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14 November 2009 5,497 views No Comment

them-crooked-vulturesThem Crooked Vultures have streamed their new album on line via their You Tube page. Almost two weeks before the release of the much anticipated debut album, adverts appeared on the bands web-site stating “Fuck Patience, Let’s Dance.” Each of the 13 tracks appears with the album art-work replacing the need of actual video.

You can listen to the entire album here.

In related news, John Paul Jones is set to answer fans’ questions in a future issue of Uncut magazine. If you’ve got a question you’d like to ask then head to to submit it.
Also check out the new issue of NME, out now, for the world exclusive first interview with Them Crooked Vultures. It’s the first time JPJ has been interviewed for the NME since 1973.


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