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13 February 2019 2,332 views 8 Comments



TBL issue 44 is hot off the press and out on the streets…

I’ve been extremely busy in the TBL distribution centre (our dining room actually!) sticking on stamps and labels and packing the pre -orders ready to leave here.

TBL distribution update:

All UK pre-orders left here on Tuesday and are now in transit – they should begin to arrive over the next two or three days. A bulk of the overseas copies are also now in transit – I hope to have all copies on their way out by the weekend. Further updates to follow.

Just to clarify –if you were a previous TBL subscriber all subscriptions ended with the last issue 43. So now is the time to re-subscribe –TBL 44 is a one issue subscription. This issue is in a limited edition run – don’t miss out – order now! The ordering link is below. There are still a number of past TBL subscribers who have yet to come back on board –  many thanks in advance for all your support.

It’s coming your way soon…let me know what you think….

Dave Lewis, February 13,2019



Order TBL 44 here:


Meanwhile…40 years ago….

Tight But Loose at 40:

40 years ago this month, I was busy scribing away quite literally on what would become the first issue of the Tight But Loose magazine. I had been harbouring the idea of a Led Zep type fanzine (as home made publications were known) for the past year – an early proto- type was mocked up in December 1977. Inspired by the do it yourself tactics of the punk rock fanzines such as Sniffin’ Glue and Ripped & Torn, I set about laying out the content in a somewhat chaotic but very enthusiastic manner. I’d informed Swan Song of this plan to a most positive reaction.

With no access to a type writer (not that I could type!), I decided to hand write the first edition.  Further inspiration came from the reaction to the Sounds tenth anniversary of Zep series I worked on with Geoff Barton published in September. I was also massively thrilled and inspired by getting to speak to Robert Plant at the Goaldiggers five a side football tournament he took part in at the Empire Pool Wembley on November 5th. I was able to hear from the man himself that they were flying to Sweden the next week to record their new album.

So the time was more than right for me to get this platform of communication between fellow likeminded fans underway. The first adverts for details of this venture ran in the small ads column of Sounds and NME in late 1978 and the orders began coming in – I then ran another round of ads in early 1979.

The response was pretty instant. I suddenly had first-hand evidence that there were many similarly enthused fans who were just as keen as me on reading, listening and following this band in depth.

During January, I worked on the refining of the text – a long rambling piece on my Earls Court experiences (surprise!) complete with Plant between song transcribes first written in 1975,  a report of the aforementioned meeting with Robert at the Goaldiggers football, a very passionate review of the then latest bootleg LP title from the TAKRL label titled Ballcrusher – which had good quality extracts from the April 1st 1971 BBC In Concert recording, reviews of the Robert Plant solo single Long Time Coming and the UK Trampled Underfoot promo and there was a Led Zep quiz which if my memory serves me was won by Mick Humphries who has been a subscriber ever since.

News wise I was able to relay that Zep had nigh on completed recording of a new album reported to be tentatively titled ‘Look’ and due in the spring. There was no word on any gig activity but surely that would all follow. We all know how that all panned out!

Just prior to completing issue number one and getting it printed, there was another major happening that spurred yet more revival in Zep interest. On the evening of  February 2nd, 1979 Tommy Vance aired two of the BBC sessions Zep recorded in 1969 on Radio One’s Rock On show. Now I had long since had these recordings on lo- fi cassette dubs but hearing them in this quality was an absolute revelation. The reaction to that broadcast was overwhelming and it was clear,despite all the lay offs, Led Zeppelin’s audience had remained very loyal.

The airing of those sessions provided the lead content to the second issue of the TBL magazine which appeared in May – by which time I’d enlisted a typist.

I’d also sold out of the 200 copies I had printed of issue number one published n February 10th. They were printed by Jaycopy a local print shop in town – that month of Janaury 1979 was well cold with frequent bouts of snow and I can vividly remember trudging home in the snow with the first box of the magazines weighing me down…the first and certainly not the last of many obstacles I would encounter and overcome in getting the TBL word out there. …

early flyer

I have huge affinity for those innocent early days – creating  what might be termed now a central hub for fans to interact and feedback was hugely rewarding. It was the beginning of something that would define much of my life in the ensuing years to come. Here’s the first hand written flyer plugging issue number one.

