cinematic exposure. But, come mid November, I know that I will be buying the Blu-ray when its available. If you need a valid reason to upgrade from DVD to BLU, then may I recommend “Celebration Day” as an great reason to do so. Grainy, muted DVD will not bring out the clarity & intensity needed to extract maximum enjoyment of this historic event!
Way too many highlights to mention save, for me, the one that matters most. The sheer pleasure of watching master musicians recreating their undeniable musical chemistry which is unique to that specific group of individuals – and I include Jason Bonham as a valid member in this regard as well. No-one else would have fitted. Period. Honoured his fathers legacy with distinction & conviction – whilst maintaining his own musical integrity.
You can see why Jimmy was eager to capitalize on that night, but possibly right that Robert decided the O2 was more than enough. At least we now will have an excellent document of the night that we can return to when the mood takes us. Which might be more than once or twice I suspect!
about 60 people in the vue in Finchley , most of us about that magical age (50 ish), having seen copies of the concert I thought I knew what to expect , but boy was I wrong , I can’t remember Jimmy and John paul being so tight and a big credit to Jason , and Roberts vocals , just pure class , like a lot of the cinemas the volume could have been a bit louder , but the film thundered along at a real pace and two hours passed by in no time , what a shame that there was no tour but what a ‘swan song’ now all I need is a nice 1-0 tomorrow morning coys.
Thanks Dave
Was priviliged to be at the O2 with my wife but to take our 13 year old nephew to the Leeds screening was truly wonderful. Nobodys Fault and Kashmir blew his socks off and to hear him singing away to Misty Mountain and Rock and Roll was priceless. Better than Knebworth in my view all of the band but especially Pagey I thought on top form.
Saw the film at Bury St Edmunds, the sound was quite subdued and the theatre was half full. I must admit I thought it would be a challenge to capture all the emotions and atmosphere of that wonderful night 5 years ago however I think it was mission accomplished…the film was fantastic!!!
I remembered Kashmir and Dazed & Confused as being particularly moving on the night yet the film highlighted other spectacular performances such as Nobody’s Fault But Mine and No Quarter.
So interesting to see the interaction between the four of them, a really interesting and fresh approach rather than the standard concert film DVD approach.
Looking forward to the Blu Ray disc and the Blu Ray audio.
Many thanks for the updates Dave, made the last few weeks more exciting than they already would have been….if that makes sense!!!!!
Well, that was a wonderful experience! What a movie! My partner Theo and I went to the Pathé Cinema in Eindhoven, Holland. Unfortunately though, there were no posters, flyers or anything, which was a real letdown for me. Also the tickets were printed at the cash register on flimsy thin and small paper! But I had had lady luck with me the day before on Tuesday when we were in Dortmund, Germany. There I spotted a large poster (about 60 x 40 cm) with German text of the Celebration Day movie hanging at an abandoned shop window! First my intention was to make a snapshot and walk on, but to my surprise the poster wasn’t on the inside of the window but on the outside! I said to Theo, I have to have this to hang in my house in a nice frame, so he carefully removed it and gave it to me. I quickly rolled it and put it in my shopping bag. At last I have an official Zeppelin poster, I will mail a photo of it when it will be framed on my wall! So moving on to the premiere of the film, it was a near sell out. I happened to be seated next to the drummer of the Dutch tribute band Vet Zeppelin (vet in Dutch means either “fat” or in this case of course “cool” or “awesome”) We got to talking a bit and I informed him of the songs being on the setlist. The concert began and I noticed that Plant’s mic didn’t pick up at some early line in Good Times Bad Times or was that just a technical mistake of the cinema’s sound system? Anyway, I thought the sound wasn’t very good during the first three songs. Personal favourites for me were For Your Life (they should issue that song as a collectible vinyl 45 single in a nice picture sleeve!), Trampled Underfoot, Nobody’s Fault But Mine, No Quarter and of course the majestic epic grandeur that is Kashmir. I thought Stairway was a bit hesitant, it didn’t quite lift off. But overall what a stunning performance of Jimmy, Jason, John Paul and Robert! They all seemed to really enjoy themselves. I noticed there was no one cheering or clapping between songs (except us) though the audience in the cinema did clap their hands when the movie was over after we had started to cheer and clap! So many impressions of this film, I can’t wait to see it again on 16 November in the comfort of my own large screen tv! Led Zeppelin rules again! Greetings, Marcel.
