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2 September 2021 1,998 views 11 Comments

Andy Adams 1961 – 2021…

The devastating news of the passing of the renowned Zep chronicler and friend to us all Andy Adams aged 60 has been such a shock.

The response to his very sad passing has been truly overwhelming though not unsurprising given Andy’s standing in the Zep community…

I have rounded up some of the many tributes that have been posted in the last few days on Facebook, plus many others that were sent to me via email.

Many thanks to all those who contributed. Reading through all these amazing memories, it’s heartwarming to see the esteem he was held in by so many – and the way he brightened all our lives.

So this TBL special is in memory of dear Andy…

Here’s my thoughts…

I am so deeply shocked and saddened and reeling from the news of the passing of our dear friend Andy Adams – fellow Led Zeppelin comrade, fountain of knowledge about Zep and so many other bands. A kind, caring generous soul who shared his passion to the benefit of so many and brightened up our lives by doing so every day…he will be so sorely missed.

The news of his passing came through on Saturday night. I was on WhatsApp conducting a podcast recording with Mike Tremaglio for a US podcast about the Evenings With Led Zeppelin book. I noticed I had two calls in quick succession from Andy’s friend Rob Bannister. I knew something was not good so I halted the podcast and spoke to Rob who relayed the tragic news of Andy’s passing. I then had to go back on and tell Mike the devastating news – he was so shocked -Mike had spoken to Andy the previous Monday on Facetime in a lengthy call.  So began the nightmare of relaying it all – like everybody, I was in total shock and still am.

So to backtrack…

I first met Andy Adams in 1988 at the Robert Plant warm up show in Colchester.

His passion for all things Zep and rock music in general was apparent from the off. I thought I knew a bit about Led Zeppelin until I met Andy…

Over the next couple of years we kept in regular touch –I would see him regularly at record fairs. Andy’s knowledge of Zep bootlegs was just awesome – he was always one step ahead of the latest releases, both on vinyl record, the emerging CD format and of course cassettes.Cassettes in fact was the currency we dealt in and we began trading tapes.

When I was commissioned to write the Led Zeppelin A Celebration book in 1989 I knew I would need Andy’s help and he was so amazingly generous in unlocking his archive. In early 1990 I sent a memorable day at his Canvey Island home. There he showed me so many bootlegs and tapes –Andy had things like the Toasted Conor label video of the Royal Albert Hall 1970, Earls Court soundboard bootleg LPs and so much more. He told me about Luis Rey and his book of Zep tapes. Andy had been on the collecting scene or some years -I was amazed I had not connected with him earlier – but was so very pleased I had now.

All this info he shared freely – one of Andy’s many wonderful traits was his utter generosity.

Here’s an example…

It was a Saturday afternoon September 15 1990. I was over at Andy’s place to catch up the latest Zep news and collate the final updates for the A Celebration book – Andy had kindly offered to hav a final look and check everything before it was signed off. ‘’I have a new tape to paly you’’ said Andy and snapped in a cassette – volume up loud.

The strains of the opening of Led Zeppelin’s All My Love burst forth – but this was no ordinary version –this was an outtake alternate version that Andy, being the fountain of all Zep knowledge had secured.

We sat looking at each other in total awe at this wonderful recording and no more so than the part at 6 minutes 40 when instead of the usual fade of the official version –this outtake moved on into the most beautiful outro with superb lyrical guitar from Jimmy and Robert’s heartfelt pleadings.

It was one of those moments when the enjoyment of this special band totally bonded us – we had such massive smiles as the song finally came to a full end.

It was an incredibly special moment and Andy and I often spoke about it – it was the moment the two of us shared the experience of rare and unreleased music from the band we so loved.

I would not have wanted to share that moment back then with anyone else but Andy.

We both knew what it mean to us…and what it would mean to Zep fans across the globe when they heard it on the subsequent bootlegs that surfaced notably Studio Daze.

”Ours is the fire, all the warmth we can find’’ sings Robert Plant in that beautiful song..

That about sums it up …

Andy always had such a warmth about him – he was always genuine, affable and engaged.

It’s those qualities and so many more that I will miss…

On another of my visits to Andy around the same time, we  talked about the idea of a UK Convention. The yardstick had been created by the staging of a US event in 1988 – this had been organised at the Meadowlands Hotel in New Jersey in Washington DC by Brian Knapp -another major Zep memorabilia collector who I had been in touch with for some years. I was also aware of a David Bowie event BowiCon that had been staged in the US.

Andy was at the time publishing his excellent Zep mag Early Days and Latter Days and was a regular stall holder at Record Fairs. Initially he was approached to stage a mini Zep Convention within a major London Record Fair. We both felt this would not fulfill the potential for the type of event we wanted to stage.

So in the autumn of 1991, Andy and I formulated a plan for what we felt was needed to stage a Led Zeppelin Convention. We both agreed it required two days and we aimed for a central London venue and the following January we made a visit to London to look at perspective venues. After looking at three potential venues we selected the Royal National Hotel in Euston. By then we had also enlisted the help of some key players in the UK Zep community.

I have to say that Andy’s enthusiasm during this period was absolutely inspirational – his vision of what we could achieve was right in line with mine and it was an absolute pleasure working with him. There were many ups and downs ahead and difficult moments that we faced together – it certainly wasn’t all plain sailing but Andy’s affable stance and belief always got us through.

The hotel, with it’s various exhibition rooms looked ideal and we put a deposit down to secure it for three days in May – Friday May 22, Saturday May 23 and Sunday 24. The Friday would be a setting up day and a press launch at night – the Saturday and Sunday the actual Convention days.

I’ll tell the full story of that amazing weekend another time..

I have so many memories of time spent in Andy’s company – here is a photo which I am looking at with tears stinging my eyes of Andy and I on the early morning of May 22 1992 as we were setting up the Led Zeppelin Convention we staged at the Royal National Hotel in London.

Andy was so proud about what we achieved that weekend and we both loved remembering those times – nearly every conversation we had touched on this subject. Indeed we had talked about doing something for the 30th anniversary next May.

Those that were there will know how amazing it was in bringing together Led Zeppelin fans for some unforgettable celebration days…It could never have happened without his passion and enthusiasm.

It was just one example of countless things Andy did to enhance the enjoyment of all this great music.

As with any enduring friendship there were some ups and downs along the way and we did have the odd difference of opinion but we overcame them and always reconciled them notably at an amazing gig by the tribute band Simply Led in Belfast on March 5 2001 to mark the 30th anniversary of led Zeppelin’s performance at the Ulster Hall. Andy and I had  beer or two beforehand got right back on track – ran the stalls revelled in the gig and shared a Chinese takeaway and boy life was good…

I saw Andy at the Led Zeppelin DVD premiere in London in 2003 and at a couple of one day conventions but for a good while Andy disappeared off the scene -his health was not so good. He relocated to Eastbourne and we were back in touch around 2010. In 2014 I invited Andy along to the HMV  playback of the first three Led Zeppelin reissues I also saw him at the Jimmy Page book launch Q and A at the Cadogan Hall


We had a truly fantastic time on both those occasions and from there on Andy was right back in the forefront of it all – establishing his blog and the Facebook groups Celebration Days and Jimmy Page Session Man (”Can we roll it Jimmy?’)