I do plan to get around to re issuing those humble early TBL mags at some point.

Here’s the editorial I wrote for that first issue:

So here I am in early 2019 – just as I was in early 1979, writing an editorial for an issue of the magazine I created to form a platform of communication between Led Zeppelin fans across the globe.

And as I finally unleash a 44th issue, that remit remains.

So 40 years on, get ready to feast your eyes (with possible reading glasses in tow!) for what is another intensive TBL outpouring. Given the amount of text to wade through, I am well pleased that unlike that first issue of 40 years ago, I did not have to hand write it all…


Thanks as ever for all your support.



Led Zeppelin News Update:

In conjunction with the Led Zep news site, each week I will be re- producing highlights from their weekly email update news summary. This goes out every Sunday. Sign up details are below. Many thanks to James Cook.

Jimmy Page

John Paul Jones

Upcoming events:

February 14 – Robert Plant will perform in support of Fairport Convention with Saving Grace in Basingstoke, UK.
February 16 – Robert Plant will perform in support of Fairport Convention with Saving Grace in Bath, UK.
February 22 – Robert Plant will perform in support of Fairport Convention with Saving Grace in St Albans, UK.
February 24 – The Tate Britain’s Edward Burne-Jones exhibition, which features two tapestries owned by Jimmy Page, closes.
March – The Fender Custom Shop recreations of Jimmy Page’s Dragon and Mirror Telecasters will go on sale.
March 7 – Robert Plant will perform at the Love Rocks NYC benefit concert in New York.
March 8 – Patty Griffin’s self-titled new album, which features Robert Plant on two tracks, will be released.
March 28 – John Paul Jones will perform in London with Thurston Moore.
April 8 – The “Play It Loud: Instruments Of Rock And Roll” exhibition, featuring Led Zeppelin items, will open at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
June 13 – Robert Plant will perform in Stockholm, Sweden.
June 15 – Robert Plant will perform at Bergenfest in Norway.
June 17 – Robert Plant will perform at The Big Challenge festival in Norway.
June 19 – Robert Plant will perform in Harstad, Norway.
June 21 – Robert Plant will perform in Bodø, Norway.
June 23 – Robert Plant will perform at the Secret Solstice music festival in Iceland.
June 25 – Robert Plant will perform in Tromsø, Norway.
June 27 – Robert Plant will perform in Svalbard, Norway.
June 29 – Robert Plant will perform in Svalbard, Norway.
July 2 – Robert Plant will perform in Halden, Norway.
July 10 – Robert Plant will perform at the Kunst!Rasen Bonn festival in Germany.
September 20-21 – The 2019 John Bonham memorial concert is scheduled to be held in Redditch.
November – The “Play It Loud: Instruments Of Rock And Roll” exhibition will move to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Many thanks to James Cook.

The complete Led Zeppelin News email goes out every weekend. To receive it each week sign up here:

Led Zeppelin News Website: Check out the Led Zeppelin news website at


Robert Plant and Saving Grace spotted in Bewdley:

Kike Dee /Carmelo Luggeri And Support Saving Grace

This report from Colin Martin:

On Monday February 11, I went to Bewdley to see Kiki little did I know the support would be Saving Grace. In the audience I had seen Maureen Plant, Deborah Bonham/Peter Bullick and a few other faces I recognised.  The band walked on with Robert bringing up the rear. They played for around 50 minutes with the usual banter from Robert to the audience including a dig at someone filming the show.

It was great to see Robert smiling and laughing throughout the set. Wonderful harmonies with Suzi. See setlist pic.

After his performance Robert then joined the audience to enjoy the Kiki and  Carmelo set.

Many thanks to Colin for that on the spot report.

Saving Grace, featuring Robert Plant on vocal, Suzi Dian on vocals, Tony Kelsey – mandolin, baritone and acoustic guitars, Matt Worley – banjo, baritone, acoustic guitars and cuatro, and Old Jefferson on percussion, are appearing with Fairport Convention in Basingstoke on February 14,Bath February 16  and in St. Albans on February 22 – for more details visit the Fairport Convention website:


Evenings With Led Zeppelin – The Complete Concert Chronicle by Dave Lewis and Mike Tremaglio:

A commentary by Larry M.Bergmann, Jr.