Tech note – think I’m correct in saying this was the first time Jimmy used his Digitech Whammy Pedal with Zeppelin most notably in Nobodys Fault But Mine when Robert gave him a knowing grin! Also the Danelectro has been retired which I think gave a harder more aggressive guitar tone in Kashmir (where he used his Les Paul with B-Bender). Thought the new Custom Shop Gibson ES350 sounded SOO good for IMTOD !!! Still on a high and CAN’T STOP RELIVING THIS MOVIE !!
Saw the show tonite in Houston and my wife and I and another guy went to the manager at the theater and demanded he turn up the volume after the first two songs. I explained that I had popped 30 bucks down for a rock concert movie and wanted it loud, my wife explained that if her ears did not bleed from high volume rock and roll she was going to get PISSED. It got loud for us…. I remember seeing TSRTS back in the day in midnite showings and we did not have this problem, just more proof things were better back in the day. My review of the movie boils down to one word..SPECTACULAR !!! Thank you Jimmy,Robert,John Paul and the one and ONLY Jason BONHAM..your dad MUST be PROUD !!! Long Live Led Zeppelin!!!
Took in the ten o’clock showing at the Annapolis Harbor theatres in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Took a cell photo of the marquee, which had a surreal message: “Led Zeppelin Concert Oct 17”
Spent Happy Hour at the Cadillac Ranch, a theme bar down the street in the new Parole highrises. This is one of those places with a thousand flat screens with sports programming and stale music videos, with the usual tripe like 38 Special and Tom Petty. Much to my surprise, and not without irony, they were inexplicably running the Royal Albert Hall footage of Zeppelin from the DVD. And as you well know, the band just soared in that set.
Nice to seena healthy amount of young people filing into the theatre, none of whom could’ve been born before the Coverdale/Page period, much less Plant’s Zen era. This bolstered my thought of how important this O2 business really was, because it is introducing, if you will, an entire generation of people to the world’s greatest rock band, and they can see for themselves what the fuss was all about.
As to the film, quite simply the realization of a lifelong dream of mine, much in the way the DVD did, of extending the visual documentation of Zeppelin, which in their era was precious little indeed.
The performances, the sound production, the staging, the modern application of technology brought to this material is almost overwhelming on a certain level. I’m just so happy that they did this, that they in some way brought their great legacy a modern and proper befitting finale.
Of course, Plant was superb if not sublime in his delivery. His nod to Terraplane Blues, the anecdote about Pat and John Bonham crooning “The Wind Cries Mary”, the brevity of his Plantations, which I normally enjoy, seemed to give the occasion even more reverance.
Jonesy’s unflappably professionalism, the quality of the mix of his keyboards, the delight of watching him conquer the fretless bass, and his sheer vitality after all these years was heartwarming. To the commenter above, who noted that this was missing in the Page/Plant years, is very much on the mark.
Jason Bonham’s command of his father’s material, and his replica kit, was emotionally almost too much to take. I can’t imagine the pride of his father’s spirit to witness his progeny in charge of HIS Engine Room, well, its a stunning tribute from the son, to say the very least.
I didn’t think it was possible for Jimmy Page to surprise me, or dare I say, even impress me more than he has over the years. But the singular delight that this evening held for me, above all others, was to re-discover the greatness of Jimmy all over again.
Pagey’s evening on the strings was frighteningly powerful. I can’t believe I am writing this, but I suppose I had somewhat forgotten just how great a player Jimmy really is.
In an almost vindicating way, Jimmy Page re-asserted himself to the world and to this old Zeppelin fan, in much the manner as he did when I first became aware of his instrumental prowess way back in the day.
The dominance of his performance, the sheer command of the instrument, the charismatic demeanor of George Washington in shades, the dazzling tonal assualt and brilliance of his playing, and the almost sanctifying manner in which he embraced it, was as close to experiencing the healing power of music that I suppose I will ever find.