I am so glad I had constant contact with Andy in recent years and was able to share his company on some memorable nights.

Andy was an essential addition to the lines up of the TBL gatherings held at the Atlas Pub in 2018 and 2019.

We had some really fantastic nights out notably the Coda at the Coda 50th anniversary concert to mark Led Zeppelin’s first London show. This was at the O’Neill’s Wardour Street, London on October 18, 2018. I love the photo of Andy and I with the good lady Janet before the gig.


Andy was in Bedford for the Coda gig at the Esquires club on  March 9 2019 -another great occasion. I then hooked up with him at the John Bonham Celebration event in Redditch on September 21 2019. We met with Gary Davies, Chris Mayley and Ian Avey – again a top night –  that would sadly be the last time I saw him -here’s our last pic together in Redditch.

Andy was such a support to Janet and I when she broke her leg and was always a sounding board for my own mental health issues. There were some tearful conversations – Andy was a man I felt I could unburden too. I also knew he was having his own issues with his health and of course I was very concerned about that. We also helped each other in dealing with the pandemic and the lockdowns.

Earlier this year  Andy and I liaised on the Record Collector Led Zeppelin special – Andy added a significant contribution to it and we were all so pleased the way it came out – as was the editor Jamie Atkins. Andy had been working on various projects -including a Zep at the Marquee book and a Zep on film project. Andy was also about to launch a new Facebook group

I was due to meet Andy in July at the Robert Plant Saving Grace gig in Bexhill but could not make it – Andy had met with Dave Ling in the afternoon and Dave alerted me to the fact he did not think Andy was well and would find it hard to make the gig. This is how it transpired as Andy was taken in to Eastbourne hospital for tests and kept in overnight. Again this was all very worrying.

A couple of weeks back Andy received the updated Evenings With Led Zeppelin book and messaged me to say t he thought it was superb and would be reviewing it on his blog – I was due to call him for a phone catch up this week…

Sadly that was not to be…

Since his passing the outpouring  of love for Andy does not surprise me one bit.

Andy’s relentless passion for Led Zeppelin , his generosity and kindness lit up so many of our lives. I personally shared so many wonderful moments with him over many years – in recent times he has been such a support to Janet and I.

The Zeppelin fan community has lost a true fountain of knowledge and is diminished by his passing – he will be so sorely missed.

Above all, we have all lost a beautiful soul and friend…

Andy you gave us so much love and light and as the singer once said ‘’Everybody needs the light’’

Your light will shine on and on…


Dave Lewis September 2,2021

Our hearts are very heavy over the passing of Andy Adams. Words cannot express how much Andy meant to the Zep community across the world. His incredible musical knowledge, along with his willingness to share, was appreciated by all. A devastating loss for sure.

Just seven days before he passed, Andy and I had a FaceTime conversation that lasted almost two hours. Despite his recent medical issues, he was in good spirits and we covered a lot of ground in our enjoyable and wide-ranging musical discussion. He had some ideas for a few projects he was planning and I was looking forward to seeing the end result. It is our great loss that he wasn’t given enough time to see it through to fruition.

All my best to Andy’s family and his countless friends everywhere. RIP my friend – thanks for everything. Until we meet again…

Mike Tremaglio

I met for the first time the legendary Andy Adams at a record fair in London 35 years ago. I was writing this book you see and Andy had all the goods I needed to finish it; he had this incredible devotion to the group and the groups’ music… alongside an amiable and generous nature. We clicked immediately and spent many hours discussing and correcting things from the Work… the original manuscript had him as the original editor. Many other things we shared together, like Led ZeppelinConventions and many other events that he lovingly organized. Today, I have been kindly informed that Andy has passed away…

I’m still in a state of shock… this has torn a good chunk of me… two weeks ago we were still discussing the details of a new edition of the book and he even re-edited my manuscript… for me, this event is so absurd that I still don’t believe it. I refuse to believe that he is not here anymore… he was like an institution! His legacy remains but we carry the sadness. Early Days and Latter Days…

Luis Rey

Absolutely devastating news. I first met Andy Adams in Portobello Road market in 1979. We were both looking at Zep bootlegs. We used to visit each others houses and traded tapes for years. We would regularly bump into each other at shows like Motorhead, Sabbath, BOC, Rush, Nugent, Priest as well as Plant and Page. More recently it was just the occasional phone call. My sincere condolences to Simon Adams. RIP Andy. You will be long remembered by the Zeppelin community that you did so much for.

Dave Fox

I once had a notion that I knew a thing or two about Led Zeppelin. Then I met a chap named Andy at a 1990 Brighton record fair and was forced to reassess. In the years that followed I was privileged not only to marvel at this man’s phenomenal knowledge and insight regarding that subject,but also to count Mr. Adams as a great friend. Andy is probably best known to many Led Zeppelin fans for his tremendous contribution to the staging of the two conventions in London in the early 90s. Magic filled the air at those events and they have a place among my most treasured memories. I was fortunate enough to work with Andy on a few smaller scale fan gathering events a few years later and I can only say that his boundless enthusiasm and passion for bringing the band’s fans together for those celebration days was astonishing to behold.

Whether at the Ulster Hall for the Stairway anniversary event or in the somewhat less glamorous setting of the Rail View in South Croydon, it was always a treat to spend time in Andy’s company. I didn’t see as much of him in more recent years but catching up with him whenever there was a TBL meet-up or any kind of gathering of the old crowd remained a great pleasure and was always something to look forward to. So very strange and sad to think that I won’t get that chance again. I have In My Time Of Dying from Earls Court playing in the background here while I pen these few lines. A bit morbid, and in questionable taste? Maybe so, but I think it would have appealed to Andy’s indecorous sense of humour and perhaps prompted one of his impish grins. I remember us once attending a hospital radio interview to promote an event that we were organising, and the host not being especially impressed with Andy’s suggestion of airing that very number during a break in the chat. Dear Andy, leaves are falling all around, time you were on your way.

Say hi to Paul for me, would you? I’m just picturing his expression when you show up wherever he’s drinking this evening with your customary greeting of “Hello, young man.”

Eddie Edwards

So what can I say about Andy that isn’t already known? Nothing. I first met him in the mid 80s outside various concerts. What struck me immediately was that this unassuming character was most certainly a keen lover of the music first and foremost and that never left him. Andy Adams knew his stuff and he had an immense skill of passing that knowledge on through his sensational writings and forensic analysis of all things Zeppelin. He had an innate love of music. We shared many phone calls talking of our own experiences and opinions on music. He was dedicated to Led Zeppelin. His vast knowledge made him a good and trusted friend. He will, forever, be respected for that by many but mostly for who he was as a Human Being. A Lovely Bloke. Rest in Peace my friend. Remember Cambridge?

Mark Harrison

I’d known Andy for 43 years, and first met him in 1980. In 1978 I responded to an Ad in one of the music papers, he sent me a ton of tapes and we became firm friends. We went to see Judas Priest at the Hammersmith Odeon in London and they were supported by Iron Maiden.

Andy was such a lovely, kind and funny guy, and his knowledge of Led Zeppelin and rock music was off the scale.

He is a big big loss to the Worldwide Zeppelin fan community – but today I feel the personal loss of a dear friend.

God bless you buddy, you rocked.