So you have the Evenings With Led Zeppelin book before you  – and if you are reading this and have yet to indulge – you really should do – ordering details below..

So with book at the ready – here’s an excellent commentary by long time TBL contributor Larry Bergmann that will guide you through the extensive contents…

PART THREE  –  1971:

Belfast March 5, 1971 – first and last shows in Ireland and the first airing of Stairway To Heaven…not a bad night for the Irish!  Another show the next night in Dublin…a couple of great evenings for the band and fans.

March 14 Trentham Gardens Ballroom at Stoke-on-Trent features a newspaper photo of Page and Plant presenting a fan with a signed copy of Led Zeppelin III (a nice prize if ever there was one!). The photo seemingly features our heroes in a rather baked condition shall we say…there’s also a nice full page shot from the gig of Plant at the foot of the stage.

March 20 finds the boys with bats in The Belfry in Sutton Coldfield, England, and a nice comment from New Musical Express’ Tony McNally…“there is a good deal of coordination between Jimmy and John (Paul Jones).  Each seems to know what the other will do – No mean task and the well-known riffs seem to possess an electrifying intensity as they reverberate from the massive stacks.”  Indeed they did, and nice of McNally to note Jones, which some reviewers of the time did not.

The fraught scene March 23 in London at the Marquee Club put paid to the notion that Zeppelin could ever “go back to its roots”, or “return to the clubs”.  They were simply too big by this point and it wasn’t realistic or feasible for them to play this type of venue anymore.

April 1 at the Paris Theatre in London for the legendary BBC gig. It seems some dismiss this gig/recording now, and it’s certainly not your normal visceral Zeppelin gig of the era. I think some of the low-key nature of it is that it was being recorded for radio airplay, performed in a small theatre, and perhaps the conditions weren’t as conducive for the band to let it rip as it usually did. One might also imagine that they were very conscious of what they had done with the yet to be released fourth album, and wanted to put their best possible foot forward with the presentation of that material for the vast audience that would hear this performance. The attack on Immigrant Song is excellent. Black Dog is superb. Since I’ve Been Loving You. The impeccable acoustic set. And they make a pretty good noise during Whole Lotta Love, with a terrific medley to boot. Little Honey Bee is marvelous. This is an utterly valuable document, and sits very high on yours truly’s list of favorite gigs. The performance and recording are immaculate. Jimmy has visited this (as well as the 1969) material a couple of times for the excellent archive releases BBC Sessions (1997), and The Complete BBC Sessions (2016), but I have to say the completist in me prefers the unedited material, and all of it. Although much has already been written and said about the Paris Theatre gig over the years, I still think it maybe deserved more than one page in the book. And I still can’t believe no one photographed it!

May 3 K.B. Hallen in Copenhagen is another of the all-time great gigs…Four Sticks and Gallows Pole make it a night for rarities and the rest of the show is a stormer…

The real “Riot Show” (title of a famous old bootleg LP from Alexandra Palace 1972) took place on July 5 in Milan. It seemed that prior to the gig, the authorities in Milan were worried about possible disturbances, but their actions on the night were what created them!  Police and soldiers consistently barraged the crowd with tear gas and finally a riot broke out.  It was fortunate in the end that the disaster didn’t turn out even worse than it did.

Aug 7 and 8 at the Casino de Montreux…it’s now known that most of the shows at this venue down through the years were recorded on audio or video or both.  Tapes, please!!!

A rather eventful and entertaining entry to start the “U.S.” tour in Vancouver on Aug 19.

The great shows at The Forum on Aug 21 and 22 are predictably savaged by Robert Hilburn of the Los Angeles Times. Fortunately both gigs were preserved by tapers in the audience and I’m sure copies of them are in Mr. Hilburn’s collection… A great medley moment arrives on the 21st as the band rolls through an engaging version of Elvis’ Got A Lot O’ Livin’ To Do.

The next night Aug 23 in Fort Worth also survives on a terrific audience tape but unfortunately it misses segments at beginning and end of show…nonetheless one of the towering great tapes!

Orlando on the 31st is another great concert with a great corresponding bootleg…as Lewis/Tremaglio aptly point out, this is a “consistently outstanding” period for the band, and in my opinion this era proved to be the peak for Zeppelin as a live band.