My cup runneth over, the pride that I have as a Zeppelin fan, to witness anew these grand musicians with whom I’ve spent a lifetime of memories absorbing their talents, is almost too much.
Thank you to all involved. This film did what it was supposed to do.
This is an observation from the cinema in Shinjuku, Tokyo, in the evening of the first general public screening of Celebration Day, reported on Rockin’ On website:
“They cheered every time a song finished…one lady kept synchronizing with the performance throughout the screening, her motion reminiscent of a conductor…another guy moved forward to the front row, where some seats were empty, looking up, arms wide open as if he was embracing the screen, completely in a trance…the whole scene was like one paradise of a euphoric racket.”
In other words, the audience rocked like it was 1971!
Sound at our showing was initailly a bit on the quiet side,however I was very impressed by the surround sound of the audience track, then I realised it was actually the audience in the cinema who where whooping it up 🙂
Ps Celebration Day the movie The Song Remains the Same should have been, no horses, gangsters and halloween masks just rock n roll !
Fountainpark Cineworld in Edinburgh. Totally knocked out with the film, great performance and so tight. ‘Kashmir’ and ‘For Your Life’ were personal highlights. Very disappointed in the sound in terms of quality and volume, felt the adverts prior to the show were louder. Staff not interested when this was pointed out. Maybe too many quick cuts throughout but could see how ‘Rock’n’roll’ worked well with that editing. All in all a brilliant night which for a little attention to detail from the cinema could have been so much more. Never mind the DVD will be immense with better and bigger sound. The guys really showed why they were the best there was.
Saw Celebration Day at a theater in Dallas, TX. First time I’d ever been to a movie theater that served a full menu so I was eating dinner during the viewing. One word summarizes the experience: WOW! I’ve listened to the audio bootlegs many times and watched some audience video bootlegs but the pro-shot footage was on a whole other level. Wish we hadn’t to wait five years but oh well. Sometimes moved a little too fast but still was cool to see their mannerisms and interactions as they were playing. Jimmy had his swagger back and I would never have known he was chewing gum until this DVD LOL Noticed three cuts: Robert commenting before Kashmir about the different countries in attendance, Jason bowing in front of the guys at the end, and cutting out the Boogie Chillun interlude during WLL. I’ve already ordered the DVD and album and am looking forward to seeing the rehearsal footage 🙂
The movie, which I saw in Los Angeles, was great – a fitting end to one of rock’s greatest chapters. Pros: the chemistry and connection between the band was palpable; the mix and fixes really helped (particularly with respect to Jimmy’s playing as heard on the boots); Plant looked and sounded simply amazing; the close-ups of hands-on-instruments were intersting and give the mainstream media a chance to gush over what great players these guys are. Cons: my only beef is that to me, there were not enough stable, focused shots of the whole stage. The video boots really showed Plant’s commanding presence and charisma, which were slightly lost in the non-stop quick cuts and edits. (Maybe toning Plant down had to do with making Jimmy look cooler than he came off on the boots?) That said, this was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to get my Blu-ray DVD set.
Dublin, Savoy Cinema……purposely avoided all audio/video bootlegs of this since 2007 in anticipation of the “real” thing (though I didn’t think I’d have to wait this long!)……..and yes, it was worth the wait. Somehow different and better than I had expected. Think the first couple of numbers suffered from less than perfect sound (guitar tone a bit thin) but soon balanced out nicely. Two things that really struck me……and I’m not sure how to put this, but the arrangement/sound of many of the numbers is really contemporary. Not in a contrived way but subtely as though the songs/sound has evolved naturally over 30/40 years. Being an obsessive, Zeppelin can do no wrong, but I must say nothing sounded at all dated. The other thing that “struck” was Jason Bonham……..Wow! Full house, good sound, lots of clapping/cheering -great night and great idea to do a cinema release. If I had been asked prior to the gig to nominate a never before aired Zep tune, I would have requested For Your Life, so that favourite of mine was my highlight of the show. Can’t wait for the tour!
Went with my great mate Jed to the 6pm screening at the Cineworld in Liverpool. Place was only about 1/4 full,which meant there wasn’t much atmoshere,but hey,i’m here to watch the film,not socialise!
