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10 December 2009 3,110 views 2 Comments


Photo Copyright:Mike Danko/

Following their media appearances on Radio Five Live’s Simon Mayo show and the Jonathan Ross TV show last week,Them Crooked Vultures kick off their long awaited UK tour tonight at the Plymouth Pavilions followed by shows at: Portsmouth Guildhall (Fri 11th), Blackpool Empress Ballroom ( Sun 13th), Birmingham O2 Academy (Mon 14th), Edinburgh Corn Exchange (Tues 15) and HMV Hammersmith Apollo (Thurs 17th and Fri 18th). I’d welcome any first hand tour watch reports from any of these shows for use on the TBL site and magazine.  Email your thoughts/reviews to

TBL will be in attendance at the December 18th HMV Hammersmith Apollo London show and will be staging a pre meet at the Distillers pub 64 Fulham Palace Road, London, W6 9PH (tel 020 8748 2834 We look forward to seeing all that can make it.

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  • Turk said:

    Went to see the Vultures at the Hammersmith Apollo on the Friday (18th). Outstanding gig.
    It was great to see a band who made it up as they went along, as quite a lot of their songs had extended improvised sections. The rhythm section was outstanding – as you’d expect! And the eye-contact between Dave Grohl and JPJ in the improvised sections was wonderful to watch; you could just appreciate the fun they were having.
    Highlight of the night for me was “Gunman”, and the final song “Warsaw” was an epic, about 35 minutes long (or so I was told by a fellow gig-er who actually timed it!)
    If you’ve not seen them yet, make sure you catch them somewhere!

  • Michaela said:

    Just recovering from an utterly fantastic night at the Hammersmith Apollo (twice in one week!!) Them Crooked Vultures were utterly awesome!
    The sound was great and very loud, been a while sine I have left a concert with my ears ringing! The biggest cheer of the night was for JPJ although I must admit to personally being very vocal when Dave Grohl made his way to the stage.
    A really mixed crowd with Zep and Foo Fighters fans being very evident!
    My favourite track of the night was ‘Mind Eraser, No Chaser’ but ‘New Fang’ – described as ‘a song of new beginnings!!’…was excellent as was Dead End Friends ….Scumbag Blues ……OK it was all really really good!!
    Anyone who is going tonight will have a great time, proper music, passionate and loud!
    Ps I have now seen my next job …being the person who sits next to Dave Grohl and moves the mike stand to his lips when he has lines of the songs to sing!!!

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