Hollywood, Florida September 1 at the fondly held Sportatorium features a review from The Daily Planet, but unfortunately Clark Kent was not given his byline!

Madison Square Garden September 3 provides a terrific action shot of Robert.

Toronto, Maple Leaf Gardens, on the 4th features another great shot of Plant singing during the acoustic set.

Chicago on the 5th provides one of the typically negative and insipid reviews the band customarily received in this era. Jack Hafferkamp of the Chicago Daily Herald produces one of the unintentionally hilarious observations of all time when he opines “LZ’s waning popularity is a good sign.”…we note 47 years later…39 years after their final studio album during Bonzo’s lifetime…38 years after their final tour…

The band appear September 7 in the town that loved them best, Boston, and the fans become a little too unhinged (or maybe they arrived that way). But once again the group make the naysayers look foolish as yet another superb concert is delivered, featuring a savage and very tight but loose rampage thru The Lemon Song during the medley.

Hampton September 9 gives us another great board tape of a routinely excellent 1971 gig.

Rochester on the 11th sounds like another great one, unfortunately the quality of the only known tape is muddy. But it is clear enough to enjoy one of the best ever versions of Thank You. Page really pulls out all the stops and scales the mountaintop in an electrifying solo.

Led Zeppelin at Berkeley Community Theatre on September 13 and 14 is one of the milestones. Two fantastic gigs, and the second night gave us one of the all-time great bootlegs, the immortal double LP Going To California.

The Japanese Tour of 1971 could probably be a book unto itself. All five shows are simply timeless, and the band was rapturously received by the fans. Some really nice layouts in the book here, but I guess I’ll focus on the final show in Osaka at the Festival Hall on September 29. If I had to pick one concert, this would be the one for me. Perhaps the tightest and loosest show they ever played. There seems to be something extra in each and every song. Oh, and extra songs as well! An epic (and hilarious) acoustic set featuring Tangerine and Friends…a rollicking, best-ever version (just my opinion of course) of Celebration Day…one of the all-time versions of Moby Dick as Bonzo gets into an extended martial foray…a wildly exciting medley during WLL with a great selection of songs, and one of Page’s most memorable moments as he gets into an off-the-cuff, extended funk/Hendrix-style wah-wah passage that is sensational, Jones and Bonham rolling with him every step of the way. If all that isn’t enough, there’s another best-ever, a frantic and dramatic Communication Breakdown! Jonesy shines in the organ intro to a great version of Thank You, and then thanks to Bonzo (“Jimmy! ‘It’s Been A Long Time’?”), the show ends with a walloping version of It’s Been A Long Time, er, Rock And Roll.

It’s during extended passages such as we find here in WLL and CB that the depth of the entire band is so wonderfully on display, and the skill, imagination and derring-do of Page’s playing is so indelibly etched. All due respect to his contemporaries Clapton and Beck (and I’m a fan of both), but I’ve never heard anything from either of them to approach this level of inspiration, off-the-cuff inventiveness, and sense of adventure. “Dancing on the precipice,” as I believe Page once so aptly put it.

We’ve had a vivid but flawed tape of this gig for many years, on which the drum mics delightfully captured the running commentary of that evening’s (every evening’s?) Master of Ceremonies, one John Henry Bonham, who can be heard to great comic effect throughout. But now to have part of the show on a rich and powerful soundboard…will wonders never cease! I’m guessing Jimmy can’t be happy with this leaking out, but to have this is really a gift for the fans. And it’s interesting that while many fans are excited about it and happy to have it, there doesn’t seem (to me) to be a big enough wave about it. This is one of the all-time bootlegs, and a very important one. Get it if you haven’t already…

Newcastle on November 11 is an excellent entry featuring a nice tale of promoter Geoff Docherty and his relationship with Peter Grant.

Ipswich on November 16 is another classic.

Pg 294 gives us a dramatic and very cool color shot of Page wielding the bow with no small Electric Magic at Wembley. Anthony Thorncroft of the Financial Times said “It was fortunate for (Zeppelin) that they did not have to follow The Who or the Faces on stage.”  Hardly…  That silliness is balanced by excellent reviews from Roy Carr of New Musical Express, as well as Roy Hollingworth of Melody Maker and Billy Walker of Sounds.