Sound was slightly muffled at first,but picked up fine by the time we’re into “In My Time…”. Which was just perfect timing really as it was superbly performed! From then on the band seemed to step up several gears at once,with stunning renditions of “For Your Life” “No Quarter” “Trampled Underfoot” “Nobody’s Fault….” and,well,where to stop really,because EVERYTHING was played with passion,energy and,above all,with a BIG smile! You could FEEL they where having a blast up there. And we were having a blast watching them do just that! Incredible!
Which brings me to Jason – WOW! He absolutely nailed it with a flawless performance, that would have had his much missed dad grinning proudly,from ear to ear! I know i was! Best of all,was watching Jimmy,Robert and John smiling at him,with great affection,as he brought “Rock and Roll” to a mighty close. Emotions must’ve been running very high for all four of them at that point,because that was SO MUCH his dad’s signature piece and it was done perfectly!
Now for the DVD/CD – can’t wait!
wow just wow i was expecting it to be amazing but that was just too much i loved every second of it led zeppelin rock and the song remains the same
I went to FACT cinema in Liverpool and the auditorium was almost full and the sound was fantastic – loud, heavy and rich.
All the contributors have said it all – it is a truly remarkable film, simple but brilliant. You realise what wonderful musicians these people are and I doubt if anyone could better this performance. A privilege to be a fan !!
I wish I could see it again on full screen but will have to wait for next month.
Terrible sound at Led Zeppelin showing at AMC City Walk in Universal City, California
Very Very Upset as many in the audience were. The sound was muffed like it was on mono. Employee came in after much yelling and explained that there was indeed a problem with the sound and said they would reboot and restart the movie but to my disbelief muffed sound again. Many of us left and I personally looked for a manager and was told by her that they were having similar problems “ELSEWHERE”. They gave us our refund.. Question, is this a theater problem or the way it was recorded? Very Very Upset . Have a nice day Note, Good times on youtube sounded better on my computer.
Saw the film last night in Nottingham. There were 2 screenings and the second one was just before 9pm. Loads of people seemed to come out from the first screening, but the second one was about 25% full.
There was a very respectful atmosphere, and the volume could have done with being a bit louder. I was in awe for the first 4 songs as I have waited so long to see this, and then it just got better and better as the show progressed! Highlights for me were ‘For Your Life’, ‘No Quarter’, ‘Dazed’ and ‘Kashmir’. Will be seeing it for the second time on Sunday in London, and look forward to seeing you there Dave!
Cardiff Cineworld 20:45 screening.Perhaps three quarters full.Sound was initially low but seemed to increase by the third song in.For me there is little point in trying to review the content of the film itself.On the night of our silver anniversary, for two hours my wife and I sat together and for two hours did’nt say a word to each other.At the end she just turned and looked at me and we both smiled and shook our heads.Sometimes there are no words and this was one.
What an outpouring of love and admiration for this amazing band. I want to go back tonight and watch it all again, but alas the circus has left town, specifically Cedar City UT, and I must now begin the month long wait for the Blu-Ray/DVD/CD release.
Still awestruck by what we have all witnessed.
As sad as it sounds, I think the Zeppelin story has to end here. There are simply no more mountains to climb.
So good to see so may people happy but unfortunately once again thousands of zep fans got frustrated. After all the excitement and the sensational TBL countdown to october 17th, Celebration Day was not screened in 43 countries. Fans from USA, Australia, 2/3 of Europe and maybe Japan, New Zealand and Canada were the ones. Here in Brazil it will be screened only twice with the same schedule in twenty two cities of 15 states: a session on october 30th at 21:00 and another on november 3rd at 23h55. These details were announced october 9th by cinemark and UCI will do the same but in few cinemas. Curiously, the first one is exactly the day after the seventh and last Plant show in Brazil. At least I will see 3 shows, including the very first one, tonight in Rio de Janeiro. No press conference here, any interview to the brazilian press and a little coverage in my humble opinion. We were only able to know what he asked to eat during the tour, the complete menu during the day. But the show was very well promoted with posters and adds around the city. Looking forward to listen to “Tin Pan Valley” !!!
