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Uncut & Q Magazine new interviews

7 April 2008 2,079 views No Comment

The current issues of Uncut and Q include new Zep interviews. Uncut magazine has a cover feature with three new interviews conducted recently with Jimmy, Robert and JPJ.


All three reflect on the O2 show and the dilemma of what might happen next. 

Key quotes: “Hopefully one day we could do it again for another really good reason -our profit is metaphysical”(Robert)

“I’m not too sure about anything at the moment, I’ve got no idea what’s going to happen. But I’d certainly like to play with jimmy again”(JPJ)

“If you’re talking about a tour, other dates, recording together – there’s only one thing that’s going to be a common denominator with that and that’s commitment. That’s how we did the O2.” (JP)

Overall the interviews suggest that while none of them have a clear indication of the future of further collaborations, there is a genuine bond between them borne out of the events of last December. Describing his affinity with Jimmy in his often moving interview Robert comments “There’s unfinished business definitely. And I don’t think there’s any need for it to be finished .There’s going to be something to do sometime”.

In the new issue of Q Robert is interviewed with Alison Krauss on the set of the video for Please Read The Letter in Los Angeles. Reflecting on the O2 show he states “We had to be better than everybody expected, not just as good. I was inspired by a lot of Jimmy’s playing that night, particularly the intro to Since I’ve Been Loving You”.

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