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25 November 2010 8,964 views 8 Comments

Robert Plant continued his promotion of the Band Of Joy album with a phone interview to a Nashville Radio Station on Friday, to check listen to what he had to say follow this link to Music Business Radio

More Band of Joy: Have a look at this  nice little clip on You Tube of last month’s Paris gig. Watch the audience reaction about .38 seconds in.

Following on from  his surprise appearance at the Punkt Festival  in Norway on September 4th, John Paul Jones   was in  Vienna later that month as the Keynote Performer for the Kyma International Sound Symposium.  His performance on September 24th  at Casino Baumgarten in Vienna was dedicated to the memory of choreographer Merce Cunningham who commissioned JPJ to compose the music for what was to be his final dance piece in April 2009.

After performing “Music from Nearly Ninety”, his composition for bass guitar, with live Kyma processing, John was interviewed on Austrian television.

Jason Bonham’s  Led Zeppelin Experience show continues to garner excellent feedback . Here is a short review from TBL reader Franchise H.

The JB LZ Experience – Phoenix, Arizona 11-20-10

Last night in the outskirts of Phoenix, Arizona  John Bonham gave a great show. For me personally, the opening video got to me, and I was thinking about it through the first three songs! I very much enjoyed the dedication to the detail on each song, for example the lead guitarist’s playing acoustic guitar (positioned perfectly on a stand), while holding his electric guitar, and playing both guitars during a splendid Babe I’m Gonna Leave You.

I thought the set list was almost perfect. Really appreciated I’m Gonna Crawl, a track I felt would have been awesome if performed live at the 02. My favourites for the night were definitely Moby Dick, with When The Levee Breaks and Good Times Bad Times .

Hats off to the Band for a job well done, and Hats off to Jason for a wonderful event!

Jimmy Page and The Who’s Roger Daltrey attended the Brighton Music Awards ceremony held at the  Brighton Centre. recently. The event raised thousands of pounds for the Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT).

Jimmy said on the night “I really enjoyed all the acts. There is a great energy from what is obviously a great music scene down here. As for myself, I have enjoyed plenty of weekends in Brighton, living as I did, up the road in Plumpton.”

Jimmy Page with Brighton musican Jo Harmen

Roger Daltrey recalled his childhood memories of the city, saying: “I’ve got some great memories of Brighton, coming here for the first time when I was nine on family holidays then playing every Tuesday at the old Florida Rooms which is now the Sea Life Centre.

“The bands have all been great and I look forward to seeing them make their mark over future years and months.”

At the  Classic Rock Awards  in London both Jimmy and John Paul gave separate interviews to Planet Rock’s Liz Barnes.

When Jimmy was asked about future plans he said” I’m desperate to be playing, but it won’t be until next year, I’ll get a good vehicle to get out there and do some concerts.”

John Paul spoke fondly of John Bonham. Both interviews can be heard here:

And finally, here’s a little known gem found on You Tube.  Sandie Shaw’s  version of Your Time Is Gonna Come was  the first ever cover version of a Led Zeppelin song to be issued on record. It appeared on her album Reviewing the Situation released in 1969.


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  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Found that on Sandie’s album about 15 years back in a collectors record shop – great version and yes I’d agree perfect for Robert and BOJ

  • Billy McCue said:

    Dave and Gary,
    Thanks for sharing the fantastic Sandie Shaw cover of YTIGC. Can’t help thinking this track would be a great one for the Band of Joy.


  • Kathy Urich said:

    Dave I agree thanks to Gary Foy as well.

  • Dave Lewis (author) said:

    Kathy and Kathleen
    Thanks for those very nice comments! – I’d also like to acknowledge Gary Foy’s input to all things TBL – he is a key player to making it all happen!

  • Kathleen Ford said:

    I would echo Kathy Urich’s statement about the TBL website; it’s great! Thanks, Dave, for all your hard work and keeping LZ fans in the know about all that’s happening with the group. I know this sounds very self-centered but I’m extremely grateful for the fact that I was one of the lucky 2500 to snag Jimmy Page’s book! I won’t get mine delivered until after the holidays but that’s okay because anticipation is very sweet. Heading for London tomorrow–if only any one of those boys were playing somewhere…

  • Smitty said:

    Attended the Jason Bonham concert last weekend in Phoenix — show absolutely rocked — highlights for me included BIGLY and Dazed and Confused. Paid for the VP tickets and my 18 year old son and I met Jason, what a great guy. Had to wear my TBL t-shirt and advertise the best Led Zep web site!


  • André Cruz said:

    So everybody waiting for Jimmy Page 2011 Tour Dates as a great Christmas gift.

    Really hope that the guitar master will finally do it.
    In the end of 2009 he said he will play this year and unfortunately nothing happened.

    Dave, I didn`t saw in your fantastic website so maybe you and some zeppelin fans doesn`t know it. Late june, during the world cup, Page returned to Brazil to visit two comunities (Beija-Flor and Mangueira) of Samba (traditional brazilian music, percussion based). It was said that he will return in september to record a song of his new album with some brazilian musicians but he didn`t. A reporter from Rede Globo, the same broadcast corporation that I work for, saw Page walking in the middle of the crowd as a standard person near Fifa Fest, in Copacabana.

    The links to some funny photos of Page in Rio this year:

    Next monday, november 29th, one of the happiest days of my entire life will complete his first anniversary.
    I was lucky enough to get some photos with him and get my Led Zeppelin 1 signed by him in an benificent event at Casa Jimmy.

    Another curiosity to zep fans. Jeff Beck played here in Rio de Janeiro last wednesday (amazing 1h35m show)and stayed in a hotel in Santa Tereza, the same district where “Casa Jimmy” stays, near some dangerous slambs. Beck spent last weekend in Rio and visit Lapa, a very old and traditional district knowed to be the Samba cradle. It was the first time that a rock star doens`t stay here in Copacabana, Ipanema or another well located district. I`m sure that the friends Page and Beck had a conversation before the Beck`s trip.

    As Beck was in Santa Tereza I went to his show with a very little 0,1% hope about a Page encore participation – but it didn`t happen.
    As almost everybody here should know, the last time Page played alive was with Beck in April 4th, 2009 – Rock `n` Roll Hall of Fame. Before the concert, the Led Zeppelin Brazilian Fan Clube President told me that as far he knows, Page didn`t return in september because he is very focused about playing alive in 2011.

    So let`s wait for the 2011 Tour Dates to see Page again !!!!

    Regards to all Tight But Loose community

    André Cruz

  • Kathy Urich said:

    In the states we just celebrated our Thanksgiving Day holiday and I have to say that I am extremely grateful this year for you and and this amazing website. I love it. Also very grateful for such a fantastic year with all the remaining members of Led Zeppelin & Jason playing, publishing and entertaining us. I’m also grateful for finding my long lost Zep albums. What a year.

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