Well what can i say?
Went to Basingstoke VUE last night with loads of other Zep fans and the wife,it took me back to 1979 and that great day at Knebworth.Sound was superb lots of punch and nice and loud.Will be rushing out to buy the DVD/CD ASAP.
How can one band still sound so great!
I saw it last night in Edgewater, NJ 7:30 Screening.It was astonishing the sound and video were great. I could not believe what I was seeing and hearing. They were on the money with every song. I can’t wait till Nov 19th to see it again. There isn’t any group that can come close to ZEP.
Tom Melone
Sound quality at Apollo Leamington Spa not great and should have been much much louder. Not that many people there but unsurprising as even Zep tribute bands never draw large crowds in this part of the world.
Having said all that, it was just awesome. Best thing I’ve seen them do since Manchester in November 1971 – only 40 years ago. Much better than Knebworth ( terrible sound, too far away, etc blah blah). Closeup camera work truly outstanding and added so much. Not sure about the ” super 8 ” cine / video / cameraphone inserts ( would have preferred a few more crowd shots really.
The Power And The Glory, For Ever And Ever ( thanks to DVD ), Amen ( almost certainly, sadly!).
10 Dec 2007 !!!! (oops)
What an amazing night! I attended the show last night near Omaha, Nebraska. The theatre was only 3/4 full at most. The sound was great, the picture was great and reliving the show on the big screen was incredible! The band was so powerful. I love the way it was filmed and edited too. We have the Third Eye version etc… which gives us the far center shots, but this felt like you were right up on stage with the band. Having been up close on the actual night, I realized in watching this film, that my attention most of the evening of 12 Dec 2007 was on Jimmy. I saw so many new things I hadn’t seen that night. Little glances here, nuances there, and smiles all around. May face hurt from smiling so much throughout the film. Goosebump moments last night for me were during the power and swag of “In My Time of Dying”, the rhythmic fresh approach to “For Your Life”, and mystique of “No Quarter”. It was also great for me to see two friends I brought with me, one a bass player, the other a guitarist, be blown away by this concert as well. There jaws were dropped the entire time! I love watching newbies get bit by the zep bug. 🙂
Saw “Celebration Day” last night in Massachusetts.
What struck me was the connection between the four of them, and what was especially striking was the bond between Jimmy and Robert. That bond was so evident on “In My Time of Dying”, they stood so close together, glancing at each other, smiling, laughing.
Highlights…”Dying”, “Trampled Underfoot”, “The Song Remains the Same”, and “Kashmir”.
If this was Zeppelin’s last stand, what a way to go out.
AMAZING!!!! Watched the show from Woburn MA, USA. The crowd was really excited and treated it like we were at the concert- clapping and cheering after every song, singing along, someone even lit their lighter during the encore cheering…:)
Every song was excellent, it was such a personal joy to watch them have such a good time and play so well. Great production across the board. I can’t wait to watch it a million more times on DVD for the rest of my life.
What a perfect way to secure their legacy as the greatest rock band of all time!!! (We all knew that, but the rest of the world will be reminded.)
Saw it last night in New Jersey. Amazing! Absolutely Amazing!
Teared up numerous times and just thinking about it today, it’s still affecting me. Can’t wait for the Blu-Ray. So many great moments, Page Squeezing out that note in the beginning of Since I’ve Been Lovin You, The intensity of In My Time Of Dying, The power of For Your Life, the smiles and knowing looks, and Kashmir. Kashmir was enormous!
Visited UCI in Dresden, Germany yesterday. WHAT A NIGHT! Biggest screen of the cinema, perfect surround sound, loud enough and our heroes were fantastic! Then returned home and found the newest TBL in my post box – CELEBRATION DAY!
If you see/hear/read any recent Robert Plant interview, he has a tendancy to use a favourite word when describing something which he believes to be impressive/good/epic.
That word is SPECTACULAR.
If you were looking for a single word to describe Celebration Day – then SPECTACULAR is the one to use.
We may not see their like again, but thank God they’ve given us this.
