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Them Crooked Vultures Live Review etc

10 August 2009 6,084 views 4 Comments

jpj2Plenty of news and feedback on the new John Paul Jones, Dave Grohl, Josh Homme venture.

First live reviews and info see links at:


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  • Maria said:

    ah, the Brixton gig was pure gold, a review here:

    And Dave Grohl was on fire last night. No, he WAS fire last night.

  • Michaela Firth said:

    Just seen on O2 Academy site (9pm Thursday) – the rumours of them crooked vultures playing is incorrect…or it that a double bluff!

  • Michaela Firth said:

    Them Crooked Vultures ……..rumoured to be playing the Islington 02 Academy on Monday 24th August
    No sign of any hint on how , where , you could get tickets
    The website shows a gap for 24th so maybe NOT a rumour . Maybe we need to just turn up ??!!
    any clues would be helpful!

  • Dustin said:

    I say Hell yeah! Jones Grohl and Josh. I’m ecstactic to here the outcome .It is assuredly to kick ass!3 Cheers for having these 3 come together and for us to anticipate a group of fellows that you know will not disapoint. 3 cheers for their success!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look out you pop pussy’s some badass’s are in town!

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