Gary Davies

Pic above with Chris Mayley DL and Gary Davies -Redditch 2019.

So very sad to hear about the passing of Andy. Such a warm and generous bloke who shared so much with a lot of friends. His vast knowledge of not just Zeppelin but so many more great bands was truly incredible. Whenever I was in Andy’s company it was a joy to hear about his collecting and adventures he’d been on following bands around the country . His meetings with Jimmy offered  a wealth of knowledge and I know Jimmy will also be saddened by the news of his passing. Andy you were a top bloke and I wish I could have spent more time in your company. RIP

Chris Maley

Just before turning in for the night I heard the terrible news of Andy Adams’ passing from his brother Simon. You’ve no idea how old, also how sad, it made me feel.

Andy was a kind, happy soul, and, like myself, obsessed with rock music. We first met in the early 1980s at the ‘old’ Marquee in Wardour Street. He happened to stand next to me during a gig by Girl and after we both realised that the other was recording the show, the trading of tapes spawned a beautiful friendship. Staying at Andy and Simon’s place in Canvey Island I was both astonished and inspired by their massive vinyl collection and the racks of live recordings that adorned the walls. Their scale made me want to follow suit (which of course I did).

We also toured the country and beyond following our beloved bands. In 1984, Andy drove hundreds of miles during Manowar’s ‘Sign Of The Hammer’ jaunt and in those pre-internet days we realised with joy that Motörhead were playing many of the same cities at the same time. We lost count of pints sunk and kebabs consumed. Let’s just say the van was a little less than ‘lemon fresh’. Andy was with us when we followed the Monsters Of Rock tour across Europe in ’84. But of course, Led Zeppelin was his passion. In ’83 I was happy to take him as my guest to Plant’s end of tour party at the Old Rangoon in Barnes where we were utterly starstruck by another attendee, a certain Mr Page, who along with Percy signed our invites. On another classic occasion we almost drank ourselves to death at a Judas Priest/Ted Nugent gig in Paris – how we managed to reach the gig via the Metro from the bar across the road from Uncle Ted’s hotel, I will never know.

For many years our contact was sporadic but five weeks ago Andy dropped by Gentling Towers on his way to see Plant at the De La Warr in Bexhill. He wasn’t in the greatest of shape health-wise, but it was great fun to sit on the decking and chew over treasured memories from the past. In spite of his obvious frailty, I was blown away by the guy’s positive mindset. Andy had several books in the pipeline, he had a new lady friend in his life and he was thrilled by the prospect of reviving his band No Mercy along with sibling Simon. “No one will like it, but fuck ’em”, he grinned. Such a shame it never came to pass.

Andy was one of the good guys. I can’t believe that he’s gone, and the world will be a far, far poorer place without him.

Dave Ling


Sad news as I heard this morning that my good friend, Andy Adams has passed away. Andy was a die-hard Led Zeppelin fan (like myself) and I spent many a great time in his company as well as extended conversations on the phone. He was due to visit us in our new home in Somerset in the not too distant future though sadly that will not now happen. His loss will be keenly felt throughout the Led Zeppelin fan community and by his friends and family. RIP Andy, we will miss ya..

Paul Sheppard

Pic Paul with Luis and Andy.

My first contact with Andy was in 1980, when he responded to an advert I’d placed in the music paper Sounds, looking for Led Zeppelin trades.We exchanged lists; mine contained one item that he didn’t have, his contained literally hundreds of recordings that I didn’t even know existed. Andy was a generous trader who helped me expand my collection considerably. Our first face-to-face meeting was an unplanned rendezvous at Cambridge Folk Festival in 1984, when Jimmy was playing in Roy Harper’s band. It was good to put a face to the voice that I’d heard so many times during lengthy telephone conversations discussing all things Zeppelin.Over the years, our paths crossed frequently at various Zeppelin-related gigs and events. Andy was always upbeat, cheerful and ever-so-slightly mysterious; a real character whose encyclopedic knowledge of rock music in general and Led Zeppelin in particular was truly astonishing. The news of his passing came as a great shock and is a huge loss to the Zeppelin community. He will be missed by us all. R.I.P Andy

Phil Tattershall

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of a great friend of the band, Andy Adams. We first met Andy back in 2018 when he came to our show at the Eastbourne College Theatre. Andy was always very positive about the band and came to many of our shows and quickly became a part of the CODA family. He wrote a fantastic piece all about Led Zeppelin at 50 for our theatre programme in 2018, and also a great piece on the 50th anniversary of the Led Zeppelin II album.

Quite apart from that, Andy was a fount of knowledge about all things Led Zeppelin, but also had a superb memory for all the concerts he had attended during the past, and many tales from the road to tell, some which are unrepeatable here!

We shall miss you very much Andy, much love from Simon, Fiona, Rob, Pete and James.

Terribly sad news Dave.

Andy always was very generous to me and to Carol and will be sadly missed by all that knew him.

I first meet Andy as I trawled through record racks at a local Record Fair in the late 80’s. He was chatty and had a wealth of LP’s and knowledge and was a Jimmy man as I was and we shared stories of the Firm and Harper gigs that we had attended recently. The next month I went to the Fayre and Andy’s was set up as always and I had, unwisely decided to off load a bunch of Zeppelin Vinyl Bootlegs and my collection of Japanese singles and Aussie E.P’s, he gave me a fair price and I was happy for about 10 minutes when I regretted my decision to sell and have done ever since. We meet off and on over the years buying and trading in all things Zeppelin. I had a small bit part in the first Zeppelin Convention at the Royal National and I was hugely grateful to welcomed in to his and Dave Lewis world. Both worked tirelessly to make that weekend unforgettable to all that attended, Andy, in his laid back way fashion allowed it to roll on bye, happy to sit back and swap stories and tales with all that would stop by.

The second Convention was again a huge success and Andy and Dave were pivotal in making it work, again Andy, in his laid back way and Dave not so laid back way. Both guys pride and satisfaction of being part of something so important to attendees was clear to all.

I would catch up with Andy over the following years at fan meeting, pre gig meets, he was always generous in his praise and always had a supportive words of encouragement for Carol and I. Carol would always rib him about his Zeppelin magazine, Early Days Latter Days, she had pre-paid for the final issue that never came, he always said that she’d get it when it was written.

Andy went through a stage of producing his own Bootleg CDs but in typical Andy fashion would happily trade them for a pint of beer, he was a man of simple taste and was never happier than sitting with a pint and talking Led Zeppelin.

He would tell you stories of the countless festivals and gigs that he attended in the 80’s and 90’s, the number of bands he saw was impressive, I remember he waxed lyrical about attending Castle Donington 1980 (Headlined by Rainbow) on his website although his memories of the gig were completely different to mine, he loved Riot, Saxon, Scorpions, Judas Priest, all I remembered how cold wet and miserable it was.

The thought that he is no longer here with us leaves a huge hole in the Zeppelin fan base, I’ll will miss his relaxed, almost whimsical outlook on life, his old Motorhead Tee-shirts, his even older Convention Tee-Shirts and his unfathomable love of bands like Blue Oyster Cult, Iron Maiden and Samson although we did share a common application of Ted Nugent.

Andy, your passion, generosity, knowledge and your enthusiasm will never be forgotten and will be missed by the thousands that knew you.