PS – Vue Cinema at Longwell Green, Bristol
If you see/hear/read any recent Robert Plant interview he has a tendancy to use a favourite word when something which he believes to be impressive/good.
That word is SPECTACULAR.
If you were looking for a word to describe Celebration Day – then SPECTACULAR
Pittsburgh PA- Pittsburgh Mills Mall, Cinemark theater 11 7:30 pm Oct 17, 2012
Theater at half capacity, average age was probably 40 years old , many attendees had their Zep shirts on which was great! clapping at the end of songs, especially after dazed and kashmir.
So I was like many on you that thought it will never be the same like back in 73. Watching the boots from the 02 do not give that concert full credit.
Highlights for me were
All the times the camera focused on their facial expressions, that was great, they looked happy with each other and they had fun playing these old tunes one more time. I wish I would have seen a longer theremin solo but thats ok, the couple of minutes was enough for me.
No quarter. Jimmy and jpj were awesome. This brought me back to all the times I watched srts by myself in front of that old grainy 20inch tv my mom had.
Dazed and confused- jimmy on the bow was great to see him do a full rendition, it took him 30 years to do it again.
Kashmir was awesome the only thing I wanted to hear was Jason trying to attempt his fathers bass drum triplets. But that’s fine.
I agree with many of you that said the 8mm footage was annoying and Grant Burgess said the right thing on his fb page that if they wanted that kind of effect they should have went to third eye to get some of their footage it would have been better and in the same format 16:9.
Robert was awesome my wife was skeptical at first if he was going to sound right and he did it probably at times better than the p and p days.
One thing that left me in tears was if only John B were still here with us that band would have still rocked the world even more than they have these past two weeks.
Lastly Jason was great probably the best zeppelin drummer living, better than any other cover band or plant drummer used on his tours. But again John Bonham is 100 times better than his son but that’s OK we all knew that and I am glad he filled his fathers shoes the best he could which met the minimum standards for jpj jp and rp.
Now I cant wait to get the blu ray so I can fcken crank it up at home like the good old days. The theater last night pissed me off with the sound.
Thanks TBLr’s your reviews were awesome.
Thank you led zeppelin for all of these years.
Anthony Grisolia
You see ? Lorraine hit it SPOT ON!! They’re HER band yet they’re MY band as well and more so they were the World’s band yesterday. She speaks from the heart and as a TRUE fan.Just when you think they just possibly can’t raise the bar any higher they go and release this film. EVER CHANGING DIRECTIONS! Now someone TRY to tell me they’re NOT the best AND stay credible…………
From Sydney, Australia.
Highlights: For Your Life; Nobody’s Fault; Jason on Kashmir; and RP’s overall performance. Misty Mountain Hop surprisingly won the most applause in our cinema. Until last night I did not really believe that it could have been anything comparable to their original majesty. The Celebration Day DVD will stand proudly on my LZ mantelpiece. (Many thanks to TBL)
More amzing reactions…Lorraine you had a great night for sure!
We saw Celebration Day at the old Belmont in Aberdeen and it was beyond words really. I asked “the man” to make sure the volume was turned up and to my delight and surprise he did just that!! The sound was perfect!! From start to finish I was enthralled….since I was 13 I have adored this band and to see them perform like this was just incredible. All 4 were outstanding and know exactly how brilliant they are and rightly so. Robert’s voice was completely sublime, so clear, so powerful but yet so tender…incredibile. I loved the smiles between the guys and the knowing looks..wonderful. I loved their physical closeness on that huge stage, I loved the way they all looked at Jason in awe at he end..I loved Jason’s humbleness..he’s the only man who could have done this job for certain!. Jimmy Page…genius..wow. JPJ…another genius in action..stupendous. I smiled, laughed, cried, was awestruck. Trampled Underfoot was outstanding and started my joyous tears, No Quarter had me in a trance, Stairway was sublime and Robert sang from the heart, Kashmnir rocked my socks off! Every song they did was magical.