And finally, November 23 finds the band at Preston where Bonzo’s brother, Mick Bonham had the joy of playing congas on Whole Lotta Love and taking a bow with the band at the end of the gig.  I was fortunate to meet and talk with Mick and mom Joan Bonham at Dave and Andy’s convention in 1992 and they were simply warm and wonderful folks, and were quite touched that so many fans still cared so much about Bonzo’s music and band. It felt like that event was a revelation for them, and I’d like to think maybe it brought them some small solace. Here’s hoping.

Then it was on into 1972….

Larry M.Bergmann, Jr.

To be continued…

Another satisfied customer:

I just received your Evenings With Led Zeppelin book. What an impressive effort. The attention to detail, endless information, the many photos I have never seen, the memorabilia, the layout and overall quality of the book. You have just set the standard for encyclopaedia music publications and publications in general. Well done!

To order the book:

Stock Availability Update:






This is where things really get going…

TBL Led Zep 1975 Snapshot:




Set: Rock And Roll/Sick Again/Over The Hills And Far Away/In My Time Of Dying/The Song Remains The Same/The Rain Song/Kashmir/No Quarter/Trampled Underfoot/Moby Dick/Dazed And Confused (inc. San Francisco)/Stairway To Heaven/Whole Lotta Love – Black Dog/Heartbreaker (inc. That’s Alright Mama).

Background Details:

Whilst in New York, for recreation, Jimmy went to see Linda Ronstadt in New Jersey with ex-James Gang member Joe Walsh.

Writer and future film director Cameron Crowe is travelling with the band with a view to arranging a cover story for Rolling Stone magazine. Crowe builds up a good rapport with the group (he later contributes the sleeve notes to The Song Remains The Same soundtrack album) and interviews all four members, finally capturing Page at the Plaza Hotel during their Madison Square stint. Page, though none too happy with the paper’s previous coverage of the group, reluctantly agrees to a group photo session after much persuasion.

Cameron Crowe remembers: “Time was running out but I got Ben Fong Torres at the magazine’s office to hold the cover. Photographer Neal Preston reserved a room at the Plaza and set up a backdrop. It was the band’s day off (February 11). The members were informed of the afternoon shoot but mysteriously that morning Page disappeared from the hotel. Plant was first to arrive at 4PM, his shirt ‘accidentally’ open, his hair ‘accidentally’ perfect, then Jones and Bonham. Joe Walsh was there with his then manager Irving Azoff to help their friend Jimmy through this most tender ordeal. Page was still nowhere to be seen.

“Finally, Page arrived. In his arms were two bouquets of dead roses – his defiant statement for the cover of Rolling Stone. He explained his delay: ‘I was looking for black roses. They exist you know!’ He looked around the room. ‘Let’s do this quickly!’

“The session began. Three of the four members of Led Zeppelin struck a conciliatory pose, but the fourth Jimmy Page – held roses and stared through the camera. It was his chilling look that made the photo. The film was rushed to the lab and I flew home to San Francisco to write up the story. I had decided it would be a question and answer feature – that’s how good the interviews were.

“The call came early next day. There had been an equipment malfunction. The film was unusable; barely exposed was a dark silhouette of what might have been a Rolling Stone cover to rival the best. The cover was hastily switched to a tinted live Preston shot. That turned out nicely – and the issue with Zeppelin on the cover was a huge seller. It’s just a shame Page’s defiant stance was never seen.”

Snapshot Listen: How it sounded today:

I’ve had this show for some years on the audience recording Can’t Take Your Evil Ways (Diagrams Of Led Zeppelin). In 2001 it then surfaced on the Empress Valley label as Flying Circus as a very well balanced soundboard recording. This was a revelation at the time and I recall a very excited Mark Harrison ringing me to tell me how good it was. And it is good -very good indeed and playing it today the whole thing sounded great. This is the point where the US tour really began to take off.

Robert is quick to comment on the snow that was surrounding the city at the time: “We came four blocks in the snow to get here… you realise that? People were calling me on the telephone today and saying ‘Is it gonna be on?’ For a minute I was wondering about my anatomy, then I realised there was some discrepancy about the weather. Isn’t it good though that it snows? Doesn’t it change the vibe of the city? I think it’s great!”