Thank you for being just you….

‘Three thousand guitars, they seem to cry…’

Gary Foy

One of my best memories of Andy is from when I was helping him put together a selection of videos to be shown at the 1992 Celebration Days Convention in London. Apart from the official film , in those days the quality of available VHS tapes of Led Zeppelin was questionable to say the best We had acquired a few live amateur compilations from a dodgy source on Camden market where it was often difficult to tell what band was actually on the tape….. green fuzzy heads and terrible sound. We had also managed to get some footage from a contact at the BBC including the Julie Felix Show. Andy popped round to view this footage and gave it his seal of approval. It was a real find and in good viewable quality apart from the fault running through the middle of the screen which frustratingly disappears almost immediately after Jimmy’s performance finishes.

We also had the “Tous en Scene” footage and some great stuff from Brian Knapp in the States. We had a great time at the convention cuing-up footage on the big screen that we hoped the fans would like. Andy very patiently and diplomatically fending off many requests for “Earls Court” which in those days was an impossibility! I think everyone reading this who knew Andy will agree, it was his easy going nature and good humour that made working with him a real pleasure and great fun. He always had time to listen and chat, especially when the subject was all things Rock n Roll ! R.I.P

Tim Davies

I first met Andy in the late 80s and a friendship grew with a love for Led Zeppelin and anything else related to them. We would sit and talk, listen and watch footage for hours.   Go to concerts traveling to Europe and all over the UK meeting lots of people who Andy was always happy to spend time with and talk and share information. We did record fairs the two London conventions plus East Monk Pub, Limelight club in Crewe, Andy was always inspiring and looking for projects I was only speaking to him the other day about the Jimmy Page sessions and helping him, Andy will be so greatly missed by all, my 30 year friendship has come to an abrupt end I will sorely miss our chats, Rest in peace Andy

Alan Cousins

My first contact with Andy Adams (and also with Dave Lewis) was at their wonderful two “Celebration Days” fan convention in May 1992 in London. Andy’s unrivalled knowledge  and his extensive network of contacts meant that he could always be relied upon to keep people informed of new shows and discoveries. I remember going to his house in Croydon in the early 1990s along with a few others to watch the newly surfaced complete Earls Court 24th May video. In the latter part of the 1990s he was one of a small “committee” along with myself and a few other fans that met at the “Eastern Monk” in the City of London, to arrange informal fan gatherings, showing videos and DVDs, and a quiz. Plus a chance to drink beer and have a good chat with like minded fans. This was my regular daily lunchtime pub as I worked nearby. I also remember when we all met at the Wetherspoons in Leicester Square in May 2003 prior to attending the premiere of the “DVD” screening. He had a fair few beers beforehand and he sat next to me in the cinema. As John Bonham blasted out on his drumkit the opening notes to “We’re Gonna Groove”, Andy decided to catch up on some sleep!  His knowledge of Led Zeppelin was truly vast, and he generously always shared this with everyone.

The Facebook groups that he ran were an immense success, a tribute to his love and dedication to the band (which is only matched by Dave Lewis). I knew that he had health problems for quite a number of years, but he always put on a brave face. His passing was a terrible shock, and he leaves a huge void that will never be filled. Andy, you will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.

Julian Walker

Pic – Julian, Graeme Hutchinson, Eddie Edwards, DL, Andy, Trev Butcher – 02 Reunion Ten Years Gone event Dec 10 2017.

I ​first ​met ​Andy ​at ​a ​Record ​Fair ​back ​in ​the ​early ​1980s ​and ​immediately ​felt ​I ​had ​met ​a ​kindred ​spirit. ​It ​was ​his ​total ​enthusiasm ​for ​music ​and ​in ​particular ​Led ​Zeppelin ​that ​came ​across ​instantly. ​He ​was ​just ​so ​knowledgeable ​about ​all ​things ​Zep ​and ​I ​was ​eager ​to ​learn ​more ​from ​him. ​He ​was ​always ​keen ​to ​share ​and ​engage ​with ​everyone. ​I ​have ​great ​memories ​from ​time ​spent ​together ​at ​Record ​Fairs ​and ​in ​the ​pub ​afterwards ​meeting ​up ​with ​all ​the ​Zep ​gang. ​ ​We ​would ​go ​to ​gigs ​and ​have ​wonderful ​times. ​I ​remember ​in ​particular ​a ​trip ​to ​the ​Reading ​festival ​in ​1998 ​to ​see ​Page ​and ​Plant. ​All ​those ​who ​attended ​the ​Led ​Zeppelin ​conventions ​of ​1992 ​& ​94 ​that ​he ​set ​up ​with ​Dave ​Lewis ​will ​never ​forget ​his ​energy ​and ​enjoyment. ​In ​the ​years ​following ​them ​he ​would ​love ​to ​arrange ​Zep ​fan ​meets ​where ​he ​would ​be ​happy ​to ​talk ​about ​and ​discuss ​all ​things ​Zep. ​

He ​was ​always ​supportive ​of ​ ​the ​many ​Zep ​tribute ​bands ​and ​was ​always ​happy ​to ​help ​out ​in ​any ​way ​even ​humping ​around ​the ​amps, ​etc. ​ ​I ​will ​miss ​him ​as ​will ​all ​of ​the ​Zep ​tribe ​who ​knew ​him. ​ ​The ​sense ​of ​loss ​we ​all ​feel ​is ​immense. ​ ​The ​wonderful ​tributes ​that ​have ​literally ​poured ​in ​over ​the ​last ​few ​days ​are ​well ​deserved. ​ ​RIP ​Andy.

Keith Creek

As others, I was shocked and saddened to hear the news of Andy’s passing. Friends who had spoken to Andy in recent times would know that he had health issues. However, in typical fashion, he would always play down the significance and just move onto the next stage of tests. Regardless of whatever life through his way – his passion for music never diminished.

When it came to music, Andy was one of the most knowledgeable people I have known. He was amiable, kind, generous and always willing to give his time to help educate others. He also had a wicked sense of humour. His openness on music was endearing. He was genuine and rarely demanding. There was no ego with Andy.

I first met AA in the early 1980s. The early 80’s was a great time for “live” music and London was our playground. We kept bumping into each other at gigs on a regular basis. It didn’t take too long to recognise that Andy often carried a tape recorder so my initiation into tape trading began. We even undertook several road trips to gigs in Europe. Eventually I got a “proper” job that maximised my time, and Andy spent more time playing in bands so we lost contact around 86.

I met Andy again in the early 90s at a record fair in Brighton. Andy had a stall and was dealing records at the time. Howard Mylett wanted to introduce me to this guy he knew who had a massive Zeppelin tape collection. I was surprised to find that it was somebody I knew already. So we reconnected again and this led to many long evenings and geeky conversations in Croydon. By the end of the process, we had filled the gaps in each other’s collections and knowledge. The 90’s was a good time to be a collector. So many shared memories – record fairs all over the country, working as an organiser with Andy and others on the 1994 London convention, Unledded shows, road trips to Rotterdam and Brussels for 95 Page/Plant shows, the “Concert File” launch party in Tin Pan Alley -not to mention the rare sight of Andy in a suit at my wedding reception!

