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Home » Robert Plant, Tour Watch

Abu Dhabi Womad Festival

25 April 2009 3,312 views No Comment

plantwomad2plantwomadReally enjoyed the show. The last time my wife and I together saw Robert was at Knebworth in 1979. We were not at the front then but we were on the beach in Abu Dhabi. The show was relaxed and the crowd were not. They were out to see Mr Plant and they were not disappointed. Some of the Middle Eastern guys knew the words and sang to Rock and Roll. The encore started with Whole Lotta Love and went into something Arabic which they understood and I did not. The Leadbelly song was brilliant and Corinna Corinna made an appearance. The band was amazing and everyone had a good time. It is not often you see anything like this in Abu Dhabi. I wish I could get so much out of one string! Thanks to all involved

Robert Emerson

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