No Quarter expands with a lovely electric piano sequence and a wah wah fest from Page that has the feel of the electric fusion Miles Davis pioneered on the likes of Bitches Brew. Trampled Underfoot has a particularly expressive solo from Page.  Dazed And Confused continues to extend with the San Francisco sequence sounding very spaced out and brief section from Walter’s Walk which would eventually surface on Coda. The outro features those West Side Story licks.

Thee final encore of Heartbreaker is preceded by some lines from You Shook Me- during the solo they move into an impromptu version of That’s Alright Mama’ A perfect end to a perfect party. Plant: “Ladies and gentlemen of New York… you’re too much… and we ain’t so bad ourselves!”

Indeed they were not….

TBL Led Zep 1975 Snapshot:


nass 1




Set: Rock And Roll/Sick Again/Over The Hills And Far Away/In My Time Of Dying/The Song Remains The Same/The Rain Song/Kashmir/No Quarter/Trampled Underfoot/Moby Dick/Dazed And Confused (inc. San Francisco)/Stairway To Heaven/Whole Lotta Love – Black Dog/Roll Over Beethoven/Communication Breakdown.

Snapshot Listen: How it sounded today:

I have this on the Throwing The Wild Sees box set. Another fine performance. Dazed And Confused contains much improvisation. Page’s injured finger is causing less problems now. Whole Lotta Love tonight includes the theremin for the first time on the tour during a funky interlude prior to leading into ‘Black Dog’.

Ronnie Wood then on tour with The Faces, comes on for the final encore of ‘Communication Breakdown’. Robert sings a few lines of Chuck Berry’s Roll Over Beethoven while the guitars are being sorted out. Communication Breakdown itself is greatly extended and clocks in at over nine minutes with both guitarists taking solos. One of the all time great Zep jams.

 TBL Led Zep 1975 Snapshot:




Set: Rock And Roll/Sick Again/Over The Hills And Far Away/In My Time Of Dying/Since I’ve Been Loving You/The Song Remains The Same/The Rain Song/Kashmir/No Quarter/Trampled Underfoot/Moby Dick/Dazed And Confused (inc. San Francisco)/Stairway To Heaven/Whole Lotta Love – Black Dog/Heartbreaker.

Background Info: Mike Tremaglio recalled: One of my friends saw this show from the 14th row.Unfortunately he could not score tickets for my brother and I – not that I held it against him as I got him tickets for the June 7 1977 New York show. We asked him to log down all the details of the Nassau show  and we  did get a blow by blow account of the new songs from Physical Graffiti a full two weeks before it was released in the U.S. His recall was tremendous and I can remember him describing  In My Time of Dying and Kashmir in real detail.


Snapshot Listen: How it sounded today:

I have this on the Nassau 1975 (TheDiagrams Of Led Zeppelin) audience version. I’ve been listening to this show today via the soundboard recording that surfaced a few years back as released on the Scorpio label and as part of the Godfather Throwing The Wild Seeds box set .

It’s one of my favourite performances of the 1975 US tour.

Plant is just about regaining his vocals strength after the problems of the past weeks. He is also on his spieling best form developing one of those band to audience rapports he was so good at.

Witness his opening statements:

“Today is one of the last of the pagan traditions that is carried on into the 20th Century. It’s the day for throwing the wild seeds. In fact, now they call it St. Valentine’s Day… so, happy St. Valentine’s Day! I think we should dedicate this whole show to St. Valentine.”

nas 2“Tonight, we intend to take a knife and cut right through the glorious ice cream of Led Zeppelin. You get a little bit of vanilla, a little bit of chocolate, a little bit of colour and a little bit of everything”

And more..

“We came here in a state of ah, Jimmy managed to get to sleep at three o’clock this afternoon, and he was up again at four thirty. So we didn’t really know whether we had the strength to walk on the stage, but we have, and it’s feeling good. We were, we spent a few hours with St. Valentine last night, you see?”

The playing throughout is wonderfully loose and informal and there’s another great moment as Plant is introducing No Quarter” Page plays the opening notes to Train Kept A-Rollin.  “We’re going through our whole live history here, just flashing on different numbers” Plant adds.