Once again, life sometimes takes over and we eventually lost touch again. Andy just seemed to disappear for the best part of a decade. We reconnected again at Jimmy Page’s book launch at Cadogan Hall in 2014, and conversations just continued like the old days. Andy didn’t volunteer any explanation as to where he’d been and I’m not sure anybody asked. Although we spoke on email and phone, I think I last physically saw Andy a couple of years ago at Luis Rey’s house when Luis was releasing the latest version of his Concert Tapes book which Andy edited.

In recent times, Andy had found a new audience of friends via his Facebook updates and blogs that were always interesting and hugely entertaining.

Andy was never a constant in my life, but there were good times when he was around and I shall miss him. RIP

Simon Pallett

Living in Australia has meant that the tyranny of distance has for many years made it difficult to meet up with Zeppelin fans the world over. The wonders of modern communication have been a godsend compared to how it all started. In recent months I had a series of video calls with Andy culminating with our catch up that didn’t happen early last week. Andy was seriously working on a project that I have also been immersed in for 40 years; Jimmy Page Sessions. What will come of this work, I don’t know? We only met a couple of times which is a real shame. I had travelled to the US to attend the first Led Zeppelin Convention in 1988 so I felt compelled to return to the UK to be a part of the brilliant convention that Dave Lewis and Andy Adams organised in 1992 and I’m eternally grateful for their efforts in making it an event to remember.

Like most Zeppelin fans I knew Andy through his tireless work in perpetually placing the study of all things Led Zeppelin at the top of a pedestal. A sacrosanct force that was beyond any other musical energy in rock history. That is how Andy dealt with it. He was a genuine beacon within our community and a torch bearer that drew others to his work and love for music. I can only hope that some of us will stoke the fire from the burning embers and carry on with the energy that Andy rubbed off on us. How can I sum up his loss to me, to us, I can’t. I will miss what I have grown to be accustomed to, his heart on a page.

So long my friend. Until we cross paths again – Rest In Peace

Peter Stathopoulos – Melbourne, Australia

Hi Dave very sorry to hear about Andy’s passing. A terrible loss for his family and friends and for the Zep community

I’ll always remember his kindness at the 1992 convention and of course his outstanding and scholarly magazine Early Days and Latter Days. Every issue of that was superb

All my best to Andy’s family and friends during this difficult time

Larry Bergmann, Jr.


I am shocked and utterly devastated to learn that Andy Adams, a dear friend to so many of us, has passed away.

An essential and much loved cornerstone of the Zeppelin community, and a fantastic blogger, Andy was a go-to expert on many aspects of the band, with his encyclopedic knowledge and never ending passion for the whole thing.

Jimmy Page was a particular area of interest (he had recently gotten a Zoso tattoo) and, when we talked earlier this week, there was much discussion of his major project to provide the definitive record of Jimmy’s session work in the 1960’s (and beyond in fact). He was also working on a project regarding Led Zeppelin on film. Hopefully both these important works can still see the light of day at some point.

I first got to know Andy at record fairs around the Ipswich area. His stall was full of Zep related stuff, so I instantly recognized a kindred spirit. We would then always arrange to meet up every time he was in the area. The conversations were never less than absolutely riveting, because Andy was so immersed in the world of a band he loved with all his heart. We took a video call just this week to catch up and there was much talk of the future and Andy’s infectious and never ending quest to know everything about Zep and anything related to it.

One of Andy’s great achievements was to organise Celebration Days, the May 1992 Led Zeppelin Convention in London with Dave Lewis. This was a major gathering of the faithful at a time when, as unbelievable as it might sound today, Zep was not fashionable at all. People traveled from overseas, including America, to be at that event and there was the notable presence, and full support for the convention, of the truly wonderful Bonham family. It was an unforgettable weekend and we reminisced about it at length in what was to be our last conversation.

Andy also founded the Early Days And Latter Days fanzine in the early 90’s, always a read to look forward to, imbued as it was with his unbridled zest for the subject matter.

It’s wonderful to also remember that Andy was taken into Jimmy’s confidence and was invited to Tower House on more than one occasion. The other day he told me about the time Jimmy suggested that he walked to the shops with him to get some milk(!), pinching himself thinking: “I’m shopping with Jimmy Page.” Words clearly can’t express how much he must have loved those moments. I am shocked and utterly devastated to learn that Andy Adams, a dear friend to so many of us, has passed away.

An essential and much loved cornerstone of the Zeppelin community, and a fantastic blogger, Andy was a go-to expert on many aspects of the band, with his encyclopedic knowledge and never ending passion for the whole thing.

Jimmy Page was a particular area of interest (he had recently gotten a Zoso tattoo) and, when we talked earlier this week, there was much discussion of his major project to provide the definitive record of Jimmy’s session work in the 1960’s (and beyond in fact). He was also working on a project regarding Led Zeppelin on film. Hopefully both these important works can still see the light of day at some point.

I first got to know Andy at record fairs around the Ipswich area. His stall was full of Zep related stuff, so I instantly recognized a kindred spirit. We would then always arrange to meet up every time he was in the area. The conversations were never less than absolutely riveting, because Andy was so immersed in the world of a band he loved with all his heart. We took a video call just this week to catch up and there was much talk of the future and Andy’s infectious and never ending quest to know everything about Zep and anything related to it.

One of Andy’s great achievements was to organise Celebration Days, the May 1992 Led Zeppelin Convention in London with Dave Lewis. This was a major gathering of the faithful at a time when, as unbelievable as it might sound today, Zep was not fashionable at all. People traveled from overseas, including America, to be at that event and there was the notable presence, and full support for the convention, of the truly wonderful Bonham family. It was an unforgettable weekend and we reminisced about it at length in what was to be our last conversation.

Andy also founded the Early Days And Latter Days fanzine in the early 90’s, always a read to look forward to, imbued as it was with his unbridled zest for the subject matter.

It’s wonderful to also remember that Andy was taken into Jimmy’s confidence and was invited to Tower House on more than one occasion. The other day he told me about the time Jimmy suggested that he walked to the shops with him to get some milk(!), pinching himself thinking: “I’m shopping with Jimmy Page.” Words clearly can’t express how much he must have loved those moments.

Andy’s other great musical love, and another enthusiasm we shared, was Blue Oyster Cult. He was a veteran of dozens of gigs and just a few days ago recounted to me, in great detail, how he managed to see a good number of dates on the band’s most recent UK tour for about £250 all in, thanks to bus travel and less than five star accommodation. That typifies his dedication. He was really looking forward to a similar quest on their forthcoming 2022 UK dates.

Andy was also a great lover of Roth-era Van Halen, traveling far and wide to see them in their heyday. Another musical passion we had in common.

In his youth, Andy was part of a band and might possibly hold some kind of record for most rock concerts attended by a single person. Not for him a single ticket for a Hammersmith Odeon run by one of his favorites. Andy would book for each and every night!

As I write this, I am still numb from the shock of this awful news. Not many days passed without Andy and I sharing some sort of musical connection on Facebook. It was a part of my routine that I always looked forward to and I will miss it, and most importantly Andy himself, so very much.

RIP Old Friend.

Chris Wright

I am waking up to the devastating and san news of the passing of Andy Adams.

It’s fair to say that the Zep convention Andy and Dave put on in London all those years ago certainly changed my life – for the next 18 years at least

We were meant to hook up with Andy a few weeks ago at the Robert Plant show in Bexhill but sadly he was taken ill on route …showing how ill he actually was – as that was something he was so looking forward to.

