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5 February 2010 4,569 views 5 Comments


Them Crooked Vultures wrapped up their successful Down Under tour last week with a gig in Auckland that by all reports was the highlight of the whole tour. They now head over the water to America and New York for an appearance on the “Saturday Night Live” show on February 6th and then on to The Roseland in New York (Feb 8th), The Fillmore in Charlotte, NC (Feb 10th) and The Tabernacle in Atlanta, GA (Feb 11th). The Vultures performance at last year’s Austin City Limits is also due to be aired this weekend in the US. Tickets for the Teenage Cancer Trust gig at the Albert Hall on March 22nd are already on sale and moving fast, with the bands appearance at Donington’s Download Festival now confirmed, the Albert Hall could be the only chance to see the boys inside this year. Talking of Donington, it could be interesting back stage, particularly after Josh’s on stage comment at a recent Wellington show. AC/DC, who are headling Donington this year, were playing the night before the Vultures and the night after, and Josh observed they were ‘nice buns to our burger’.”

In a recent interview with John Paul Jones replied to the question of a second album with the very positive “We’ll do a second album this year by the end of summer, something like that.” He added, “We’re all hard workers. In a way we need to do this for ourselves. Once we committed to it we worked as hard as a young band would, we put the hours in. It’s got to be good”.

The Vultures also are the cover feature for the March issue of Guitar World. John Paul Jones is also the cover feature on this month’s Bass Guitar magazine.

 BERT 31 DH 8

Robert Plant attended a special birthday lunch to celebrate the 90th birthday of former Wolves goalkeeper Bert ‘The Cat’ Williams. 1966 World Cup goalkeeper Gordon Banks was among the 250 guests who joined Bert at Molineux for his lunch. There was an appearance half way through by Wolves manager Mick McCarthy, who arrived from the club’s Compton Park training ground to hand Bert a bottle of champagne. Other former players who attended the lunch included Steve Bull. Robert Plant, who was seated at a table at the back of the room with Steve Bull, donated one of his signed guitars for a charity auction. It was snapped up for £851 in aid of the Alzheimer’s Society.

He said: “I can get tickets for most gigs but there are some events where the tickets are priceless and this is one of them.” 


It Might Get Loud” is now in stores and contains a variety of deleted scenes that did not make the final cut. Of interest to Page followers is a excellent run through of Four Sticks amongst Jimmy’s amps, an inspiring new acoustic number performed in a huge empty room and this performance of Kashmir with Jack White and The Edge in the Burbank setting. Enjoy.



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  • Dan Terrell said:

    It definitely takes all kinds. Good thing for variety or this would be a very boring existence and these conversations would probably not exist. It’s just great that we can all have our own opinions.

  • andrew said:

    i was at Wellington and laughed like hell at Mt Hommes comment. I thought buns was quite generous really. id say acdc is more like 3 day old bread….hard , stale , tasteless and always the same.

  • david thorburn said:

    I listen to what is said, however, at no time in the history of ac/dc, have they had a singer who could actually sing, and by that i mean actually sing harmony, sing in tune, i think they are a great band, but they are let down as soon as the vocalist lets rip. Lets compare this to led zep, rory gallagher, queen, u2, yes, free, stones, beatles, who, van halen, whitesnake, adventures, these are just scratching the surface of bands with great vocalists, so why cant
    ac/dc get a decent vocalist, because their music is so good

  • Gary Foy said:

    Point taken Jason, we only report what was said, but I do think it was said in a tongue in cheek way…
    All of us that enjoy rock music can appricate what AC/DC have achieved over the last 30 plus years, I saw them in in 1979 and now my son loves them and borrows my Back In Black album and he’s only 10.

  • Jason said:

    I just want to respond to what Josh Homme said about AC/DC..Firstly Led Zep are my fave band always have been, always will be…I went to watch AC/DC in Wellington when the Vultures were there, and lets be honest would there be as much fuss if JPJ wasn’t in the picture, I don’t think so…and as for what Josh said about AC/DC being “nice to our burger”??? I think that was a little stupid, when he has sold 200 million albums (one of which is the greatest rock album in history)and he is still filling stadiums/venues around the world in 30 years time, maybe he will be held in a similar light to AC/DC until then I see AC/DC as the burger and Josh as the spotty student who is serving it….

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