The set list is notable for the inclusion of Since I’ve Been Loving played live for the first time since the 1973 US tour. Plant: “Who knows what it’s gonna sound like, but it’s something we really used to dig playing”. There’s a masterful ad-lib during the song where he sings the ‘I’m about to lose my worried mind” refrian and adds ”I seem to remember I used to say for five minutes”

”This is one that regulars that come here know quite well…but you’ve still yet to hear the recorded version…this is a track about another of life’s journeys that never end..this time in Kashmir”

Kashmir was a number that they were obviously itching to play live and with Plant’s voice suitably recovered they turned in a majestic Valentines’ Day performance in Nassau. Page strumming down relentlessly on the Gibson behind Bonham’s castinet like drumming.

Plant showing renewed confidence to throw in the echoed vocal nuances that became such an Earls Court trademark. Listening to this delivery re emphasis my opinion that the best live versions of Kashmir  were all played in the year it was released on record.

No Quarter features John Paul Jones at his best tonight and his improvisation takes the number to 20 minutes in duration.

Dazed And Confused is a marathon 30 minute plus excursion and the encore delivery of Heartbreaker leads into an impromptu version of Elvis’Mess Of Blues

Tangerine was of course a surprise inclusion at the Earls Court shows performed as a four part harmony. However perhaps they were already toying with the idea of bringing it back during the American tour. For on this night prior to Stairway To Heaven Plant let out a few lines from the long deleted Zep 3 stage fave. ”Measuring a summers day”…adding ”I’ve forgotten the words”. It was a brief teaser for a song that would again light up those memorable May days to come.

The prelude to Earls Court was on – and the course was a very favourable one …

DL – February 14th, 2019

To be continued…


Valentine’s Day is upon us…

frank valentine

Here’s some perfect Valentine’s Day albums that will be echoing around these parts today and the rest of the week:

All these albums are full of romance and melancholy longing…

Frank Sinatra – In The Wee Small Hours

Frank Sinatra – My Funny Valentine

Burt Bacharach –  Hitmaker

Otis Redding – Otis Blue

Elvis Presley – From Elvis In Memphis

Dusty Springfield – Dusty In Memphis

David Bowie –  Young Americans

Stevie Wonder – Talking Book

Elton John – Friends Soundtrack

George Harrison – All Things Must Have

Bob Dylan – Nashville Skyline

If We Should Fall In Love Tonight -Rod Stewart

Sandy Denny – Rendezvous

Roy Harper – Valentine (Roy performed a memorable Valentines Day concert at the Rainbow in 1974 with Jimmy Page on guitar)

Carly Simon – No Secrets (this one has to be in as You’re So Vain is one of the good lady Janet’s all time fave songs!)

Derek & The Dominos -Layla and other Assorted Love Songs

And in keeping with that theme – here’s the DL Valentine’s Day playlist –  some of the most romantic and deeply touching love songs ever written in the view of your TBL editor:

Ten Years Gone – Led Zeppelin

Lay Lady Lay – Bob Dylan

I’ve Been Loving You Too Long – Otis Redding

Northern Sky –Nick Drake

You Make Loving Fun – Fleetwood Mac

Oh My Love –John Lennon

Come In To My Life – Robert Plant

Fade Away – Bruce Springsteen

You Were Always On My Mind – Elvis Presley

Our House – Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young

Careless Whisper – George Michael

You’re My Best Friend – Queen

Full Moon – Sandy Denny

Angie – The Rolling Stones

Tangerine –Led Zeppelin

Thank You -Led Zeppelin

Have I Told You Lately That I Love You – Rod Stewart

Roberta Flack – The First Time Ever I Saw You’re Face

How Deep is Your Love – The Bee Gees

The Most Beautiful Girl – Charlie Rich

Forever Young – Bob Dylan

God Only Knows – The Beach Boys

Do What You Gotta Do – The Four Tops

Nobody Loves You Like I Do – Greg Lake

Loving You is The Right Thing To Do – Carly Simon

Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever – Bryan Ferry

Layla – Derek & the Dominos

Ship Of Fools – Robert Plant

The Rain Song – Led Zeppelin

Little Wing – Jimi Hendrix

Here, There And Everywhere – The Beatles

I’m Gonna Crawl – Led Zeppelin

Word On A Wing – David Bowie

The Greatest Gift – Robert Plant

Something – The Beatles

Wonderful One – Jimmy Page & Robert Plant

Headstart To Happiness – The Style Council

Tiny Dancer – Elton John

The Hungry Years – Neil Sedaka

Little Wing – Jimi Hendrix

Lets Get It On -Marvin Gaye

Still In Love With You – Thin Lizzy

Help Me – Joni Mitchell

One For My Baby –Frank Sinatra

Just a Little Lovin’ – Dusty Springfield

The Look of Love – Burt Bacharach

You Do Something To Me -Paul Weller

All My Love – Led Zeppelin

Let music be the food of love….