An absolute fountain of knowledge on Led Zepp – I had only just finished reading his interview with Dave Lewis and Mike Tremaglo on their incredible book – Evenings with Led Zeppelin yesterday afternoon.

His work and knowledge on Jimmy Pages session work was probably only second to the man himself.

A lovely gentle soul – always ready to share – be it his passion for all things Zepp or his collection of bootlegs – can only hope he’s in a better place now and free from the chains of his illness

RIP Andy – You are missed already

Steve Way

Shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of Andy. As many of us know, Andy was pivotal on the Led Zep fan scene. But he also loved his football. He was a keen Arsenal fan and as a Spurs fan, this always led to some good light hearted banter between us – often this would happen at Victoria Record Fair or other such Zep fan gathering. Rest in Peace mate.

Dave Linwood

Andy and I started trading live Led Zeppelin tapes around 1983.

We finally met in person at the Cambridge Folk Festival in July 1984 where Jimmy Page was playing alongside Roy Harper.

After all our correspondence it was nice to meet him in person. It’s safe to say we hit it off immediately,two folk with a common interest.

I will always remember visiting Andy’s home in Croydon to check out his collection and wow it was mind blowing especially his Zeppelin bootleg vinyl. It was on that day Andy gifted me the ‘ strange tales from the road’ vinyl box and to this day it is still treasured in my collection. The Led Zeppelin world has lost Andy’s vast knowledge and enthusiasm but most of all we’ve lost a good kind hearted friend. Sleep well pal.

Billy Fletcher

Difficult to know what to say having woken to this terrible news. I met Andy a few times over the years initially through the late Howard Mylett as we all lived in the Brighton area. The first time was at the 2nd Zeppelin convention held in London and then the preview of Zeppelin DVD at Leicester Empire in the pub in Leicester Sq. He was always a welcoming man who had time for everyone. His knowledge of things Zeppelin was legendary and he always seemed to have a project on the go.

I am currently temporarily living in Eastbourne, where Andy lived, and we met a couple of times, the last sadly at the Robert Plant show in Bexhill. I met Andy outside and he was clearly unwell, so unwell, that paramedics attended and he had to go to hospital. I know Andy had been having a series of tests for some time at the hospitals with no actual diagnosis ever being given, as far as I know.

Andy was a kind gentle soul and will be deeply missed by all

John Webster

I didn’t know Andy very well personally, I think the first time I met him was at the HMV playback event for the first set of reissues back in 2014. Since then, I’ve met him on several occasions, mostly at TBL type gatherings. Like many, I’m going to remember him for his encyclopaedic knowledge of live recordings. What was lovely about Andy was that this knowledge was not presented in a smug, “I know more than you do” kind of way, but in a generous, sharing and collegiate way. He really inspired everyone to have the same enthusiasm as he had for the band. In particular I remember a sofa Q&A at one of the Atlas events with Andy, Luis Rey, DL and Julian Walker on the panels. It was such a great day and I remember thinking that there’s more Zep knowledge in this room right now than anywhere else in the world. What a privilege to be in their company. Andy’s contribution was key to that. His love and dedication for all things Zep was offered for the benefit of everyone, and that’s how I’ll remember him: beyond the roguish, grizzled exterior was a generous heart that beat to the sound of a Ludwig bass drum. Rock on Andy…

Richard Grubb

I first met Andy when I went to the Zep conventions in the late nineties/early 2000’s, at ‘The Eastern Monk’ in the city of London. I went (I think) three times. I can remember talking to Andy at length, and him telling amazing stories of how he came to acquire bootleg recordings.

Even though I’d only just met him, It was like talking to an old friend, and it was even better at (if I recall correctly) the second event, where we all got to see the video to ‘Trampled underfoot’ from 24/5/75. Great days indeed!

It was then some time before I saw him again, which was at the Led Zeppelin I/II/III playbacks at HMV in Oxford Street in 2014. Several members of TBL all met beforehand just off Oxford Street to eat and drink, and it was good to see him and chat again for the first time in around 12 years, and then to hear the amazing playback of some of the alternate mixes for the first time!

The more recent Knebworth and O2 celebrations at the Atlas pub in Fulham were also great opportunities to see Andy again. Even though he was at times clearly in pain due to his illness, he was always there to chat to like-minded friends about the band we all love.

The last time I saw Andy was at the John Bonham celebration in Redditch in September 2019. A few of us were having pre-show drinks (yes, again!) prior to the Coda gig. He kept us all entertained for hours with stories about his experiences over the years.

It came as a great shock when I heard the very sad news on Sunday morning.

RIP Andy.

Ian Avey

Like so many of us I met Andy through the Zeppelin FB groups, TBL and of course the fantastic bootleg book with Luis.A signed copy of which is a real treasured possession. One of my favourite Zeppelin periods is Japan 71/72 and the European 73 tour. We chatted as always about the gigs and Andy always had a new view on the shows and the best bootleg to listen to. We will all miss you my friend – maybe Bonzo needs a new bass partner

Alastair Chorlton

Found out this morning that my old friend Andy Adams had died. A real shock & I just wanted to say a few words about him if I may.

I used to visit the old Shades record shop in Soho at the start of the 80’s & the owner Mike used to say that he had a regular customer I should meet who collected Led Zeppelin like I did & really knew his stuff. We finally met at a random gig at the Marquee club & hit it off straight away. I never met anybody with so much specific knowledge of the subject he loved or with such a large collection of live recordings !

We had many adventures together usually (but not always !) involving some sort of Led Zeppelin connection but also some great times at gigs when Andy was playing. He was a fine bass player & one great memory is at The Royal Standard at the benefit for Ledge Marshall benefit gig playing Spinal Taps Big Bottom with Andy, me & John Jowitt all on bass !

Andy lived & breathed music & his enthusiasm for it was infectious. I was very proud to have played a small role helping Andy & Dave Lewis put on the Led Zeppelin fan convention in 1992 & Andy always was very supportive of all of my endeavours in the music business.

Although we saw each other less & less as time moved on our friendship never waned. I will raise a glass to you tonight & play Zeppelin loud as it should be my friend !

RIP brother, the world is a sadder place without you in it…

Laurence Dyer

Very shocked and saddened to hear and read about Andy. A much respected Zeppelin man through and through.

His depth of knowledge and relentless passion has been a constant source of inspiration to many over the years.

RIP Andy.

Steve Livesley

It was with immense sadness that I heard that Andy Adams had passed away. The Led Zeppelin global fan community has lost a wonderfully passionate contributor. Through his tireless dedication, Andy had united legions of us via his superbly entertaining and informative Celebration Days Facebook group.

I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with Andy at the Victoria record fairs and the TBL Atlas Pub meet ups. He was always happy to share his insights and immense knowledge of Zeppelin’s live performances with me, and didn’t seem to mind when I asked him to sign my copies of Luis Rey’s 2018 Tape Documentary that Andy had helped with.