You know Ive always been proud to be a Zep fan but last night endorsed that feeling 10 million times over. Im proud of those guys and they have been a huge soundtrack to my life and to millions of lives. Michael turned to me at the end and said “Wow how can they still be that good!!”…..that’s my band..that’s Led Zeppelin…♥
Watched here in Blacktown, Sydney Australia…last nite, it was good to see the remaining three with jason, Led Zeppelin were the biggest band in the world in the early 70’s, they peaked around 1972, considering this show was from 2007 it was a huge effort, nice choice of songs, great production, tho a little muddy in some songs, it would of been nice to see a little more of songs they hadn’t played before, considering we have all seen the classics, I appreciated “For your Life” and it sounded pretty much like the original version from the album, Kashmir was the high light of the show, huge wall of sound, hats of to Led Zeppelin!
Hi Dave
I thoroughly enjoyed the film at Cineworld in Glasgow last night.
That particular cinema is a very appropriate venue as it stands on the exact location of the long demolished Green’s Playhouse (later renamed the Apollo theatre) where Zeppelin played in December 1972. In fact, Cineworld is built on what was the stage side of the Playhouse building.
Great film – thanks to all who made it such a special night.
Michael Brett
Just back from the Glasgow screening (total sell out). Absolutley awesome. The sound was superb and the visuals we endlessly engaging. It was so good to be right in amongst the band throughout. I thought Plant was on top form and it felt like he was singing these songs like his life depended on it. Jason was excellent and a fitting tribute to his dad. Page’s tone was so down and dirty and he hit so many extraordinary grooves. Jones was like the glue. It was simply the greatest rock concert movie ever (bar none) and possibly one of the finest moments in the entire Zeppelin canon.
What really struck me was that these are not simply ‘songs’ – they are complex, unigue pieces of performance art that can only be presented by those individual men. I thought it was so telling that they rarely moved more than 3 feet from each other, yet it was so compelling to watch and hear.
What a bummer,I am a huge Zeppelin fan, have spent nights in the marquee & outside Earls Court for tickets..went to see Celebration Day in Gloucester. Expected the cinema to be heaving but only about 20% full.
Nearly left after first two numbers due to the rubbish level of volume and complete absence of surround, but stayed till Stairway then had to go…really disappointed. Could see and imagine what the sound would have been if presented properly.
Will have to wait to get the DVD and crank up the sound on my home system.
shrewsbury cineworld wonderful evening. it was an amazing concert and worth waiting for. From the Odeon in Birmingham 1970’s to Knebworth to southbank studios for Page and Plant to loads of small venues watching Robert this was just fantastic!
Dave this is all just so cool. The thought that all round the world we were all watching THAT performance is just so wonderful. All together sharing something so fantastic ! Having seen the film TWICE now …(how cool is that!) I’m still reeling from it. And I did see and hear things I missed first time round.
Jason tapping his Bonzo tattoo , hand to his heart and looking to the heavens set me off again . But less tears this time for me as I enjoyed their shared moments , exchanged glances, so full of smiles , fun , energy and love. Being there on the night in 2007 was wonderful , unforgettable ….but finally being able to share it with everyone else now is just so awesome.
Last night , sitting at the front of the cinema with three younger fans ( 21,19 and 11 years ) made it all the more poignant . …this is truly a band for all and transcends generations! Led Zeppelin will go on forever uniting people , bring joy as they go.
Vienna Austria, Gasometer – about 1/2 -2/3rds full. Mix of older and younger audience, I would say 60% younger. Everything was about right, the volume, the surround etc… Just an excellent show, really enjoyed watching them make their final mark as Led Zeppelin. I even enjoyed the screw up at the end of D&C. Went with my wife who likes Led Zeppelin ok but is not a great fan, however she loved this concert, could not believe the energy and musicianship on display. One thing that I would critique would be the constant cutting, I don’t think any scene lasted even a minute. I would start to get absorbed watching something and wham I am off somewhere else. They should have a few scenes last a bit longer. Cannot wait for the 19th of Nov to see the full rehearsal! Hopefully it is not so choppy…
Hi Dave,
Great coverage by TBL of a great night. I went to the screening in the northern suburbs of Sydney, not too many in attendance, but still a fantastic event. It’s funny, here in Sydney on morning b’fast tv a Korean guy was ‘performing’ a song called Gangman something or other, I was just thinking about seeing LZ!