Dave Lewis – February 13, 2019


Gordon Banks 1937 – 2019:

‘’What a save…! Gordon Banks!”

I was watching England v Brazil live on TV on the evening of Sunday June 7 1970 when commentator David Coleman uttered those words after Gordon Banks had made that unforgettable save…

As so many will be, I was so very sad to hear the news of his passing aged 81 on Tuesday.

As a budding goalkeeper for the school team back then, he was my absolute football hero.

Gordon represents such an important part of my growing up – and many others of my age group. It was his inspiring performances with the famous Boys of ’66 England team that captured my imagination aged 10 – and formed my lasting love affair with the beautiful  game of football. Make know mistake, players like Gordon Banks made it look so beautiful.

Looking at the headlines in the newspapers this morning brought an immense sadness and melancholy for an age gone by.

Adam and I were lucky enough to meet Gordon a few years back at a Sports Fair and he was such a lovely man..

What a save…what a sporting legend …what a man…

Another of our 1966 England heroes fades away but never to be forgotten… RIP Gordon …you can re-join those other much missed Boys of ’66  Sir Alf Ramsey, Bobby Moore, Alan Ball and Ray Wilson and remember the golden days…

DL – February 13, 2019.


DL Diary Blog Update:

Friday treats at the Vinyl Barn – at the always excellent Vinyl Barn last Friday, I was well pleased to find a copy of the soundtrack to the film What’s New Pussy Cat? Written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David, it includes Manfred Mann’s version of My Little Red Book. This was later covered by Love on their 1966 debut album – Robert Plant performed the song live during his Priory Of Brion era and a very fine track it is to – thanks Darren!

The VIP Record Fair was hugely enjoyable and it was great to see various TBL people around the stall during the day – not least the Birthday boy himself Mr Gary Foy. Gary popped in with his son Jimmy – who is now taller than Gary – my, they grow up fast.  It was also great to see Ian Dixon, Phil and Eileen Harris, Adam Tidd, David Crane amongst others. Many thanks to Steve Livesley for helping me set the stall up.

it’s been a full on workload here for some weeks and while it’s always great to be busy, I am feeling a bit worn out. Various domestic issues and other irritations have been nagging away and it’s easy to be dragged down by such things. As mentioned above, I’ve also felt profoundly moved by the passing of Gordon Banks. Another shining light from my formative years has faded away…


Anyway I have to crack on. There are TBL magazines to reach their destinations so it’s back to the TBL distribution centre to keep on top of the task…. TBL issue 44 is coming your way soon and let me know what you think…

Dave Lewis – February 13, 2019

Until next time, have a great weekend

TBL Website updates compiled by Dave Lewis

with thanks to Gary Foy and James Cook

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  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Jeff yes coming soon!

  • Jeff said:

    Hey Dave, is the Issue 44 coming to Magzter soon?


  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Hiroshi many thanks!

  • Hiroshi said:

    Received TBL 44 yesterday (Monday 18 Feb). Stunning cover. Have only tried a fragmental reading here and there but that’s enough to know this is another packed issue and labour of love to all things Zep as ever. Kudos to you Dave, your dedication to our beloved band is second to none and much appreciated.

    Of the articles published, the Evenings With Led Zeppelin Update is an interesting feature. I hadn’t noticed that the book spine has the word “CO◼️PLETE” missing the M until I read about the error and removed the dust cover to check it — some things are best left uninformed ha ha.

    And, hopefully, if the book goes under a second print run, the Whole Lotta Love Medley on Osaka first night 1971 will be coMplete on the list…

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Many thanks Andrew!

  • Andrew Marcus said:

    Dave Just wanted to let you know in case you didin’t that Glasgow Dec 3 1972 has been posted to Youtube by Led Zeppelin boots. Great sound for the era too!

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Many thanks!

  • Swin said:

    Dave ,absolute cracker of a magazine !!!!!

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