RIP Andy – we will all miss you…

Ian Saikia

I don’t really know what to say. Completely floored to hear you’re gone. Andy, you were a Rock Angel, gentle soul, incredibly giving, humble and a pleasure to be around. We shared the gift of great taste in music and a passion for all things Zeppelin and more. I was so looking forward to some time sharing Blue Oyster Cult memories and seeing them with you. Rest easy my friend… thank you for our friendship. “To be a rock and not to roll..” RIP X

Mick Bulow

Pic – Mick with Andy, Eddie Edwards and DL -HMV Zep reissue playback 2014…

That is a major shock. Such a genuine bloke and one of the top Zep fans. It was devastating to learn of Andy’s passing. I knew him a little and he was always friendly and chatty, particularly on our favourite subject of Led Zep. His recent Facebook groups and his online blog site proved how incredibly knowledgeable and passionate he was about all things Zep. In particular we shared a passion for Zep live recordings and bootlegs and he has been a great help to me over the years with my own collecting. I will miss you Andy and just wish I’d had more time to enjoy your company and to hear more of your wondrous Zep stories. Rest In Peace mate…

Graeme Hutchinson  

Unfortunately I didn’t know Andy as well as many of the others who have contributed to this page, however on the few occasions when I was in Andy’s company he certainly made a lasting impression on me. His knowledge, enthusiasm, and generosity was there is abundance, always had time to talk with you and made you feel at ease.

My favourite memory with Andy was when I bumped into him a few years back whilst attending a Robert Plant concert. Before the show started I showed Andy a few scans of my latest Jimmy Page acetates acquisitions from his 60’s session work on my mobile. His face lit up and we struck up a fantastic conversation, this was the first time I truly appreciated Andy’s in depth knowledge about Zeppelin and their band members, it was intoxicating   . It was a the only time I was disappointed when Mr Plant entered the stage and the conversation had to end.

Thanks Andy you will be greatly missed by friends now RIP.…

Cliff Hilliard

I was shocked yesterday when I heard from Mike that Andy passed. He was a long time classic, so knowledgeable and a good guy. I remember meeting him first at the 1992 convention. His interest of Zep and his spirit like yours to contribute to the Zep network that keeps the flame alive was spectacular.

Brian Knapp

I first met Andy and his twin Simon on the way to Leigh Beck School when I was 6 or 7, and a lifelong friendship was formed with both. Although later I went to King John School and the twins to Furtherwick Park we stayed in touch…and we played together in our first school band. We were fans first, and we went to many gigs all over.

Andy was a statistician, and a perfect trait for his pursuit of his Zeppelin collection and knowledge. We spoke at great length on many occasions about “his” band. He also had a proclivity to the great Blue Oyster Cult, a band he’d seen over 60 times……

I lost touch with both, as you do with busy lives. But we reconnected, and had many talks about the good days of NWOBHM and the many gigs we went to. Andy was a fount of knowledge and he remembered stuff I hadn’t. As a raconteur he had no equal in our sphere of experience, and our conversations would stretch into hours. Fantastic conversations ranging from our childhood to politics to music to the state of the world. Fantastic,

I’d been down to see Andy a couple of times in his new dwelling at Eastbourne, and we got royally pissed together with me staggering up the stairs to my hotel room and he strolling home full of joie de vivre. It was great to see him, and we had him at our place for Christmas. He made such an impression on our boys that they both asked if Andy could come for Easter, Lent and any other reason – he’d made such an impression on them both. We went over to Canvey and revisited the places we grew up in, the school and the family house etc, special to both of us.

I knew Andy wasn’t in the best of health recently, and I did fear for him. His brain was always like a scalpel but his health issues eventually got the better of him and he passed on Thursday at the criminally young age of 60. I can’t tell you how upset I am to lose one of “the old boys” and an important figure in my life. I’ll miss our chats, his acerbic wit, his knowledge of our lives as teenagers going to gigs and just having him as a confident.

His great friends Dave Ling, Dave Lewis, Rob Bannister etc will give more stories on his life. From my perspective it was an honour and a privilege to know you, mate. Your friendship during our early years was immeasurable, and the only consolation is that you’re out of pain now.

RIP Andy. I’m crying as I’m raising a JD and coke to you after my gig tonight. Rest easy old friend, and I’ll see you on the other side when my time comes.

Mark Kirkman

Pic -Andy at Mark’s Christmas 2020.

I never thought I’d be having to write something like this for someone who genuinely was the sweetest guy, a person who would very quickly go on to become a best friend, its with tears still flowing that I’d like to tell you about Andy Adams and what he means to so many of us who are mourning him across the world. I was first introduced to Andy by Dave Lewis himself ,I’d asked a question on a zeppelin group and Dave pointed me in Andy’s direction. We very quickly bonded over our love of zeppelin, Jimmy in particular. Over time we got close, the phone calls started, the first one was staggeringly 2 hours long! It would be the first of regular calls and eventually we moved on to Facetime. Our Jimmy mugs in our hands we’d talk for hours about music mainly but also reminiscing about our early lives, our families, our hopes and dreams and fears.

Andy was always so much more interested in what everyone else was doing and feeling, if you asked him, his reply was always a joke about living in Eastbourne ( God’s waiting room as he called it) and him plodding on, he never divulged much more than that.

We’d laugh until our faces and side’s ached, he’d regale me of tales from his band days, the many gig’s and bands that he’d seen, he could not only recall the band, the venue, the support acts, who he went with but the date, time and day to boot! He’d laugh it off, say ” I’m a stat man dontcha know “!

His group Celebration Day, and his blog were his babies, he was so proud of them, he could tell you how many new members he had,how many had read his blog. He had friends worldwide because of his love of Zeppelin and its clear from the outpouring of love and sorrow just on Facebook that he was so well thought of and so well loved.

Andy always thought about the wellbeing of others before himself, he’d send my daughter birthday cards, always remembering my family and asking how they were, I know he was the same with his friends, he made you feel like nothing else was important than you, no matter how busy he was.

We’d tried to make arrangements many times to finally meet in person, and I know lockdown hit Andy hard with living alone, but we communicated daily and eventually we were able to meet up in June of this year. We were both incredibly nervous, I broke the ice by accidentally tripping and spilling a full cup of tea on myself, Andy, like the gentleman he was, firstly checked that I was fine, but then joked that it had been a while since a lady fell for him!

We had a wonderful evening at a Fred Zeppelin gig together and the rest of the weekend we never stopped talking.

We knew that Andy wasn’t too well, that sadly his chance to see Robert Plant was interrupted by Andy being taken off to hospital. When I rang him there he still tried to brush off all concerns, even making ooh matron jokes!

Andy was a brother, a close friend to some, and to so many an absolute fount of knowledge in the zeppelin world who looked forward to his daily posts and recollections.

I couldn’t be more shocked to have learnt of his passing, by friends that I made through Andy himself.

Andy kept himself quite private, he was a very humble man, the light that he shone, that touched so many people may have flickered, but we will keep it shining in his memory.

Goodnight my dear, sweet friend, the world lost some of its sparkle now that you’ve left us.

To be a rock and not to roll xx

Rachel Bourne

I first met Andy in 1984. I was a 15 year old with a love of hard rock and heavy metal and Andy became firstly my band mate and secondly my musical mentor for the next 37 years. He had a wide and varied taste in music and once he had introduced me to Led Zeppelin, especially the talents of Jimmy Page, there was no looking back.