The band and performance was brilliant, pure class. No other band will ever come close. Absolute professionals who can still out perform any newcomers.
Thanks for TBL.
Couldn’t post last night..a little tired and a little lost for words.
Saw the movie in Byron Bay,Australia.Small cinema that seated maybe 150.
The signs outside said Sold Out but there were three or four empty seats in the front row.Took my 21yr old son and his fiance..I had joked before leaving that they would probably be the youngest ones there and from what we could see they were.
We got seats in the third row.The sound was great..after the first song there were shouts of turn it up but from where I was it was loud enough.The audience treated the movie as a gig..there were whoops and hollers and applause after every song.There was even a communal giggle when the camera seemed to linger a little long on a shot of Robert holding onto the seat of his pants!!
Favourite song..well everybody seems to like Kashmir..and that song definitely had the loudest and longest audience reaction in the cinema.I agree Kashmir was gorgeous but I can’t say why it stood out ‘cos all the songs were brilliantly played.I loved Trampled Under Foot and For Your Life and Misty Mountain Hop…I have to admit to not being a big fan of Dazed and Confused though and the movie did kind of drag a little for me with that one but not enough to make me leave for popcorn.
Honestly I don’t think I stopped smiling the whole time.There was just so much joy and happiness up there on stage you couldn’t help but be caught up in it.And Jason…a legend…they were all amazing but I’m so glad Jason got the gig.
I can’t wait to have this on DVD/Blu Ray to enjoy over and over.
Had a great night out with all of you all over the world..best ever.
Hi Dave – second viewing last night after Hammersmith Friday, this time at the Vue Islington. Advertised as ‘Vue Xtreme’ it was anything but to start with. ‘GTBT’ didn’t so much kick off as have the sound of a small dustbin being kicked. Two excursions to the foyer later and they seemed to find the volume knob, and then the bass booster – so by ‘IMTOD’ it was much better (still nowhere near the wall shaking rumbling of last Friday). The whole thing is absolutely superb, I have to say, and on a second viewing I could actually relax and take it all in rather than sit there trembling with excitement. I still think they’ve cut too much of Plant’s between song banter – especially the ‘Kashmir’ lead in from the bootlegs which gets me every time. Looking forward to the release in November and then will have this playing at call-the-police sound levels at home. Cheers, Robin
I’ve really enjoyed reading people’s comments on the whole experience – my own was one of joy. Joy that they made it work, no one was carried, and the choice of Jason proved above everything to be musical, not just heartfelt – and that’s fitting considering Zep is firstly about the music, not fame or glory.
My one criticism is Ramble On should have been played later in the set when the adrenaline was more controlled – but that’s minor and only my opinion of course.
The biggest joy I took of the whole experience was THEY enjoyed themselves – the warmth for each other was there to see. For me they owe everyone nothing. There music will go down as some of the best in history, and there live performances have no equal. If that’s your Swan Song boys, it’ll do for me – John, Peter, and Ahmet will be very proud men.
I took my fiancee to the film. Her favorite band is Bon Jovi. After the film she was totally blown away!! (She even admitted her new-found lust for Jimmy Page. Which is fine with me as i would do him too. lol.) My man-crush meter was on full blast tonight.
Those smiles! Those infectious smiles!!!! I cried during Stairway. I cried when Jason showed his tattoo and gave homage to his dad. The pure joy on Jason’s face playing a full length Zeppelin show with Uncle Robert, Uncle Jimmy and Uncle John – and seeing him come full circle – was amazing. You can tell he was like a kid in a candy store. The end where all three of the ‘old guys’ (lol) were facing Jason as he banged out the ending of Rock and Roll was so…!! The look on their faces.. I am breaking out in tears just thinking about it!! The show was fun, breathtaking and above all…moving.
I was there at the 02.
I don’t live near any cinema….but…..
I look forward to cranking the DVD audio to 11 at home and smiling along with the rest of the Universe.
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Tight But Loose Website edited by Dave Lewis and Gary Foy.
Tight But Loose Magazine created by Dave Lewis 1978. TBL/Web launched by Dave Linwood 1995. TBL logo by Mike Warry.
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