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11 June 2010 7,974 views 9 Comments

Jimmy Page was inducted into the Mojo “Hall Of Fame” on Thursday evening at a ceremony at the Brewery venue in London Thursday night (June 10). Phil Alexandra said of the guitarist, “Jimmy Page is the musician by whom all other musicians are measured. Every guitar player wants to sound like him, every producer wants to capture the sounds he captured (check out the many samplings and emulations of that When The Levee Breaks drum sound). He is a genuine music legend, and a recent BBC poll, placed Led Zeppelin above even The Beatles, only underlines it. And, tantalisingly, the prospect of a new Jimmy Page project suggests that the man still has something up his sleeve. I can’t wait to hear what it is.” The new “project” was hinted at by Page himself in an interview before the ceremony, Jimmy said when asked of future plans, “I’m just looking forward to making some music and surprising people with it,” he said. “It won’t be just teaming up with lots of people who are [big] names. I’ve got an idea of something which I’ve had for a long time and now’s the time to do it.” It was also revealed that he has signed a new management deal with Robbie Williams’ management company IE.

It was a busy week for Jimmy, on Thursday (5th June) he attended the Roy Harper gig at The Jazz Café in Camden, on Friday (6th June) he turned up at Rage Against The Machine gig at Finsbury Park and this week it’s been announced that Rimowa Custom guitar case manufacturers are to release a exclusive custom guitar flight case with Jimmy’s Zoso symbol emblazed on it.

Check out this short audio clip of Jimmy Page discussing his earliest US Tour dates in a previously unheard interview with Long John Baldry to be aired on Carol Millers Get The Led Out show during the week of June 14-20. All credits to and many thanks to Steve Sauer at for this information.

Black Country Communion the rock super-group featuring Glenn Hughes, Jason Bonham, Derek Sherinian and Joe Bonamassa, have confirmed the track listing and release date of  their debut album “Black Country”.
Released by Mascot Records in the UK and the rest of Europe on Monday September 20th, followed by a North American release through J&R Adventures on Tuesday September 21st, the album was produced and mixed by Kevin Shirley, and mastered by the legendary Bob Ludwig.
All songs are sung by Glenn Hughes, with the exception of Song Of Yesterday and The Revolution In Me which are both sung by Joe Bonamassa.  Hughes and Bonamassa share lead vocals on Sista Jane and Too Late For The Sun.  Also included is a new version of Medusa, the rock classic Hughes originally recorded with his first band Trapeze.
Album Track Listing:
1. Black Country
2. One Last Soul
3. The Great Divide
4. Down Again
5. Beggarman
6. Song Of Yesterday
7. No Time
8. Medusa
9. The Revolution In Me
10. Stand (At The Burning Tree)
11. Sista Jane
12. Too Late For The Sun

The group intend to tour the album in early 2011.

Finally Featured this month in Record Collector magazine, on the 40th anniversary of its release, our own Dave Lewis tells the story of how The Who came to record the greatest live album of all time, The Who Live At Leeds.  Dave informs me that  only applies to official albums  – the bootleg Led Zeppelin Live On Blueberry Hill taking the overall title! (GF)

Available at all good stockists and from the Record Collector website

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  • Shayne Smith said:

    I’m coming in to this conversation way late. I wonder how much pressure Page feels to come up with music so incredible that it blows everybody away. I saw him on both Firm tours in 85 and 86 and also the solo tour Outrider in 88 with Jason on drums. None of that ever amounted to much. He probably really has worked on different things over the years but his standards are probably so high for himself now that he feels nothing is quite good enough. I would like to see him come out with some basic straight forward hard rock music. Not trying to make it to intricate or complex. I’m not a fan of what Plant is doing now (although The Band of Joy is better than singing lulaby’s with a country girl). At least Jones is rocking. Way more than either of the other two. It seems we have seen the last of Zeppelin now thanks to Plant. I think they should do a new album similar to Zep III that would allow Plant to stay in a range he’s comfortable with these days but mix in just a couple rockers. Play shows here and there. No big tour.

  • David Hatton said:

    Fact: Besides the Plant/Page material, the last time I saw Jimmy on stage as a solo performer it was in Manchester in 1988 – i think!. Nothing new since. What does that tell you?

  • Brian said:

    I have the same hesitation when Jimmy talks about “new projects” – let’s just hope at a minimum he starts getting out and playing (even limited gigs). New material would definitely be awesome. Meanwhile, I’m looking forward to seeing Robert this summer.

  • Steve Edwards said:

    Yes, I hope I’m wrong, too. There is very little music Jimmy has ever produced that I don’t love in one way or another, and I know I’d love anything he still manages to come up with. It’s just that he seems to rest on his laurels a lot these days – certainly more than Jonesey and Plant do, and moreso than contemporaries like Beck and Clapton – going to awards ceremonies, etc. It’s just a bit of a shame. I know he’s still got it in him to do some astounding stuff, but he just continually talks about “new projects” without anything ever seeming to emerge. Shame. He’s not really doing himself any favours.

  • Ian Andrews said:

    Just so long as David Beckham is nowhere in sight.

  • Scott said:

    I agree with the prediction (unfortunately).
    Bit – I hope you are wrong and we hear the new tunes and some tour dates by the end of the year. Case in point – if he can make LZ1 in 30 hours and Presence in record time, Im sure he can surprise us once again….

  • Steve Edwards said:

    Suggestion: Jimmy’s new project is an invention and doesn’t really exist. Enormous fan of Jimmy’s that I am, he’s been talking about ‘new projects’ for years in the press and almost no new music ever emerges. I’ve already given up all hope that I’ll ever hear any new Jimmy Page music again.

  • Kathy Urich said:

    Prediction: Jimmy will annouce details of his new project(s) when the Deluxe Editions of his new book are pressed.

  • Isaac McHelicopter said:

    Prediction: Jimmy’s ‘new project’ won’t be heard in 2010. Or 2011.

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