Always up for discussing the finer points and details of the music, Andy was an expert in his field but he was also a great friend who would always be there for me when I needed to talk. We spoke 2 or 3 times a week for the last few years – I shall miss those conversations so much. RIP Andy – may you find the peace you deserve.

Rob Bannister

Hi everybody. I just wanted to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful tributes you have all posted about my dear departed brother.

The outpouring of love for my brother from his circle of friends and the Zep community has been heartfelt and inspiring and I can’t thank you enough , confirming what I already know how wonderful my brother was. I miss him terribly already but your messages of love and support will be forever in my memory.

Thank you all

Simon Adams



Thanks for listening – stay safe and well you very lovely people…

Dave  Lewis – September 2 2021

TBL website updates written and compiled by Dave Lewis

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  • Chris M. Zangara said:

    Andy’s memory should be kept fresh so the more we talk about him the better – Just this one boy’s opinion.

    ~ I was just starting to get to know him when he passed.

    ~ He was a remarkable person. And he never stopped searching…

    ~ He didn’t post anything about his illness and to this day I don’t know what happened. He just kept going. I don’t know how to explain the respect I have for a person I never really got to know – except that it hurts – selfishly…

    ~ And then I snap out of it and realize that thank goodness he was such a great presence in so many lives.

    ~ He was the epitome of Jimmy Page’s best-ever lyric, spoken, not sung, being, “Ever Onward…”

  • Richard Smallwood said:

    I had only met Andy about 4 years ago when living in neighbouring rooms in Eastbourne. Shortly after meeting him, he told me he was going up to London to do a deal with some management company because he had written a book!
    When he came back, he knocked on my door carrying 2 huge box files and a bag of tapes and asked if I wanted to see what he had been doing. So , shocked as I read all this paperwork, I realised that I was reading an incredibly detailed anthology of LZ and all the Rock of their times, I didn’t have any gear to play the tapes, so I borrowed my brother’s studio in order to hear them. they turned out to be original studio tapes etc!
    We both moved on to our own places on opposite sides of Eastbourne and met up in town a couple of times.
    I went on line yesterday to see if I could contact him, because I was in contact with another Rock fan and was reminded of Andy, for the short time that I knew him he struck me as a caring and open individual and when I found this site was shocked and dismayed to hear of his passing
    Rock on up there mate

    Respect ~ Richard Room5

  • Andy Neil said:

    Devastated to hear of Andy Adam’s passing
    I used to see him at the Southend on Sra record fair every month
    I was fairly hard up and Andy would kindly tape various bootlegs and tapes for me to collect every month for a token fee
    I still have them today
    A totally unassuming guy nothing was too much trouble and he had done great stories
    His knowledge of all things Zep was immense
    RIP sir
    You were one of the good ones

  • Paul Brindley said:

    So sad to here the news of Andy’s passing. I had the pleasure of meeting him a few times over the years and he was always so generous with his time. I remember that first Led Zeppelin convention back in 1994 and all the effort and hard work you and Andy put in to make it happen.

    I still have a orange Dancing Days and a black Zeppelin’s may daze convention tshirts! Funny how somethings you can never part with! Even though I have no chance of fitting into them these days. Going to have to get up in the loft over the weekend and dig out those copies of Early days and Later days that I know that are hidden away and rejoice in the enthusiasm that Andy had for still the Greatest band of all time

  • Gary Davies said:

    I checked and confirm that Andy and I first corresponded back in 1977, rather than ‘78. He sent me tapes from the ‘77 North American tour back in 1977 just a month or two after the actual concerts took place. Imagine that! I’ve no idea how he acquired those recordings so soon after, but he came up trumps every time.

    One of our adventures was in March 2001. I had been invited by BBC Radio Shropshire’s Record Collectors program to go up to the studios to present a special on Zep. Feeling out of my depth, I asked Andy if he would come up from Croydon to help. He agreed, and we did the show and it all worked out. He stopped over and I treasure our reminiscences about our times and adventures together in 1980 in Canvey, and in 1981 in Birmingham. Last saw him on sept 2019 in Redditch. We corresponded recently, and was so looking forward to seeing him again in Redditch this year – sadly not to be.

    Wonderful outpouring from the Zep fan community for Andy. Wow. Look at all of those wonderful heartfelt tributes above. He was genuinely loved and appreciated by so many. I’m proud to have know him.

    Keep on rockin’ buddy…..

  • LoraLee Allen said:

    What a wonderful tribute, Dave. It is very apparent that Andy was loved and admired by many. His devotion to Led Zeppelin has greatly committed to history what the band was all about. I send my heartfelt condolences to Andy’s family as well as to all those that lived, laughed and loved with him.

  • Wanda Wooten said:

    Andy’s mentor in Led Zeppelin was Phenomenal. My mornings will never be the same. Thank you for sharing Led Zeppelin, and Many other Rock groups…
    It’s an Honor to have have such a wonderful time chatting music
    The History Of Led Zeppelin Music is So Deep. Andy told me one day that he could see us all in Zeppelin School with Robes on
    I will never forget you, Andy Adams!

  • Susan Palmer said:

    Wonderful, Dave. I only know Andy through his FB pages, so this is very touching to read how much he was loved and all the experiences shared. In my few online interactions with him, he was very helpful and kind. I know this time is very difficult for you, his family and friends. I hope it is some solace that Andy was who he was and lived his passion. I don’t know what comes after, but I sincerely hope you all meet up again somewhere, sometime down the road.

  • Matt Bridger said:

    I awoke on Monday morning to the very sad news of Andy’s passing. I had met Andy on at least ten occasions. The first time was in the early 90’s when I met up with him at a record fair where he made a note to try & source me the best available source of Zep @ Knebworth on VHS. I asked him how much it would cost & he winked at me & said don’t worry about it mate. Hardly a few weeks passed & I found myself the very happy owner of a VHS Copy of the 11th. I had attended the 4th & the joy of watching Zeppelin @ Knebworth again was a joy I’ll never forget. Andy’s kindness had made yet another Zep fan very happy.
    We caught up again at both Zeppelin conventions in London & he was always happy to see me & we would discuss what the band meant to us as individuals as well has our astonishment at just how much stuff was now out there. Andy was always happy & incredibly enthusiastic when discussing Zep, after all it was our favourite topic. I last saw Andy at the Knebworth 50th Celebration in 2019 at the Atlas Pub in Fulham. We chatted every now & then on various FB sites.
    He will sorely be missed by many & the information I gleaned from him, as well of course from Dave Lewis was fabulous. Sadly now getting to that age where friends sadly move on but Andy’s passing hit me pretty hard. I will certainly miss his posts, enthusiasm & general presence in the community. Farewell my friend, rest in peace.

  • Jim Farmer said:

    Sorry to hear about Andy, I used to have copies of his great fanzine. We also traded a few tapes on occasion. I was unaware that he was a complete metal head, had I known we would have traded more. Regards to his family.

  • Nancy Lappley said:

    Been thinking of Andy all the time since hearing the news of his passing. I hope he is resting is blissful, rock and roll peace. All of us touched by Andy are left with an inspiration of true, simple, how to love your humankind, treat others with respect; no bullshit compassion that Andy lived.
    Andy is an Angel and I really believe he is now enjoying Rock and Roll Heaven which he so rightly deserves.

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