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18 March 2010 2,839 views 3 Comments

 Next Monday night Them Crooked Vultures will be performing  the opening show of the 2010  Teenage Cancer Trust series of  concerts at the Royal Albert Hall. The  TBL Crew plan to be  in attendance for a pre gig meet. We will be in The Queens Arms pub in Queens Gate Mews, (the same venue as the pre gig meets for Roberts Teenage Cancer Trust show in 2005 and the Page/Plant/Weller Teenage Cancer Trust show in 2002)  from around 5pm onwards and look forward to seeing all those that can make it along. This excellent pub is less than half a mile from the venue and has a great food menu and some fine beers. The full address is;

The Queens Arms

30 Queens Gate Mews,




From The Albert Hall

Walk past the Albert Hall towards Kensington, turn right into Queens Gate, and take the next right into Queens Gate Terrace the first right into Queens Gate Mews. The pub is in front of you.

From Gloucester Road Tube Station

Turn left, cross over Cromwell Road then take the 4th turning on the right (Queens Gate Terrace) approximately 150 yards on the left is Queens Gate Mews. The pub is in front of you.

We look forward to seeing you there, mines a pint of bitter and DL will be on the Fosters.(GF)

Here’s a clip of the Vultures at Austin City Limits performing a TBL crew favourite Gunman.

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  • Helen said:

    So wish I lived over there. Sounds like a fun evening.

  • Michaela said:

    SOOOOOOOO excited ! See you there!

  • Jez said:

    See you there beers on order!

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